PillowFace (31 page)

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Authors: Kristopher Rufty

Tags: #Horror

BOOK: PillowFace
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She had, but now wished she’d kept her fucking mouth shut. 

He looked at Face.  “Did you hear that?” 

Pillowface nodded once, folding his arms over his chest, across his torn open shirt.

“She said it was
over there.” Buddy nearly collapsed with insane laughter. It stopped abruptly, his mood returning to the frenzied state it had been. “I was promised I’d be a big hero to my country if I went over there.  Hell, we were all promised that.” Face nodded again. “Those promises were shit, just words.” His voice allayed, becoming a husky whisper. “Lucky for me, I was a filmmaker, so I got to experience the true horrors of war through the lens of a camera. Which made it like make believe, surreal.”  He smiled. “Safe. But, now that we’re back at home, there are no more empty promises, no more fairy tales.” 

“Wuh-what are you talking about?” she asked.

Motioning to himself, then to Face, he said, “A world where
people are trained to execute men, women, and children on sight, at the drop of a hat.” His voice was rising again, “And we’re not supposed to feel a goddamn thing about it, because we’re told to leave our conscience at the door, to stifle all human emotions and feelings.”  He laughed.  “And we did.  We were damn good at it, too.  Then when we had to come home, our new president flashed his money around and gave us a pay-off to walk away.  We took it, but were sickened with ourselves for doing so.  Now we have our own ways of making people see, making them understand.” 

He took a deep breath. “This is no longer your America, this is a holocaust.” He walked to her chair, leaned over, and put his face directly in hers. “A killer they made me…a killer I shall be.” 

She held his stare, not daring to look away. She was too afraid of what would happen next. He’d been on the border of a massive collapse into violence for the last several minutes. This close to his eyes, she could see the abandonment on the other side of them. A pure hatred boiled inside of him so severely that she could feel its heat through her clothes. 

He was forsaken.

And, he had others that agreed with his program. She didn’t know how many members of this cult there were, but she didn’t doubt for a second that Buddy couldn’t find more who suffered from the same illness as he did. The inability to shut it off. She’d heard about this sort of thing before. Shell-shock. Kill-mode. Becoming so entrapped they didn’t know how to find their way back to normalcy. She couldn’t help feeling a tinge of pity for them. 

But when she looked at her wrists, pricked and bleeding from the barbwire, and knowing they’d set her up as their next victim, that pity quickly took a hike.






Carlee let Joel out of the car in front of Tonya’s house. 

“Wait,” she said, rolling down the window. 

He walked back, leaning into the car through the window. He held the shovel away from the car to avoid scratching its paint. He was suddenly just inches from her lovely face. 

“Take this.” She leaned over, lined her lips with his, and kissed him.  Joel tensed up. She ran her hand along the back of his head, and through his hair. His skin lit up with gooseflesh. Then she slowly pulled away.   “Good luck.” 

Nodding, he groaned some kind of response. 

She smiled. “You really are something, I hope you know that and never forget it.” 

“So…So are you.” 

It was her turn to blush. “Thank you. I know you mean it, too.” 

He did, with all his heart.

Able to speak rationally, he added, “Be careful.” 

“I will. You too.” 

For the first time since its conception, Joel felt that their plan wasn’t going to work. He wanted to put an end to it, to tell Carlee she was right in wanting to call the police, but she had already driven away by the time his tongue could pronounce
the words. He watched her taillights flash red, then disappear around a pine tree as the car turned onto the driveway. 

Too late now

He had to go through with his part.  He stood on the road another moment before he could will himself to move.  He ran alongside the fence, around the back of Tonya’s yard, and circled around to his own.  From there, he listened.  He heard the faint thump of Carlee’s car door shutting.  Unease flapped in his stomach. 

Gotta do this.  Can’t be a pussy.  I need to be a man for Haley
for Carlee. 

He bolted across the yard to the side door of the basement.  He was inside quickly and silently, being careful not to let the tongue on the door click as he eased it shut.  He didn’t slow down his pace until reaching Pillowface’s sleeping area.  All looked fine.  The deflated mattress was where it should be.  In fact, nothing looked out of place except for the man who should be down there. 

Joel had expected as much.

Leaning the shovel against the wall, he wished he could hold on to it.  He’d bonded with it, and it had helped save his life.  But, the shovel was much too big to take with him, so he had to leave it behind. 

He looked around.  Spotting the chainsaw on the floor, he decided against taking it for the same reason as the shovel.  They were too heavy to carry up the side of the house.  But the machete would do fine.  A feeble grin formed on his face as he searched for it.  After a minute of quick hunting, he gave up on trying to find it.  Then he spotted the weapon Pillowface had devised while spending his time in the basement.  It sat on an old rag and now had the handsaw blade attached to the back support. 

What is this thing?

He didn’t have time to ponder its possibilities.  He ran over to it, snatched it up, and checked the density of the blade.  It was sturdy, but thin enough that he should be able to use it.

  Then Joel backtracked out of the basement, circling around to the other side of the house.  He looked up at Haley’s window.  A part of him expected to find the window had been boarded up like in
Night of the Living Dead,
but it was still as he’d left it.  Earlier, he’d been terrified over the broken screen, and now he was thankful.  It was his way in; otherwise, he’d have been out of luck.

He checked the saw, again.  It should be able to slide under the window so he could pry it open.  He hoped so.  He’d only have one hand to do it with since the other would be holding him up and keeping him from falling.

He took a deep breath, draped the looped strap over his shoulder, and began climbing up the gutter.




Buddy ducked down as if under fire from the sudden chimes. His wide eyes became even wider, but this time, there was fear in them. 

“What was that?” 

“The doorbell,” said Haley matter-of-factly. 

“Shut the fuck up.  I’ll be getting to you in a second.” 

“I can hardly wait,” she muttered.

Ignoring her, Buddy looked at Face. “Do you think Carp would pull some shit and ring the doorbell?” 

Face shrugged.

“Me neither.”  He turned back to Haley. “Who are you expecting, girl?” 

She could probably guess who it was. Instead of informing Buddy of this, she only mimicked Face’s response and shrugged.

He could see right through it. “You’re lying. Who’s out there?” 

“I don’t know…”


The doorbell rang, again. 

Face unsheathed the machete from his leg strap, and proceeded to go to the door, but Buddy was quick to stop him.

“I’m going to go check it out.  Keep an eye on her.”  He pointed to Haley.  “Don’t let her try any stupid shit like saying she’ll love you if you let her go.  All right?”

Face nodded. 

Buddy bolted from the room, but not before removing his mask and handing it to Face for him to hold. 

Haley prayed to God that Carlee wasn’t at that door, but she knew without a doubt that she was. 




Waiting for the door to open, Carlee held her breath. When it suddenly did, the breath forced its way out in a gasp. 

The man on the other side of the door smiled. His hair was damp, his face glossy with a coating of water or sweat.
Had he just come out of the shower? 
He kept his right arm concealed behind the door, but his left was in plain sight.  “Hello, may I help you?” Though a little winded, his voice was very pleasant. 

This had to be one of the men Joel told her about. Since he wasn’t wearing a burlap sack on his head, Carlee assumed he wasn’t Pillowface.  She flexed a bogus smile for the man.  She’d become quite talented in this field from having to deal with frequent herds of scum at the firm. 

“Hi, I’m Carlee.” 

“Hello, Carlee, I’m Buddy.  What can I do for you?” 

“I was coming by to pick up Haley.  We’re supposed to go to the movies?” 

His smile receded, but he quickly put on another one.  “Oh?” 

“Yeah, are you a friend of hers?” 

He nodded.  “Sure, a friend of Haley’s, that’s right.” 

“Oh, okay, is she ready?  If we don’t hurry up I’ll miss the coming attractions, and I can’t
it when that happens.  It’s just as important as the actual movie.” 

“Yeah, I was the same way.” 


“Well, I imagine I still would be, but I never go to the movies anymore.” 

“Aw.  Why’s that?” 

“Well, it never comes up.” 

“That’s too bad.  You’re missing out on some great ones.” 

“I’m sure I am.  It’s not that I don’t
to go, it just never works out that I
to go.  You know what I mean?” 

“Too busy?”

“Yeah, something along those lines.” 

She knew he’d been lured by her charm and fallen right into her trap.  He was talking more than he’d probably bargained for. 

“So, I hate to ask again, but is she ready?”

“No, sorry.  She’s not here.” 


“Yeah, she took off with some other guy.  Thin, kind of nerdy looking.” 


“Alan, yeah that’s right.  I’m just here, hanging out.”

“Well then, this is your lucky day.”

His smile coiled.  “I’m sorry?”

“You get to go to the movies with

“How do you figure?”

Carlee threw another grin at him and swayed her hip.  “Since Haley has blown me off, then you get to accompany me to the show.”

Buddy appeared to be legitimately delighted by the idea.  “You’re asking me to the movies?”

“Yeah, you sound surprised.” 

“Well, I am.  I mean, you don’t know me.  What if I’m some kind of psychopath?” 

“Oh, I doubt that.  You seem like a pussycat.” 

He laughed. 

Look at that smile,
she thought
.  Very warm and charming. 

“I appreciate the offer, but I’ve got too much to do.” 

“Like what?” 

He sighed.  “Too much.  I’m sorry, Carlee, but I have to close the door on you now.” 

“Aw, do you have to?” 

“I’m afraid so.  Again, I appreciate the offer, but I just can’t.” 

“That’s too bad.” 

With a groan, he said, “Tell me about it.” 

He attempted to close the door, but she managed to stick her foot in to block it.  He glanced down at the dusky leg glowing with perfection from the shorts she was wearing.  Her delicate calf was turned to the side, flaunting him the curve.  Carlee already regretted having done it.  She was being too pushy and a guy like this would surely suspect something before too long. 

Hurry up Joel.  This is going to get bad. 

“What are you doing?” he asked.

“I-I don’t know.” 

“You just stopped me from closing the door. Didn’t you hear what I said?  I’ve got things to do.” 

“I heard you, but I just didn’t like it.” 

Smirking, he appeared to be growing tired of her act. “Look, I don’t know what you’re up to, but I want you to leave.  I’ll let Haley know that you stopped by.  I’m being
generous here.” 

Oh, I know that. 
She was still alive and he’d given her multiple chances to leave, and she’d taken none of them.  His courteous offer would expire soon. 

“Okay, if you
don’t want to come with me.” 

“I do, but I
.”  At the end his voice rose in pitch.

“All right, I won’t keep you any lon
ger.” She reached into her purse hanging from her shoulder.

“Thank you for being understanding.” 

“I know how hectic things can get.” 

Nodding, he added, “I’m sure you do.” 

“One more thing, real quick.” 

“What is it?” 

Her fingers curved around the aluminum canister in her purse.  It was cold and slick in her hand. “Could you give her this?” She wrenched her hand free of the purse, aiming the mace at his eyes. She squeezed the nozzle and waited for the spray to splash him, temporarily blinding him so she could run inside.  Hopefully Joel would be coming down the stairs about that time.  Then they could get Haley and assuming Alan was in there, him too, and get the fuck away from here. 

There was just one slight problem with her plan. One pivotal point that she’d completely neglected in all of this. 

She hadn’t removed the safety block from the mace after purchasing it.  Instead of misting his eyes with a scorching liquid, it only hissed at him. 

He wasn’t amused. 

Carlee looked at the can and realized her mistake. “Oh, shit.” 

Then he decked her in the mouth, splitting both her lips up and down the middle. Her head rocked back. She felt vertebrae popping at the back of her neck.  Before she could fall, Buddy had scooped her up and hoisted her over his shoulder.  He gave a quick look around. 

No porch lights were clicking on.  Carlee didn’t detect any neighbors running to her rescue, so apparently, he hadn’t been spotted. 

He was inside with the door shut and locked before the colorful splotches began exploding through Carlee’s vision.

Running back into the living room, Buddy shouted, “Face?” 

He dropped Carlee on the wooden floor.  It jarred her body, flashing pain from her toes to her eyes. 

“This is getting fucked; we’ve got to get this wrapped up and out of here.  I’m sure more will be popping up before too long.” 




Haley looked down at her friend. Poor Carlee had no idea what the hell was going on here. 

What she was walking into…

More tears spilled from her scratchy, red eyes.

Buddy glanced down at Carlee, shaking his head. “I told you to leave.  Gave you ample opportunities to walk, but you wouldn’t. Do you think I like being rough with women? Well, I don’t.” He looked over at Haley.  “Who is she? What was she doing here? How did she know something was going on?”

Haley shook her head, sobbing.  She had no idea why he would think she knew anything.

“Tell me who she is or I’ll stomp her throat in!”

“Carlee!  My friend…”

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