Perfectly Scripted (16 page)

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Authors: Christy Pastore

Tags: #The Scripted Series Book 2

BOOK: Perfectly Scripted
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I sent a quick reply, and told him to meet me in front of the building in twenty minutes. To my surprise, Ronan hadn’t called or texted. Maybe he was becoming less overprotective.

That thought made me laugh out loud.

With all the excitement at work, I’d forgotten that Ronan would be leaving me in two days for three whole weeks. Though we would see each other at the New York premiere during that time, this would be the longest we’d be apart since starting our relationship. I missed him already.

My stomach dropped at the thought of not being able to spend some time with him before he left. I padded to my desk and checked my schedule for tomorrow. Annoyed, I groaned at the sight of the nine-o’clock meeting penciled in on my calendar.

Things are hectic.

Sighing deeply, I began fumbling through the disaster zone that was currently my desk. Or at least I thought there was a desk underneath the files, look books, and budget reports.

As I took a step back, a pair of warm hands landed on my shoulders—

,” I breathed.

He wrapped his arms around my waist. “Hello, gorgeous.”

I shivered as the seductive warmth of his breath drifted over the shell of my ear.

“Did I startle you?”

“Nope, not in the least,” I rocked my body against his. “I think you’re losing your touch.”

Nuzzling my hair out of the way, he kissed my throat. He smoothed his hands up the backs of my legs, sending tingles of pleasure zipping through my entire body. My head swirled as his rough hands pulled me back, trapping me.

“Hmmm. Let’s see if I can still surprise you.” His hands slipped under my blouse, cupping each breast and massaging in slow circles.

.” His name left my lips in a low moan.

One hand came up and tugged at my chin, jerking my face to the side, which made my back arch and pressed my thighs against my desk. Before I could think, his mouth was on mine. He drove his tongue against mine with hungry need. The kiss was possessive—dominating.

Without warning, my skirt was up over my hips. My body jerked at the abrupt contact, and my hands flew to the top of my desk. Paperwork among other things scattered to the floor. He slipped his hand between my thighs, his fingers teasing the lace edge of my panties. From the corner of my eye, I watched him lift the silver scissors from my desk.

“Don’t move.” His voice was low—not angry, but firm.

Aroused, I trembled at his command. A moment later, cold metal inched up my thigh. Goose bumps pricked up my legs and down my arms, but the cold metal was like relief against my heated skin.

The metal slipped between my hip and the lace fabric, and his other hand skimmed over my ass.


One side of my panties fell away from my body. His grip kept the other side from sliding down. He took the scissors and grazed them across my ass to my other hip.


And my panties were gone.

My head fell back against Ronan’s shoulder. His cock ground against my ass.

“I’m wet for you,” I whispered.

“Good. That is exactly how I
you,” he murmured, his lips drifting up my throat.

“I want you forever.”

On fire for him, I tugged and pulled his hair. His hand gripped mine, lowering it to my clit. He pressed my fingers down, moving our fingers in slow, rhythmic circles.

“I’ve been waiting to touch you all day,” he purred.

…Touch me.” My breath caught in my throat when he pushed two fingers inside me and teasingly moved them in and out.

“Thinking about how I would fuck you,” he rasped.

I heard myself moan.

His fingers left my pussy to reach between us, pulling his zipper down. My eyes closed as his cock rested against the swell of my ass. He was hot. Hot for
. He wrapped my throat with one hand, gripped my waist with the other, and compelled me forward. A moment later, his cock pushed into me, pounding with forcefulness.

His fingers dug into my skin as he picked up his pace. I was positive I’d have bruises in the morning, but I didn’t care. They would remind me of his need, his pleasure of fucking me.

He continued to thrust hard, punishing me with long strokes, causing me to moan loudly. “That’s it, my beauty. Let me hear how much you love it.”

My mind was foggy, lost in a haze of lust. But I obeyed the demand, and his name spilled from my lips in a scream. He pulled my hair, jerking my head back hard. I laughed wickedly, desire coursing through my system. He was pushing me to the edge, seeking my orgasm first before he let go.

“That’s good,” he growled. “Let everyone hear that you’re mine.”

His hips drove harder. My legs trembled, and I knew I was close.

…I am yours.”

His forehead pressed against my shoulder blade, and he groaned, “Oh God…Fuck, you feel so good.”

A rush of tingles tickled their way up my legs, heat spiked at my spine, and then it hit me like a forceful tidal wave. My walls constricted around him. I fell over the edge into a canyon of ecstasy and felt him coming apart behind me as he muttered curses and prayers in that sexy Irish brogue.

He caught his breath long enough to pull me back against him, our bodies quaking with aftershocks. After a moment, he turned me around to face him, taking my face in his hands. And then he kissed me, softly, slowly. I melted into him, and his thumbs caressed my cheeks. He looked at me in that way that made me feel treasured.

He made me feel that way every day. Adored. Loved.

quite a surprise,” I whispered.

Grinning, he cocked an eyebrow. “A good surprise?”

I nodded. “Feel free to surprise me any time at work.”


“On second thought,
maybe not
time. After hours will do just fine” I teased.


The next morning, I woke to a shirtless Ronan handing me a cup of coffee. That was always a welcome surprise. Last night, he’d told me about his unwelcome run-in with Heather. Part of me felt bad for her. The other part wanted to call Grady and tell him to run for the hills. She was clearly unstable. My fear was that Grady was falling for her and she still carried a torch for Ronan.

God, this is all too familiar.

Despite his arrogance, Grady was a good guy who didn’t deserve to be cheated on.

I know. I know. I heard myself.

Ronan pulled on a white T-shirt and a pair of dark jeans that perfectly showcased his ass. I admired the view as I sipped my coffee.

“What are your plans for the day?” I asked.

“My manager will be here soon. We have a conference call with Darcy. There are a few details to go over before I leave tomorrow morning. After that, I have to be on set for a few hours. Hopefully we are shooting indoors today. ”

“I can’t believe you’re going to be gone for three whole weeks,” I groaned.

“Technically, just two,” he replied, kissing my forehead. “Then I’ll be back in the States to finish the presser.”

I smiled. “I’m going to see if there is any way I can leave work early today, but I’m not sure I can.”

“I know that you enjoy working with Charlotte, but have you ever wanted to do something else with your life? Perhaps there’s another career path you’d like to pursue? Or, better yet, pack your bags and travel with me.” He wiggled his eyebrows, flashing a cocky grin.

I frowned at his nutty suggestion. “I can’t just up and leave Charlotte.”

He stood at the foot of the bed, snapping his watch on his wrist. “Well, I suppose not at present. But have you thought about going back to public relations? Maybe you’d like to run a charity organization, like, for instance, The Connolly Campaign.”

I laughed, nearly spitting my coffee out in the process. For the past two years, I hadn’t considered the future. My focus had been taking it one day at a time. I’d never thought about taking another job or going back to PR. That was a career I’d kind of fallen into thanks to my internship with Avalon and Perry’s industry contacts. Admittedly, one part of my old job I loved was the event planning.

“Are you trying to get me to leave Team Ricchetti for Team Connolly?” I teased.

He pulled me to my feet and wrapped his arms around my waist. “What if I were?”

“I would need some time to think about that.”

“Fair enough. I won’t push.” He pressed his lips to mine, kissing me softly.

I smiled against his lips. “Thank you.”

“Now, as much as I love admiring the sight of your beautiful naked body”—he winked before eyeing me up and down—“you need to hurry and be on your way to work.” He shot me a knowing glance and tapped his watch.

“Yes, sir,” I said, giving him a firm military salute.



An hour later, I was on my way downstairs. The sound of voices echoing down the hallway stopped me on my way to the kitchen.

“No, Ronan. I don’t think it’s a wise move. If you want the Russ Van Wyk picture, I strongly believe this is the way to go about that.” The male voice I heard was gruff and not one that I’d recognized.

Then Darcy’s voice sounded crackling over the speaker phone in Ronan’s study.

“Ben, I disagree. The media frenzy surrounding Ronan and Holliday has been more positive than negative. People are quite interested in her.”

I froze in the hallway at the mention of my name, wondering why my name was even part of a business discussion.

“And not only that, I received an e-mail from
The Hollywood Advisor.
They’re doing a piece on the five hottest couples in Hollywood right now and they want an interview with them.”

“No, absolutely not,” Ronan said. “How can we even be a hot couple, for Christ’s sakes? We’ve only been together two months and rarely seen in public.” His voice sparked with a fiery tone, and I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing.

“Ronan, I think you need to consider this and please talk it over with Holliday.”

“Yes, consider the interview,” this Ben guy said. “Fuck, do the damn interview. Just don’t take your flavor of the month on the red carpet for this movie.”

My heart galloped in my chest. Who was this fucking jerk-off to talk about me—
—this way? Tension built in my shoulders. Curiosity had me trapped, unable to pull myself away from eavesdropping.

“Watch it, Ben,” Ronan warned. “You’re in serious danger of crossing a line with me.”

“Fine. I apologize.”

“Holliday is
my flavor of the month and you goddamn well know it.” Ronan blew out a harsh breath in frustration.

“Back to the topic at hand. Have I ever steered you wrong?”

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