Read Perfect Misfits Online

Authors: Lawna Mackie

Tags: #Gargoyles, #magic, #Pixies, #Fiction, #Romance, #fantasy, #Love

Perfect Misfits (16 page)

BOOK: Perfect Misfits
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“Ryder I didn’t think I’d ever get to do this again.” Her tongue darted out, tracing the outline of his jaw.

“How do you do this to me?” he whispered in her ear. He had no resistance. His body begged him to give in.

“Touch me.” She closed her eyes.

Unable to stop himself, he let his hands drift down her back, and grasping her buttocks, pulled her in to his groin. He bent his head, kissing a trail down her neck and over each nipple.

Her nails bit into his shoulders, causing his cock to spring forward, and he growled, pulling her even closer. When her hips squirmed against him, the intensity of his emotions caused him to quiver. Somehow, she managed to render him helpless, and there was no other place in the world he’d rather be than where he was right that very moment.

As her hand slid down his ribcage to his pulsing shaft, he went perfectly still, wondering what she was going to do. When her tiny hand wrapped around him, he let out a groan.

She stopped, looking into his eyes, as if to say, “Am I doing this right?”

Fuck, she’s driving me insane!

He bent forward to kiss and suckle on her taunt nipples as her hand moved up and down the length of his rigid penis. The water sloshed between them as the sensation of her hand and the warm liquid sliding over his cock rendered him a slave to her desire.

Her fingers slid over the tip of his head and then stroked him all the way down the length of his shaft, where she cupped his heavy balls.

How much can I take?

He didn’t want to take any more. He wanted push to her up against the wall of the pool and ram himself deep inside her tight, warm pussy.

“Make the ache go away,” she begged between pants.

To his surprise, she locked her arms about his neck and wrapped her legs around his waist. He could feel her hot cunt pressed up against his cock. “I can feel you hard against me,” she purred in his ear.

“Fuck, Tempest!” He grabbed her by the ass and held still until she began to squirm. The breaking of the waves slapped against them. Thrust for thrust she met him. Her breaths were coming faster and faster.

Suddenly, her movements halted and she held him deep inside. “Don’t move,” she commanded. He stopped like she’d asked. It was pure torture. He could feel the silken embrace of her hot muscles stroking his cock, milking him while he held perfectly still buried within her.

“You should…stop,” he said with a gruff tone, only vaguely aware of speaking.

Her moans drove him to the point where he didn’t know if he could hold back. Finally, she flung her head back and screamed his name as she climaxed. The muscles in her cunt spasmed around his cock, sending him into a violent and abrupt orgasm. He could feel his cum shooting deep inside her, filling her.

She collapsed against his chest, nuzzling his neck as he held her tightly, waiting for his breathing to return to normal.

“I love you, Ryder,” she murmured against his ear.

He hadn’t been prepared for that. In fact, nothing could have prepared him for those words. Gargoyles did not love—not like a normal species might. They were dedicated to protecting, to serving the good of kindness and morality. Love could not fit into their lives; there was not room for that emotion. He couldn’t think of one gargoyle who had a spouse or children. He didn’t think that was even possible—they were not born the traditional way. They’d been created hundreds of thousands of years ago.

Created to protect…not love.

· · · · ·

Ryder’s body went stiff, and Tempest could feel his penis go limp inside her. She let go of his neck and she unwrapped her legs from around his waist and slid from him. Searching for an answer, she looked up into his eyes. Despondence, shock, and perhaps fear were etched into his face. She waited for him to speak.

“Tempest, you should rest. We can talk when you’ve had a chance to recuperate.” He stepped away from her and leapt from the pool as if she had a disease.

Tears pooled in her eyes. She felt dirty and inadequate—a misfit.

I shouldn’t have said I love him

He grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his waist. She could feel her lip quiver, and she spun away from his staring gaze. “You go ahead. I’m just going to wash up. Then I’ll lay down for a bit,” she responded, trying to keep the sadness from her voice.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, you go on. Thanks for saving me today.”


She dove under the water, not wanting to hear his response. When she surfaced, he’d gone. Her tears mixed with the water. She wrapped her arms around her chest.

What were you thinking? Did you honestly think for one moment that somebody like Ryder would love you back?

The women he spent time with were nothing like her. He was correct. She didn’t know what most females would look like, but she didn’t resemble them. The visions of the women he’d been with in the past were the exact opposite of everything she seemed to be. They were tall and confident. They didn’t have pointed ears, and none of them had her white hair and pale looks. She was a misfit.

Sadness engulfed her.

What would I do if I did leave this mountain?

She knew nothing about the world of Levare, and it was quite apparent her father and Ryder wanted nothing to do with her.

She finished washing and exited the pool. With a towel wrapped around her, she tiptoed into the hall and entered the bedroom. She closed the door, wishing she could lock it, and carefully, so as to not be seen, peeked from the tiny window, only to gasp and duck out of sight. There was another gargoyle out there. He wasn’t as large as Ryder, but he was a gargoyle. She returned to the window, and she spied the object of her attention.


Her gargdog still remained catatonic. It was Fedor’s doing. Only he could remove the spell he’d placed on her friend. Rogue—her one true friend. He loved her unconditionally, and would do anything for her, but could she reciprocate?

After quickly braiding her hair and securing it on top of her head, she stared at the bed. The memories brought back the ache and throbbing between her legs as her body betrayed her.

Before her head hit the pillow, she drifted off to sleep, welcoming the solace where she wouldn’t have to think about Ryder, and how much she loved him. She would never expect him to make love to her again.

Chapter Eighteen

Ryder raked a hand through his hair as he stepped outside.


He couldn’t deal with that emotion. Gargoyles weren’t supposed to have to cope with that level of commitment. They didn’t commit.

Ashton walked to him. “You look a bit disheveled, boss.”

Ryder let out a breath of air. “I guess you could say that.” He sat on a nearby stump.

“She’s quite the looker, Ryder. I can see why you’re partial to her. She’ll be really popular with all the guys when we get back home.” He smiled, raising his eyebrows.

Jealousy and anger exploded inside Ryder at the thought. He jumped to his feet and swiped Ashton’s out from underneath, him sending the younger man to the ground. “I hope to hell I never hear you speak about Tempest in that way ever again. Do you hear me?”

Ashton looked up at him astonished. “What is wrong with you? She’s only a female,” he responded.

Ryder placed his foot on Ashton’s chest. “That’s another thing you’ll never say again.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me!”

Ryder stopped, realizing suddenly that he’d developed feelings for Tempest—strong feelings. He’d never felt like this before in his existence.

“I don’t kid, Ashton. Remember what I’ve said.” He removed his foot, and grabbing his friend by the arm, yanked him back to his feet.

“You care for her—I mean really care for her. You aren’t just doing your job; you have real feelings for her, don’t you?” Ashton asked, incredulous.

“You’re pushing your luck, kid.”

“Gargoyles aren’t supposed to feel in that way. Sure we all love sex, but you…you like her, don’t you?”

Ryder strode away from him. “Correct—gargoyles don’t feel. She is just another female and I’m doing my job. Drop it.”


“Let’s take a flight to see what Fedor is up to.”

“Yes, sir,” Ashton answered sarcastically.

The two took to the air, breaking from the lush green realm... He welcomed the cold as large flakes of snow pelted his body, hoping it would diminish the smoldering embers Tempest had brought to life in him.

“Make yourself unseen,” he shouted to Ashton as they neared the mountain where Fedor ruled. In the distance, a small light glimmered through a hole in the mountain. Rejecting this obvious entrance, he sought another. Flying in circles, he noticed the snow troops coming and going. It had to be the way in.

There wasn’t much room for the two of them to land, but Ryder descended first and took a spot closest to the edge. Ashton followed suit.

“Well, we’ve found a way in,” Ryder whispered.

“Now what?”

Ryder’s bad mood made the thought of wrapping his hands around Fedor’s throat all the more pleasant. Perhaps he could take some frustration out on the decrepit bastard.

“Let’s pay a visit.”

Staying in gargoyle form, they followed the tracks through the tunnel. The snow troops were large enough that he and Ashton could also make their way down the rock trail.

“What is that smell?” Ashton plugged his nose.

It was putrid. Off to the left, a den of sorts came into view. Bones and body parts or their remains littered the area.

“Snow troop homes?”

Wrinkling his nose, Ashton nodded. “Good assumption.”

The deeper into the mountain they went, the more dens they came across. One in particular caused Ryder to stop dead in his tracks. The small area held nothing of significance. A multitude of rags lined an area, perhaps forming a bed, but what caught his attention were the holes in the rock walls—a multitude of sticks and bars. The hairs rose on his large arms, and his wings fluttered with the pent-up hostility rushing through his veins. He didn’t whisper this time.

“Fucking bastard,” he roared. “I can’t wait to meet this dick wad. Let’s pick up the pace.”

Flight wasn’t possible in the cave, but his strides lengthened. The light glimmering up ahead sped his pace.

“Ryder, using caution might be a good.”

“Done with all that shit. Let’s get this over.”

They broke into the large room. The sneers growled and roared. Fedor spun in all directions.

“What is it, boys?”

The large creatures swung out with their large front legs swiping into the air, trying to hit Ryder. Their massive bulky size would make it impossible for the poor creatures to be formidable opponents.

Ryder materialized within close proximity to Fedor. Towering over the troll, he watched him stumble backward. “Keep your creatures away from us, or one by one, they’ll end up dead.”

“What do I care if they end up dead or not? Knock yourself out.”

Ashton materialized.

“Don’t kill them, Ashton, but keep them busy for a while I chat with this true

“Huh.” Fedor turned away from him and marched to what appeared to be a throne of sorts.

Ryder reached out and grabbed him by the neck to lift him from the ground. “What’s stopping me from snapping your neck?”

Fedor’s grubby hands tried desperately to remove Ryder’s fingers. He coughed, but sputtered the name, “Tempest.”

“You’ll die a painful death soon.” Ryder opened his hand letting Fedor fall to the ice, where he collapsed onto all fours.

Sputtering and trying to speak, he crawled into his throne as Ryder towered over him. “You kill me, and she dies.”

The fury inside him burnt like liquid molten. “Make no mistake—she will be freed from this hellish place.”

Fedor smiled, wiping his brow. “I’ll believe it when I see it.”

Ryder glanced up and noticed the ice crystals lining the doomed ceiling of the cavern. Then, off to his left, he spied the cabinet of ice shining with bright colors. As soon as he moved toward it, Fedor was on his feet, scurrying to beat him there.

Ryder was instinctively drawn to the intensely glimmering icicle in the far back, but the moment he attempted to touch it, the burning in his hand slammed him. The pain was so intense, he had no other choice but to pull away.

“That was unexpected,” Fedor exclaimed with a cocky smile.

Unable to control his anger, Ryder backhanded him, sending him flying.

“I know all about you, Fedor. I also know about the pixie king, Astral, and Vicasha. Your sick little palace is about to crumble,” Ryder spewed, every syllable alive with his hatred.

Fedor wiped the blood from his lip, panting, as he tried to stand. “The way I see it is that I have everything I want…and need.”

Ryder roared, breathing heavily. “Did you know Tempest recently discovered a certain tree in the middle of a swamp?”

He could see the flicker of shock on Fedor’s wart-covered face. “That has nothing to do with me.”

“Oh, I think it has everything to do with you.”

“Where is my bride to be?” Fedor smiled, blood dripping down his face.

Ryder stalked forward again, afraid he would kill him, which would mean Tempest’s death. He stopped at the sound of Ashton’s voice.

“I’m done playing with these sneers, Ryder.”

Vibrating with rage, Ryder turned away from Fedor and stalked to the opening of the cave and the ledge. “This isn’t the last you’ve seen of us.”

Fedor’s hideous laugh curdled his stomach. “I’m looking forward to it, gargoyle. I’ll be waiting for my bride.”

Ryder thundered straight up through the sky, burning off the anger pumping through his limbs.

· · · · ·

Tempest woke with a start. After dressing, she made her way out of the cabin. Rogue remained the same, and a brief smile broke from her face.

At least he’s still here

A sob caught in her throat as she threw her arms around his large neck, kissing his muzzle. “I’ll never leave you, Rogue.”

BOOK: Perfect Misfits
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