Phantom Universe (33 page)

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Authors: Laura Kreitzer

Tags: #pirates, #dystopian, #fantasy, #romance, #science fiction, #human trafficking, #time travel

BOOK: Phantom Universe
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Marriage is another issue that we will discuss in length in this class. This is another matter we do
take lightly. I know that only a hundred years ago people were getting married and divorced so quickly the whole thing was a sham, a thing to do when you were bored, on a whim when some man found some flighty bird to snuggle with one night and marry the next, only to get her pregnant, find out she’s actually married to another man, and the whole thing ends up being a total disaster. That is
how we run things today, and I stress this,” says Dr. Frankfurt, his eyes glowing hazel-like, “there are strict rules on who can and who cannot get married. This is something that’s decided on by being tested using the Federation’s trials.”

What?” a girl exclaims.

That’s right, Martha,” says Dr. Frankfurt with a hand gesture saying
I know it sounds silly, but it’s not
. “Marriage is an institution.” His voice grows hard, and Martha, the poor girl in the front row, shrinks back. “When you find the person you’re ‘supposed to be with for the rest of your life,’”—he makes air quotes with his hands—“it’s usually not real and changes down the road. Now we have something that’s called an alliance, where a couple is committed for only a short time period. This is chosen by the Federation according to the couple’s compatibility test results. After the alliance’s time period has lapsed, and if the Federation finds the couple fit for marriage via a joining evaluation, they will be considered. Sometimes an alliance is sought for a second time.

The joining evaluations are administered when a certified federal marriage decider follows the couple around for a two week period through covert means. Once it’s established that a couple is fit to marry, they’re given a short time frame to prepare their wedding rituals and wed. Once married, it’s then law that they must stay married to that person for the rest of their lives. If this law is broken by either of them breaking their vows to the other, there are dire consequences that include the males losing important parts of their body that will prevent erection.” He gestures between his legs, and the men in the class groan loudly. “And women have nerves surgically removed so they can no longer orgasm.”

Several people in class gasp, some giggle, and some make gagging noises.

This may seem extreme,” continues Dr. Frankfurt, like the news isn’t
disturbing, “but we promise that the process of removal is painless to both parties. Medicine is different than it once was; the whole idea of medicine from two hundred years ago is just barbaric. People no longer have to feel pain—actually, with the neural transplant in place, when one is in extreme pain, there’s a signal that goes out to the nearest doctor who’s then sent to them and given a dose of medication that lasts for however long the doctor deems necessary. Now, anymore questions on this topic?” he asks, his eyes scanning the room.

Everyone’s too aghast to say anything. Summer’s certainly been shaken by Dr. Frankfurt’s nonchalance on the whole topic—all the topics, really.

Now, let’s continue. We no longer have prisons,” says Dr. Frankfurt with a smile. There are a few exclamations around the room.

What do you mean?” one boys says loudly.

Yeah,” another agrees. “I mean, what do you think this place is?”

This,” says Dr. Frankfurt, his voice growing loud over the mumbling students, “is not a prison. You’re free to roam the boundaries of the camp. To you this may seem like prison, but you’re not jailed here, only being protected from those on the outside who are against Outlanders. Until we are able to integrate you into society we must protect you.” There’s something in his voice that rubs Summer the wrong way. He’s hiding something—she can see it in his eyes. What is it?



16 years old


After class, Landon leads Summer outside for fresh air before they have to go to their next class: Space Exploration in the Edward Complex. They run into Jaden and Lucy who have just come out of their History and Pop Culture class in Cherry Hall. They exit together. The sun’s still bright in the sky, and Summer’s stomach starts to growl—her food from lunch is still on the table in their room, untouched.

You look better,” says Lucy with a smile, hooking her arm with Summer’s.

I think they made up,” says Landon while glancing sideways at Summer questioningly. She nods quickly and smiles at all of them.

That’s good,” says Jaden. “Now I don’t have to kick his ass!”

Where are you two going next?” asks Landon.

Law class or something,” says Lucy while looking at her wrist to confirm.

That’s in the Edward Complex, same as us,” says Landon with a smirk. “Dr. Frankfurt is . . . interesting. We’ll talk about it at dinner after you listen to what he has to say.” Landon’s expression turns grim. Summer understands—she’s not quite sure what his whole spiel was on the Outlander camps not being a prison. Not that she really cares at this time—it’s better than where she’s been.

What does that mean?” Jaden cocks her head to the side while her dark eyes flip between Landon and Summer.

You’ll understand after class,” he replies and leaves it at that. They part ways and go to their next class.

The biggest question everyone has for the NASA representative is answered in their Space Exploration class. No one’s living on other planets yet, but the idea is currently being researched and tested as the space program continuously gains more information about the galaxy and galaxies beyond. Apparently, the next big project is to try to find out what happens when they deploy a spaceship into a black hole. The funny thing is many scientists think they’ve already figured out the mysteries of a black hole and that’s how so many people were transported two hundred years into the future. They suppose it’s too much of a coincidence that it’s exactly two hundred years down to the second. June 8
, 2010 at midnight: the day of the Exodus. June 8
, 2210 at midnight: the day over two hundred million people appeared from the Exodus.

On the other hand, they do find out that trash is now disposed of into space using spaceships that regularly leave the planet and go far enough away that the trash doesn’t come back to Earth. Summer finds all of this information strangely fascinating.

During the class, Summer notices Leaguers passing by the door and peeking in, searching, just like with her other class. One or two might be normal, but it’s constant; and every time it seems that their eyes lock on her. She’s not even in the Leaguer building anymore. By the end of class she’s squirming uncomfortably in her seat. Landon notices this too, and as they walk out he asks, “Is there something going on I need to know about? All of those Leaguers were staring at you. There were like twenty of them—that’s strange, right?”

She uses her Astropad as they walk toward the cafeteria and writes, “I have no idea. It
strange.” They exit from a side door to get away from the stares of the Leaguers as they walk by.

At this point Summer’s stomach is roaring like a caged lion being teased with fresh steak. She can’t wait to eat. She was used to skipping a meal or three—it was no big deal, but since the hospital and eating three meals a day regularly, her stomach’s grown accustomed to it. They’re about to walk past two small maintenance buildings when a figure suddenly jumps out and pulls Summer and Landon into the shadows between the buildings. Her automatic reaction to cover herself kicks in, and her arms fly up to conceal her face.

Flower, it’s me,” whispers Gage apologetically.

The nickname compels her to drop her arms immediately. Gage’s frantic expression makes Summer’s once roaring stomach curdle like sour milk. Her heart skips a few beats, even though she isn’t sure what she should be frightened of, her body just automatically reacts to his appearance: disheveled hair, wide eyes, his fidgeting stance.

Sorry,” says Gage breathlessly. “This is the only safe place in the camp where there aren’t cameras.”

What’s this about?” asks Landon angrily, folding his arms. He’s still upset over the Kayla incident from earlier.

I couldn’t have Summer going to the cafeteria. They’re waiting.” Gage meets Summer’s eyes. He’s seriously worried and scared.

Three guards burst from the side door that they just exited. When they don’t find anyone, they start barking orders to search for “the blonde girl” and then they scatter like bees from a disturbed hive. Gage pulls her farther into the shadows of the two small buildings.

Where’d she go?” one of them asks as he passes.

I don’t know, but they won’t be happy if we don’t bring her to them,” replies another.

Once they pass, Landon asks, “They? Who?” He looks between the two, and his arms drop from his stiff position as he deciphers the horror in their eyes.

Summer looks over and, with her Astropad still out, writes quickly, “I don’t know.” They both look to Gage for answers.

Gage’s voice lowers as if there’s someone nearby. “Have you ever heard of the Secret Clock Society?” The color drains from Summer’s face, and her breath picks up pace. She exchanges a petrified look with Landon.

I take that as a ‘yes.’ ” Gage backs away, and he pulls at his hair. “How the hell do you know them?” The hysteria in his voice doesn’t go unnoticed.

That’s who we were running from when our ship exploded,” explains Landon, his voice tight.

Gage takes several deep breaths while Summer retreats against the wall behind her, the memories of that night flooding back in flickering images. With everything going on, she’s forgotten about that night: meeting Jaden for the first time since she was four, running from the people who had boarded the ship and taken the crew captive, hitting the man repeatedly with the broom stick, and the woman who held the gun up and almost shot Landon. Her throat tightens at the thought—who are these people?

Gage suddenly starts speaking rapidly in French, a language she didn’t even know he spoke. He’s obviously upset over the news, and this secret society has clearly disturbed him just as much as Jaden. “Okay, I need to get you out of here. Both of you. Your friends too, actually. They’ll be in danger if we leave without them,” says Gage quickly. “Go between these buildings here”—he points to the Leaguer building and Cherry Hall—“and then around building A. Stay behind the dorms. I’ll meet you at your room after collecting the others. Okay?”

They both nod at him, even Landon’s speechless.



16 years old


Landon and Summer rush toward the back of the Leaguer building. Since class is over with there’s no one there, not even Leaguers, so they’re able to race to the end of the building without being spotted. Her heart beats roughly at the thought of being caught, though she finds it kind of silly, too. If they really wanted her they could easily use GPS and the cameras that are hidden everywhere to track and catch her. Landon peeks around the corner and then throws his back to the building.

Four Leaguers,” he whispers.

Their voices are muffled by the distance. Landon and Summer exchange anxious looks as they press themselves up against the brick wall. If she could, Summer would dissolve into the brick and disappear. She wants to just tell Landon to go on without her and she’ll work it out, but knows he won’t go for it. The Leaguers’ voices grow louder as they approach the back of the building. Her eyes dart around, desperately trying to find a place to hide, but there’s no place. Landon’s clearly doing the same thing and also comes up with nothing.

Gage suddenly runs around the other side of the building and races to meet them. Now she’s really worried—
are they about to be caught?
Will these Secret Clock Society people finally capture her? Why do they want her in the first place? Gage places a finger to his lips and beckons them to him as he gets closer. The Leaguers aren’t far from rounding the building and Landon gestures frantically that there are people coming. Gage shakes his head, saying he already knows. The Leaguers round the corner just as Gage catches up with them.

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