Perfect Match (3 page)

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Authors: Monica Miller

BOOK: Perfect Match
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“It seems you did a great job, Miss West,” Matt whispered to me while he led me through the crowd.

“Yes, it seems I did,” I agreed, smiling happily.

I talked to a few of my friends, everyone glowing in their elegant dresses, looking so relaxed, and I also noticed how the girls stared at Matt, whispering to each other, other girls looking so intrigued, some of the popular guys said “hello” to him, other guys smiled to me, and the organization department congratulated me along the way, and I agreed it was a great night.

Matt lead me to our table, and then brought me a glass of punch, which had a very strange taste. He laughed at me until I finished the glass, and I asked for a diet Coke.

I was so pleased to see everybody having fun, and all the teachers came to congratulate me, being so surprised to see Matt Nicholls with me, who seemed to be sort of a genius in Saint Swintin’ High School. Okay, that was weird.

The truth is that everything was better than I originally thought. I sat on my chair and watched my last weeks’ work and I was proud of myself. I had a smile on my face that nothing could possibly change that. I could even go to Gabrielle Gomez, the girl I hated most in school, popular and everything, and hug her and tell her that, after all, I was happy I met her. Well, I wasn’t
happy, but you can see my excitement.




And then, out of the blue, Matt decided he wanted to dance and practically dragged me to the dance floor, even though I protested all the way. I wasn’t so much into dancing in public. Or dancing with people.

In the end, Matt convinced me with his irresistible smile that I couldn’t just stay on the edge at my own Prom, because I will regret it and blah blah blah… But, to be honest, I just accepted to dance to make him shut up. But after a while, it wasn’t weird at all.

I was a little bit restrained at the beginning, but it was Prom, and nobody judged, and I could relax. The music wasn’t bad at all, and I wanted to remind myself to congratulate Anton for the playlist.

It was about half an hour later, and already it was beginning to feel like home. I’d gotten even closer to Matt, and it was kind of strange that it didn’t bothered either of us. And it felt like it had been forever, but, at the same time, looked like the time just stopped.

And after a lot of dance songs, began the slow ones. I stood there, not knowing what to do.

“Can I have this dance?” asked Matt so politely I thought my heart was just going to explode there. Without being able to say a word, I just nodded, and he took my hand, the other one slowly touching my back. I smiled, placing my hands around his neck, starting to move slowly, in sync with him, in the rhythm of the song.

I had no idea when Matt ended up pressing me so close to his body that his perfume made me dizzy. I had no idea what happened around me. I was only aware of his hands on my back.

“It’s great, isn’t it?” he whispered softly in my ear.

“Oh…Yeah, yes… It is,” I agreed, without knowing what he really meant. I knew it was great to be in his arms, forgetting he could break my heart only in the blink of an eye. “I didn’t even know I liked to dance on this kind of music,” I said, laughing to ease the situation.

“Obviously, you haven’t danced with me so far,” he smirked, and I sighed. He was so funny being so full of himself. “You know, Ems, I’m really glad I offered to take you to Prom. And that you said yes.”

“Me too. I’m so happy you offered, Matthew,” I said on a serious tone, and both of us started laughing at the same time.

Then suddenly I felt the atmosphere tensing, and I couldn’t hear anything else because of the loud music, but that didn’t stop me from feeling how my stomach was the house of a thousand butterflies in the moment Matt stared into my eyes. I don’t even know how it happened that his lips were on mine in the next moment, and my arms were around his neck, without any intention to stop.

I felt/heard/noticed nothing else than his soft lips on mine, and how he slowly caressed my back. My heart suddenly was in a race for the Olympics, I guess and I began trembling. I felt like a teenager. Oh, wait. I

I don’t know how long I danced/ kissed with Matt, but I knew I was completely exhausted and I couldn’t feel my legs any longer, but I didn’t want the magic to break either. It was such a perfect, enchanted night and I didn’t want to think of anything else.

“Do you want somethin’ to drink?” Matt asked, ending my reverie.

“Oh, yes. I’m going to sit down for a little bit, okay?”

He nodded and got lost in the crowd. I walked slowly to our table and I sat down, tired, watching my classmates. Then Hilary, one of my friends, came to my table and we went together to the ladies room. I walked like a zombie, and seeing my reflection in the mirror made me realize how tired I really was. Hilary didn’t stop talking about Max, her date, a guy I barely knew.

“You know, you were so great, Emma. Seriously. If I were you, I couldn’t even put a napkin right.”

“It’s not a big deal,” I blushed.

“No, seriously, it is! I heard a lot of people amazed by the décor. It’s so relaxing, even though you’re surrounded by people you never really talked to… You know what I’m talking about,” I nodded and smiled pleased. “Oh, you know what I heard?” asked Hill again.

“I can’t possibly know if you don’t tell me.”

“Gabrielle Gomez, the supreme diva, got dumped 10 minutes before Prom. Can you even believe it? That little bitch deserved that

“Hill, don’t be mean,” I said, arranging a few strands of my hair, but I suddenly felt some satisfaction, somewhere inside me. Oh, I was a horrible person, but I was having the night of my life, and I seriously couldn’t stand Gabrielle, and her perfect aura, and perfect friends.

“I’m not mean, Emma, seriously, the bitch is faker than a $100 Louis Vuitton bag,” she said, laughing.

“You know, she would probably like she’s in the same sentence with Louis Vuitton,” I added, laughing as hard as Hilary.

“I’m sure she would. Anyway, Curtis, the sexy captain of our football team, left her for Cora.”

“Cora?” I asked, and stopped laughing. “Cora isn’t her ‘best’ friend? Her faithful puppy?”

“Yeah, and that’s totally hilarious. You can’t be sad about this.”

I didn’t answer, but I knew Hilary was right. Probably I will have a lifetime to be sorry I had gossiped about Gabrielle at Prom, but right now I couldn’t stop adding mean and bitter comments, and not laugh my heart out.

“Oh, by the way… Changing the subject, since when do you know Matt Nicholls?”

“I met him here a few weeks ago, why?”

“Dude, I had this huuuuuge crush on him when he was still in high school, about 4 years ago. When he was a Senior. He was so irresistible, don’t remember him?”

He still is
, I wanted to add.

“Ah… No, I don’t.”

“That’s incredible! Curtis doesn’t have half of his grace and style. And you know Curtis,” she winked at me, and I slightly nodded. “The way he wears that hat at every outfit and…”

“And he’s my date tonight, Hilary, thank you very much,” I said laughing, a part of me exploding of happiness.

“Your make out partner, I know, I’ve seen it.”

“It’s not like that!”

“No? Then how is it?” asked Hilary curiously.

That was such a good question. I had no intention to think about what was or wasn’t between me and Matt. He was my friend, a totally hot and attractive
, and he should stay that way, although my hormones started competing in some invisible race every time I brought him up. He wasn’t the one I should be with. The one I ever thought I would end up with. He was way too popular, beautiful, smart and masculine. I didn’t want someone like that. Not that I wouldn’t like my future boyfriend to be cute, and smart, and all those things, but somehow, Matt was too much.

I’ve seen how he involuntary smiled at girls while walking with me, it was in his nature. And I wasn’t like that. I may be anything, but not someone who could make a player like him settle down. And I didn’t even want to. I was moving to L.A in a few weeks. Tonight was Prom, for Christ’s sake. I hated myself for even analyzing this whole thing. I wasn’t the type of girl chasing impossible things.

I only wanted something… possible. Tangible. Something I could reach to.

And maybe Matt could be more than my friend or my make out Prom partner, but I wasn’t sure I wanted that. I am not a confident person.

“So?” Hilary asked, dying of curiosity. “What’s Matt, besides perfect?”

“He’s my friend, that’s all,” I answered, sincerely.

“Friends with benefits. I’ve always liked this. You too, remember? You were the one who kept saying she’d like a friend with benefits after you saw Justin’s movie. And Matt wears those Justin hats, you know…” she said, teasingly.

“Stop, Hilary…”

“You know what?” she asked, looking at her phone, and then looked at her reflection in the mirror. “I would continue to talk to you about it, but it’s time to find out who the Prom Queen and King are.”

“I wonder who’s gonna take Gabriella’s place,” I commented following her out of the bathroom.

The air was now even tenser in the hall and the music so loud and was really hard to make your way through the teenagers who kept showing their best moves on the dance floor, but after a five minutes struggle, I managed to cross the dance floor and I made my way towards the table. I was no longer tired, but I felt happy to sit on my chair, next to Matt.

“What took you so long?” he asked, taking my hand in his and feeling a cold shiver through my entire spine.

“I’m sorry, I was with Hilary and you know how girls are…”

“No problem, at least you’re pretty,” he joked, giving me a glass of Coke and ice. “Have you talked about me?” he asked, smirking at me.

“Not at all. Why would I?” I asked laughing, and I was thankful it was dark, because I was blushing fiercely.

“Yeah, sure, funny girl,” he whispered. “What are your plans for tomorrow, by the way?”

“Besides sleeping all day?” I asked, and he laughed. “I don’t know, nothing I guess. Why?”

“I thought maybe we could… I don’t know, watch a movie or something?” he asked, moving his eyes from mine to the table.

“Oh. Sure, why not?” I answered, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Was he asking me on a date? Because if he was, probably my heart will be exploding, because it already started beating way too fast, and I felt my blood pounding in my veins. I couldn’t sleep tonight without knowing for sure if my friend, Matt, had just asked me on a date.

“Hey… listen…” I started, almost whispering.

“What?” he asked, with an incredible hot British accent.

“The movie… Is… like a… date or something?”

“Um, well…”

“Can I have your attention, please?” said the principal through the microphone, while the music stopped suddenly, and Matt shrugged his shoulders, smiling innocently. Yeah, now I wasn’t going to get my answer! Awesome! Great sync, principal!

Everyone showed the disappointment in different ways, all sighing while going back to their seats, while the principal honored us with another “great”, long, boring speech, but it was clear that everybody wanted to know who the Prom Queen and King were, and, of course, if Gabrielle and Curtis were still going to be “Best Couple”, a contest started a couple of years ago and, as far as I knew, every year the King and Queen won the title of “Best Couple”. But now, after the noisy break up between them, were they going to be Best Couple, after all?

After the principal finally stopped his rambling speech, he said he’s going to name the winners.

“And the Prom Queen of this year is…” he made an unnecessary break, for the effect, I guess, but it was just annoying. “Gabrielle Gomez!”

The hall was full with statements like “
I knew it
” and “
Of course!
”, only I haven’t seen Gabrielle glowing in the crowd, and running her hand through her perfectly straightened hair and walking like a “queen” towards her “throne”. After the principal called her for the third time, I saw Gabrielle rolling her eyes in a corner of the hall, and then she convinced herself to go, slowly arranging her short dress and paced on her high heels towards the stage. Nobody applauded or congratulated her, but she really didn’t seem concerned, even though it wasn’t like her at all.

“Congratulations, Gabrielle!” said the director with a smile on his lips.

Gabrielle, with her impeccable dress, nodded, having a sad expression on her beautiful face, without being so superior. She hasn’t even smiled once.

“And now… Our Prom King is… Of course, Curtis Crane, our football star!”

Could it be more predictable?

Gabrielle took a step back and sighed, her eyes full of sadness, and I felt really bad for laughing about her situation. Nobody deserved something like this. Even though all her life had been a completely bitch. She was human after all, and everyone makes mistakes.

“And I am honored to present the “Couple of the Year”, which is completely your choice.”

“I haven’t voted for anyone,” I’ve told Matt “so isn’t

“Well, I did,” he said smirking proudly. “You’re gonna love it,” he assured me, winking at me.

I shrugged my shoulders, having no idea what could be more interesting than Gabrielle and Curtis’ painful break up. I think was more painful for Gabrielle, considering he was already dating somebody else.

“As I was saying… The Couple of the Year is formed by Miss Emma West, our beautiful Prom organizer I really want to congratulate, and Mr. Matt Nicholls, a former student of our high school.”

Emma West… and Matt Nicholls…. What?!

Which Couple? Of the
? Matt and I? Matt I-
-know Nicholls? Couple of the Year? What the hell?!

I wanted to say something, and ask what normal person would vote for us, and then I remembered Matt knew about this and he was proud of this, and I really wanted to say something to him, but he just grabbed my hand, leading me to the stage, without caring we were walking beside my classmates, real, happy couples, unlike us, who were… something.

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