Personal Assets (Texas Nights) (14 page)

BOOK: Personal Assets (Texas Nights)
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God, he was in way too deep. And only wanted to get deeper.

The freckles on her chest extended to the tight slope of her shoulders, and he pressed feathery kisses across them. As he did, his dick slid along the soft skin of her ass. He ground his teeth together to maintain control.

Maybe getting inside her would shut down the spin cycle she’d had his brain on since she approached him about this affair. A week ago, he’d never have guessed he’d find himself in this position with Alice Ann Shelby. But it took a stronger man than Cameron to walk away from the temptation of a good girl trying to be bad. If Allie wanted to play Bad Girl, then he’d give her what she wanted.

The more he came to know Allie, the more he realized that she’d hidden this tempting side behind the guise of small town sweetheart. His hands tightened around her hips. He’d never had a jealous side before, but something about this woman made him want to piss a circle around her.

He smoothed his fingertips over her ribs, skimming the sides of her breasts. He wanted to suck her nipples again. But there wasn’t a damn thing he didn’t want to do to—or with—this woman.

“Umm. Feels so good.” She sounded like she might slide into sleep at any time.

Not happening. Rocking back on his heels, he grabbed the pillow they’d used earlier and shifted to slide it under her pelvis. Then he added one more. Perfect.

“Cameron?” The sleepiness fled her voice.

“Stay still.”

“God, you’re bossy.”

He didn’t bother to reply. Instead, he coaxed her knees apart and grabbed a condom from his bedside table. So much for cooling off with a back massage. He was so damned hard it hurt to roll the rubber over his stretched, sensitive skin.

He couldn’t resist caressing each creamy butt cheek, her orgasm-warmed skin pliant beneath his palms. Lifting her, he forced her to scramble onto her knees to keep her balance. He traced his thumbs along the exposed crevice, stopping to press lightly into her swollen center.

She groaned and tried to push against him. He resisted her unspoken demand and continued his teasing exploration. She looked just as he’d imagined her. Vulnerably beautiful with her hair covering her face, back arched, legs spread.

Cameron moved so the front of his thighs rubbed intimately at the backs of hers, centering himself. He wrapped one hand around the curve of her hip and used the other to guide himself toward the heaven he knew he’d find inside her body. He wanted to plunge to the hilt, but forced himself to slide inch by miserly inch into her tight, wet, perfect heat.

Turned out being bad with Allie was so damned good.

Her breath expelled on a low moan that lasted as long as it took him to seat himself balls deep. “Oh. My. God.”

He tightened his grip and slowly reversed the movement so only the tip of his cock remained sheathed inside her. Every nerve in his body was focused on that riveting connection.

When she whimpered, he used the same tempo to fill her again. He moved in and out with slow, deliberate strokes. Her muscles fluttered around him, hinting she was close to coming again. He wanted to draw it out for her. Make it the most intense, memorable orgasm she’d ever experienced. The only problem was he was driving himself certifiably insane at the same time.

On his next thrust, she clenched around him, holding him captive while he tried to maintain control. He wasn’t ready to come yet. Trying to hold off the orgasm hovering at the base of his spine, he mentally disassembled a carburetor.
Unhook accelerator pump.
Deal with the choke
hoses and screws.
no thinking about screws.
He was reconnecting the hoses and cables before he’d regained enough control to move again.

He drew her ass tight against him and began to piston in and out. The friction accelerated his breathing and eighty-sixed all rational thought.

Neither of them was coherent enough to utter actual words, but Allie released a high-pitched sound that told him she was teetering on the edge. He leaned over her and slid a hand into the softness between her legs. So hot and wet. He simultaneously drove inside her and lightly pinched her clit.

Her inner muscles convulsed, holding him tight inside her body. Her undulating waves of release gradually gave way to rhythmic pulses.

She collapsed onto her stomach and he followed, covering her tiny frame with his much larger, much heavier one. Conscious not to crush her, he slid to her side and rolled Allie to her back. Eyes closed and chest rising and falling, she looked like a woman who had been well pleasured.

Cameron braced himself above her, eye level with those tempting nipples. He sucked a supple little mound into his mouth. God, he wanted to eat her up, but feared he might never get his fill. He released one breast to play with the other. Used his teeth to scrape the sensitive tip, making it hard and tight. He kissed it gently and flicked it with his tongue.

“I can’t believe this. If you don’t stop, you’re going to make me come again.” Exhaustion and disbelief colored her tone.

“I love your nipples. I could spend the rest of the night sucking and licking you.”

“I don’t think so. You haven’t gotten what’s coming to you, pun absolutely intended.” She opened her eyes and gave him a halfhearted glare.

“Far be it for me to say no to a lady.”

Abandoning her breasts, Cameron pushed her knees up and spread her wide, distracted once again by the sweet, succulent flesh he’d exposed. Where he was about to bury himself deep and hard again. He positioned the head of his cock at her entrance, held her thighs and shoved inside. He heard a guttural moan, but wasn’t certain which of them made the satisfied noise.

Playtime was over.

He pounded into her in tempo with the blood pulsing through his body. Her yielding flesh cradled him with each demanding stroke. As he’d imagined, her tight clasp promised torture, offered heaven.

The insistent tingling returned, running a fiery trail down his spine and into his balls, poised high and tight against the base of his cock. One more stroke and the intensity flashed to overload. His body went rigid as he emptied himself with powerful pulses.

As he rolled to his side to rest his shaking arms, Cameron tried to ignore the way his heart was also pulsing, but not just from physical effort.

She’d asked for sex, plain and simple.

Whether she knew it or not, they’d already blown right past simple.

Chapter Eleven

Cameron woke disoriented, facedown with his feet dangling off the bedside. It took a few seconds for awareness to seep back into his fogged brain.

In his bed. With Allie. Having incredible sex.

It was all coming back to him.

He’d let her wants and his needs overcome his common sense about taking things slow. And damned if he didn’t want to do it all over again. He hadn’t expected sex with her to knock him out of commission like a rookie TKOed by a heavyweight champ.

Now, the champ had left the ring while he was dead to the world. How long had he been asleep? He groped for the clock on his bedside table.

. It was after midnight. Allie had probably fled his bed when he’d turned out to be such a postcoital dud. After her earlier mood, the least he could’ve done was cuddle after the main event. He hated thinking she’d crawled out from under his unconscious body and left in disgust at his lack of sexual manners.

In his effort to get his body and mind back in the same dimension, he almost missed the clink of glass against wood coming from another room. Relief cleared his remaining brain fog. Allie was still here. Either that or someone was robbing him of the donkey herd.

He was a winner either way.

He hunted for his boxers, which he found wedged between the blinds and the window facing the backyard, and shoved his unsteady legs into them. If Allie was his late-night noisemaker, he’d be happy to shuck them again. If it was a burglar, at least he wouldn’t confront the intruder naked. Cameron rounded the corner into his dining room and found Allie.

Intent on the notepad before her, she sat in one of his two dining chairs, hunched over the table he’d bought for his and Jamie’s Austin apartment ten years ago. She absently reached for her wineglass with one hand and wrote with the other.

Cameron yawned and stretched to lean over her shoulder. She squealed that way girls did and flipped her yellow legal pad cardboard side up.

“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you. What’re you up to?”


If she could think straight enough to write or draw after the sex they’d just had, he hadn’t done his job. Guess he’d have to keep trying until he got it right.

Allie was dressed—or undressed—for the occasion. She’d merely pulled on her shirt and haphazardly fastened a couple of buttons. The tails covered the tops of her thighs, making him wonder if she wore panties, as well. He tested the table. Still ugly, but sturdy as ever. Perfect for Allie to climb up there and let him have a little midnight snack.

He nuzzled the curve of her neck, and her nipples peaked under the thin cotton of her shirt. His body stirred in response. “I’m not finished with you yet.”

She shifted an arm around her papers. “I need to get home.”

Cameron swung around to sit in the other chair. “Hey, I’m sorry I passed out like that. This week must’ve taken more out of me than I thought.” He wasn’t about to admit his exhaustion had nothing to do with his work at the garage and everything to do with their lovemaking. He used his best you-can’t-stay-mad-at-me smile and pulled her over to his lap. Her bare butt slid across his thighs. So she hadn’t taken the time to find her underwear before she snuck from his bed. The feel of her silky skin against his legs and the curve of her hip tucked against his groin had him hardening again. If he didn’t cool it, he wasn’t going to have the energy to start a new business and make the community happy. He’d be too tired from either having sex with or thinking about having sex with Allie.

Good for his body, good for his ego, but probably bad for his business.

“Don’t worry about it.” She reached for her papers. “I’ll just grab my stuff and clear out.”

Was she having regrets? Or worried she wasn’t welcome to stay the night?

After her earlier eagerness, it hadn’t occurred to him she might not be as anxious to go for round two as he was.

Earlier, he’d just thought they were making love on his terms. Next time, they really would be. He nudged her lapel aside and planted light kisses across her collarbone. He sank his teeth into the curve of her neck and inhaled the lingering scents of her perfume mixed with his sweat.

Damned if his scent covering her didn’t satisfy some caveman place inside him.

Allie braced a hand against his shoulder, but her resistance melted as he kissed a path to her shoulder, causing her shirt to slip aside. He smoothed his hand up her thigh, over her belly and encircled a slight but incredibly sensitive breast. He rubbed her nipple, teased it to a point, and she squirmed on his lap.

She was still moist and warm. Ready.

And he was more than ready to fill her again.

If satisfying Allie physically now could lead them to something more in the future, he’d gladly sacrifice his body to establish that bond. Eventually, she’d realize the power they generated when their bodies met could be much more than physical.

He shifted her off his lap and lifted her to the table’s edge. She reached back to keep her balance and bumped the writing pad she’d been so focused on, sending it flying to the floor. Her lunge for the paper was a bust, but Cameron grabbed it before it hit the floor.

He dropped it into the chair and caught sight of her meticulous, wouldn’t-her-first-grade-teacher-be-proud script. His arousal transformed to full-body tension, the kind he felt when his doctor told him to turn his head and cough. He slapped the pad against the table. “What is this?”

It was an outline titled
Special Project:
Underneath, she’d jotted down Roman numerals like good little soldiers.


Role playing.


Cameron flipped to the next page, labeled
, and his blood was still pumping, but not from lust.

She snatched it away. “Those are my notes.”

“First, whatever they are, I don’t like them.”


“Second, I know you have real balls to include me in some kind of plan for women to get more when they get off.”

“You don’t—”

“Third, you must not take client privacy too seriously if you’re also making notes about my mother.”

“If you will just let me—”

“And fourth, I want to know just what the hell was so important with my mom last night that you jumped out of my lap like a scalded cat, but sure came back to lick up the cream tonight.”

“That’s enough.” Allie leaped to her feet. “I don’t have to explain anything to you, especially since you’re prying into private notes. I didn’t come in here earlier demanding to know why you were in my dad’s office today.”

“Believe me, you don’t want to know.” He stood and loomed over her. “But if you’re documenting our ‘relationship’ in addition to my mom’s...issues, I definitely want to know every damn thing about it.”

“You’re getting upset over nothing. I make notes when I’m trying to think.” She smoothed her hands down her hips and thighs. She should’ve considered pulling on her silk and lace armor before now.

His teeth clenched so tightly he was in jeopardy of grinding them to the bone. He loosened his jaw. “What are you thinking about? If you think you’re going to use me to teach your clients Fifty Ways to Stay on Top of Your Lover or How to Screw with a Man and His Head, then you’re out of your mind.”

“Oh, for God’s sake, you’re overreacting.” She tried to push past him to enter the short hallway to his bedroom, but he made his arms and legs into an X and blocked her.

“Were you or were you not planning to talk about your little fantasy at the drive-in and the your life here tonight with your clients?”

BOOK: Personal Assets (Texas Nights)
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