Pieces of Me (11 page)

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Authors: Rachel Ryan

BOOK: Pieces of Me
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I grip the bed sheets in my hands as the rush of pleasure takes over my whole body. I’ve never been touched down there by another person and my body has never reacted to my own hand this way. Jake pushes one finger inside of me and I feel my hips rise off the bed urging his finger in further. I stare up at Jake and see the desire in his eyes as he watches me writhing in pleasure. He leans forward and drags my bottom lip into his mouth.

“I love you, Shorty.”


His words cause a rush of emotion through my body and I feel like something is building inside of me. As if Jake senses what’s happening, he removes his finger and climbs off the bed. I worry for a second that I have done something wrong until he returns to the bed with a foil package in his hand. He tears off the top and removes a condom from the wrapper before rolling it down over his long, thick cock. His eyes stay on mine as he positions himself back between my legs, gently pushing down my thighs to open me up wider. He glances down as he positions the head of his cock at my opening. My juices coat him and he slides in a little. The pressure feels heavy, but nice, and I urge him in further. He slowly pulls back and looks into my eyes.

“I’m sorry, Shorty. This will hurt for a minute, but then it will feel good. Okay?”

I lift my legs up and wrap them around his waist as I nod for him to continue. He grips my hips and swiftly pushes all of the way inside of me. I cry out at the sting of his movement and he stills inside of me. As the pain starts to subside, the pleasure returns and I push my hips up to meet his, urging him to move again. He spreads his body over mine and I wrap my arms around his neck as I pull his mouth down to mine. He kisses me so tenderly as he moves in and out of me. The pressure starts to build again and hearing his moans of pleasure brings me to the edge.

“Go faster, Jake.” I’m panting as his hips speed up and his thrusts become more urgent, driving me crazy. Just as I think I can’t take any more, the waves of pleasure wash over my entire body and my orgasm shakes me to my core. My body shudders as he continues to thrust into me, his cock hitting a spot inside of me that makes me cry out.

‘Oh, God. That feels so good.”

Jake stills inside of me and moans softly as I feel the heat of his release inside of me.


He collapses on top of me and kisses me as he slowly pulls out of me. He gets up and goes to the bathroom and a minute later he returns with a warm washer for me to clean up. After throwing the washer in my hamper he climbs back into the bed and pulls me into his arms. I love the feeling of our naked bodies wrapped around each other. It feels like I have waited so long for this to happen and now that it finally has, it is so much better than I thought it would be. Lifting my head off of his shoulder I see him watching me with the cutest little smirk.

“What are you smiling at?”

He chuckles. “Just you. I have waited so long for this moment and I’m just so glad that it has finally happened outside of my dreams.”

His words melt my heart.

“I was just thinking the exact same thing.”


He reaches under my arms and pulls my body up over his so that I am straddling him. The moan that escapes his mouth turns me on and I lean forward and capture his mouth with mine, slowly grinding my hips on his hardening cock.

“Fuck you feel so good Abbi. How the hell did I last six years without you?”

Thinking about the way things ended between us is kind of like having a bucket of ice cold water poured over my body and I slide off him and sit beside him on the bed.

“I don’t know Jake. Why did you stop calling me all those years ago?”

He sits up beside me and takes one of my hands in his.

“Apart from the day I drove away from you six years ago, that was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do.”

Shaking my head sadly, I ask. “Then why did you do it? We were going to wait for each other. You just seemed to forget all about me. You broke my heart, Jake.”

“Baby, I never wanted to hurt you. I just knew that us being apart was hard for you. I was hurting and I didn’t want you to hurt the same way. I thought if I removed myself from your life you would be upset for a little while, but eventually, you would move on and find someone else and get on with your life. I didn’t want you sitting around waiting for me. I wanted you to be happy.”

My hand instinctively goes to my locket and I hold it in my hand like I often do when I think back to that day six years ago when Jake drove away from me.

“Jake, I did sit around and wait for you. In my heart I always knew that I would never love anyone else. I think that’s why I have never given myself to anyone else physically. My heart and my body have always belonged to you. Jake, I haven’t been this happy ever in my life. I regret that we have wasted so many years, but you somehow found your way back to me.”

“You are amazing, do you know that? I have spent the last four years wondering if you had given your heart to anyone else, but secretly hoping you were waiting for me.”

Suddenly, a thought crosses my mind.

“What about you? Have there been others in your life?”

He looks sad as he nods.

“After I stopped contacting you, I tried to find ways to make myself forget about you. I thought if I had someone in my life it would be easier to forget about how much I wanted you. But it wasn’t. I was constantly comparing them to you.”

“How many were there?”

“Only a few. The last girl was the only sort of serious relationship. We were together for six months and we broke up about five months before I moved here.”

Jealousy rips through my heart and I can’t help but feel tears in my eyes thinking about him being with someone else. Then I realise this must have been how he felt seeing Daniel and I together.

“Oh well. We can’t change the past. We both made mistakes and now we just have to make up for all of our lost time together.

Jake smirks and pulls me back into his arms.

“I have a little confession to make.”


“I knew that you worked at the school when I applied for a job there. Corey told me.”

His words make me smile. The thought of him talking to Corey about me kind of upsets me though. If he wanted to know about where I was and what I was doing he should have called me. The times that I visited Lacie and Corey, they never spoke about Jake because they knew it was a touchy subject for me. But the whole time they were in contact with him and letting him know all about me. I will have to talk to them about that.

My emotion must show on my face as Jake says.

“Don’t be mad at them, I told them not to tell you. I didn’t want you to know that I had moved here for you until I knew how you felt about me. I tried so hard to forget about you Shorty and make you forget about me, but I just couldn’t do it. You’re a part of me, part of my soul and I couldn’t live without you any longer.”

His words overwhelm me and the only way I know to respond is to pull him to me and kiss the fuck out of him.

Chapter Ten

The next morning I leave Jake asleep in my bed and tiptoe out to the kitchen for a drink. The alcohol from the night before has left me feeling dry and I down two glasses of water before making my way back to my bedroom.

Just as I’m about to open my door, Cameron’s voice startles me.

“So, did you hand in your v card last night? It sure sounded like it.”

My cheeks warm as I think about the noises I made the second time around. I’m feeling a little sensitive this morning but it was so worth it.

“Maybe I did.”

Cameron’s eyes light up and the grin stretches across her face.

“Good for you, sis. I’m so glad that you and Jake have finally got it together. So how was it? It sounded pretty good.”

“Cameron! I am not discussing that with you!”

Cameron chuckles. “I’m just kidding you. Get back in there and have some more fun. You deserve it.”

She turns back to her room and I laugh at her.


When I open my door the sight of Jake sprawled on my bed warms my heart and even further south. He’s lying on his stomach with one muscular arm tucked under the pillow, the other in the place where my body had been a short time ago. The sheet is covering from his hips down, the contours of his tanned, delicious back call to me and I carefully lie down beside him and kiss my way from his lower back up to his left shoulder.

He moans sleepily and rolls over with a huge grin on his face. His movement causing the sheet to slide down and my eyes are drawn to the glorious sight of his erect cock. Licking my lips I lean forward and press my mouth to his, my hand travelling slowly down to caress him. It is another two hours before we leave my bedroom.


The next week flies by in a blur and we have already fallen into some kind of routine. When I’m not at work, I’m with Jake, either at his place or mine. The apartment he and Brady share is large and modern and Brady hardly ever seems to be there so we always have plenty of privacy. Since the weekend we have spent each evening getting to know each other again and catching up on each other’s story about what’s been happening during our six years apart. In the mornings it’s hard to leave him; I just want to spend all of my time in his arms, showing him how much I love him. I guess it’s as if some small part of me is scared that we will get ripped apart again. Silly I know, but I can’t help it. I just got him back; if I lost him again I don’t know if I would survive.


By Friday, I am exhausted from a lack of sleep and Jake has plans with the guys, so I make the most of my night alone and curl up on my sofa with a good book. Cameron is out with some of her friends so the house is silent. Just as I’m swooning over my current book boyfriend, a knock at the front door startles me. Throwing open the door expecting it to be Jake, the smile is instantly wiped from my face when I see Daniel standing there looking nervous.

“What the hell do you want?” My tone is blunt as I fold my arms across my chest.

“Hey, sweetie. I know you told me not to contact you again, but I miss you so much. I can’t eat, I can’t sleep. I need you. Please let me make it up to you. I’ve left Jessica. I…”

Holding my hand up I stop him right there.

“Daniel. Stop! You are married. You lied to me. For eight months. Nothing you say or do will make me change my mind. We’re finished.”

As I try to push the door closed, his hand pushes against it causing it to fly back and hit my forehead.

“Oww!” As I rub my head he stands there frowning at me.

“This is about him isn’t it? Your friend Jake. You’re fucking him aren’t you? Yeah, I’ve seen you together. I can tell you’re fucking him. I knew the first time I saw him that he wanted to get in your pants.”

I try to push the door closed again, his words and tone worrying me, but he is too strong.

“That’s okay Abbi. You get it out of your system and then we will pick up where we left off. You’re mine. I will make you mine again.”

My temper rises and with all of my strength I push at his chest causing him to lose his balance and step back. Using the opportunity I slam the door closed and turn the dead bolt lock, then slide the chain across.

Leaning up against the wall beside the door, my heart racing I take a few deep breaths. After about a minute I hear his footsteps as he retreats down the steps and I breathe a sigh of relief. Touching a hand to the sensitive spot on my forehead, I can feel a bump forming already and flinch at the pain. Going to the freezer I pull out a handful of ice cubes and wrap them in a towel before holding it up to my head.


Soon after, I am sitting on my couch, my book in hand but my eyes not focussing on the words. All I can see in my mind is the look of hatred that flashed in Daniel’s eyes as he questioned me about Jake. He is seriously delusional if he thinks we are getting back together.

A knock at the door makes me jump and this time I look through the peephole, making sure it isn’t Daniel again. I see Jake standing there and breathe a sigh of relief. Opening the door I throw myself into his arms.

“Hey. What are you doing here? I thought you were out with the guys?”

He chuckles and kisses me.

“I was. I told them I was heading home ‘because I’m tired. This little nymph keeps me awake until all hours.” He brushes my hair out of my eyes and suddenly a look of concern crosses his face as I realise he has noticed the bump on my head which is now starting to turn into an ugly bruise.

“What happened to your head?”

“Um…Daniel showed up.” The look of anger that crosses his face and the intensity in his eyes shocks me. “Jake, he didn’t hit me. Well, not on purpose.”

“What? What the fuck did he do?”

“Jake, calm down. He came around to tell me that he had left Jessica and that he wanted me back. He told me to get you out of my system and then I will go back to him. He’s clearly delusional.”

Jake’s eyes are darker and his jaw clenched as he lowers me to the floor.

“So, how did you end up with a bruise on your head?”

“I tried to close the door and he pushed it back open. It hit me on the head.”

Jake pulls out his phone and gently pushes me over to the sofa, making me sit down.

“Who are you calling?”

“I’m trying to get hold of Nathan. He was the only one of us not drinking tonight. What’s Daniel’s address?”

“Jake! You can’t go and see him. He didn’t do anything, plus it will probably just make things worse. I don’t know where he lives anyway.”

Jake stops dialling and glances down at me.

“You were with him for eight months. How do you not know where he lives?”

“I guess that was his plan. He always came here. He had a wife at home remember?”

Jake sits down beside me when he realises there are unshed tears in my eyes.

“I’m sorry, Shorty. I’m not angry with you. But how am I supposed to be the big tough boyfriend and go around to his house and beat the shit out of him if I don’t know where he lives?”

I laugh at the sexy little pout on Jake’s lips and lean in for a kiss. I realise he’s joking, but my head is telling me that it is probably for the best that I don’t know where Daniel lives or Jake would be straight there to beat the shit out of him. Taking his phone out of his hands, I place it on the table and climb onto his lap. I figure if I just distract him he will let this go and not get himself into trouble.

As I wriggle against his lap he studies my bruise a little more.

“Did you put ice on this?”

“Yes, Jake. I did.”

Smiling at me, he sighs and relaxes into my embrace. I kiss his lips softly and stroke his cheeks.

“I know what you’re trying to do.”

Trying to look innocent, I pout. “What? I’m not trying to do anything. Apart from make love to my boyfriend.”

His lips curve into a sexy, lopsided grin. “Is that what I am? Your boyfriend?”

“I was kind of hoping.”

He swiftly pulls me forward and claims my mouth, his tongue seeking entry straight away. I lean into him and savour the feelings that his lips evoke deep inside of me. He is such a great kisser, not that I have a lot to compare him to. But, every time he kisses me, my knees get weak and my body trembles with need.


After a serious make out session, we turn on the television and curl up on the couch. As I try to focus on the show we are watching, I can feel Jake’s body tense up beside me. Sitting up, I turn to him and see his clenched jaw.

“What’s wrong, Jake?”

“I just can’t stop thinking about that loser hurting you. It makes me so fucking angry that he thinks he can just turn up here whenever he feels like it and try to talk you into going back to him.” His hands resting on his lap are clenched into fists, so I take one and rest it on my thigh, trying to distract him a little.

“Don’t worry so much. He’ll get over it when he realises I’m staying with you.”

“Did you tell him we were together?”

“Well, no…he kind of already knew. He said he had seen us together and could tell we were…intimate.”

“What? How the fuck has he seen us? Is he fucking stalking you?”

I laugh at his crazy thought, but secretly that same thought had crossed my mind earlier. We have only really spent this week together so Daniel would have had to see us some stage during this last week. Apart from going to work we haven’t really been anywhere else together. Strange, I wonder where he would have seen us together.

“I don’t like this, Shorty. I don’t like the thought of him watching you.”

“Don’t be silly, Jake. He’s harmless.” Standing up I hold my hand out for him. “Come on, let’s go to bed.”

Jake hesitates for a moment. “Okay, but if he turns up here again, I can’t be blamed for my actions.”

“Okay, tough boy, he won’t come back here.” Even as I say the words, there is no doubt in my mind that I haven’t seen the last of Daniel.


Two days later, I’m walking into the school staff room when I hear the message alert on my phone. As I open up the message, I wish I hadn’t.


You fucked him after you saw me didn’t you? Did he make you scream? Did he make you cum? That’s okay, I can wait for you to get sick of him and then you will be begging for my hard cock. I can love you so much better than that fucker ever could. I love you Baby.


I almost drop my phone. How could I spend eight months with someone and not really discover what kind of person they really are. I suppose he was away a lot over those eight months. Oh shit! Was he really travelling for work all of those times, or was he with his wife? My God, I feel sick.

Julie Preston suddenly appears in front of me.

“Are you okay, Abbi? You look like you just saw a ghost.”

“Yeah…I’m fine.” I step past her and put my bag in my locker. Just as I’m about to leave for class Jake walks into the room and the smile he sends my way makes me instantly feel better. He heads toward his locker and out of the corner of my eye I see Julie looking back and forth between us. She makes a beeline for him just as I walk out the door.


I’m hurrying down the corridor a few moments later when I hear Jake say my name.

“Abbi, are you alright?”

There’s no need to tell him about the message, it will just piss him off and he will try and track down Daniel and get himself into trouble. I know how protective he is of me and it could only end badly.

“Yeah, I’m fine. I’m just trying not to be too obvious in front of Julie.” We have decided not to go public with our relationship just yet. Julie seems to be the only member of the faculty that is suspicious and she is such a gossip, so she is the last person I want to know. Plus she has the hots for Jake and makes it so obvious that she wants him.

“Okay.” His brows are drawn together like he doesn’t buy what I’m telling him so I try to reassure him.

“Jake, I’m fine. I love you.”

He grins as he whispers back. “I love you too shorty.”


Later that night we are curled up on my sofa watching a cheesy movie with a big bowl of popcorn sitting in Jake’s lap.

One of his arms is wrapped around me and his fingers are trailing up and down my arm, his feather like touch giving me goosebumps.

He puts the bowl in my lap when his phone rings and he scoops it off the coffee table.

“Hey, Ma.” He smiles at me. “Good, just watching a movie with Shorty.” He had informed his Mum about our relationship a few days ago and apparently she had been pretty excited that everything had worked out. “What? What do you mean? What did she say?” Jakes smile is wiped from his handsome face and his olive complexion suddenly looks pale. “What the fuck? Shit! Sorry Ma.”

He gets up and walks into the kitchen, leaving me to wonder what could be wrong. Hopefully his family are all okay; I hate the thought of him having to leave me. I know it’s selfish of me, but I just got him back I don’t want to lose him again.


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