Perfectly Mixed (8 page)

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Authors: Ancelli

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Ben listened, and stared at Liza.

“Yes call the police,” Larissa clutched her briefcase. “I have a few things to say to them too. Like how you sent your goons to attack me. If it wasn’t for Shane they might’ve hurt me, and then if it wasn’t enough you beat your son because he loves me. He’s a child,” Larissa’s heart hurt, the pictures were horrible. She could imagine what Grayson was going through. She prayed this wouldn’t scar him, hoping that he still loved her. “No matter what you do I will love Grayson. Press charges,” she glared at Liza. “See you in court, bitch.” Larissa walked out the door.

Chapter Twelve


Shane had been driving for over an hour, he wanted to snap that bitch’s neck. His hands were still shaking from how angry he was. If Larissa hadn’t been in the office he probably would’ve actually hurt the mother of his child. He wondered what Larissa was doing there? Liza’s sorry was too little too late. He should’ve taken care of this years ago. Shane didn’t want his son growing up without his mother, but enough was enough.

“Daddy… juice,” Grayson said from the backseat.

He grabbed the book-bag off the passenger seat, and dug into it, pulling out a juice box. “Here, buddy,” he handed it to him.

“Thank you.” Grayson took the juice, placed the straw in the box, and continued watching cartoons on his iPad. He was smiling without a care in the world. He was so innocent; he didn’t deserve what happened to him, just because he loved someone else other than his mother. “We going to see Grandma and Mommy?” he watched Shane through the rearview mirror.

“No, buddy.” No matter what that bitch did, Grayson loved her. When Shane didn’t know any better he loved his mother too, even with all the abuse he received from her until he was old enough to know better. Love should never cause physical pain. “Daddy needs to talk to a friend.”

“Okay.” Grayson replied.

“Please stop!” Shane cried out, covering his face with his small hands as the belt struck his small wrists, stinging him. “Mom, I didn’t do anything,” he whispered with tears rolling down his swollen face. His father had just slapped him because he didn’t move fast enough to grab him a beer.

He could smell the liquor on his mother’s breath as she spoke to him in between lashes. “When James asks you to do something you run. Because of him we have a roof over our heads and food in our stomachs.” She swung the belt again hitting him in his back. “You will never amount to anything if you don’t listen,” his mother released the belt, dropping it on the floor. She grabbed him by his hair making him look at her. The woman who was supposed to protect him, and love him was the one hurting him over a man that didn’t give a damn about her. “No one wants a boy like you.” She smacked him in the face so hard, making his nose bleed.  She pushed him against the wall, and Shane must have blanked out for a few seconds because when he came through, James was towering over him.

“You will respect me in this fucking house,” James roared, and then he closed his fist, and was about to strike him when someone yelled stop. They all glanced toward the front door; it was his granny.

“James, stop!” She shouted coming through the screen door. “Leave that child alone. Haven’t you learned the consequences of laying a hand on innocent children with anger?” She yelled.

“What I do with my son is none of your business,” James stared at his mother.

“It is my business, when it comes to my grandchildren.” His granny’s eyes shined with unshed tears. “James, I never let your father hurt you, like he did me. I prayed you wouldn’t turn out like him.” Shane swore he would never turn out like his father and grandfather.

The ringing of his phone brought him back to the present, lighting up the screen in his car. ‘Beautiful,’ flashed on the screen. He pushed the button.

“Is Grayson okay?” Larissa’s voice rattled.

“He’s okay, babe.” He looked at his son through the mirror.

“Those pictures, poor baby. Are you sure he’s okay? Did you take him to the hospital?” She asked concerned.

“Yes,” he sighed, thinking of the lacerations on his back. Lorenzo stayed with Grayson until he took care of Liza. “The doctor said he is going to be okay. Nothing is broken.” After the credit union incident Shane took his son to the hospital. The doctor said, Grayson didn’t have any internal injuries and he gave him an ointment for his lacerations, and marks.

Grayson waved his hand. “Hi, Rissa,” he yelled from the backseat. “I okay.”

Larissa chuckled. “I love you, buddy, don’t ever doubt that.”

She was the one, man he loved her to death. Larissa handled the situation, when he couldn’t, woman to woman. He couldn’t wait until next Friday.

Grayson didn’t answer right away, and he started giggling. Shane glanced at him, and then back at the road. He was into watching the cartoon. “Buddy, Rissa said she loves you.” Did Liza finally get to his little boy, was he afraid to love Larissa?

He looked up, “Rissa, I love you too.” Liza’s brainwashing didn’t affect his son.

“I should’ve been there for him,” Shane’s knuckles started getting pale from the way he was gripping the steering wheel. “Where the fuck was his grandmother?”

“Shane, don’t you dare blame yourself for something that bitch did. You didn’t know Liza was capable of hurting your son,” she responded in a raised voice. Larissa was passionate about Grayson.

“I’m suing for sole custody. She will never lay another hand on my son again.” He wished someone had saved him when he was younger. Shane had no one, however that wasn’t the case with his son. Grayson had him, and now Larissa.

“Liza is going to fight us, but we will hit her with everything we’ve got, including her own mother.” Larissa said.

Mrs. Barbara loved Grayson, and there was no way she would let Liza beat him like that. When he returned to town he would talk to Mrs. Barbara. She didn’t like him, but they had one thing in common, they loved Grayson. “I’m supposed to keep him safe.”


“I’m fine, babe,” he gripped the steering wheel. He shouldn’t have left Larissa with Liza. He knew Larissa was a firecracker when messed with. “Do I have to come bail you out of jail?”

“No,” Larissa sighed, “that heifer got what was coming to her.”

“Sorry I left you with Liza, but if I had stayed any longer I would be the one in jail.” Shane continued down the highway. Fuck, he was supposed to only scare the shit out of her, he shouldn’t have touched her.

“Yeah um about that, we might still end up in jail.”

“Larissa, baby what did you do?” Fuck why did he leave her there alone? She could be over protective of her boys. “Did you take that bitch out?”

“Unfortunately she’s still living. You’re rubbing off on me,” she chuckled, making him smile. “I don’t see any police cars.”

“What were you doing at the credit union?” Shane was surprised to see her, but glad she was there to talk him down.

“I was working, doing a consult.” She laughed. “Liza and I were getting some shit straight.”

Shane wasn’t alone in this battle, Larissa was right by his side. “Babe, I’m so sorry I got you involved in my shit,” he glanced at the sign ahead of him.

“Really! Shane, I would do anything for you and your son. I involved myself. I think I got my point across, no one messes with my boys.”

“Is that so?” Shane grinned.

“I will always have your back. Are you on your way home? I’m coming over.”

“There’s something I need to take care of first. Something I should’ve done a long time ago.” He had ten more miles to arrive at his destination. “I’ll see you at the house later, I’m on my way to secure our future.”

“Shane, I love you.”

“I love you too, Rissa.”

“Please promise me you’re not going to do anything crazy.” He could hear the concern in her voice.

“Promise, babe. Bye.”

“Bye, Rissa.” Grayson sang.



Chapter Thirteen


“Just in case,” Larissa said to herself, before making a U-turn, and driving down the street. She wasn’t going to let Liza have any more control over them. Shane promised he wouldn’t do anything crazy, but he was taking care of business. Now it was her turn to fix what happened earlier today.  Larissa parked in an empty space next to a police trooper SUV. She grabbed her purse and got out of her vehicle.

She ambled toward the building.

“Good afternoon, ma’am,” a police officer opened the door for her.

“Thank you,” she slipped by him as he was leaving the police station.

Larissa walked up to the front desk, but there wasn’t anyone behind the counter. A female cop looked up from her desk to the side, “May I help you?”

“Yes, I would like to report an assault,” She inspected the room. Larissa had never visited a police station before. She kept away from Shane’s line of work. She’d never been in trouble with law enforcement. That was a lie, she was always a bad girl with Shane, hoping for a little punishment from him. Her lips curled into a naughty smile watching the cuffs on one of the officer’s waist. Last time she saw a pair of cuffs, her wrists were hooked to her bed, and Shane was doing some naughty things with his tongue.

“Ma’am,” the officer snapped her fingers in the air.

“Yes,” Larissa snapped out of her trance.

“I can help you,” she pointed at the chair next to her desk. “Have a seat. I’m Officer Thompson.”

She sat in the plastic chair with her purse on her lap.

“May I have your name?” Thompson pulled out a notepad from her top drawer, and started inputting date and time. “Address?”

“Larissa Edwards.” She watched her scribble her name, and her address.

“Can you tell me what happened?”

Larissa started telling the officer everything that happened the night Liza’s brothers and lover came looking for her. About the threats and bats they had. “My fiancé already filed that report.”

Thompson dropped the pen, and reared back in her seat. “You’re Morgan’s fiancée?” She smiled.

“Yes,” Larissa stared at her.

“Nice to meet you,” she shook her hand. “Man… Morgan was furious. If I were him I would’ve done more damage than flesh wounds. They came to his house with the intent of hurting him and you,” she leaned closer whispering. “They’re out on bail,” she moved back. “Morgan already filed a report. Those idiots will not be bothering you guys again,” Thompson twirled the pen with her fingers. “Why are you here?”

“Something else happened today.” Thank God she already knew about Liza’s goons and what they did the other night, and Thompson knowing Shane was icing on the cake. Shane worked close with the police department.

“Continue,” Officer Thompson started writing again. “Did they come at you?”

“No, this time it was her.”


“Liza Hall,” Larissa clutched her purse. “I was hired to do a consult at her job.” She explained what her job entailed. “When she saw me she lost it. She started yelling some racial things like she always does, but this time she assaulted me.” She pointed at her lip. Liza’s ring grazed her lip when she had Larissa by the hair.

Thompson grabbed the pen and continued writing, “What caused her to assault you?”

“She hates me,” Larissa’s voice softened.


“Because of Shane,” and she pointed at her brown skin, “the color of my skin, and her son.”

“Her son?”

“Yes,” Larissa opened her purse, dug into it, and pulled out her phone. “Look what she did to his son, just because he likes me.”

Thompson took her phone from Larissa, and her eyes widened as she continued watching the pictures. “Does Morgan know about this?”

“Yes,” Larissa inched closer. “He didn’t have anything to do with what happened between Liza and me.” She would take all the blame.

“Morgan?” She questioned, and laughed in disbelief. “Are we talking about the same man?”

“He cussed her out, but he didn’t touch her,” Larissa mentioned. “I did.” If Shane got charged with assault that would hinder his case for custody. They weren’t married yet so anything she did would not affect him. Larissa found the recording that she had of Liza talking trash about African-Americans and she also admitted to me that she sent her brother to Shane’s home.

“She has something against us?” Thompson tapped her finger on the desk. “Did you hit her back?”

“Yes. I have the right to defend myself,” she calmly said. “I was, and I am afraid for my life,” Larissa placed her cellphone back in her purse. “She threatened to take Shane’s son away from him if I filed charges.” She wiped the tear that rolled down her cheek. “Shane can’t find out I came here, he doesn’t know what happened after he left the office. You know how overprotective he can get.” She would never keep anything from Shane, she’d already briefed him on the events after he left the office.

“Are there any witnesses?”

“Ben Ford,” Larissa answered all her questions.

“We have to investigate your accusation, and then we’ll turn over the report to the district attorney’s office. He will make the decision whether to prosecute the person that assaulted you.” Thompson continued writing. “You can file a restraining order.”

There was a loud clunk, making them both look at the entrance. “I want to report a kidnapping,” Liza slapped her palm on the counter. “That son of bitch took my son.” She yelled at the officer assisting her.


“His father!” She cried out.

Larissa’s heart thumped against her chest, she was accusing him of kidnapping. “That’s her.”

Thompson stood.

“Shane didn’t take your son!” Larissa jumped out of her seat. “He’s protecting him from you.”

Liza’s eyes widened when she saw Larissa. “I’m pressing charges against you, and Shane for putting his hands on me.”

“You attacked me first,” Larissa smirked. I beat you to it bitch, she thought. “Shane never touched you. I did.”

Liza twisted her neck, showing the police officers her neck. “He did this.”

“I confess,” Larissa turned looking at the female cop. “She punched me, and I lunged at her, wrapping my hands around her neck. I told you that I had to protect myself.”

Liza stepped forward, “You black bitch, this is all your fucking fault!”

She wanted to finish what she started at the credit union, but she would do anything to secure Shane and Grayson’s future. “Did I make you beat your son?” She needed her to admit it. “He had bruises on his back and legs just because he loves me!”

Mrs. Barbara strolled into the police station. Liza didn’t see her come in.

“Yes I beat him, he’s my son. I have the right to spank him when he does something bad or misbehaves. My son will never be a nig… lover,” Liza hollered. “I made sure he will never love you. You don’t belong in his world.”

“Did you just realize what you said?” Thompson moved in between them. “I’m black.”

A younger cop walked up. “I need you all to calm down.” He glared at Liza.

Liza glared at Thompson and then at her as other police officers gathered around. “I’m here to report a kidnapping and assault. This isn’t about me.”

“She whooped her son for being an innocent baby, and for loving me,” tears rolled down her cheeks. Her heart ached for Shane and Grayson suffering all of this because of her. Larissa wasn’t going to let them down. “How could you do that to your own son?”

Officer Wells interrupted their confrontation, “Thompson I have a CPS lady here to file a report about a child abuse. I think it’s related to Morgan’s investigation.”

Larissa remained quiet; Liza was doing a good job at sinking herself.

“How could you?” Liza’s mother finally spoke, making Liza gasp. “My poor baby,” her voice cracked.

She turned around. “Mama, I told you to stay in the car.”

“You said Shane kidnapped Grayson, but you neglected to tell me what you did,” her mother’s hand shook. “I don’t like him, but he loves his son. I didn’t raise you that way.” The older lady’s eyes flooded with tears. “I told you to keep your hands to yourself.”

“Stop acting like you fucking care,” she snapped.

Her mother scowled at her, and without warning slapped Liza. She clutched her face, and the younger cop gently grabbed Mrs. Barbara. “Ma’am, come with me, let’s get some fresh air.”

Liza glared at all of them and screamed. “He kidnapped my son. I want him back!”

Officer Wells was talking to the Child Services lady as they walked up to the commotion. “Good afternoon, I work for CPS, Marla Curtis,” she introduced herself. “Mr. Morgan didn’t kidnap his son, I allowed him to take him. Ms. Hall your son will be temporally removed from your home until our investigation is over.”

“No!” Liza cried out. “You can’t take my son away from me,” she held her chest. “No… you just can’t. I made a mistake, I love my son.” She sobbed. “I promise I won’t touch him again. I’m sorry!”

“A little too late for apologies.” Larissa said as she grabbed her purse off the chair. “I would like to file a restraining order.”



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