Pieces of Rhys (7 page)

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Authors: L. D. Davis

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Adult

BOOK: Pieces of Rhys
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"Lindsey...damn. Wow." He moaned and then said "You don't have to...shit." He stopped resisting and allowed the fellatio.

Wow! I'm sucking
's cock!

After a few minutes, I gave him one good last lick and stood upright again. I threw him down on the bed.

"Wow," he said with genuine surprise as he watched me remove his shoes, shorts, and boxers.

I crawled onto the bed and straddled him.

"Umm...this isn't turning out quite how I imagined," he grinned up at me.

"I haven't had sex for a really long time."

"I know, but I thought maybe you could use some foreplay."

"You thought wrong," I said, grinding slightly on him. "Maybe we can do the foreplay thing some other time."

"Sure," he said, caressing my arms. "But let's get this straight, I'm in charge." He easily flipped me off of him and in a matter of two seconds, he was on top of me, pressing his hardness against me as he kissed me deeply.

"Condoms?" He asked, pulling my panties off.

"In the drawer. I bought them today when I knew I was going to take advantage of you," I said.

He stared at me for a moment, seemingly lost in my eyes. I could dig it, because I was lost in his. Then the moment passed, and he was reaching into the table next to my bed and pulling out a condom. Expertly, he rolled it on with speed and without warning plunged inside of me.

I cried out and clung to him. He held my head between his hands and looked into my face with an expression that sent my heart tumbling. His lips touched mine and we fell into a passionate kiss. Without taking his lips from mine, he gave a hard thrust that made me accidentally bite down on his lip. I tasted blood, but he didn't stop kissing me, or thrusting. My cries were muffled by his mouth and he groaned into mine.

When he finally took his lips from mine, he fucked me hard, with an animalistic power that made my head slam into the headboard over and over.

"Come with me," he growled in my ear before nipping at it with his teeth.

My orgasm built up quickly as
plowed into me faster and harder than ever. Suddenly I was
into his shoulder and he yelled out expletives into my neck.

His arms encircled me and I held him close, both of us trying to catch our breaths. After a moment, he pulled out of me, but didn't immediately release me. I let go first, and he did so reluctantly and then rolled off of me.

When he got up and disappeared into the bathroom, I fully expected him to emerge, get dressed and high tail it out of here. To my surprise, though, he returned a moment later and climbed back into bed with me. He pulled me into his arms and kissed the top of my head.

"This is unexpected," I said sleepily. "I thought you would have been out the door by now."

"Ordinarily I would have been," he said after a half a minute of hesitation. "Do you want me to leave?"

"No," I admitted.

"Good. I'm not ready to leave."


"Who's going to get up and turn off the light?" He asked a little while later.

"Don't laugh," I said, freeing my hands. "I mean it."

He looked at me quizzically, and then I clapped twice. The lights went off and we were in darkness, but I could feel his body shake.

"I said not to laugh!" I punched his arm.

"Wait, wait," he said, catching his breath. He clapped twice and the lights came on. The amusement in his face was that of a child's. He clapped again and darkness fell again. This went on a few more times before I had enough.

"Stop!" I pinched his arm.

"Ow! Okay, okay," he laughed. "If I clap three times, will I get music?"

"Shut up."

He clapped three times and seconds later, music filled the room. We laughed for a long time before sleep overtook us.


Chapter Twelve


Monday morning I was stuck in a board room with fifteen other people, sitting between
and Nicole. I was only half paying attention to what was going on in the meeting. I was lost in my wonderings.

had slept with three women in the room, including myself. Nicole was the serious relationship, Julianne was just a one nighter, and then there's me. What am I? What of the other three women I knew about? Heather from accounting, T
ina from the Boston office, and one of Kit's cousins, Gale. Did he show up at their homes at unsuspecting times to woo them?

seemed to have established himself into my life, but was it temporary? Maybe he told all of the girls that he thought they were "cool" and he didn't want to hurt their feelings. Maybe that was his way. I couldn't blame him though. I did throw him on the bed.

The memory of that
and the ride of my life the following morning made me instantly wet. I squirmed in my seat a little, and felt my mouth curve into a barely visible stupid smile.

"Lindsey?" Phil called my name from the front of the table.


"I asked you what you thought about Liz's idea. Will it work for you and

I looked around the room. All eyes were on me.

"Honestly," I started. "I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm bored stupid. My brain checked out about an hour ago."

There were a few chuckles and I heard a couple people agree.

"Phil, we've been at this for almost three hours,"
said. "Why don't we break for lunch?"

Phil looked like someone stepped on his toes and then took his ice-cream. "I was going to call out for pizza and wings."

"I'll die if I have to sit here another hour," I said, standing up. "Can't we do this in increments? Like a couple of hours a day? It's not like you're saying anything critical."

A few people looked at me and back to Phil. He was an easy guy, but he was still the boss. I was feeling unusually brazen today though.

"I'm sorry, Phil," I winced.

stood up with me and made for the door. "But we'll still take the pizza and wings, your treat."

I followed
out the door just as Phil glumly announced the meeting was over.

"Where was your brain?"
asked me as we took the steps to our floor.

"Like you weren't bored to the point of brain death," I said.

"Yeah, I was bored, but I was still paying some attention. You were squirming in your seat and smirking."

"Was not."

"Yes, you were."

"You were so bored you started imagining things," I said pointedly.

We stopped on the next landing. I recognized that it was the same place
had ambushed me.

"I'm not imagining anything," he said and stepped in close to me. His fingers grazed my arm.

"Okay, so I may have had something on my mind," I admitted, feeling fiery under his touch.

"What are you doing after work?"

I swallowed hard. "I have a date."

"A date? With who? That Adrian guy?"

"Yes, with that Adrian guy," I said stepping away from him. "I'm single, right? I need to get my life moving."

"True," he said with a small smile.

I smiled back and then continued down the stairs. The truth is, I really wanted him to kiss me, and I really wanted to see him after work, but these were his rules, right? I was just following the rules, even if I didn't like them. I refused to be like the other girls, still pining after someone who really didn't want them.

After the pizza and wings, the rest of the day flew by. Before I knew it, it was five o'clock and it was time to go. My date with Adrian was at seven-thirty, and I wanted to look extra cute, so I practically flew out of the building.

Outside, I nearly ran into
, surrounded by mostly women, including Nicole.

"Hey, enjoy your date," he said to me with his fabulous smile.

"Thanks," I said and scrambled into my car.

When I got home and checked my cell, I had a message from

Don't enjoy it too much. I may get jealous.


I shook my head, trying to shake the dumb smile from my face.


Adrian looked even tastier than he did at my party, wearing a white, cotton button down shirt, hanging loosely over a pair of dark jeans. He wore an undershirt, but nothing could hide the rippling muscles.

He pulled me into a strong hug and kissed my cheek in front of the restaurant we were meeting at.

"You look great," he said, holding me at arm's length.

"Yeah, I know," I joked. "You look really good yourself. Wow," I sighed, staring at his chest, feeling a little damp.

I had high expectations for our date, but half way through dinner, I found myself disappointed and wanting to be somewhere else. Adrian was polite, too polite, and liked to talk. The problem is that he liked to talk about work, and as a scientist, much of it went over my head.

Looks are deceiving. I expected this big, brawny, sexy man to turn me on, mentally and physically, but instead my brain was traumatized by his big words and theories and hypothesises. Who woulda thunk it? I wasn't smart enough to even consider dating this guy. I think I would have appreciated him more if he were dumb.

Well, at least
had no reason to be jealous.


Chapter Thirteen


After my failed date with Adrian, I allowed Kit
set me up on a few more dates, most just unsuccessful as the first.

I tried Dylan first, the brother of her boyfriend Kit was going to set me up with at my party. He was a nice guy, but he secretly liked Kit. Great.

Justin was still in love with his ex-girlfriend. He still carried her picture in his wallet and almost cried when he saw a woman who vaguely resembled her across the bar.

Kevin was a meathead. Seriously. He reminded me so much of Gary that I left after twenty minutes. What the hell was
thinking setting me up with this guy? I like a slightly dominant man, but not one who is demeaning. He told me he didn't like my hair pinned up and insisted that I let it down and asked me not to make eye contact with any other guy while I was with him. What the fuck!

Harold - okay, problem number one is that his mama named him Harold. This guy talked a lot about bondage, as in he wanted
to tie him up and do naughty things to him. At least we got to date number two before he asked me if he could wear my panties.

Despondent over another failed date, I drove home with high hopes of some cold beer, barbecue potato chips, and maybe a cigarette. I wasn't really a smoker, but during my crazy years with Gary, it was something I'd occasionally pick up to soothe my nerves, even if just a little bit.

I wished that I could hang out with Kit, but she had taken a job in Maryland and moved away from me once again.

My phone buzzed in my pocket. At the next red light, I quickly dug it out and checked my messages.

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