Perfect: Don Larsen's Miraculous World Series Game (56 page)

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CHAPTER 3 Top of the Second: Jackie Robinson and Gil McDougald
37 “We can’t”—Don Larsen,
The Perfect Yankee
, p. 45.
38 “Looka here”—Roger Kahn,
Boys of Summer
, p. 391.
38 “indoctrinated us”—Jackie Robinson,
I Never Had It Made
, p. 5.
39 “could do things”—Harvey Frommer,
Rickey and Robinson
, p. 21.
39 “Jackie wasn’t”—Arnold Rampersad,
Jackie Robinson
, p. 33.
39 “It is doubtful”—
Pasadena Post
, June 16, 1938.
39 “the greatest”—
California Eagle
, October 26, 1939.
39 “looks and”—Jackie Robinson,
I Never Had It Made
, p. 10.
39 “very impressive”—Rachel Robinson,
Jackie Robinson
, p. 22.
40 “He was a big man on campus”—Interview with Rachel Robinson.
41 “There’s the nigger”—Jackie Robinson,
I Never Had It Made
, p. 19.
41 “behaving with”—Arnold Rampersad,
Jackie Robinson
, p. 106.
41 “I could see”—
., p. 94.
42 “a pretty miserable”—Jackie Robinson,
I Never Had It Made
, p. 24.
42 “Damned skin”—Arthur Mann,
The Jackie Robinson Story
, p. 30.
43 “If a black”—Harvey Frommer,
Rickey and Robinson
, p. 104.
43 “Why does”—Peter Golenbock,
, p. 126.
44 “You got”—
44 “by alcoholism”—Roger Kahn,
The Boys of Summer
, p. 98.
44 “I know”—Jackie Robinson,
I Never Had It Made
, pp. 31-33.
44 “thrilled”—
., p. 31.
45 “Give it all”—
., p. 44.
45 “I couldn’t sleep”—
., p. 49.
45 “Always”—Peter Golenbock,
, p. 142.
45 “be a constant”—Rachel Robinson,
Jackie Robinson
, p. 50.
45 “mobbed, trying”—
New York Herald Tribune
, April 19, 1946.
46 “If Jackie Roosevelt Robinson”—Interview with Buzzie Bavasi.
46 “I want you”—Jackie Robinson,
I Never Had It Made
, p. 56.
46 “goddamned fool”—Peter Golenbock,
, p. 148.
47 “like a fighter”—
., p. 150.
47 “I don’t care”—Roger Kahn,
The Era
, p. 36.
47 “I don’t like”—Peter Golenbock,
, p. 160.
47 “Hey, nigger”—Jackie Robinson,
I Never Had It Made
, p. 58.
48 “You just can’t”—Roger Kahn,
The Era
, p. 51.
48 “did more”—Arnold Rampersad,
Jackie Robinson
, p. 173.
48 “You can’t”—Carl Erskine,
What I Learned from Jackie Robinson
, p. 80.
49 “Jackie Robinson”—Interview with Bob Wolff.
49 “Robinson was”—Harvey Frommer,
Rickey and Robinson
, p. 163.
49 “As long as”—Peter Golenbock,
, p. 208.
49 “done more”—
., p. 165.
49 “His attack”—Roger Kahn,
The Era
, p. 51.
50 “I’ve got”—Interview with Carl Erskine.
50 “The guy”—
50 “From this point”—Peter Golenbock,
, p. 225.
51 “to give the lie”—Jackie Robinson,
I Never Had It Made
, p. 81.
51 “White people”—Peter Golenbock,
, p. 228.
51 “very silly”—Jackie Robinson,
I Never Had It Made
, p. 85.
52 “The trouble”—
. p. 96.
52 “have been giving”—Harvey Frommer,
Rickey and Robinson
, p. 181.
52 “The most savagely booed”—Arnold Rampersad,
Jackie Robinson
, p. 269.
53 “one of the greatest”—
Sporting News
, January 2, 1952.
53 “I’m sick”—Carl Erskine,
What I Learned From Jackie Robinson
, p. 96.
53 “That ain’t”—Arnold Rampersad,
Jackie Robinson
, p. 256.
54 “How would”—Roger Kahn,
The Boys of Summer
, p. 173.
54 “If that guy”—Jackie Robinson,
I Never Had It Made
, p. 118.
54 “When are”—Peter Golenbock interview with Carl Furillo.
55 “I was getting”—Jackie Robinson,
I Never Had It Made
, p. 118.
55 “to shake things”—
., p. 120.
55 “breathing life”—
KMOX Sports Digest
, October 2, 1955.
56 “How do you”—Carl Erskine,
What I Learned from Jackie Robinson
, p. 142.
56 “a thinking man’s”—Interview with Bob Wolff.
57 “Hey, Indian”—Peter Golenbock,
, p. 89.
57 “could just”—Interview with Tony Kubek.
57 “very, very tough”—Interview with Bobby Brown.
57 “you had everything”—Interview with Gil McDougald.
58 “Pass the ball”—
59 “If you feel”—
Sporting News
, May 16, 1951.
59 “Joe”—Interview with Gil McDougald.
59 “Enjoying the bench”—
60 “Well, it looks”—
60 “What’re you doing”—
61 “I’m ready”—
61 “Don’t you have”—
61 “Why, Gil McDougald”—
San Francisco Examiner
, May 29, 1958.
61 “Around second base”—
Sporting News
, February 13, 1952.
62 “Right then”—Bob Cooke, “Portrait of a Shortstop” (unidentified HOF article).
62 “spray the ball”—HOF Interview with Gil McDougald.
62 “mad as heck”—
63 “You must”—
63 “looms as”—
Sporting News
, November 30, 1955.
63 “you’re at the center”—HOF Interview with Gil McDougald.
64 “one of the finest”—
Sporting News
, June 13, 1956.
64 “going into the hole”—
USA Today
, April 3, 2006.
64 “His foot”—
New York Times
, December 30, 2001.
64 “I was in”—Interview with Andy Carey.
64 “We would never”—Don Larsen,
The Perfect Yankee
, p. 45.
CHAPTER 4 Bottom of the Second: Sandy Amoros
67 “When he first”—Interview with Johnny Podres.
67 “Little Flying”—
Sporting News
, February 2, 1955.
67 “I run like”—Peter Golenbock,
, p. 399.
68 “Hold on to”—
New York Daily News
, August 24, 1980.
68 “$100,000 catch”—
Sporting News
, January 4, 1956.
68 “was the biggest”—Pee Wee Reese, “Reese Tells Top Thrill of Series,”
NEA Service
, September 28, 1957.
68 “ten greatest”—
New York Times
, October 19, 2003.
68 “Lucky”—
Sporting News
, May 20, 1967.
69 “I saw him”—
Sports Illustrated
, July 10, 1989.
70 “one of the longest”—
Sporting News
, June 25, 1952.
70 “the batter with”—
, August 27, 1952.
70 “Sandy is always”—
, May 20, 1953.
70 “He was always”—Interview with Johnny Podres.
70 “He’s always”—
Sporting News
, October 10, 1956.
71 “one of the best”—
, August 27, 1952.
71 “Amoros needed”—
, April 21, 1954.
71 “He has been”—
New York World Telegram and Sun
, April 8, 1954.
71 “an undercurrent”—L. Moffi and J. Kronstadt,
Crossing the Line
, p. 72.
71 “the Dodgers are reluctant”—
, March 26, 1954.
72 “the saturation point”—
Sporting News
, April 21, 1954.
72 “For some reason”—
New York World Telegram and Sun
, May 7, 1954.
72 “raced to the”—
Sporting News
, February 2, 1955.
73 “Get him out”—
Pittsburgh Press
, September 30, 1956.
73 “a bad day”—
Sporting News
, October 3, 1956.
73 “He’s a streak hitter”—
, October 10, 1956.
73 “a fine catch”—Tape of radio broadcast.
74 “a real pitchers’”—
CHAPTER 5 Top of the Third: Carl Furillo
75 “Rock”—Roscoe McGowen, “Peg O’ My Heart—Carl Furillo” (unidentified HOF article)
76 “Who the hell’s”—Interview with Carl Furillo Jr.
76 “I would like”—
New York Post
, August 5, 1985.
77 “At that time”—
Boys of Summer
77 “state of his health”—Bruce Jacobs,
Baseball Stars of 1950
, p. 68.
77 “He always thought”—Interview with Carl Furillo Jr.
77 “With Pocomoke”—Bruce Jacobs,
Baseball Stars of 1950
, p. 70.
77 “No. It”—Interview with Carl Furillo Jr.
78 “rough grind”—Fred Down, “Furillo’s Arm Makes Runners Wary,” August 14, 1947 (unidentified HOF article).
78 “thirty uniforms”—Interview with Buzzie Bavasi.
78 “I thought my whole face”—Peter Golenbock interview with Carl Furillo.
78 “the first three waves”—
79 “Yes. Very”—Interview with Carl Furillo Jr.
79 “I can’t believe”—
Brooklyn Eagle
, April 26, 1946.
79 “I can’t even”—Peter Golenbock,
, p. 96.
79 “I hated”—
80 “rifle arm”—
Brooklyn Eagle
, April 26, 1946.
80 “another guy”—Fred Down, “Furillo’s Arm Makes Runners Wary,” August 14, 1947 (unidentified HOF article).
80 “Reading Rifle”—
Sport Life Album
, January 1951.
80 “the strong Sicilian”—
Daily Sports News
, January 29, 1989.
80 “They were talking”—Peter Golenbock interview with Carl Furillo.
81 “I’d cut”—Peter Golenbock,
, p. 152.
81 “They pushed”—
81 “ringleaders”—Jackie Robinson,
I Never Had It Made
, p. 56.
81 “I can’t sign”—Interview with Buzzie Bavasi.
81 “circulated”—Harvey Frommer,
Rickey and Robinson
, p. 126.
81 “backed the revolt”—Arnold Rampersad,
Jackie Robinson
, p. 164.
82 “had players”—Carl E. Prince,
Brooklyn’s Dodgers
, p. 65.
82 “I couldn’t”—Bruce Jacobs,
Baseball Stars of 1950
, p. 68.
82 “A fly ball”—Peter Golenbock,
, p. 357.
83 “He was”—Interview with Carl Erskine.
83 “I studied”—Peter Golenbock,
, p. 357.
83 “I worked”—Roger Kahn,
The Boys of Summer
, p. 339.
83 “I thought you said”—Interview with Buzzie Bavasi.
84 “looked like balloons”—Peter Golenbock interview with Carl Furillo.
84 “Stick it in”—Peter Golenbock,
, p. 359.
84 “yapping”—
New York Daily News
, February 23, 1975.
84 “I went after”—
85 “one guy”—
Boys of Summer
85 “I don’t ever”—Peter Golenbock interview with Carl Furillo.
85 “I didn’t”—Interview with Fern Furillo.
85 “was rough”—Interview with Carl Erskine.
85 “To get”—Interview with Carl Furillo Jr.
85 “I don’t want”—Peter Golenbock,
, p. 152.
85 “We never suspected”—Interview with Carl Erskine.
86 “When he was”—Interview with Carl Furillo Jr.
86 “an entourage”—Interview with Carl Erskine.
86 “Skoonj”—
Daily Sports News
, January 29, 1989.
86 “What’s the difference”—
Sporting News
, May 11, 1955.
86 “A thrill”—Peter Golenbock,
, p. 405.
86 “If the Dodgers”—
Sporting News
, September 26, 1956.
87 “tough out”—Don Larsen,
A Perfect Yankee
, p. 57.
87 “with Mantle’s”—Tape of radio broadcast.
CHAPTER 6 Bottom of the Third: Roy Campanella
88 “things went wrong”—
Washington Star
, March 7, 1979.
89 “No one dared”—Carl Erskine,
What I Learned from Jackie Robinson
, p. 52.
89 “Campy is”—Lou Smith, “Sports Sparks,” November 25, 1953 (unidentified HOF article).
90 “My dad’s work ethic”—Interview with Roy Campanella Jr.
90 “I took”—Roy Campanella,
It’s Good to Be Alive
, p. 33.
90 “He was catching”—
., p. 42.
91 “I didn’t know”—HOF Interview with Roy Campanella.
91 “He gives us”—Roy Campanella,
It’s Good to Be Alive
, p. 36.
91 “I learned”—
91 “You’re fourteen”—
., and HOF interview with Roy Campanella.
92 “I’d sure like”—Roy Campanella,
It’s Good to Be Alive
, p. 49.
92 “The Bible”—
American Weekly
, August 3, 1958.
92 “Tom, I need”—Roy Campanella,
It’s Good to Be Alive
, p. 58.
93 “But that isn’t”—
., p. 60.
93 “I just couldn’t”—
., p. 70.
93 “What happened”—
Saturday Evening Post
, June 5, 1954.
94 “We just agreed”—Roy Campanella,
It’s Good to Be Alive
, p. 81.
94 “I got a family”—
., p. 88.
94 “You can use”—
., p. 99.
94 “The social times”—
Saturday Evening Post
, June 5, 1954.
94 “I don’t care”—
, August 8, 1955.
94 “Campy is the most”—
Saturday Evening Post
, June 5, 1954.
95 “You know”—
New York Times
, January 29, 1958.
95 “Same team”—Duke Snider,
The Duke of Flatbush
, p. 76.
95 “They were thick”—Roy Campanella,
It’s Good to Be Alive
, p. 107.
95 “How much”—
Sporting News
, July 24, 1971.
96 “I’ve rejected”—Roy Campanella,
It’s Good to Be Alive
, p. 109.
96 “Honey”—
., p. 111.
97 “How did you know”—
., p. 113.
97 “It’s the end”—
., p. 114.
., p. 118.
98 “Can they play”—
Sports Illustrated
, September 24, 1990.
98 “Try that again”—
, August 8, 1955.
98 “Good evening”—
98 “was perhaps”—Paul Gould, “Negro Catcher a Flock Ace,” January 1947 (unidentified HOF article).
98 “He was the best”—
Sports Illustrated
, September 24, 1990.
99 “the outstanding catcher”—
St. Louis Post Dispatch
, June 27, 1949.
99 “the best catcher”—Fred Down, “Campanella to Get Long Test,” March 1948 (unidentified HOF article).
99 “it just didn’t”—Roy Campanella,
It’s Good to Be Alive
, pp. 132-33.
99 “Roy, you’re the best”—
., p. 135.
100 “Mr. Rickey”—
., p. 136.
100 “Roy Campanella has found”—Tom Briere, “Campanella Blasts Eight Homers in Seven Games,” July 1948 (unidentified HOF article).
100 “Ha”—Roy Campanella,
It’s Good to Be Alive
, p. 146.
100 “All our pitchers”—
Boys of Summer
100 “A catcher must know”—
Saturday Evening Post
, May 26, 1956.
101 “just throw”—Carl Erskine,
Tales from the Dodger Dugout
, p. 208.
101 “I don’t want”—
Saturday Evening Post
, June 5, 1954.
101 “I tried”—Roy Campanella,
It’s Good to Be Alive
, p. 131.
102 “Campy was”—Interview with Carl Erskine.
102 “Let’s have no trouble”—Peter Golenbock,
, p. 196.
102 “I’m no crusader”—Jackie Robinson,
I Never Had It Made
, p. 96.
102 “nigger”—Roger Kahn,
The Boys of Summer
, p. 365.
102 “always try to get”—HOF Interview with Roy Campanella.
102 “Jackie would get”—ESPN,
The Brooklyn Dodgers
102 “often led”—Rachel Robinson,
Jackie Robinson
, p. 86.
103 “Listen”—Interview with Roy Campanella Jr.
103 “if I could let”—
Boys of Summer
103 “You don’t have to”—
New York Times
, June 28, 1993.
103 “I couldn’t swing”—Roy Campanella,
It’s Good to Be Alive
, p. 168.
103 “Sink”—
., p. 171.
104 “Nobody knows”—
., pp. 176-77.
104 “That’s exactly”—
New York Times
, November 26, 1953.
105 “That’s fine encouragement”—
Sporting News
, April 14, 1955.
105 “No active player”—
, August 8, 1955.
106 “It meant such pain”—Interview with Roy Campanella Jr.
106 “simply cannot”—
New York World Telegram and Sun
, August 29, 1956.
106 “the Barber”—Tape of radio broadcast.
107 “Larsen is big enough”—

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