Read Perfect on Paper Online

Authors: Destiny Moon

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

Perfect on Paper (14 page)

BOOK: Perfect on Paper
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He came to her without taking his eyes off of her. It was intoxicating the way he concentrated on her.

He adjusted the pillows, creating a type of reclining position for her. Then he ran his fingers over her décolletage. She touched his skin, running her fingers over his muscular upper arms and chest. This was a view she could get used to. She flushed hot with desire at the rippling textures. He was, by anyone’s definition, a sexy man. But he took her hands off him and lowered them to her sides. She fell back on the cushions she was propped up on.

“Take this off,” he ordered.

Nadine was surprised at the forcefulness of his tone and she loved it. She pulled the top up over her head to reveal her bra. He kissed her left shoulder and playfully, softly, took a bite into it. Then he kissed along the top of her left shoulder, around her neck and followed a path all the way to her right shoulder like he was traversing a mountain range with his lips. She shivered and felt the light tickle of his touch everywhere. He reached behind her and without waiting for help, he unclasped the back of her bra with one hand. The man had skills.

She was topless. Exposed. Still, he kept his eyes locked with hers. His hands found her C-cup breasts and held them like they were precious gifts. He was deliberate. Then he started to massage them, lightly at first. He squeezed her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers, and she found herself hungry for his touch.

“Nadine. You are so much hotter than I ever imagined.” He held her nipples taut.

She moaned at the sensation that made its way straight from her nipples to her clit. She squirmed with delight. The sight of David in front of her was almost too much to take. He caressed her breasts and lowered his mouth to take a nipple into it. She savored the slow way he sucked on her, the feeling she had that he wanted more and more of her.

She touched him back, held his head between her hands, ran her fingers through his thick brown hair. He was so good looking, and it felt good to finally give in to her attraction. She’d wanted him to take her like this ever since they survived the elevator ordeal. Had she really listened to the messages her body sent, she’d have given in to her lust back then, but she was glad they had waited. It meant that she was in a heightened state now. Watching him as he seduced her by sucking on her sensitive nipples, alternating back and forth, like he was studying her reaction, was more than she ever could have anticipated. She let herself relax into it. He signaled to her that he was in charge, and she was more than thrilled.

But she longed to return the favor. Nadine had always been a generous lover, making sure that she gave at least as much as she received, and tonight was no exception. She wanted to please David. She wanted, also, to experience his body.

She reached for his zipper. He pulled her hand away immediately. She thought he was being playful, so she tried again. Again, he took her by the wrist and placed her hand back down on the bed beside her, only this time he held her there.

“Don’t even think about it. Tonight, I’m pleasuring you,” he said in a tone that rivaled the forcefulness of his kissing.

“Let me…”

“No.” He was firm. “There will be time for me later. Tonight’s about you.”

“That’s hardly fair,” she said, trying to be coy.

“Oh, but it is. You see, there is nothing I want more than to explore your body and figure out what turns you on.”

“You’re doing a great job so far.” She laughed nervously. Quietly.

“You’re going to lie back and take it, Nadine. I don’t want any argument. I’m going to explore every inch of you and all I want from you is indication as to whether you like it. In fact, from this moment on, all I want to hear from you is guidance—harder, faster, slower, softer. That sort of thing.”

“Oh my.”

“And don’t you dare think that it’s not fair. This has been my fantasy ever since I met you, and it’s coming true.”

“But what about you?”

“You mean my penis? I am aware of it. But I want to learn how to make you come before you ever meet my cock.”

“Oh,” Nadine managed. The words went to her clit and she felt lightheaded, as though all the blood had left her brain and she could no longer think. She didn’t need to think, she reckoned. Not when Mr. Forceful was in charge. So she let him take the lead. It was what they both wanted.

“All right,” she cooed as she reclined.

This was the most erotic encounter she had ever had. In the dim light of her warm room, nestled in scents of vanilla from the candle he’d stolen a moment away to light, she watched as David claimed his prize. He’d said he wanted to explore her and he did. His fingers glided over her belly to her jeans. He unbuttoned the top, unzipped her front and folded the triangles of denim down to reveal the white and pink lace panties she had on underneath. She was glad now that she had put in the time at the estheticians, even though a part of her had thought that they wouldn’t go this far. She couldn’t wait to get these jeans off and let him go exploring.


* * * *


“So, sex kitten,” Marnie purred into the phone. “How did it go with the boy toy?”

“It was incredible,” Nadine said. “And you can’t call him that anymore.”

“Oh, poo. You’re no fun. Alfonso and I are meeting for a drink after work at
Fresco Forno
. You have to come. We’re living vicariously through you, don’t forget.”

“All right. Can we sit on the heated patio?”

“Sure, why?”

“I’ll bring Duchess.”

“Who’s Duchess?”

“My new best friend.”


“The furry kind. I got a dog.”

“What?” Marnie yelled even louder this time.

“You can meet her later.”


* * * *


When she got to
Fresco Forno
, Nadine walked through the cast iron gate and spotted her friends instantly. They waved and gesticulated. Alfonso was impossible to miss with his bright clothes and dark glasses.

“Hey, girl!” Alfonso said. Marnie lifted what appeared to be a Margarita.

“Isn’t it a little late in the season for that?” I looked at the fancy cocktail glass with its wide brim and tall stem like an upside down sombrero on a pole.

“That’s what heat lamps are for. Besides, they’re on special, and I already ordered you one. Now who’s this?”

Her friends looked at Duchess, who wagged her tail back at them.

“My new BFF, Duchess.”

“BF, girl. You know dogs don’t live forever. You’re Puff, and Duchess is Little Jackie Paper.”

“Oh hush,” Nadine said. “She’s here now and that’s what matters.”

Marnie said, “She’s gorgeous.” And Alfonso conceded.

“So, sit down, tie her to the table and spill it.”

“All right, all right.” Nadine fumbled with her bag, and put it on the ground. Duchess didn’t need a leash. She understood the situation right away and curled up underneath the table.

“That’s amazing,” Marnie quipped. “She’s so well trained.”

“Her previous owner was a professional trainer. How lucky is that?”


“She’s in a nursing home. They don’t allow big dogs.”

“How cruel.”

“Yeah, I know,” Nadine agreed. “I’ll be taking Duchess to visit Mrs. Bronstein regularly. We’re starting tomorrow evening, actually.”

“Wow, that’s really nice of you.”

“Well… I should hope that if we were ever in Mrs. Bronstein’s shoes, someone else would do the same.”

“Okay, enough of this Pollyanna stuff. I’ve already filled Alfonso in as much as I could, but you have to give us the play by play. You were pretty cagey about it before.”

“That’s because,” Nadine summoned her courage. She really loved her friends, but she was starting to fall in love with David. “I need you to not make fun. I think I really like him.”

“Good Lord. Don’t tell me you hear wedding bells already,” Marnie said.

“I can just picture us all at your wedding,” Alfonso began. “You could get married at Disneyland!”

They both cracked up but Nadine didn’t find it amusing in the slightest.

“See?” she said. “That’s what I’m talking about.”

“Oh, honey, don’t be offended. We’re having our fun with you. What’s the harm?”

It was pointless. Her friends were way more immature than they accused David of being. She stayed for drinks, but she kept the conversation focused on them instead of her.


* * * *


When Nadine rounded the bend to her street, she noticed from afar that there was a bouquet of flowers on her stoop. How thoughtful, she mused, that David would show his appreciation for their date that way. He was really quite something.

The orange and yellow gerberas were beautiful. How did David know they were her favorite? She brought them inside, took off her coat and hung it behind the door, tossed off her walking shoes and brought everything upstairs. She set the flowers down on her kitchen table, gave Duchess a fresh dish of water and only then did she finally think to open the card.


Nadine, I’m only in town for a week. I hope you’ll have dinner with me. Yours, Allan.


Nadine almost fainted right on the spot in her own kitchen. She hadn’t heard from Allan in nearly two years, since he’d moved. What had brought him back? And what, more importantly, had led him to believe that he could just drop off some flowers and suddenly she’d fall for his antics all over again. She stared at the card. His number was on the bottom, along with a ‘PS’ that read—


I know you haven’t forgiven me, but I want to make it better. Please let me.


It was that confidence of his. That charm. She had missed him, in spite of every rational thought to the contrary. He knew how to talk to her, knew that she wanted to be told. But he had some nerve. How typical of him to breeze into town right after she had started something new. Nadine realized that she was happy for the first time in ages. Being out with David had made her alive again and she knew that he understood her.

She needed to see David. She shouldn’t keep Allan’s sudden appearance from him. It was too much to take in. They’d had an amazing night together, but if she told him about Allan and the depth of her history with him, she feared she’d reveal too much too soon, especially if she told him the whole truth—that Allan was the only guy she’d ever loved. Everyone, even her own parents, had believed Allan to be the guy for her, and she had too.

Why did he have to come back? And why now?

Nadine didn’t want to make this seem like too much of a deal. She had to downplay the story. It was the only right thing to do. After all, she didn’t know what Allan wanted. Maybe he was in town to announce his engagement to someone else. Maybe he was on business and wanted her to know he was sorry for breaking her heart so long ago. Whatever it was, she knew that she couldn’t lie to David, but she also couldn’t tell the whole truth.

She took Duchess for a walk to mull it over but found herself walking toward David’s neighborhood. She hadn’t seen his place, but surely it couldn’t be as bad as he’d made it out to be. She was sure it wasn’t a keg style frat house or anything. That just didn’t seem to suit David.

If there was any good left in the world, she told herself, they’d run into each other by sheer kismet and she wouldn’t have to call and instigate a conversation. There’d be something ominous about that. She wanted, instead, to say it casually.
Oh, by the way, this guy I used to know is in town and wants to meet up.

After over an hour of walking, she had not seen him. Even Duchess was beginning to express that it was enough. She kept looking up at her with those soft brown eyes, so gentle a reminder of the night they first met, the date with David. Enough was enough. She summoned her courage and finally dialed David’s number.

“Hey,” he said, sounding pleased to hear from her.

“I’m in your neighborhood with Duchess. Wondering if you have time to see us.”

“Oh, uh, sure. Where are you?”

“Out by Gold’s Park.”

“What are you doing there?”

“We just went for a run, that’s all.” She should have said walk, she realized. She wasn’t dressed in running gear.

“Oh, okay.”

“Can I come by?”

“Um, well, let me just ask the guys.”

Nadine was surprised that he had to ask.


* * * *


David, however, wasn’t asking so much as stalling, trying to figure out a way to avoid having Nadine come over. If she ever saw his place, he wanted at the very least to make sure that it was scoured and tidy. Tonight, it wasn’t. But David couldn’t lie. He wanted badly to tell her that his roommates had other things going on, but what possible reason could he give to not let her stop by? Plus, he wanted to see her.

“Sure, come over.” He cringed as he gave her the exact address.

“That’s very close. I’ll be there in five.”

“Great.” David tried to sound enthusiastic and hospitable. “See you soon.”

The second he got off the phone, he tore about the place like the Tasmanian Devil cartoon, only instead of wreaking havoc, he got rid of all the takeout containers on the coffee table, and shook out a blanket and laid it over the sofa to cover the stains.

He ran to his room and made his bed, but then he realized that he’d be better off concentrating on keeping her out of his room. He closed the door to the bedroom and sprang around, picking up Chris’ socks that had been carelessly strewn about. Then he saw the mountain of dishes in the sink. There was no time to do them all, so—in his state of confusion and stress—he thought it’d look better if he hid the pile of dishes beneath a couple of tea towels. He draped the dishes like he’d draped the sofa then he looked down at himself. He was wearing sweatpants. He’d been studying. This would never do. He tore back into his room, found his jeans on the floor, shook them to get the balled up socks out of the legs. The doorbell rang. He tore off his sweatpants, put on the jeans, ripped off his old T-shirt and dug around for a nice one, but couldn’t see one anywhere. The doorbell rang again. He checked the closet and nothing. The laundry hamper and…nothing. Where the heck was his nice shirt? He was tempted to put the old one back on but after a quick pit-sniff, he abandoned it. In the end, he came out of his room wearing his good jeans and his Star Wars sleeping shirt. Easily the most embarrassing moment of his life. Why hadn’t she given him more time?

BOOK: Perfect on Paper
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