Perfect Match [Mé 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (6 page)

BOOK: Perfect Match [Mé 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“Sweetheart, by the time Chad and I get done with you, you’ll be throwing away whatever technology you have,” Dakota murmured, and then promptly melded his mouth to hers.

Where Chad was playful, Dakota was intense. The passion in his kiss was mind-blowing. His tongue swept in, seeming to find every recess her mouth contained. Her lips stung at the pressure, but that just made her want more of what he was giving her. His wet shirt rubbed up against the sheet, making it damp and rough against her nipples. She tried to move, to seek more of that stimulation, but his body prevented her. He suddenly pulled away, leaving her feeling as if a cold bucket of water had just been poured on her. She wanted that warm, fuzzy feeling back.

“Get some sleep,” Dakota said, his voice deep and rough, “before Chad decides to join us and you get more than you bargained for.”

Before Elise could respond, Dakota rose from the bed and walked out the door. Closing it firmly behind him, Elise squinted in hopes of seeing him come back in. Maybe losing her virginity wasn’t such a bad idea. It was obvious to her that her body had taken over, regardless of what her mind was saying. Even with her previous orgasm, her clit ached like it hadn’t been touched in years. She could technically chalk up popping her cherry as research. Thinking of their reaction to being used like that had Elise backing down from that thought immediately. No, it was better to get them to sign up for the website and get them off of this thought that she was who they wanted. Besides, she had someone after her and needed to get the hell out of this town—the sooner, the better.

Chapter Six


“You guys go right ahead. I’ll wait here in the truck.”

Chad couldn’t help but laugh at the expression on Elise’s face. She looked like a little girl on the first day of school that didn’t want to get on the school bus. Her blonde hair was pulled back in its usual ponytail. Her glasses had slipped down her nose a little when she had scrunched it upon hearing that they were visiting his and Dakota’s parents.

Last night, it had taken all of Chad’s inner strength not to join Dakota in the bathroom when he heard the words, “Did you just have an orgasm?” His dick couldn’t have been harder if it had been made of steel. To know Elise had been ten feet from them, stroking her clit and bringing herself off, was more than his body could take. Dakota had warned him they needed to take things slow, especially after her ordeal earlier that evening. But Chad also knew that Elise would bolt the first chance she got. They were making decisions and flying by the seat of their pants.

Dakota had explained who Elise really was and why she had such a jaded view on relationships. He had listened as Dakota laid out his plan, and even he had to admit, it was good. He was usually the one to come up with these ideas, but knowing that their future lay in the balance of the next few days, Dakota seemed to be getting into the swing of things.

“You’re coming in with us. They don’t bite, you know,” Chad said, standing in the open door of the truck. He glanced around, trying to see the area from Elise’s point of view. His parents lived on the south side of town, in a ranch-style home with corrals surrounding both sides. The horses his fathers raised were grazing inside the white fences. Majesty, Chad’s favorite mare, was already standing in the corner area, waiting for her treat. She knew Chad would never arrive without her carrots. Her name suited her, as she thought she deserved to be first in everything. Although, she was quite the jealous horse, not liking when Chad didn’t pay attention to her. “Well, at least my parents won’t. Majesty is another thing all together.”

“Who is Majesty?” Elise asked, pushing her glasses up and looking around.

“Majesty is that pretty mare waiting for me in the corner. I always bring her treats when I visit. So now, every time she hears our truck, she prances over to the corner and waits for me to walk over there. And if you keep me waiting too long, she’s liable to jump it and come take a bite out of your hide for not allowing me to go over there.”

Elise gave a sideways look at the white horse, as if not quite sure if he was telling her the truth. Chad suppressed a laugh, knowing that wasn’t going to win him any points. He looked down at her blue jeans, knowing how good her ass looked in them, and thought of the vision she would make high up on a mare. He and Dakota would have to take her horseback riding one of these days, but now, it was more important she see what kind of relationship their parents had.

“What’s the hold up?” Dakota asked, coming around the front of the truck.

“Elise wants to stay in the truck. She’s being antisocial.”

“I am not being antisocial,” Elise argued, stealing glances over at Majesty. “I just want to head back to town to finish up what I need to do. You guys said this wouldn’t take long, so I’ll just stay here and wait for you.”

“No can do,” Chad answered, shaking his head.

Reaching for her, he clutched her underneath her arms and lifted her out of the truck. Giving her a swat on the rear, he urged her to walk over to where Dakota was waiting as he closed the truck door. Elise turned to him with a glare but didn’t argue further.

As she walked between them, Chad thought of doing this every week for Sunday dinner. His mother loved to make a big deal out of their Sunday barbecue, loving that both her boys had decided to stay in Triple and live their lives. Chad and Dakota knew how much family meant to their mother, as she was an only child. To have Elise as part of their lives would give her mother someone else to dote on besides her two sons.

“Give me your hand,” Chad ordered, as they walked up to the corner of the fence. “You can feed Majesty. She’ll be your friend forever.”

Elise was already shaking her head and pulling her hand behind her back. “No, thanks. You can feed her.”

Chad finally let out that laugh he had been holding back. “Give me your hand, honey. I’ll make sure she doesn’t bite.”

He pulled her arm out from behind her back, although it took a little effort. For someone so tiny, she sure had a lot of strength. Dakota was running his hand down Majesty’s nose, giving her the attention she wanted while waiting impatiently for her treat. Her front hooves lifted up and planted back down in the dirt. Chad concentrated on opening up Elise’s hand and placing the baby carrots in the center of her palm.

“Hold your hand flat, like this,” Chad instructed, showing her exactly what he wanted her to do. “If you keep your fingers curled up, she might mistake one of your pretty little fingers as a carrot. And since only Dakota and I get to nibble on your fingers, keep your palm faceup with your hand flat.”

Chad could tell that Elise was nervous, but making sure she knew the proper way to feed a horse was imperative. He wrapped his hand around her wrist and brought her hand up toward Majesty. The mare didn’t need to be asked twice, as her large nose came down toward Elise’s outstretched hand. Majesty opened up her mouth and used her tongue and lips to swipe up her favorite treats. Her tail whipped back and forth, and she lifted one of her front hooves in approval.

Elise giggled, bringing her hand down and wiping her palm on her jeans. Chad shared a look with Dakota. They had never heard her laugh before, and her cute little giggle rang out in the morning air. He wanted her to loosen up and enjoy what life had to bring her, especially if that meant he and Dakota were the ones bearing gifts.


* * * *


Elise watched as Maureen Collins placed the last batch of pancakes on the breakfast bar. She was a pretty woman, somewhere in her fifties. Her natural wavy black hair was cut to her chin, accentuating her heart-shaped face. But it was Dakota and Chad’s fathers that they took after, from their height to their brilliant blue eyes. Elise watched as Bruce Collins came up behind his wife and placed a kiss on her neck, before reaching around her and snatching up a piece of bacon. Maureen slapped his hand, but laughed at his antics.

“You already ate, you big oaf,” Maureen chided lovingly. “Let our guest have her fill before you go and eat again.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Bruce answered with a smile and a wink. He walked over to the coffee machine and refilled his cup. “So, Elise, Chad and Dakota mentioned someone attacked you yesterday. Have they caught the little sh—ah, man who did it?”

Before Elise could answer, David Collins came in from the kitchen door. Taking his hat off, he hung it up on the coat rack in the corner. Slapping Bruce on the shoulder and mentioning that all the horses had been fed, David walked over to Maureen and kissed her. She blushed and snuck a quick look over at Elise. She looked away, not wanting them to think that she was watching. To give herself something to do, Elise reached for a piece of bacon. She’d already had two pancakes and some fruit but couldn’t seem to keep her hands still.

Even though she knew that Chad and Dakota’s parents lived the ménage lifestyle, seeing it up close and personal was so different than she imagined. The love that surrounded the three of them was so real, it seemed to penetrate all through the house. Their tender touches and loving caresses were something that Elise thought she only wrote about. Never had her parents ever touched each other the way these three people did.

“After we leave here, we’re going to head over to the sheriff’s office to see if they have any leads. Elise thought it best she left town, but we and the sheriff think she’d be better off here where we can protect her.”

“I think that’s the smartest thing to do,” Bruce said, leaning back against the counter and taking a sip of coffee. “Little lady, our boys won’t let anything happen to you. You can count on that.”

“Mr. Collins, I know that your sons mean well, but I really only came to town for research on a book. Whoever attacked me, well, maybe it’s better to do as he wants. I wouldn’t want Chad or Dakota to get hurt because they feel they have to protect me. They don’t.”

“If you’re important to them, then yes, it is their job to protect you,” Bruce said, essentially ending the conversation. Elise wasn’t sure how to take that, so she went with the flow, but almost choked on her last bite of bacon when he continued. “So you’re an author—what do you write?”

“Um, well, I write romance,” Elise answered. If Bruce could change the subject, so could she. “Breakfast was wonderful, Mrs. Collins.”

“Oh, thank you, dear. Wait until you’ve had David’s ribs on Sunday at the barbecue. You’ll think you’ve died and gone to heaven.”

“Sunday? Oh, Mrs. Collins, I won’t be here then, but thank you for the invitation.”

“What kind of romance? And didn’t Chad mention that you were also in town to market some type of website?”

Why weren’t Chad and Dakota helping her out? Elise glanced over at Dakota, who was busy making his pancakes disappear through his smile. Turning her head to the other side, she saw Chad chewing on a piece of bacon, his blue eyes sparkling with mischief. They were enjoying her being in the hot seat way too much. It was Dakota who finally took pity on her.

“Elise writes erotic romance regarding ménages.”

“Oooh, really?” Maureen untangled herself from David and came back over to the countertop island. Leaning over onto her elbows and placing her chin on top of her hands, her eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. “That sounds interesting. Please tell me more. I would love to read them.”

Elise wasn’t sure how to handle this situation, and was saved from having to give her pen name when Chad intervened. Unfortunately, what he said didn’t make her feel any better. “Mom, Elise will tell you all about it on Sunday, as well as explain what her website is for. I think you’ll find that all your friends will want to sign up their sons. In the meantime, we’re going to hit the road. We’d better see what the sheriff has found out.”

Dakota had just finished his pancakes and took the last swig of his orange juice. Wiping his mouth with his napkin, he stood and went over to his mother. Giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek, he leaned in and whispered something that made her smile.

“Elise, it was a pleasure to meet you,” David said, coming around the counter area and holding out his hand to help her stand. He gave her a bear hug. “We’ll see you Sunday.”

Elise finally figured out it was pointless to argue about how long she was going to be in town for. She would let Dakota and Chad tell them later that she really did have to head out before Sunday. Returning David’s hug, and then seeing Bruce standing behind him, waiting for his turn, made her think of the last time she’d been hugged by her own father. It was when she had been heading off to college, to obtain her medical degree. She mentally shook her head to dispel the image, knowing it would only lead to the fight that ensued months later when she told them she wanted to be an author.

Maureen had finally made her way past her husbands and took Elise’s hands into hers. “Dear, it has been a pleasure to meet you. Please stay close to Dakota and Chad until this man is caught. I’d hate to think of anything happening to you.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Collins.”

Elise returned her hug and then followed Chad and Dakota out to their truck. No one said a word as they opened her door and she situated herself in the middle. Dakota walked around to the driver’s side as Chad climbed up into the passenger seat. It was then that Elise realized they hadn’t needed to pick up anything from their parents’ house. They had wanted her to meet their parents and see what true love really was. And much to her chagrin, she couldn’t argue now that it didn’t exist. Looking through the windshield, she saw that Maureen and her husbands were standing on the porch, waving goodbye. Each man had an arm wrapped around her and the happiness radiating from her face was evident. Could she have that, one day?

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