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Authors: The Amazing Fitness Adventure for Your Kids

BOOK: Phil Parham
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In four years, I had given birth to three sons (Austin was born on March 24, 1995; Pearson on April 30, 1997; and our baby Rhett on October 22, 1999) and had gained 70 pounds. My body and spirit sagged under the pressure of the extra weight. In 2003, Rhett was diagnosed with autism. As any mother who has high hopes and dreams for her children, I struggled with the diagnosis and dedicated much of my time and energy into finding ways to “fix” Rhett. I was physically exhausted and emotionally drained. I coped by binge eating every night, which made me put on more and more weight. At the same time, my husband's business had collapsed, and we found ourselves under incredible financial pressure.

Every day felt like hell on earth. I would make myself get out of bed each morning, even though I didn't feel like it. One day I was driving down the road and I was praying, as I always did, for some guidance on how to find a miracle cure for Rhett because I couldn't accept that he wasn't going to be “normal.” In the depths of my spirit, I heard God say, “Amy, you are not perfect and I love you. Why does Rhett have to be perfect for you to love him?” Instantly I felt a burden lift off my shoulders as I realized that if I would just love my little boy and trust God, He would take care of my son. This was the first step of my journey to get my life back on track.

Though the road was unbelievably long and hard at times, eventually the financial part of our lives and the challenges of having a child with autism began to straighten out. I knew that our weight was the last frontier to conquer. One night in 2008, having reached clinical obesity at 229 pounds, I was sitting on the sofa eating ice cream, crying, and watching
The Biggest Loser.
I suddenly decided to look on
to see what the process was for getting on the show.

A few months later, on Valentine's Day weekend, Phillip and I were in Atlanta for the auditions. Though we were hopeful, we didn't hear anything from the network until two and a half months later. From the moment we were contacted until we were actually on the show was a whirlwind. Before we knew it, Phillip and I were on a plane to Los Angeles as finalists, though we were not yet promised a slot on the show. The next week, Bob Harper, one of the show's fitness trainers, surprised us at our home to announce that out of 300,000 applicants, we were chosen for Season 6 of
The Biggest Loser.
Tears flowed down my face, and I remember thinking that this was the last piece of the puzzle to getting our lives back. There was no turning back.

Phil's Story

Even though I was an overweight child, I never let it stop me from becoming a success in business and being able to support my family. In 2004, however, my mortgage broker business went to pieces after my business partner left. It was a shock to my ego and a crushing blow to our bank accounts. My family lost not only our luxurious lifestyle, but also our security. For the first time in my life, I was at a loss about what to do. My weight slowly began to creep up the scales, but I wasn't paying attention to it that much. I was too busy trying to formulate a plan on how to get my family out of debt. My health was the last thing on my mind.

I had no choice but to turn this devastating situation over to God about the same time my wife also surrendered. We knew that with Him, there had to be a way out of the pressure. Slowly but surely our lives started to turn around. My wife and I found new careers in real estate. We became the top sales agents, selling over 60 homes in our first year. We also found a new therapy for Rhett that helped him improve his language and behavior. While we were both feeling more inspired and motivated, Amy and I were still too busy with our family and new careers to give much thought to our personal health. Pushing 40, constantly feeling out of breath and struggling to maintain my energy level, I knew it was only a matter of time before I had to do something about my weight. The one area I had casually ignored my whole life would now become my battleground.

I was at my heaviest, a staggering 340 pounds, when my wife took a step toward change and applied for both of us to be contestants on
The Biggest Loser.
There we began a new chapter of transforming our physical bodies—the only part of our lives that was holding us back from fulfilling all of our dreams. In only seven months, we together lost over 250 pounds, putting me at a trim 180 pounds and my wife Amy at a svelte 124 pounds. We still have one of the highest percentages of weight loss of any couple in
The Biggest Loser
's history. Though we were on the show for only two and a half months, the entire process actually lasted seven months—two and a half months was spent on “the ranch,” the place we went to for the program's highly intense exercise and nutrition regimen, and the rest of the time was spent at home getting ready for the live finale seven months later.


We've maintained our healthy weight as we've incorporated permanent lifestyle changes we learned on
The Biggest Loser
into our family's lifestyle. We've seen dramatic changes with our kids. Pearson, who was slightly overweight, lost pounds just by us eliminating sodas, snacks, and sweets from our home. All our kids became more active by participating in family hikes and 5K races. Austin joined the cross-country team. Pearson decided to start training to play football. And Rhett learned how to ride his bike for the first time.

We have spent time away from the show as a chance to share with others the power of transforming health. The most life-changing lesson we've learned on our journey is that our success is only a small part of the big picture to inspire others. By living out our dreams, we are dedicated to helping others also live out their dreams.

When we got home from the ranch, we not only witnessed an outpouring of love and support, but we also got asked a lot of questions about how we changed our health so dramatically. Our good friend William Hayes suggested we get local sponsorship and plan an event to instruct and encourage others to take the same journey and to provide answers to the questions of weight loss. So we took another step of faith and created the “90-Day Fitness Challenge,” a program designed to help others lose weight and gain health in 90 days based on how we did it ourselves.

With much running around, making countless phone calls, and tending to last-minute details, we put together our first event in less than two weeks at LivN Nsidout Wellness Complex in Simpsonville, South Carolina, on January 7, 2009. Almost a thousand people showed up from five states. We were blown away at how magical the event turned out, especially since it was organized at the last minute. When we saw how many people wanted to learn more about healthy living and losing weight, we put a mailing list together and sent out daily emails to these folks. We offered tips, encouragement, and pointed them in the right direction to better living. As weeks and months went by, the reports we got back were astounding. We received email after email from people who lost weight guided by what they learned in the “90-Day Fitness Challenge.” Not only did the pounds drop, but many of these wonderful people experienced other life changes—some quit smoking, some mended their marriages, and others gained the courage to pursue lifelong dreams.

At the end of 90 days, we had a finale party sponsored by several local businesses. It was amazing to see the transformation of the people who had attended the initial event three months earlier. Those who had come to that first meeting depressed were now excited. Those who were unhealthy were now healthy. Those who felt tired, sluggish, and unmotivated were now energized, inspired, and motivated. It was an emotional and powerful experience for us, far beyond what words can say. These beautiful people reminded us of our own transformation.

We knew that God wanted to get this message out to more than just those folks, so we got involved with online communities, churches, corporations, and other organizations all across the United States.

Not only that, but in the last year, we especially were encouraged to motivate families. We have seen the dangers of childhood obesity and the damage excess weight can cause kids and their families. We witnessed the effects of poor nutrition in our own family before our transformation. We believe in the power of families to create a home that is healthy, happy, and fit. We have a heartfelt empathy for families who want to transform their unhealthy, sedentary lifestyles into positive, healthy ones, and we want to walk with them on their journey.

We have been blessed to be a part of giving people a chance to reclaim their life by bettering their health. And we have been blessed by seeing many wonderful changes in our own family as we have taken the path to better health. We hope to do the same for you with this book, which we have based on our first book,
The 90-Day Fitness Challenge.

The Amazing Fitness Adventure for Your Kids
will show you how to transform your life and live your dreams of being a healthy, happy, and more fit family. This book is divided into two parts.

Part 1 includes seven chapters that teach fundamentals of being healthy, such as

•  how important it is to dream of having a healthy family

•  why it's necessary to monitor our children's health and weight

•  how we must lead the journey as parents

•  how to eat better and exercise more

•  how to maintain good health in the middle of life's busyness

•  how to use basic life-changing principles to jump-start your way into the “90-Day Challenge.”

In Part 2 of the book, we will walk together with you through 90 days of your family's journey to better health by offering inspiration, motivation, and practical life skills through our daily challenge. These challenges should be read together as a family.

We will include stories from our own lives, weight-management skills and tips learned from our experience on the show, and motivational weight-loss stories of those who have been inspired by our success.

This book is not a diet plan. It is about making a lifestyle change. This book is relevant to families wherever they fall on the health barometer. If you or your children are not overweight and you are fairly healthy, this book is still a great tool to maintain those good habits in your home (and you'll be surprised what more you can learn!). If you or your children need some help making better health choices, this book will teach you how you can make those better choices. And if you want your children to enter adulthood equipped with solid nutrition and fitness habits, this book is for you.

The Amazing Fitness Adventure for Your Kids
teaches parents not only how to raise healthy kids, it also provides a roadmap of the ultimate rewards and possibilities that come from sharing a healthy lifestyle together. This process will build stronger and healthier kids and closer-knit families. And isn't that what we all really want?

Do you want your family to have more energy? Do you want your family to be more active? Do you want your family to feel better? Do you want your family to be motivated? Challenged? Inspired?

We know you do, and now is the time!

Are you ready to get started?

Part 1

Back to the Basics


Dream Big!
A Word from Amy

hen Phillip and I returned home from
The Biggest Loser
ranch, we experienced the beginning of an amazing physical transformation. All of our friends, families, and fans of the show had a slew of questions for us. “How did you do it?” “What was it like?” “Was it hard to do?” But two questions we were repeatedly asked stuck out in our mind—“Wasn't it hard to leave your kids while going on the show?” and “Where were your kids during that time?”

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