Perigee Moon (25 page)

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Authors: Tara Fuller

BOOK: Perigee Moon
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She took a deep breath and hesitated before letting her hand fall into her lap. “So you and Alex are getting pretty serious I take it?” she asked.

I nodded, wondering where she was going with this and what brought it on. “Yeah I guess. Why?”

“I think that boy is in love with you, Rowan,” she said with a frown.

I flushed fire engine red and held back a satisfied smile.

“He’s just a boyfriend Grams. We’re not running off to elope or anything. I promise. So stop worrying.” I laughed it off.

“You didn’t see the way he looked at you when he carried you in. I didn’t think I was going to be able to get him to leave your side.” She seemed flustered.

“Alex is a good person. He cares about me Grams. That’s all.” I smiled to reassure her before adding, “I hardly think that those are qualities to worry about.”

She sighed. “I know, but sweetheart, you’re just so young. I want you to be careful.

I rolled my eyes. “Grams you really don’t have to worry. I swear.”

She nodded and smiled tentatively, tucking a long strand of silver hair behind her ear. “You look tired. I’ll let you sleep.”

“Grams?” I grabbed her arm to stop her. Was I really about to ask her this? Yes. I had to know.

“Yes dear?”

“Grams has anyone in our family ever been”–I paused–“a witch?”

Her eyes widened and shock crackled from her in every direction. I could feel it before she said it. Oh my God it was true. Was this really happening?

“Where did you hear that?” Her voice was shaking.

“Grams I’m different. I’ve always been different. I can’t explain it all. But if you know why, then I deserve to know.”

“There have been many witches in our family Rowan. As far back as our family history goes in fact.”

Her answer hissed through me like a fuse, the fire burning all the way down to my chest where the spark exploded into shock, making it hard to breathe.

“And you?” I asked.

She nodded. “Yes.”

“And Mom?” I was scared to hear the answer.


“And me?”

She smiled. “I suppose I always knew Rowan. It’s hard to ignore the magic in you. I think even your mother knew deep down.”

I swallowed hard, blinking away the tears. “Why would she keep this from me? Let me think I was crazy my whole life?”

“Oh honey, you don’t know what it was like for her growing up. She embraced it at first but there are people out there who don’t understand. And when people don’t understand something, when they fear something, they lash out in all the wrong ways. She didn’t ever want you to go through that.”

“But I did go through that!” I nearly choked on the words. “My entire life I’ve been different. Different, pretending to be something else, hiding. And I’ve been doing it alone Grams. Alone!”

“Rowan honey calm down.” Grams glanced nervously towards the hall. “I’m sorry.  I’m so sorry you had to find out this way. But I promise we’ll talk more later if you want. I even have some old books hidden somewhere around here you could have. That is if you want to know more.”

“No. We’ll talk now Grams. I think I’ve waited long enough,” I said.

She covered my hand with hers. She was shaking. “Look at me. I swore to your grandpa a very long time ago that I was done with this. And it’s taken a lot for me to do that. For us to be happy. And I’m not going to ruin that now. Now sweetheart, I promise you we’ll talk more later. I won’t leave you in the dark with this. But understand that in the dark”–she glanced back at the light spilling in through the darkened doorway–“well, that’s exactly where Grandpa has to stay. Do you understand?”

I thought about what this would do to Grandpa if he ever found out. What my dad would think. I nodded. “I do.”

“Alright then. Tomorrow. I promise.” She kissed my forehead and composed herself enough to plaster a smile on her face. “Goodnight honey.” She left the room with that same frozen smile, her silver hair drifting out behind her like a silk cape. A chill ran down my spine as I realized how eerily familiar it was to the apparition that had appeared in my room earlier. As soon as she closed the door I hopped from the bed and dropped to the floor beneath the window. My fingertips grazed the smooth wood floors until they felt the familiar raised board. I slipped my nails into the opening and tugged, gasping when I saw the folded paper hidden inside. I grabbed it, fingers shaking, and peeled it open. My ring fell out into my palm and there was a note scrawled across the page.

It’s true Rowan. And if you choose for this to be our end, remember that I loved you ~ Alexander

I clutched the yellowed note to my chest and sank back onto the floor. It was true. How? Nothing felt real anymore. Was this the end for Alex and me? How could we be together after this? Tears streamed down my face as I sat there in the dark. All I knew was that I needed to see him. Now.

As if to answer my demand, a sound outside my window broke my concentration. I leapt to my feet as another snap sent a jolt of electricity through my heart. Alex. I peered out the window and let my eyes rake across the dimly lit yard. Of course he would stay to talk to me after this.

My eyes froze and my heart nearly stopped when I spotted the shadowy figure under the large willow tree that shaded my grandparents front lawn. I shoved the window the rest of the way open and leaned out into the night. It was chilly and a soft breeze left the air churning with the smells of the forest that bordered the house.

“Alex?” I whispered into the darkness but the shape remained still, barley stirring at the sound of my voice.

I pulled on a pair of slippers and headed for the door, pausing to listen for any signs that Grams was still up. It was quiet.

The cool night air sent a shiver through me as I stepped out. And it was dark. Too dark. I could barely see, and the street lamp wasn’t helping much. I headed for the tree I’d seen Alex under but when I’d made my way across the dewy grass, he was gone.

“Alex?” I whispered into the dark, hoping I wouldn’t wake my sleeping grandparents. Where was he? And why didn’t he just come through the window? Before I had time to process my own questions, liquid fear trickled down my spine for reasons I couldn’t explain. It felt like someone was watching me. And it didn’t feel like Alex. I spun around and collided with a massive object, knocking the breath out of me. Grasping for balance I crumpled towards the ground but the dark object suddenly had arms and they were wrapping around me. My eyes drifted up to lock on Max’s cold gaze.

My lips parted to release a scream but it was smothered behind my lips when Max closed his hand over my mouth.

“Shut up!” he hissed. I wondered if he was drunk again. I didn’t think so. He didn’t smell like alcohol like last time. And his emotions were painfully clear. Anger and fear were burning him up inside, turning every one of his thoughts to ash.

“Do you want to wake up the whole neighborhood?” he said as he peeled his hand away from my mouth and took a step back, keeping his other hand locked around my wrist so I couldn’t run.

I stared back at him bewildered for a moment.

“Yes. As a matter of fact I do. Now let me go before my grandpa comes out here with his gun.” I jerked my arm from his grip and he stumbled back a few feet. I should have taken the chance to run. I should have screamed like my life depended on it, but something in his eyes stopped me. He looked…helpless. He didn’t look like he wanted to hurt me. More than that he didn’t feel like he wanted to hurt me. Max was afraid.

“What do you want Max?” I folded my arms across my chest and took a step back just to be safe.

“I want your boyfriend to make it stop,” he whispered. The wind picked up and his voice was almost lost in it.

“Make what stop?”

“The nightmares. The, the, whatever the hell he did to me,” he said, running his hands over his face like he was trying to wipe away the memories. When he pulled his fingers away he looked ten years older.

“And why would I help you?” Part of me was screaming to run, but the other part was curious, so I took a step forward. I wouldn’t cower to him again. I was in control here. I could feel it. His fear was crackling between us like fire.

“Look”–he paused and looked away–“I’m sorry I hurt you. I was drunk–” I held up my hand to stop him.

“That’s not an excuse for what you were going to do to me.”

“I know. I’m not saying that-–”

“Then what are you saying?”

He closed his eyes and clenched his fists. The air between us simmered, boiling his frustration with mine. “I’m saying I’m sorry. I’m saying I shouldn’t have done it.” He cocked his head to the side to pop his neck. “I’m saying whatever the fuck I need to say to make this stop!”

“What exactly do you want from me Max?” The words seeped through my gritted teeth like acid. His words offered me no comfort. Just a painful reminder.

“I told you. I need you to make it stop,” he said, his eyes flashing with anger.

I took another step back to put more distance between us.

“I didn’t do anything to you. I can’t make anything stop.”

“No, but your freak show of a boyfriend can. He did this!” He pounded his fists against his temples and I flinched back. “He can stop it. Make him stop it,” he said in a voice so low it sent a wave of fear rushing through me.

The word rang out so clear through my mind I jumped.
Run now!
My mind screamed again, but I was frozen, unable to force my feet into action.

“I don’t know where he is, or how to reach him,” I said, and it was the truth. I never really realized how incredibly insane that sounded until I uttered the words out loud. To Max it may have sounded crazy, but I knew that there was no way to pick up the phone and call Alex where he was.

“Bullshit!” My feet tangled around my slippers and I stumbled backward, the sharp edge to his voice sent a burst of fear through my veins. He came towards me, his eyes flashing, wild and desperate.

“I swear, I don’t know. But I can talk to him when I see him again.” I was rambling. Rambling through my incoherent thoughts, succumbing to the fear. I hadn’t believed Max would hurt me before. But now his fear was gone, replaced by anger and desperation. I didn’t know what he was capable of now. I didn’t want to know. I wanted to crawl back into my bed and pretend none of this had ever happened. I wanted to go back in time and never have gone to that stupid party. I turned and my legs bolted into action. I didn’t get far.

Max grabbed at my shirt and I swung, losing my balance and sending us both tumbling down into the wet grass. The ground was hard and unforgiving as my head slapped the earth. Colors bloomed across my vision and I could feel the weight of Max’s body on top of me. I could smell the sweat and feel the anger rolling off of him in consistent waves of heat.

“Do you have any idea what it’s like to feel yourself burn? To see it every night when you close your eyes. To go to bed hoping for sleep but instead
having to feel your flesh melt into flames.” His voice was a low rumble against my ear.

“Yes,” I said past the lump in my throat. He had no idea.

“I’m going crazy. I need this to stop.”

“I swear I don’t know how to reach him. I’m sorry he did this to you, but if you just–”

“Shut up!” Something in his voice, that crack of desperation, sent a jolt of adrenaline coursing through me. I felt heat, swift and fierce, boiling just beneath my heart. It trickled upward into my shoulders, down through my arms, until it was puddling into my palms. I needed it out.
Oh God, the heat
… I wriggled away and pressed my hands to Max’s chest and squeezed my eyes shut. With a burst of electricity the heat exploded from my palms and Max went flying off of me. His back hit the grass with a thud. We both stared at each other, eyes wide, hearts pounding.

I scrambled to my feet at the same moment as Max. His lips parted to speak but he was cut off when someone came barreling through the darkness. Alex plowed into Max, his shoulder catching him in the chest. The air went wooshing out of him as they both tumbled to the ground. Alex raised his fist into the air, the pale light of the moon glimmering from the shiny blade in his hand, and I screamed.

Chapter 21

“Stop! Alex stop!”

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