Pie A La Murder

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Authors: Melinda Wells

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Table of Contents
Praise for the Della Cooks Mysteries
The Proof Is in the Pudding
“Proves to be just as delicious as its predecessors . . . Della Carmichael’s adventures are thrilling and enlightening. And the delicious set of recipes included with this book are tantalizing. A great combination for a delightful cozy mystery.”

Fresh Fiction
“A fun, fast-paced mystery for food lovers.”

The Mystery Reader
“A delightful culinary mystery. The main ingredient (as it were) is the central character of Della Carmichael, who is an entertaining, smart, endearing protagonist.”

Mysterious Reviews
Death Takes the Cake
“Fans are in for another page-turning treat as the heat is turned up yet again in Della Carmichael’s kitchen. Murder is just one dish on the menu as the ever delightful, sexy, supercook demonstrates that the proof really is in the pudding. Juggling professional rivalries and a romantic suitor with her trademark self-assurance and wit, Della’s sizzling second culinary adventure is a gourmet feast in more ways than one.”
—Hannah Dennison, author of the Vicky Hill Exclusive! Mysteries
“Charming Della takes the cake as she turns this amateur sleuth into an engaging, realistic whodunit.”

Midwest Book Review
“Full of good humor, engaging characters, and flawlessly planned suspense. It’s a real treat (pun absolutely intended). Readers will not only be charmed and seduced by a solidly plotted culinary mystery with some light romance on the side, but also be in possession of a list of exquisite pastries in the form of recipes.”
—Mysterious Reviews
“You will love the characters, the recipes, and long for the next Della Cooks installment.”

Armchair Interviews
“It was worth the wait . . . The television studio, the cooking shows, and the recipes all provide a fun background to the solving of the crime. Enjoy.”
—I Love A Mystery
Killer Mousse
“A delectable novel full of delicious moments and charming characters. An appetizing debut!”
—Earlene Fowler, national bestselling author of
State Fair
“Melinda Wells provides an exciting, tightly plotted culinary thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat.”
—Nancy Fairbanks, bestselling author of the Culinary Mysteries
“A treat—a classic culinary mystery . . . blending an artful plot with engaging characters in a fast-paced whodunit.”
—Harley Jane Kozak, Agatha, Anthony, and Macavity award–winning author of
Dead Ex
“[A] wonderful combination of mystery, romance, redemption, and girl power.”
—Linda Dano, Emmy Award–winning author of
Living Great
Looking Great
“A scrumptious morsel of mystery and mayhem. Take a pinch of murder, a dash of danger, stir it all together . . . an amateur sleuth to savor!”
—Linda O. Johnston, author of the Kendra Ballantyne, Pet-Sitter Mysteries
“With verve (and recipes) Wells cooks up a tasty puzzle with a likable protagonist.”
—Richmond (VA) Times-Dispatch
“How nice to discover a story that breaks the mold.”
—San Jose Mercury News
“It will be a winner for readers who like a well-written book with a deftly plotted mystery . . . Not one to miss. [Wells’s] future as a writer is a bright one.”
—Front Street Reviews
“[A] fine first book for a new series . . . Anyone who loves cooking shows and mysteries will want to read this series . . .
Killer Mousse
is a delicious read.”
“This is the first installment in what promises to be a highly entertaining series. Della is a fun character. For mystery lovers who are also foodies, there’s a wealth of cooking tips and a number of included recipes that are easy and use easyto-find, affordable ingredients. Quite a tasty combination.”
—CA Reviews
“BRAVA! . . . Engaging characters, an intriguing mystery, and suspects galore make this title a winner!”
—Huntress Book Reviews
Berkley Prime Crime titles by Melinda Wells
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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. The publisher does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for author or third-party websites or their content.
PUBLISHER’S NOTE: The recipes contained in this book are to be followed exactly as written. The publisher is not responsible for your specific health or allergy needs that may require medical supervision. The publisher is not responsible for any adverse reactions to the recipes contained in this book.
A Berkley Prime Crime Book / published by arrangement with the author
Berkley Prime Crime mass-market edition / July 2011
Copyright © 2011 by Linda Palmer.
All rights reserved.
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ISBN : 978-1-101-53811-1
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To Norman Knight


I am grateful to the following:
Editor Kate Seaver, I appreciate (immensely) your excellent suggestions, which make these books better. It’s a pleasure to work with you.
Priscilla Gilman and Morton Janklow, thank you for your continuing support and for your expert guidance. You couldn’t possibly have a client any happier than I am.
Claire Carmichael, a terrific novelist and a brilliant instructor, I’m a better writer than I would have been without your “athletic” eyes.
D. Constantine Conte, mentor and treasured friend, I’ve learned so much from you.
Carole Moore Adams, thank you for creating another great recipe for this book!
To the other generous people who have allowed me to share their recipes in this book: Mira Waters, Fred Caruso, John Bonhert, Freda Small (via Abigail Shrier), Jaclyn Carmichael Palmer, and Julie-Anne Liechty. Thank you all.
To the test readers who give me their invaluable reactions: Arthur Abelson, Carole Moore Adams, Hilda Ashley, Gina Anderson, Penrose Anderson, Christie Burton, Rosanne Kahil Bush, Jane Wylie Daley, Ira Fistell, Lynn Harper, Nancy Koppang, Judy Tathwell Hahn, Jaclyn Carmichael Palmer, and Anna Stramese.
Wayne Thompson of Colonial Heights, Virginia, who continues to inspire me and make me laugh.
Berry Gordy, thank you for making me an “honorary Gordy,” and for all that I’ve learned from you.

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