Phoenix Falling (55 page)

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Authors: Mary Jo Putney

BOOK: Phoenix Falling
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Mary Jo Putney

New York Times Bestselling Author







Twenty-five years ago

A piercing wail shattered the dawn air. The waiting crowd, safely restrained behind barriers, began to buzz with anticipation. In the command post, Kate Corsi danced excitedly from foot to foot. "Now, Papa?"

Sam Corsi laughed. "Not yet, Katie. That's just the two-minute warning siren."

She tried to stand still, but two minutes seemed like forever. She'd always known that her father's business was blowing up buildings, had even seen movies of his work. But this was different, her very first live shot. She tugged restlessly at the ribbon that held back her blond hair. "Can I push the button?"

"If you're good, someday I'll let you set off the blast, but not this time." Sam Corsi ruffled her brother's dark hair. "Someday the business will be Tom's, and he has to learn what it's like to control so much power."

Tom put one arm around Kate in an apologetic hug. "Your turn will come, short stuff."

The countdown by Luther Hairston was progressing. When he saw Kate watching, he closed one dark eye in a wink without stopping his steady counting.

"All right, Tom," Sam Corsi ordered. "Put your finger on that button and wait for me to say 'now!' Don't push it before I tell you to."

Looking a little sick, Tom set his finger on the button. But Kate knew he wouldn't make a mistake. He was the smartest big brother in the world.

Seven, six, five, four, three, two....

"Now!" her father barked.

Tom pushed so hard his fingertip whitened. Nothing happened, and for a terrible moment Kate's heart stopped.

Then machine-gun sharp bangs rattled from the tall building across the street, and clouds of dust rolled from the empty windows in the lower floors. Next came deep, deep booms that shook the bones. Walls pitched inward and the huge structure slowly collapsed into its base. Kate shrieked with joy.

Her father swooped her up to his shoulder for a better view. "Take a good look, Katie. This is Phoenix Demolition at work, and we're the best!"

Kate bounced in his arms. "Someday I'll blow up buildings, too."

Sam chuckled. "Demolition is no place for girls. Tom will run the company. If you ask nicely, maybe he'll let you work in the office."

"The times are changing, Sam," Luther said. "That lively little girl of yours might make a fine PDI engineer when she grows up."

"No daughter of mine is ever going to work demolition."

Kate sniffed. Papa was stubborn, but so was she. She'd make him let her into the business.

Because Katherine Carroll Corsi wanted to blow up buildings.



Stirring the Embers

The Starting Over Series

Book One


Mary Jo Putney


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The Starting Over Series

A Novella






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A Holiday Fling

The Starting Over Series

A Novella




Mary Jo Putney

New York Times Bestselling Author






A Note from

Mary Jo Putney


My full-length novel Phoenix Falling had a couple of appealing secondary characters who were single and a little lonely, so they immediately popped into my mind when I decided to do a contemporary Christmas story for this collection. Greg Marino and Jenny Lyme are both in show business, and they're both genuinely nice people who love their work. But he's American and she's English, he's behind the camera while she's in front, and when their paths had crossed a dozen years before, their careers swiftly took them away from each other. Can this time be different?




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