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Authors: Carolina Soto

Pink Ice (13 page)

BOOK: Pink Ice
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He smirked in that pain in the ass way that he enjoyed too much for his own good. “So you are really jealous, Katherine?” His hands pressed me against his body. “I love you jealous.”

“Shut up jerk! You can’t talk about jealousy, you almost kicked Wood’s ass just for talking to me. And we were just friends then.” Voila! The stupid smirk was out. The way he got crazy mad when I talked to his lawyer still made me curious about it. We weren’t together back then and he was already acting crazy possessive.

“I was right to be mad. You were being nice to him, you are never nice to anyone. If I had to earn the kindness in you, every man has to do it too. And since I’ve already earned it, no one else can have it.”

I swear that if he didn’t smell the way he does, I would have left already. “God! Are you always going to have this sense of entitlement? You want me to be a bitch Berkeley, and that’s crazy,” before we got into another argument I continued, “but you are handsome enough to be as crazy as you want.” He laughed and twirled me.

We danced, and danced, and acted as a normal couple, as normal as we could be. For the first time a wedding was not dreadful for me, and I even noticed he was acting a little more relaxed, not as uptight as he usually was. We were in the middle of a song when I noticed little Maya frowning in her seat. “What is it, princess?”

“I want to dance, but I can’t find Mommy or Daddy.” Berkeley kneeled to be eye level with her.

“Would you dance with me Maya?” She turned to see me with a big smile on her face, I smiled back and nodded. Soon Blue Eyes was carrying her and dancing with her. I picked my phone and took as many pictures of these two as I could. I knew this was not regular behavior for Dylan, but I really liked a relaxed Blue Eyes and I also was a crazy stalker and took advantage of every opportunity to get his picture taken. That’s what little kids do, take your guard down. Even cold ass Berkeley couldn’t resist beautiful Maya.

Making a sign with my hand, I pointed to the restrooms and headed to fix my makeup. I was completely distracted with my own image on the mirror when I heard that insufferable voice.
My fucking luck! From all the bitches in the world!

“I can’t believe you are still around.”  Tamara, applying a hideous orange lipstick, was staring at me through the reflection in my mirror. “Oh Katherine, he had already left you, got bored with you, and then you went psycho and hurt yourself to get him back out of pity. I thought you had a little more self-respect. But then, you are just another slut in his life.”

I put my lipstick away, arranged my hair, and turned as if I were leaving like a lady with my head up high. But let’s face it, I’m not a lady and I wanted to kick her ass.
Kill her, no one would know.
“Listen to me you bitch. I don’t give a damn about who you think you are. Don’t you dare talk to me like that again. If you even try to look in our direction, I’ll put your nose back to its original appearance. I am sure those three nose jobs can be reverted. He is mine and if you ever have a doubt about it, I can make it clear to you. And just to let you know, dignity means to back off when a man decides he doesn’t want you, especially when he willingly chooses someone else. So back off bitch!”

I kept it classy, I was wearing a designer dress after all. That’s the only reason that stopped me from smashing her head against the mirror. With anger pouring through my entire body I turned around and left. She couldn’t even answer, she thought I would be intimidated. Bullies always think that, but I had had enough, I was not going to give her the satisfaction of knowing her words affected me. She was pointing out things that I was already concerned about. I didn’t need her to remind me of them.

When I was walking out I noticed a perfect Dylan lying against the wall with his perfect black tux. I was too angry to deal with him, I knew that if I had to, I would say something that we both would regret. But then, my head has no filter. “Oh give me a fucking break.” I was walking pass him when his hand took my elbow and turned me to see him.

“What happened Katherine?” His eyes were confused and he had the right to be. I knew I couldn’t blame him for sleeping with every female human in town before meeting me. But the power he had given Tamara in his life was way too fucking much. No woman is that crazy with no reason, well, there are some crazy women, but in this case I could imagine him encouraging her.

“Nothing fucking happened.” He took me with more strength, and pushed me against a little corner that gave us a little privacy. But instead of shouting back at me as I was expecting, he took my chin and kissed me with an intensity that surprised me. I was fighting his kiss, but he didn’t let me go. Stubbornly I let my eyes open, from the corner of my eye I saw a tiny silhouette coming from the ladies room, Tamara. That was the moment when I started kissing him back, I took my hand that before was pushing him away, over his head, pulling his hair.

The hand that he had on my hips, went down to my leg. It took me a minute to realize what he was doing. When I felt his hand against the skin of my leg I noticed he had pushed the fabric up enough to get his entrance. His fingers were soon tracing my knickers over my groin, moving the fabric aside and making his way to my center. “Dylan, what are you doing? We can’t do that here.” He shut my mouth kissing me, and his fingers kept their journey. One finger entered first, then the other. We could hear the music from where we were for God’s sake! I couldn’t let him touch me like that in public, but I also didn’t want him to stop.
Let him, please! Please!!!

The second finger was moving in perfect synchrony with his tongue against mine. I was close, really close, and shame overtook me. I couldn’t come in public; that was too much, way too much. The bite of his teeth on my mouth broke me, I was in the middle of a climax in a corner of a salon full of people. When I opened my eyes the deep blue pools were focused on me. “You are so beautiful.” He removed a strain of hair from my face.

“Why the hell did you do that?!” With almost no force I hit him over his chest.

The stupid smirk was back. “I was losing you. I needed to remind you about us. I don’t give a damn about people. I wouldn’t let anyone see you, but I needed you.”

“Never, and I mean, NEVER, touch me that way again in public Dylan! What were you fucking thinking?” I was shocked that I had let him, I was way too self-conscious to be kinky outdoors.

He was not releasing me, he put one of his hands just next to my face trapping me against the wall. “Then never, and I mean, NEVER, shut me out again without telling me what you are angry about.” The playful tone of his voice had left the building and he was deathly serious. “You are angry a lot, for me to be guessing what about.”

I faced down, trying to avoid his eyes. “We are fucking psychos.” My voice almost a whisper.

He pulled my chin up to face him back. “You are adorable, let’s get back to that cake and get out of here.” He kissed me and took my hand back to our table where Maya was waiting for us. He said I was adorable, but he didn’t deny my psycho statement, we were adorable psychos.

We left the wedding and went to his house, apparently he had plans for every single corner of his house, and I mean, every single corner. After our house warming activities we lay over his bed completely drained. “You are aware that you are not leaving today, right?” Dylan’s voice distracted me.

With a soft, calm voice, totally out of character for me, I responded. “Sorry Dylan, but you have no say in what I do or don’t do.” This was passive aggressive me, and let me tell you, it was much more dangerous than aggressive me.

“I don’t want to fight, but I died to get you here since the day I met you. I arranged everything so you can fly out Monday at 6 am, that way you’ll be at your office at 9.” The fact that his voice was also calm meant this was a real discussion. We were not fighting about stupid stuff as always, he wanted to make a point out of this. But then, his hand was suspiciously moving to my hips in a soft and delicious pace.

Without talking he pulled his body over mine, his hand going south on my body while we were involved in a stare battle. His fingers opened me slowly, but we were fighting , seriously fighting, and I was not about to lose a battle because he had skilled fingers. “Dylan, what the fu…” He kissed me, battle mode kissed me, and his fingers started to really move. Digging in, one, then two, and a third finger started to curl inside me. I was so close, I was so sensitive that one movement would send me to the stars. But he stopped.

“Tell me you will stay.” He was serious, his face was impassive and those blue eyes had a weird and bossy intensity.

With anger rolling through my body, I tried to move from under him. “You are not fucking doing this. You are not controlling me through sex!” How dare him! The jerk was not playing fair and he knew it.

He kissed me softly against my fighting, his fingers started moving again, building inside me. “Please Katherine, just say yes.” I would have said yes, if he hadn’t tried to convince me through fucking. I was almost there again. “Say yes.” He was as breathless as if I had my hand in him and not the other way around.

I could barely think, let alone talk, but I was not about to lose this. “No.” His hand didn’t stop, but his eyes were talking for me. “You are not doing this to me. I decide, so if you want to get your fingers off me, I couldn’t care less.” Instead of getting angry as I had thought, he wildly kissed me and his thumb went to my clit, pushing me harder and making me lose it.

              When I finally came back and calmed myself I couldn’t for the life of me explain what had just happened. “Dylan, you can’t make plans for me, this”, I turned to him and pointed to us, naked, in bed, his body over me, “is way too new for me. I don’t have this kind of intimacy with anyone. And I won’t stop being me just because we are together.”

He took my hand as if our bodies weren’t close enough. “I know, it is new for me too, and I will try not to assume or decide things.” The death look on my face made him correct that last part. “I won’t do it. But we both have to make an effort. Being with me, is an effort. I won’t go back to New York with you, since Spencer is leaving for his honeymoon I need to stay, so this will be our last day until I can go back with you.”

Oh fuck it!
I could fight and shout, but then I was not ready to be alone again, I was not ready to acknowledge again that I could leave him at any moment. It took a lot of humility, a lot of instant maturing, and a lot of my special calming breaths, but I said it. “For this time, I’ll stay and take that damn plane. But you can’t do this to me, I am not one of your possessions, if you want me to do something, you ask and I decide. You get it?”

“Oh Bianchi, you will be the death of me, and you’ll enjoy it a little too much.” He rolled me under him, and started the festivities. I was not sure I could do this, I hated to be told what to do, but all this relationship shit had to involve concessions. Being under him while that talented mouth was over mine, was a hell of a concession.

              We spent the weekend in Chicago, and even when I thought we were going to visit the city. A Cubs game, a walk along the river, or even a cheesy ferry ride, there was none of that. Apparently his necessity to show me Chicago, was through the window of his bedroom, and his kitchen, and his home office. But I was not complaining, it was a damn fine weekend.
You won’t be able to walk on Monday!


Going back to New York, the reality hit me. Do you remember how awkward your first relationship was? Well, imagine it at 25, in different states and between stubborn, emotionally challenged jerks. A mess, a complete, disgusting, mess. To call or not to call, to text or not to text. Did he have to know about every single detail of my life? Should I ask him about his? I was not even interested. As long as he kept that hot body of his available to me, I was fine. In fact I was too busy with work to care about what he was doing. But then I had a bunch of female hormones in my body; that could be the only explanation for the many times I found myself mooning over those blue eyes.

We knew that we had to be apart for at least four weeks, and I was going to be able to fly to Chicago twice in that month, but that was it. Since I was a little girl I always thought that my perfect relationship would be with a rockstar. The reason? He would be on the road and that would give me enough time to miss him. Freedom, for him and for me, that was the key element of that plan. Since my Daddy would have had a heart attack if I even looked at a rockstar, Berkeley was the closest thing to that freedom. He was busy all the time, but apparently not that busy to stop him from keeping an eye on me through his multiple texts and the constant Joe figure in my life.

BOOK: Pink Ice
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