Read Persuading Prudence Online

Authors: Liz Cole

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica

Persuading Prudence (9 page)

BOOK: Persuading Prudence
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“Actually, I do have one more thing to ask.” She lowered her gaze to her hands, primly folding them in her lap before taking another deep breath and meeting his eyes steadily once more. “It is about children.”

“Do you not want children?” he asked surprised at the thought.

“No, no, it is not that. It is just … well, my mother was unable to give my father his heir, and it caused a large...rift between them. I can give you no assurance I will be able to provide you with a son.”

“Hmm. I see.” He sat back and rubbed his chin again thoughtfully. “I did plan on children, you might be carrying my heir as we speak,” he reminded her with a wink. Pru raised a brow, indicating she did not consider this a topic to take lightly.

He cleared his throat and assumed a serious expression once again. “While I would be disappointed, of course, I would not need to be concerned about the Ravensbrook line. I have Victor, and whatever children he may produce, to carry on the family name should anything happen to me.” His brother was four years his junior and still sowing his oats, but Kolton had no intention of handing over the reigns anytime soon.

“And if I had only daughters?” she pushed. “Would you be disappointed?”

Kolton shook his head. What an odd thing to be discussing, it wasn’t as if either of them could decide the sex of their child, much less blame the other. “I would only be disappointed if I were not allowed to spoil them rotten.” He sent a wicked smile Pru’s way. “But if it is important to you, I can think of nothing more pleasurable than trying again and again, if that is your wish of course.”

Pru blushed and looked away. “You are incorrigible,” she murmured, but he saw the corners of her mouth twitch as she suppressed a smile.

“Have I answered all your questions to your satisfaction, my dear? Are you finally ready to end my torment and share your answer?” Her questions made him feel confident she would capitulate, but he was surprised at how much he wanted to hear the words themselves come from her mouth.

Prudence stood and paced a moment or two in front of the settee, before she turned to face him with an air of resolve. “Yes.”


“Yes, my lord, I will marry you,” she replied with more confidence then she actually felt. Oh, his answers were all the right ones, but...Prudence shoved aside her doubts. This was
for heaven’s sake. She’d spent every season for the last eight years in the same London home with him. She knew he was an honest man—overly popular with the ladies, perhaps, but still, an honest man. If he gave her his word, she knew he would do everything he could to keep it.

The earl produced a dazzling smile and took her in his arms. “You won’t regret this Pru,” he told her, placing a soft kiss on her temple. “I promise to do everything within my power to make sure of it.”

Prudence was temporarily struck dumb. Being this close to him sent her heart racing and heat pouring through her body. She managed a slight nod and gave him her best smile. Trust. She needed to trust him. He was a good man and she did believe he would try to make her happy. But what of him? He certainly seemed happy with her in bed, but would it be enough to sustain a marriage? Could she make

Prudence felt suddenly quite selfish. She’d been so busy thinking about her own doubts and fears she hadn’t considered the sacrifice Kolton was making. It wasn’t only her future that was at stake. It was time for her to stop wallowing in her own insecurities and start focusing on learning more about her future husband’s needs as well.

Kolton hadn’t realized he had been holding his breath until she said the words. She had agreed, and he was surprised at how pleased he was. He pulled her closer, the feel of her soft curves pressed against him sparked that oh-so-familiar tingling in his loins. They would return to the London house soon and, when they did, being with her intimately would carry with it the constant fear of discovery. Kolton wanted to take advantage of what time they had left in this private setting, and now was the perfect time to start.



Chapter Nine



Kolton released her and strode to the door. Turning the key in the lock, he retraced steps, the heated look in his eyes leaving Prudence no doubt as to his intentions.

“K-Kolton, it is the middle of the day,” she stammered, secretly thrilled at his boldness and the way his eyes devoured her.

“I was not aware there was a proper time of day to kiss one’s betrothed,” he replied with a gleam in his eye.

“You don’t need to lock the door to do that, Kolton. To do so suggests you have more in mind than a simple kiss.” She retreated a step, stopping when the back of her legs bumped up against the settee.

“Ah, already you have come to read me well, my dear,” he replied with a predatory grin. “Perhaps the thought of lovemaking in the middle of the day is scandalous to some, but I suspect that, to them, making love is a chore, be it day or night. What do you think, my sweet? Do you find making love with me a chore?” He stepped closer, ran a finger down her cheek, and cupped her chin, caressing her bottom lip with the pad of his thumb.

Prudence swallowed hard. She could feel his body heat even through the layers of clothing separating them. His manly scent embraced her and scattered her thoughts to the four winds. She moistened her lips, her tongue lightly brushing his thumb. His eyes flared and darkened with desire as they focused on her mouth.

“N-No,” she replied while attempting to gather her wits to form a coherent answer. “I would never call making love with you a chore but, Kolton, surely you don’t mean to-to,
,” she widened her eyes meaningfully at him, “here in the study?”

He chuckled, the sound filled with passionate promise. “Yes, I do. I find the thought thrilling, don’t you?”

“I-I’m not sure-” she started to answer before Kolton’s mouth eclipsed her reply.

He wrapped his arm around her, his free hand sliding behind her head, holding it in place as he tilted his head and placed a hot, open-mouthed kiss on her lips. Prudence moaned and pressed her body against him, opening her mouth to receive his plundering assault.

He moved both hands to grip her bottom and pull her against his prominent erection, thrusting his hips against her, leaving no doubt—had she any by this point—of his desire to take her.

“I want you, Pru, now, I don’t want to wait,” he breathed, kissing his way to her ear and nibbling gently on the lobe. “I don’t think I have ever wanted a woman like this. How is it that you can make me as hard as stone just holding you?”

“We shouldn’t,” she whispered, but knew the words lacked conviction. She wanted him to make love to her just as badly. She was thrilled he wanted her just as much – if not more so – unwilling to wait the time it would take to reach their room.

“You’re right, we shouldn’t,” he agreed as he unfastened her dress and eased it along with the straps of her shift off her shoulders, exposing her breasts to his hungry gaze.

He eased her down on the settee and proceeded to remove his jacket and vest before he tore off his cravat and unbuttoned his shirt and trousers while staring at her nakedness worshipfully. He then stretched out on top of her, pressing his bared chest against her, and took her mouth in another heated kiss.

Reaching down, he pulled her skirt up to her waist and pushed his hand between her thighs to finger her through the slit in her drawers. Prudence gasped and parted her legs further, opening herself to him without reservation. Kolton made a gruff sound of approval deep in his throat and cupped her breast with his free hand, moving down to capture its erect bud between his lips as he buried a finger deep inside her.

Prudence immediately came apart, writhing and calling out his name breathlessly as a sudden, unexpected wave of pleasure crested and tossed her over the edge into ecstasy.

“My God, Pru, you are so
So passionate! Do you know what that does to me, how it excites me?” Kolton panted staring into her eyes, his expression dark with desire as he shoved his pants out of the way, exposing his throbbing manhood, and moved between her legs.

He pushed into her and groaned, closing his eyes as he seated himself completely. She kept her eyes open, watching his expression. His brows drew together, his face contorting with pleasure, as he began to move. Slowly, he advanced and withdrew, drawing out their pleasure. Prudence wrapped her arms around him and moved in a counter rhythm, feeling every delicious inch of his hard staff as he drove himself deep within her.

This time the pressure inside her began to build slowly, increasing with each thrust of his hips. He opened his eyes, his expression hot, yet surprisingly vulnerable, his breathing ragged. Prudence felt an instant connection with him, as if his soul reached out and melded with hers. With a strangled cry, she wrapped her legs around his waist and moved her hips wildly against him.

He threw back his head with a growling shout of pleasure and thrust faster. Prudence felt the beginning of her climax approach with blinding speed and was soon arching against him, crying out incoherently. He stiffened and thrust spasmodically against her as his release poured out of him.




He was in trouble.

Kolton realized this fact moments later as the fog of lust started lifting and his senses returned. He’d never experienced anything like this before. He wanted to hold her so tight their bodies merged into one being. Like he’d felt when they made love moments ago. He didn’t want to lose the sensation of actually being
of her. The feeling was addictive—and frightening.

Since the morning he woke in her bed, Prudence jumbled his wits. She inspired so many different emotions that he didn’t know up from down. No other woman had affected him as she did—and she did it without even
. What did it all mean? Was it simply lust like he had never known before, or was it the beginning of something more?

He wouldn’t mind being in love with his spouse, even hoped to love the woman he married some day. If that was what was happening, he wouldn’t fight it.

But what did she feel for him?

She had adamantly refused his suit, and he’d practically had to force her to accept him – well not sexually, he reminded himself with a grin, she seemed to respond very enthusiastically in that area. But now that he thought about it, when she’d refused him, she had never mentioned love. He would have thought it would have been amongst her excuses, but it wasn’t.

He lifted his upper body, balancing his weight on his forearms and looked down at her. He smiled. Her hair was a mess, but her flushed cheeks and kiss-swollen lips made her disarray exceedingly attractive.

Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled at him, a lazy, wholly satisfied smile of a woman well loved. It took his breath away.

“That was quite a
you gave me to seal our betrothal, my lord.”

Kolton gave her a lust-filled smile. “Ah, yes. If
kisses were that satisfying, I fear our lips would never part.”

Prudence frowned in mock contemplation. “If that were the case, would we not die of starvation? Or exhaustion?”

“Good point.” He heaved himself off her and buttoned his trousers as she sat up and righted her dress. He sat back down on the settee and pulled her onto his lap.

“We should discuss where we go from here,” he remarked casually as he fastened the back of her gown. “I was thinking we should leave at sunrise tomorrow so we can arrive before the dinner hour.”

“That seems sensible,” she replied. “What of announcing our engagement?”

“Well, that depends on a few things.”

“And what might they be?” she asked, turning to him with a questioning expression.

“First of all, how soon will you know if you are with child?” If she were, it might make avoiding gossip tricky.

Prudence dropped her eyes and blushed prettily. “I should know sometime next week. Why?”

“I was thinking of putting the announcement in the paper in a few days. But as to the wedding, if you are not expecting, we could set a date that may serve to stave off gossip.”

“But if I am not with child—”

“That makes no difference,” he stated firmly. “You have already accepted my proposal, and the announcement will be posted well before we know either way. You gave your word and I expect you to keep it.”

“Y-Yes, of course I will keep my word. I just wanted to point out that you still have the opportunity to change your mind if it is what you wish.”

“I will not change my mind,” he sighed. “I wish you would accept that fact. I want to marry you, you stubborn woman.”

?” Her eyes grew round as she gaped at him.

“Yes, I do,” he replied casually. “As I said, I think we make a fine couple.”

“You do?”

“You are repeating yourself, my dear.” He chuckled and gave her a quick squeeze. “And, again, yes I do. I would hope we might grow some lasting affection between us as time passes.”

“O-Oh,” she stammered.

The slight frown on her face gave Kolton pause. “The idea causes you concern?”

“Yes, I mean, no. It is good to share a fondness with one’s spouse.” Her expression cleared and she gave him a weak smile.

“And love? What of that?” he ventured.

“I am not looking for love,” she said squaring her shoulders. “This was never to be a love match and I think it best not to raise expectations which may never be realized.”

Her response surprised him. He didn’t expect her to love him right away, but he’d hoped her feelings would eventually lead in that direction. He gave her what he hoped was a companionable smile. “Of course, m’dear, one day at a time and all that,” he replied airily, ignoring the disappointment her words brought him.

She nodded her head and gave him an overly bright smile. “Yes, one day at a time.”


BOOK: Persuading Prudence
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