Phoenix Bar: A Steel Demons MC Novel (7 page)

BOOK: Phoenix Bar: A Steel Demons MC Novel
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              And there it was. I wanted the conversation to head in this direction. It had been so long for me, so long since I felt desire and I had never felt it this strongly before. “Yes, they are tight and hard.” My breath was shallow and quick.

              “So is my cock, baby,” he choked out, “roll your nipples between your fingers. Squeeze them tight like I wish I was able to do for you.” I followed his instructions and pleasure coursed through my body. I moaned at the spark of sensation. “Does it feel good, baby?’


              “My cock is so hard for you, Abby. Is your pussy wet for me?”


              “Touch your wetness for me, Abby. Tell me how wet you are. How much you want me.”

              I couldn’t hold back the sigh that escaped my lips when my fingers came in contact with my heated flesh. I was soaked, my lips were plump and full, the wetness made it feel like slick silk. “I’m really wet. My pussy is slick and dripping, and if feels soft and silky.”      

              “I bet it does, honey. I can’t wait to taste it. To run my tongue over you and lick up all that cream.” I groaned at his words. The stimulation from the erotic images he evoked and the touch of my fingers made for an intense wave of pleasure. “I’m going to ask you one more question. After you answer it, I want you to get yourself off. I want to hear you cum for me and I’m going to cum for you.” I could picture him rubbing his shaft, working himself into a frenzy. “Have you ever tasted your sweet honey? One word yes or no.”


              “Ok, baby, you won’t be tasting it tonight either, but one day you will. Keep rubbing that sweet pussy for me. One of these days, I’m going to fuck your sweet pussy bare. You are going to come on my dick hard and when you do, when your body squeezes around my cock, you are going to squirt your cum all over me. I’m not going to come in your pussy, though. I’m going to pull my dripping dick out of your tight cunt.” I moaned my breaths getting shorter and louder as I approached climax and I could hear his breathing getting rougher, edgier as he stroked himself. “Then you’re going to get on your knees in front of me and lick and suck your juice off my–“ I came on my fingers. His name escaped my lips. My body denied satisfaction for so long, got off so fast. “Oh, baby. Yeah.” His breath hissed and he groaned. “God, Abby.”

              “Wow,” I whispered. I’ve masturbated a lot over the years, too much really, but never have I ever been able to come that hard without the help of a vibrator.

              He chuckled. “Yeah, baby, me too.”


Chapter 8


              I have not had phone sex since high school and I got more enjoyment and came so much harder in that one experience with Abby over the phone than any sexual encounter with any other woman ever. We hung up after a quick goodbye and I sat in the bathroom thinking about what the hell was happening. I have never cum with so little effort before. This woman had me in knots and I was not sure what the hell to do about it. Gavel was in the next room and I just jacked myself off as I listened to a woman get herself off to my words. Shit, Gavel was right, my ass needed to tread lightly.


Eight Years Earlier…….

“Monica, I’m dropping out.” I broke the news to my high sweetheart. We had really been together since junior high and after three semesters of college, I finally owned up to the fact that I wasn’t happy in school. I never would see myself sitting behind a desk. My dad might be a lawyer and able to do the whole desk jockey gig, but I was more like his motorcycle club member side. “I’m going to join the Marine’s, but I wanted to ask you something.” I was so nervous my hands were shaking.

              We were in her dorm room, she was sitting on the edge of the bed. I dropped to one knee in front of her. Nervously, I wiped my hands on my thighs, then reached into my pocket for the little black velvet box hidden there. I held it out to her and opened the lid. It wasn’t much, barely half a carat. It was nothing special to anyone but me. “Will you marry me?” I asked her. 

              “Yes.” She grinned at me as I slipped the small cheap diamond I had been saving up for since graduation on her finger. We hugged, made love, and planned out our future. The next day she went with me to the recruitment office and two weeks later we were married. I wanted to make sure she had all the benefits of being a Marine’s wife while I was away. I wanted to know she would be taken care of while she continued at school and I was off doing my duty.

              When I was away at boot camp, I got letters almost every other day from her. She would tell me how much she missed me. Loved me. Wanted me. I would write to her as much as possible, but it wasn’t as often as I wished. When I was between deployments, things were great. Besides school, she never left my bed. It was like we were our old selves from high school all over again. Madly in love and couldn’t keep our hands off each other.

It was after I got sent overseas for the second time that things started to change. I would get a chance to call and she would either not answer or cut me off stating that she had to get going, she had plans with her friends. I never got any letters from her anymore despite my continuing to write her. 

              I was in my fifth year of service and I hardly talked to my wife. I stopped calling and writing and I didn’t receive any letters from her. I was six months from coming home for good. I had decided against reenlisting. Instead I was going to go home and reconnect with my wife, but that would never happen. Instead, I got a letter from my dad.


              I hope this letter finds you well. You are missed. There is no easy way to say this, so I’m just going to say it. Monica has filed for divorce. You should be receiving the paperwork within the next day or two. She’s pregnant. I’m sorry to tell you this way, but I know that you would want to know as soon as possible. I also knew you would want to know in private before papers were delivered in a less than private way.

                                                                                                                              Be safe,




I remembered the letter because I had reread it so many times. Just as my dad, said the papers arrived two days later and one thing about bases is things don’t stay quiet long. I got sympathetic looks from most. Some were angry on my behalf saying what a fucked up bitch she was. It was the looks of pity that pissed me off the most.


              Thinking back now, I shouldn’t have been surprised. It’s not like she was continuing to express her love for me through letters and phone calls. After Monica, I swore off relationships. I had seven years with her. She was my first in every way and I was not about to go through anything like that again. I had to leave Abby alone. As much as I wanted her, I had a feeling she could destroy me far worse than Monica ever could.




              When I went down for breakfast with dad, she was already at the table with the suit from yesterday. They were talking and laughing about something, not in a hurry to get down to business. I pushed my irrational jealousy aside and walked to another table in the restaurant. The waitress from the day before came over with a quick seductive smile and I returned it with a grin of my own.

              She was of medium height, slim, and big busted. Her boobs were obviously fake, but what the hell did I care, she was stacked and hot. Her brown hair was pulled up off her shoulders and she had a bouncy little ass. Before Abby, I would have fucked this girl without a second thought,
“But this isn’t before Abby”
my thoughts screamed at me.

              I saw out of the corner of my eye that Abby was looking at me and I figured I better go all in for this. The best way to distance myself from her was to make her hate me. I flirted outrageously with the woman. I didn’t know her name; I frankly didn’t care. She giggled and put her hand on my arm.

              “Oh, honey,’ I dropped my voice seductively, “if you touch, be prepared to keep touching.” I brought her wrist up to my lips and nipped and licked at the soft flesh.

              She shivered. I was obviously getting to her and I wished she was getting to me. Despite her attempts at charming me with suggestive comments, my cock was still soft.

              “I can go on a fifteen minute break,” she said with heat in her eyes.

              “I can work with fifteen minutes.” I grabbed her hand and headed out of the restaurant with her in tow. I saw devastation on Abby’s face and anger and disappointment on Gavel’s from the corner of my eye as we passed by their table. They had every reason for it. Hell, I hated myself for causing it. 




              To escape what I knew would be a very awkward drive back to Belle, I grabbed my stuff and left a note for Gavel. I rented a car and headed back home on my own. When I got there, I headed to the job site. They were making good progress on the work. I checked on the bar which was waiting to be decorated, but everything was done as far as construction goes. I walked through the kitchen to see that the appliances had been delivered. I went into the restaurant and found Titan kissing Ember. Just what I fucking needed.

              “So the work is going well I see.” Sarcasm laced my voice. Ember sprang back from Titan like she had been burned. I didn’t bother to hide my anger at Titan, though I could tell I was putting my anger at myself onto him. He was getting to kiss his girl and I just fucked my chances up with mine. “We’ll talk about this later, brother.”

              I turned around and went upstairs to see the work was almost completed up there as well. I wanted to get it done so that I wouldn’t have to see Abby around all the time. I had one stop to make before I went home to get drunk off my ass.


Chapter 9


              “Oh. My. God.”
I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Brice was leaving the restaurant with the trampy, little waitress that had her hands all over him. I felt tension rolling off of Jed and when I sensed that he was about to get up from his chair, I laid my hand on his forearm. “I’m sorry,” I said with way more lightness in my voice than I felt, “my mind must have wandered off somewhere.” I offered a fake smile.

              “Not a problem, Abby,” Mr. Worthington said, but I heard a hint of knowing pity in his voice. He had seen Brice as well. “I was saying that I researched the company last night, the tax records for the last few years, and it looks like your parents took quite a bit, but the company under the right management can flourish again. So, I accept your offer for the company and the stipulations that you have set with regards to your parents.” He took a breath. “I have one request, though.”

              “What’s that?” He was accepting the company. I was going to unload it and completely unload my parents in the process.

              “I would like for you to stay one more night and have dinner with me.” Philip turned toward Jed, “As much as I enjoy your company, Jed, I’d rather have dinner alone in the company of a beautiful woman.”

              Jed chuckled. “I completely understand. I will rent a car and drive back today because I have some work that needs taken care of immediately, but you,” he addressed me, “you should stay and have a little fun. You deserve it.” He was telling me that I deserved better than what his son just did. I nodded my understanding and my consent to Philip.

              “Great, then I will pick you up at seven tonight. Dress casual, Abby. We won’t be doing anything fancy tonight.” He winked at me and left.

              “I’m sorry, Abby, I tried to warn you. I warned him, too.”

              “It’s not your fault, Jed,” I said, trying to relieve the tension that set in, “leave it alone, okay? I’m fine. It’s not like he’s the first man to not want me or to only want one thing from me. He probably won’t be the last either.”

              Jed sighed and shook his head. “There’s a lot you don’t know. You have your secrets and he has his. Until you both are willing to share those with each other, neither of you should have started anything. I tried warning you both, but maybe I should have tried harder.”

              “No, Jed,” I said shaking my head at him, “some lessons have to be learned the hard way. You warned me and I didn’t listen. This ones on me.”

              We parted ways a few minutes later. I went back to my room and took a bath, my heart hurting more than I thought possible. I had no claim on him, so I shouldn’t be so hurt or jealous. Brice had never made any overtures toward me. I remembered the lyrics to the song that we danced to, that he sang to me. I hoped those lyrics were true. I hope my eyes haunted him tonight, the big jerk.

              I pulled on a pair of fresh jeans and a tee shirt. I threw my hair up in a ponytail and slid my shoes on. I didn’t bother with makeup. He said casual and I was taking him at his word. I met him in the lobby and he was dressed similarly to me so I knew I made the right choice.

              He smiled when he saw me, he had dimples that were really attractive, but I wasn’t drawn to him like I was drawn to Brice. I knew automatically that this man was going to be a friend, a good friend, but only a friend. Hell, maybe I would give the whole friends with benefit thing a chance since my track record with men sucked.

              “You ready to have some fun?”

              “Yes, where are we going?”

              “It’s a surprise, but I figured you could use some fun and to get some frustration and aggression out.”

              I laughed. “You couldn’t be more right.” He drove us to the outskirts of town I joked, “you aren’t bringing me out here to murder me and dump my body, are you?”

              “No, ravish you a little maybe, but not murder.” We talked and bantered back and forth. I told him about Grams and how I was following her instructions moving here and finding my own life. I told him about Mac and our funny stories and our business venture that we were starting. “That sounds awesome, when is your grand opening?”

              “I don’t know for sure yet. As soon as I get back home tomorrow, I have to go talk to the contractor.” My voice was strained. I had to talk to Brice regardless of what happened between us and I had to do it without letting on that it hurt.

              “He’s your contractor, isn’t he?”

              “Good guess. He also happens to be Jed’s son which, I’m sure, is why Jed had to get back today. He’s probably tearing into him right about now.”

              “Alright, well, Abby, I expect you to call me with the date of your grand opening because I want to be there. In fact, I’d like you to call me any time you need something or if you just need to talk.” His offer was genuine and sincere. Why I couldn’t want him with the same intensity I wanted Brice, I had no idea. “Now though, it’s time to go work out some frustration.”

              We were at some batting cages. “It doesn’t look open.”

              “It is to us. I came by earlier and paid the owner five hundred dollars to let us have the place to ourselves tonight. You can scream as you hit the ball. It’s very cathartic.”

              “Let’s do it.” I have to say, it was the most fun I had had in a long time. Philip helped teach me how to swing, which involved him wrapping his arms around me. “You are a smart man,” I said when he was showing me how to stand and follow through. His hips curved around mine. “I bet you do this with all the girls.”

              He laughed. “No, only the special ones.”

              It took several swings before I even hit one ball and I was nowhere near accurate, but it was a blast. He and I kept taking turns batting, he hit almost every one. “You are just showing off.”

              “I do my best to impress.” He grinned.

              By the time we finished, my arms felt like they would fall off. I knew that I was going to be paying for it later, but it was worth the fun. On the way back to the hotel, we stopped off and got burgers to take back to the hotel. 

              “What movie do you want to watch?” he asked me, making himself comfortable on the bed.

              “Action or Sci-fi, no romance or horror,”  I said as he was flipping through the channels. I changed into pajama bottoms and a tank top then headed for the minibar. “How do you feel about spiking our drinks?”

              “Favorable, but you have to promise not to take advantage of me.”

              I laughed. “You have my word, I will behave as a lady, but I need your word that you will behave as a gentleman.”

              “On my honor, how about
Die Hard?”

              “I love John McClain.” I grinned. “Excellent choice.”

              “I would not have pegged you for a McClain fan.”

              “I’m a total surprise. Would you ever have pegged me as wanting to open a bar?”

              “No, I can’t say that I would have said that either.”

              We ate, watched the movie, joked around, and drank our rum spiked sodas. Philip and I fell asleep holding hands. Sometime later I heard a phone ring and Philip say hello, but I was half asleep not sure if it was real or if I was dreaming and then I fell back asleep, not even caring.




              I drove back to Belle about one the next afternoon. Philip and I had went our separate ways early that morning with the promise that we would both stay in touch. He kissed my cheek and said goodbye. I went straight to the restaurant. The crews were busy at work. I couldn’t believe how much was done. We were getting close.

              Mac looked up when I entered then came around to give me a hug, “How’d it go?”

              “Oh, be careful, I’m a little bit sore this morning.” Mac pulled back and looked at me.

              “A good sore?” She grinned.

              “A very good sore. Let’s go upstairs and I’ll tell you all about what happened.” We headed up the back stairs.

“So, what happened?” she asked when we got up into the almost finished apartment.

              “Well, Philip Worthington is very attractive and nice. He’s really a great guy. Oh, he wants me to let him know when our grand opening is happening so he can come. I was going to ask you if it’s ok if he stayed at the house when he visits.”

              “Sure, I’d like to meet him.” I gave her a rundown of what all happened. I left out the stuff about Brice, but I told her about the “date” with Philip and how much fun we had. “It sounds like you have yourself a new boyfriend.”

              “Nah, he’s just a friend, though I must say it is the first time that I’ve actually given the thought to friend with benefits. Who knows, maybe feelings can come slowly after a couple orgasms.”

              We walked around upstairs. The apartment was almost done, but what I really wanted to see was the bar. I walked downstairs and came up short. On one of the walls was painted a huge phoenix. It was engulfed in flames the reds, oranges, yellows, and streaks of blue were bursting in contrast to the black wall they were painted on. The bird appeared to be burning from the inside out. It was beautiful. “Who did this?”

              “Ink, he’s the demon that owns the tattoo parlor in town. We painted the wall black yesterday morning and then he came in to paint the phoenix. I think he was here all night. He’s damn good isn’t he?”

              “Yeah, he is. I think I’m going to be visiting the tattoo parlor.” I grinned at her.

              “Not without me you aren’t.”

              “Have they said when we will be able to get the inspectors in here to clear us to open?”

              “Yeah, I already called the inspector. He’s coming in two weeks. I’m thinking we should open on the twenty-sixth. It’s a Friday.”

              “Sounds good. I have an idea of what I want to do in the bar that night.” Titan walked in from the kitchen with a strange look on his face. He came over to me and gave me hug. “Thank you for the wall. That was really sweet. I love it. In fact, I’m going to make an appointment to go get it as a tattoo.”

              He just smiled and nodded. “Did you have a good trip?”

              “Yes, it ended up very successful. Ember was just telling me that we are just two weeks from opening. I was about to tell her my idea for the grand opening of the bar.”

              Titan let loose a small smile. “Let’s hear your idea.”

              “Well, I was thinking of starting grand opening drink specials at four that way everybody can get good and drunk to do karaoke start that from seven to midnight. We can call it Kick off Karaoke or something like that. What do you think?”

              Mac loved it. I knew she would though, it was a man’s point of view that I wanted more. I looked to Titan. “You don’t expect me to sing, do you?”

              “Not if you don’t want to.”

              “Then I think it will be good. Men will be here for the women and booze anyway,” he said.

              “Awesome. Ok, I have work to do, so I will talk to you later. The place looks awesome.” I looked at Mac. “I’ll see you back at the house. Are all the interviews scheduled for tomorrow?”

              “Yes, I’ve narrowed them down a little, but we still have quite a bit to weed out which we will do when we interview.”

              “Great.” I looked at Titan again. “Hey, can you give me Ink’s number? I need to talk to him.”

              “What do you need with Ink?”

              “I want to buy rights to his work,” I said pointing at the wall. He grabbed a business card from his wallet and jotted down a number on the back. “Thanks.” I smiled at him as I turned around. There he was looking hot as ever and angry too. What the hell did he have to be angry about? Was he not the one that disappeared with the waitress? “Grit,” I said trying to keep my voice from showing any emotion. I never called him by his road name. He noticed and I caught a brief flicker of something, not sure what, flash in his eyes.


              “The place looks great, y’all have done a wonderful job.”


              “Great, well, I will send your last payment with Ember tomorrow. I’m going to be busy. In fact, I have to go because I’ve got things to do.” I turned back to Mac. “I’ll see you later.”

              I walked out and drove away before I let the breath I had been holding since walking out. I was afraid he would stop me, and I would not be able to keep my turbulent emotions inside. He confused me, excited me, and tortured me. I needed to keep my own distance, otherwise he could destroy what life I was pulling together. 


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