Permanent Resident at the Purse Table (2 page)

BOOK: Permanent Resident at the Purse Table
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“No. I'm just doing me. I'm not looking to catch but can't help it if I do.”
Rene swallowed her last sip. “She talks a big game, but she knows she can't wait to get a hold of another man's good stuff now that she's done with Eric.”
“Why y'all keep saying ‘good stuff'?” Ava lowered her brow.
“That's Toni's new phrase for some exceptionally decent loving.”
“Go ahead, Toni, give me the full explanation.”
“Glad to.” Toni smiled. “It's code for relations with a man so good to you, the first taste you get you think you're in love.”
“I don't know about all that now.” Ava shook her head. “It just doesn't get that good.”
“You know, the good stuff.” Toni nodded as her eyes fluttered. “Loving so perfectly amazing, it has you doing stuff you normally wouldn't do.”
Ava's curiosity stepped in. “Oh yeah, stuff like what?”
Toni, wearing a mischievous grin, fixed her eyes on Rene. “Like letting your man use your car to go to his baby's momma's house!”
After Ava and Toni saw Rene thought the punch line was funny, their smirks grew into booming laughter. Toni always found a way to get her point across. And usually, some humor was involved.
Rene's light caramel-colored skin transformed into a flushed red. “His stuff is good. I give up, Toni. You win.”
When the laughter died down, Toni and Rene grabbed their purses. Ava watched her friends put their purse straps over their shoulders.
Guess I'll be babysitting you both at the table a little later.
She stuffed her house key and ID in her pants pocket, and secured her cash in her size forty double Ds, and they paraded out the door.
As Toni drove down Loop 610, Ava couldn't help herself. “So I guess Eric had the good stuff and then some? 'Cause I gotta tell you, Toni, you were trippin' behind that fool.”
Toni spoke with assurance. “Man, please, I was not trippin'.”
“Not trippin'?” Ava and Rene questioned simultaneously.
“How about the time you called me at four in the morning, might I add, on a work night?” Ava put her right hand up to her ear, using the pinky and thumb to simulate a phone. “Yelling, ‘this no-good-for-nothing poor excuse of a man hasn't made it home yet, Ava! He better be glad too, 'cause if he were here, I'd kill him!' Had me on the other end of the phone trying to calm you down.” She turned her attention to Rene. “I wish you could've heard her, Rene.”
“I remember the story,” Rene proclaimed from the back seat. “And I remember she lost fifty cool points behind all that mess, too. Come to find out he'd passed out drunk at his sister's house.”
“Okay, okay, you got me.” Toni raised her hands in surrender. “That's a perfect example of what I mean by good stuff. But shoot, you would've done the same thing if you thought your man was laying up with some female. Who would have known a few months later it would take place in my own house? Isn't it ironic?” She hummed a familiar tune. “Don't you think?”
Hating she'd brought it up, Ava touched Toni's shoulder. “You okay?”
“Yep, I'm cool.” Toni poked out her lips. “I just wish I'd read the extremely bright signs. Especially the fact that he became very jealous, which he never was before. He was so concerned with my whereabouts and who I was with when he was the one off doing dirt.”
Ava nodded. “That's usually how it happens.”
“I'm going to go ahead and file for the divorce Monday morning.” Toni sighed. “I can't stand the sight of him.”
Rene leaned forward and stuck her head between Ava and Toni's seats. “Let me know if you want my homegirl to handle it for you. She'll get him for everything he owns.”
Ava tilted her head toward Toni. “You sure you wanna go out?”
“I'm driving, ain't I? You couldn't pay me to stay home tonight.” She ran her fingers through her hair. “You just beware of that good stuff that'll get thrown your way, Ava, because we don't need you trippin'.”
The corners of Ava's lips turned down. They weren't putting that on her. “I don't think it gets that serious. And earlier today I had a revelation. If I stop dealing with fools, I might find what I'm looking for. Or better yet, it might find me. So I decided to be celibate.”
“What?” This time Toni and Rene questioned her simultaneously.
“Y'all heard right, and don't make fun of me either. I'm for real. I'm tired of falling for the same type of guys. The hit it and quit it brothas. I've fallen for them before, thinking I can change them. They end up changing me. Plus, you're supposed to wait until you're married. I'm going to wait for the right man.” Ava glanced out the window. “And I'd be willing to bet he's not at Club Jams. Clubs are always filled with men who think they are God's gift to women. So, I'm not looking for any good stuff. Just good music, good friends, and good drinks.”
“Okay, Ms. Thang. You just watch. You haven't been given any of that stuff that can make you go way left.” Rene sat back in her seat. “I remember when I first slept with Ishmael. I was up the next morning making him breakfast. Ready to help him find another job and everything so he could move on our side of town.”
They all giggled.
Toni stuck her finger out at Ava. “And when you do get some of that good stuff, you'll be callin'
at four in the morning.”
Ava's neck moved with every word. She was the strongest of the three women. At least when it came to cutting a man off. “The devil is a lie. I don't see myself acting crazy over any man.”
“Oh yeah? It happened to me.” Toni pointed her thumb backward. “It's happening to Rene. And you know how we like to do things together.”
“Nope. Not this chick.” Didn't they know her track record? Ava was stronger than her friends.
“Never say what you won't do.” Rene validated their point with a cliché.
“Sure enough, I didn't think I'd be up before dawn investigating Eric's whereabouts, looking like the spokeswoman from hell the next morning. Bags all under my eyes. I called in sick and almost missed out on getting paid.” Toni pulled into the crowded parking lot. “Lucky for me, they were willing to reschedule. That was not my finest hour and I pray we don't see drama like that again.”
Ava winked at Toni. “Amen to that.”
In her heart, Ava believed every word that shot out of her mouth. Being the fool behind a man wasn't her style. She longed for the man of her dreams and desired to wait on him. And she trusted she would do just that.
But couldn't be certain.
Chapter 2
Ava studied the intricate braided leather straps on Toni's purse.
I'm ready to go.
She looked at her watch, then at Toni with her fourth partner on the dance floor. If Toni had a dance card, she'd be well on her way to having it completely filled. Ava tried not to feel jealous, but she didn't need a full card to be thrilled. One dern dance would've made her night.
Several men had asked Rene to step out on the floor, but she turned them down. Her focus was still on Ishmael. Ava watched her friend leave the table, phone in hand, and head to the restroom. No doubt phoning the man. Why couldn't she leave that sucka alone and enjoy hanging out with her girls? Rene could move on just like Ava did.
Sitting at the table alone, she had to be the picture of pathetic, but doubted that anyone even noticed her. Ava ordered another drink from the waitress parading by every couple of minutes. Her plan was to replace her insecurity with alcohol. Margarita and piña colada wouldn't judge.
Her groove thang longed to do some shaking, yet every man who approached her vicinity showed interest in another woman, simultaneously stealing a fragment of her self-esteem. What was wrong with her? Sure she was a little overweight, but she was a good person. And with such a pretty face. At least that's what her mom always said.
There Toni was all hugged up with Mr. Somebody's palms nestled on the lower part of her back. She stood close to him, thin and perfect, grooving to the beat. How nice that must've felt. The touch of his strong hands and warm embrace, the answer to security. Ava longed for strength, security, and serenity in the men she dated. But what she got was sarcasm, secrecy, and stupidity. She could use another drink.
Rene marched back to the table and reclaimed her seat. “You ready to go home?”
Are you kidding? About two hours ago!
“Girl, I've been ready.”
“You want me to go get Toni so we can bounce?”
Ava sipped her drink and glanced at Toni's radiant smile. With the divorce looming, she wouldn't have much of a chance to enjoy herself like this for a while. “No, I don't want to rush her if she's having a good time.”
Rene rummaged through her purse, pulling her lipstick out to refresh her lips.
Toni walked up with her partner right on her heels. “What y'all doing?”
Watching you dance. Oh yeah, and taking great care of your purse.
“Nothing,” Ava replied.
“Well, good then, I'm not interrupting. I have someone I want you guys to meet.” Toni rubbed the arm of the handsome gentleman. “This is Roderick.”
Ava and Rene shook Roderick's hand. His captivating light brown eyes drew Ava in. The broad shoulders and trimmed goatee against his mahogany skin didn't hurt one bit. In a way, he reminded her of Eric. But she would never share that with Toni.
An equally handsome man sauntered up behind Roderick. Both men could've graced the runways all over the world for years to come. “Hi, ladies, I'm Jason.”
The trio of ladies smiled. Jason nodded in Ava's direction, but rested his attention on Rene. This was nothing new. In fact, it was getting old. Maybe she needed to get some uglier friends. She recalled the day Xavier approached her in the frozen food section of the grocery store. It was just her and her grocery list. Yep, to receive a man's attention, Toni and Rene needed to be MIA.
“It's nice to meet you both.” Roderick placed his hand on Toni's back. “You all are a bunch of lovely women. Can my boy and I buy you ladies a drink?”
Toni gazed into Roderick's eyes. “No, thank you. I'm the designated driver tonight. But I could show you another move or two on the dance floor.”
“Sounds like a plan to me.” Leading her to an opening in the crowd, Roderick cupped Toni's hand in his. They already resembled a couple.
Jason scooted close to Rene. “How 'bout you? Would you like to dance?”
“No, I'm good.” Rene pulled out her phone.
He didn't budge and acted as if he was interested in the happenings in the club, yet his eyes frequently traveled back to Rene.
I'm sitting here too, fool!
The temptation to tell the joka off mounted, but all that came out was, “You want to walk around a bit, Rene? My behind hurts.”
Rene closed her cell phone. “Sure.”
They hopped down out of the tall chairs, pushing away from the pub-style table. Jason attempted to help Rene down, but she raised a hand. He backed away; then as Ava and Rene strolled around the club, he stuck to her friend like a leech on unclothed skin.
Ava kept her eyes focused on the floor. If she did happen to lock eyes with a man, it was for a millisecond. This was just one of the things she didn't like about herself. She knew men were attracted to confident women, but she was more at ease staring downward.
If a man looked at her and didn't smile—or, even worse, laughed—she didn't know if her cracked ego could take it. The floor wouldn't do that to her. The hardwood proved stable, consistent, and nonjudgmental. Xavier had chipped away at her self-image enough the past few months. She may have not looked confident, but the floor didn't care about her being overweight.
Toni leaned into Roderick as the rhythm slowed, loving the smell of his spicy cologne tickling her nose. Attraction resonated between them and he seemed nice enough, but how much could she really tell about him by a couple of dances? She put her lips to his ear. “So what do you do for living, Roderick?”
“I'm a production assistant for a local TV station. And you?”
At least he has a good job.
“I'm a model.”
“I didn't ask you what you looked like.” He chuckled. “I was asking, what is your line of work?”
She smirked at him. “Very smooth. But I am a model. Mostly print work in some fashion magazines. And I have a few runway shows under my belt.”
“Sounds exciting.”
“It is.” She readjusted her grip around his neck and snuggled her cheek close to his shoulder. How comforting and natural. Almost familiar. If she didn't know any better, she'd think Eric had slipped in Roderick's position when she blinked. “But what I really want to do is design my own line of clothing.”
“Why don't you?”
“I'm working on it. I've taken some courses at the Fashion Institute and am finishing up a business course online. Hopefully, I'll be putting my stamp on the fashion industry sooner rather than later.”
“Beauty and brains. I guess you have all the fellas knocking at your door.”
You can knock on my door anytime.
She smiled. “Maybe a few here and there.”
“Yeah, right, a few. I guess you got all the game, huh?”
“Not all of it. Just enough.” Toni winked at him.
He moved closer to her and whispered in her ear, “What other games do you like to play?”
She leaned back, tapped her index finger on her chin and said, “Mmm, let's see. Spades, dominoes, and on occasion, Monopoly.”
They shared a laugh as the music stopped. Roderick slipped his arm around her waist and guided her off the dance floor. Toni wondered if this would be the last she'd see of him, or if he would pursue her. She hoped the latter. Roderick was one she would like to know better. Who knew, he could be the one to take Eric's place.
Ava, Rene, and Jason returned to find their previous spot occupied so they chose a different booth. Ava moved her watch around her wrist to view the time.
Toni bounced into the booth. “Hey, Ava, you 'bout ready?”
“Yep,” Ava replied.
I was ready to go five minutes after we got here. I could be at the house, chillin' with a bowl of ice cream and a movie.
“I'm ready to roll too.” Rene fumbled with her phone.
Roderick covered Toni's hand with his. “Why don't we all go to breakfast? My treat.”
Ava hoped Toni's answer was a polite no. She didn't want to have to take a cab home, but she was not about to sit and watch the two men flirt with her friends, making her feel less than desirable. Even if a free breakfast was involved.
Toni lowered her eyes. “I don't know. It's almost two in the morning and I have to work tomorrow.”
“You have to work on a Sunday?” He stepped back.
“Well, I fly out to Miami tomorrow. That's a model's life. Go when and where the money is. But I had a nice time. We must do this again.”
“Okay. I understand. I had a nice time as well. How about you give me your number, so I can call you and we
do this again?”
“Why, of course.” Toni batted her eyelashes.
Ava could've thrown up right there on the table. His words, enticing and suave, seemed to send Toni back to her giddy schoolgirl days. Ava just hoped she would wait awhile before testing the waters. Toni wasn't divorced yet.
Roderick took his phone out of the inside pocket of his blazer.
Toni snatched it, dialed her number, and pushed the green lit button. “Now you have my number. Don't lose it. Use it.”
Roderick displayed his pearly whites. “You know I will.”
Ava handed Toni her purse and only received a thank-you in return. No payment or anything. Even young teenagers made five dollars an hour for their babysitting jobs.
They all exited the club. As soon as they were out the doors, Rene flipped her phone back and stepped away, making another call.
Will she ever give up on Ishmael? She should let him and all of his issues go.
Ava knew Rene could do much better.
Feeling someone behind her, Ava turned and got a dose of Jason's Jack Daniel breath. He must've finally given up on Rene, and decided to switch his efforts in another direction: her. “So, Ava, what are your plans for the rest of the night? Or should I say morning?”
“Excuse me?” Disgust filled Ava.
Is this fool serious?
“What? Just wanted to know if you felt like having some company.” He lowered his chin and looked up at her under expressive eyebrows. The sultry expression reminded her of some cartoon, but she didn't feel much like laughing.
“Oh, I see. Since Rene isn't interested, you want to try to bring your game my way?” He could think again. Ava wasn't about to have leftovers or last-ditch efforts.
Jason pleaded his case with a devilish smile and a smooth response. “No, it's not like that. I just wanted to know if you wanted to have a little fun. Maybe I can tuck you in?”
Anger rose in her belly. “Are you kidding me? You barely talked to me all night and all of a sudden I'm who you want to go home with?”
“We're both adults. I don't see anything wrong with hanging out. And if we happen to engage in a little physical activity”—he shrugged his shoulders—“so be it.”
“You don't even try to hide the fact that all you want is sex. I don't get it. But what you ain't getting is this.” She pointed both index fingers at her body. “You can move around and go tuck yourself in.” At that point, Ava wished she did carry a purse, so she could have something to knock him over the head with.
She shuffled her steps to catch up with Rene, who was yelling into her phone. Ava couldn't remember the last time she suffered so much humiliation. Oh, yeah. There was Xavier and all of his sadistic splendor.
When they reached the car, Toni hit the unlock button on her key chain. As she drifted a bit past the car with Roderick, Ava and Rene settled into their seats.
After Rene hung up the phone, Ava turned to her. “Everything okay?”
Rene nodded her head, but looked out the window.
Watching Toni and Roderick share an extended hug, Ava longed for that alluring embrace.
Toni hopped into the car and slowly drove her Cadillac through the parking lot. “What'd y'all think of Roderick? He seems cool, right?”
Ava shook her head. “He seems cool, but his friend is a straight-up sucka.”
Rene backed up Ava's claim. “Sure was. I kept telling him I was engaged and even showed him the ring. He didn't seem to care. What was he talking to you about, Ava?”
“Can you believe he actually had the audacity to try to ‘tuck me in tonight' as he put it?”
“Are you serious? Well, he seems nothing like Roderick.” Toni sat quiet for a moment. “I hope he's nothing like his friend.”
“I hope so too. For your sake.” Ava moved the air vent toward her, trying her best to cool her temper and the sweat beading down the sides of her face from the walk to the car. “You plan on seeing him again?”
“I might. Especially since I feel like I can't trust Eric anymore. He's the only man I've been with since high school. I need to explore and see what else is out there.”
Ava hoped Toni wasn't moving too fast. A breakup took time to heal, especially a broken marriage.
“I say go for it.” Rene fidgeted with her cell phone, her look troubled. “He may have the good stuff you're looking for. And who knows, Ava, Jason may've had it too.”
“Well, I won't be the one to find out. But even if he does have the good stuff, ain't no telling how many chicks he's shared it with.” Ava didn't want to ask, but she couldn't hold the question back. “And will y'all please tell me, is it me?”
Toni exited the freeway to Ava's apartment. “What are you talking about?”
“After Rene turned him down, what made Jason immediately want to come to me and see if he could get into my pants? I mean, maybe it's me. Why do I attract these types of guys?”

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