Perfect Murder, Perfect Town (77 page)

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Authors: Lawrence Schiller

BOOK: Perfect Murder, Perfect Town
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Alex, you are in such a difficult position. The media and peer pressure are incredible. You are inundated with con
flicting facts and information, and “expert” opinions. And now you have an old detective telling you that the Ramseys did not do it and to wait and investigate this case more thoroughly before a very tragic mistake would be made. What a double travesty it could be; an innocent person indicted, and a vicious killer on the loose to prey on another innocent child and no one to stop him.


History will be the judge as to how we conducted ourselves and how we handled our responsibilities.


Shoes, shoes, the victim’s shoes, who will stand in the victim’s shoes?


Good Luck to you and your fine office and may God bless you in the awesome decisions you must soon make.




Detective Lou Smit


Grateful acknowledgment is made to the following for permission to reprint previously published material and television broadcasts:


ABC: Brief excerpt from
ABC World News Tonight
on March 13, 1997. Used by permission of ABC News.


Associated Press: Excerpt from April 19, 1997, article pertaining to the Ramsey case. Copyright © 1997 by the Associated Press. Reprinted by permission of the Associated Press.


Boulder Weekly
: Excerpt from May 15, 1997, article pertaining to the Ramsey case. Copyright © 1997 by the
Boulder Weekly
. Reprinted with permission of the
Boulder Weekly


Daily Camera
: Excerpts from various articles from 1996 through 1998 pertaining to the Ramsey case and related matters. Copyright © 1996, 1997, 1998 by the
Daily Camera
. Reprinted by permission of the
Daily Camera


National Enquirer
: Excerpts from various articles from 1997 and 1998 pertaining to the Ramsey case. Copyright © 1997, 1998 by the
National Enquirer
. Reprinted by permission of the
National Enquirer


NBC: Brief excerpt from the
program and brief excerpt from the
program. Used by permission of NBC.


Rocky Mountain News
: Excerpts from various articles from 1996 through 1998 pertaining to the Ramsey case and related matters. Copyright © 1996, 1997, 1998 by the
Denver Rocky Mountain News
. Reprinted with permission of the
Denver Rocky Mountain News


The Denver Post
: Excerpts from various articles from 1997 and 1998 pertaining to the Ramsey case and related matters. Copyright © 1997, 1998 by
The Denver Post
. Reprinted with permission of
The Denver Post


: Excerpt from “This Murder Is Ours,”
January 20, 1997, © 1997 Time Inc. Reprinted by permission.




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Aaholm, Leslie

Aber, James

Adams, Cindy

Adler, Peter

Ainsworth, Steve

Anderson, Christopher

Anderson, Robin

Andre, Kit

Ankrom, Larry

Annecharico, Elizabeth

Appelbaum, Matt

Archuleta, Mike

Armistead, Ellis

Arndt, Linda

Arevalo, Danny

Atherton, Jim

Athey, Tom

Auge, Karen


Baer, Richard

Bailey, Greg

Baird, Ron

Balkin, Diane

Ballard, Kimberly

Barbee, Jim

Barber, Pinky

Barcklow, Sue

Bardach, Ann Louise

Barnhill, Betty

Barnhill, Joe

Bartels, Lynn

Bartlett, Lanie

Beckner, Mark

Bell, Michael

Bellipanni, Joseph

Bennett, Robert

Bennett, Sue.

Berg, Alan

Bernard, Molly

Bernhard, Suzanne

Berkowitz, David

Berkowitz, Steve

Beuf, Francesco

Beuf, Penny

Bird, Cordwainer

Bishea, Gregory

Bjelkovig, Richard

Blitzer, Wolf

Bouis, Elizabeth

Boyles, Kathleen

Boyles, Peter

Brady, Mrs.

Brady, Shirley

Brambila, Ron

Brennan, Charlie

Brokaw, Tom

Brown, Lee P.

Bruff, Hal

Brumfitt, Diane

Bugliosi, Vincent

Burke, Patrick J.

Burrus, Jim

Burton, Larry

Byfield, Jim

Bynum, Michael


Cabell, Brian

Caplis, Dan

Carson, Tom

Chase, Susannah

Chavez, Virginia

Christianian, Vahe

Christie, John

Churchill, Ross

Clark, Mary

Clayton, Joe

Cochran, Johnnie

Coffman, Frank

Colfax, J. T.
Thompson, James

Colin, Marc

Conant, Colleen

Correll, Ruth

Cox, Heather

Cox, William

Crouse, Jay

Cunningham, Lloyd

Curtin, Dave

Czopek, Michelle


Dailey, John

Danish, Paul

Danpier, Trish

Darden, Chris

Davis, Chuck

Davis, Gary

Deedrick, Douglas

Delgado, Kathy

DeMuth, Trip

Deters, Robert

Diana, Princess of Wales

Diekman, Francis

Dillon, Margaret

Dilson, Jacqueline

Dilson, Mara

Dobersen, Mike

Doherty, Christopher

Donner, Larry

Dougherty, Marilyn

Douglas, John

Dressel, Kathy

Duffy, David

Dunn, Patricia

Dunphy, George

Durgin, Leslie


Elbot, Charles

Eller, John

Elmore, Robert

Elowsky, Jay

Ensslin, John C.

Epp, George

Essig, Lynn

Etzkorn, Bob

Eustace, John Brewer

Evans, Clay

Evans, Det.

Everett, Michael


Faure, Tom

Fayed, Dodi

Fermeire, Adam

Fernie, Barbara

Fernie, John

Fish, Chris

Fisher, Curtis

Fisher, Peter Roy

Fix, Mark

Foote, Dick and Diane

Forbes, Renner

Foreman, Lee

Foster, Donald

Foster, John

Foster, Laura

Foulks, Angela

Frank, Barry

Frank, Lee

Franke-Folstad, Kim

French, Richard “Rick,”

Frey, Barbara

Frost, Tony

Fung, Dennis

Furman, Patrick


Gaines, James R.

Gaston, Cliff

Gedde, Jennifer

Gedney, John

Gentile, Don

George, Mary

Geroli, Natalie

Gibbons, Scott

Gibson, Kris

Gillespie, Terry

Glick, Dan

Glowinsky, Carol

Glynn, Mike

Goeken, Deborah

Goldman, Fred

Goldman, Ron

Gordon, David

Gosage, Ron

Grainger, Michael

Grant, Bob

Gray, William

Green, Chuck

Griego, LaDonna

Griffin, Kristine

Griffin, Pam

Grimm, David

Gudgell, Mike


Haddon, Hal

Hagan, Bruce

Hagmaier, Bill

Hale, Daniel

Hampton, Josephine

Haney, Tom

Hanks, Joann

Hanley, Tom

Hansen, Chris

Harmer, Jane

Harrell, Ken

Harrington, Frank

Harris, Art

Hartkopp, Barry

Hartman, Barrie

Harwood, Jack

Haun, Yvonne

Haus, Marilyn

Hayden, Julie

Hayden, Niki

Hayes, Dave

Henderson, Bud

Henderson, Sandra

Hendry, Jeff

Herrera, George

Hickman, Melissa

Hindson, Cameron

Hoffman, Dan

Hoffmann-Pugh, Ariana

Hoffmann-Pugh, Linda

Hoffmann-Pugh, Merv

Hoffman-Pugh, Tina

Hofstrom, Pete

Honey, Tim

Hoover, Jerry

Hopkins, Richard

Hopper, Cpt.

Hoverstock, Rol

Howard, Karen

Hubbard, Burt

Hudson, Jim

Hughes, Jim

Hughes, Michaela

Hunter, Alex

Hunter, Margie

Hunter, Virginia


Idler, Greg

Ingraham, Susan


Jackson, Brooke


Jedamus, Mary Lou

Jenkins, Jim

Jenks, Jeff

Jennings, Peter

Johnson, Kevin

Johnson, Lucinda

Johnson, Stan

Johnson, Tom

Jones, Bruce

Jones, David

Judge, Robert


Kaczynski, Theodore

Kaelin, Kato

Kaminsky, Glen

Kane, Michael

Kay, Jennifer

Keatley, Bob

Keck, Eric

Keenan, Mary

Keene-Osborn, Sherry

Kelley, Tom

Keyes, Thad

Kilpatrick, Tom

King, Larry

Kirschner, Robert

Kitchen, Sue

Kithcart, Jeff

Klaas, Marc

Klaas, Polly

Klein, Joe

Klingensmith, Judy

Koby, Tom

Kohn, Jeffrey

Kolar, Jim

Kordas, Martin W., Jr.

Korten, Pat

Kostanick, Barbara

Kostanick, Megan

Krugman, Richard

Krupski, Alli

Kupperman, Bob

Kuralt, Charles


LaCabe, Al

Lacklen, Cary

Lauer, Matt

Laurion, Suzanne

Leach, Brad

LeBeau, Phil

Lee, Henry

LeFever, Susan

Leverentz, Gerry

Levin, Bruce

Lewis, Craig

Lewis, Forrest

Lickens, Sylvia

Long, Guy

Long, Sandy

Long, Stewart

Lucy, Virginia

Lynn, Bertha


MacDonald, Diane

Maguire, Pete

Mang, Pete

Mann, Gary

Manning, Elizabeth

Manning, Michael

Marino, James

Martin, José

Mason, Allen

Mason, Larry

Mason, Madeline

Matsch, Richard

McCaa, Cpt.

McCallister, Janice

McCann, John

McCartney, Bill

McCormick, Paul

McCrary, Gregg

McCullen, Kevin

McCutcheon, Roy

McGrath-Arnold, Barbara

McGraw, Cheryl

McKeown, Jim

McKinley, Carol

McLaury, Steve

McPhee, Mike

McReynolds, Bill

McReynolds, Janet

McReynolds, Jessie

McReynolds, Jill

McReynolds, Tristan

McVeigh, Timothy

Mears, Jennifer

Meese, Michael

Mendez, Jana

Merrick, Jeff

Merrick, Kathy

Merriman, Gary

Merritt, Jeralyn

Mertes, Larry

Meyer, Glenn

Meyer, John

Michaud, David

Millard, Brad

Miller, Peg

Miller, Phil

Miller, Robert

Mills, David

Minard, Michael

Monteleone, James

Montgomery, Lael

Monych, Perry

Morgan, Grady “Bryan,”

Morlock, Grace

Morris, Michael

Morrissey, Mitch

Morrow, Mike

Mullins, Joe

Mullis, Kary


Nagel, Bill

Neef, Tracy

Nelson-Schneider, Dee Dee

Nichols, Terry

Nicholson, Kieran

Norris, Donna

Norton, Gale

Novack, Patty


O’Keeffe, Mike

Opell, Brent

Osteen, Dodie


Palmer, Polly

Pankratz, Howard

Parker, Kevin

Patterson, Fred

Paugh, Don

Paugh, Nedra

Paugh, Pam

Paugh, Polly

Peck, Pat

Pepin, Robert

Perkins, Jason

Perry, Greg

Peters, Jim

Petersen, Jana

Petrocelli, Daniel

Pettipiece, Jay

Phelan, Mike

Phillips, Judith

Phillips, Lindsey

Phillips, Robert

Pickering, John

Pierce, Martin

Pitt, Steve

Please, James

Polson, Tammy

Polzin, Ken

Poppen, Julie

Porfido, Meg

Pozner, Larry

Prentup, Steve

Preston, Ann

Pringle, Cpt.

Propst, Jay

Pudim, Rob


Raburn, Caroline

Raburn, Kevin

Ramsey, Beth (step-sister, deceased)

Ramsey, Burke (brother)

Ramsey, James (grandfather)

Ramsey, Jeff (uncle)

Ramsey, John Andrew (father)

Ramsey, John Andrew 2nd (step-brother)

Ramsey, JonBenét

Ramsey, Mary Jane Bennett (grandmother)

Ramsey, Melinda (step-sister)

Ramsey, Patricia “Patsy” (mother)

Ready, Mike

Redford, Shauna Jeannnn

Reichenbach, Paul

Reno, Janet

Resnikoff, Loretta

Ressler, Robert

Rhodes, Dave

Rianoshek, Richard

Richardson, Marcia

Richart, Susan

Richtel, Murray

Rile, Howard

Ripmaster, Joel

Ritter, Bill

Rivera, Geraldo

Roberts, Joann

Robinson, Marilyn

Rodriguez, Christopher

Romer, Roy

Rose, Shelley

Rosen, Mike

Rothwax, Harold J.

Russ, Allison

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