Peppermint Creek Inn (29 page)

Read Peppermint Creek Inn Online

Authors: Jan Springer

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Suspense, #Romance/Suspense

BOOK: Peppermint Creek Inn
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“Did you enjoy anal when your husband did it to you?”

She shrugged her shoulders. “It was something he wanted me to try once.”

“Just once?”

“Actually twice,” she said and her heart picked up a mad pace as he placed the plug onto the sleeping bag and began to caress the curves of her ass cheeks again.

God! His touch was so gentle, so caring, so arousing. A dark spear of pleasure seared through her as a hot finger slid between her plump pussy lips to stroke her swollen clitoris. The intimate massaging increased until it was almost a pleasure burn. Until she sucked in a breath and wished he would just penetrate her vagina in one swift thrust.

“Was it something you wanted?”

She hesitated. What if she told him the truth? What if she told him she hadn’t really cared for it? That she’d only wanted to please her husband. Would Tom not do it, if she told him she didn’t care for it? But she wanted to please him, too. She didn’t want him to think she was a stick in the mud for at least not trying with him.

And she really did want to try this with him.

“The truth, Sara.”

“I only did it because he wanted it. I didn’t particularly care for it.”

“Did he stroke your clit? Like this? Before he took your cute ass?”

Her thighs tensed as his finger eased off the pressure and smoothed firmly over her pulsing nubbin.

Oh, yes, that feels so good.

She couldn’t stop her hips from gyrating, from wanting him to speed up the erotic caresses.

“No, he didn’t,” she bit out suddenly realizing Jack hadn’t really taken the time to pleasure her when it came to sex. Maybe that’s why she’d always been so eager to have sex when a storm came. It was about the only time he got excited.

“His fetish was making love to me during storms,” she confessed.

“That’s one I haven’t heard before.” His finger stilled momentarily on her aching clit, then he began rubbing her again. She could literally feel the hot cream of her arousal seeping along her vaginal channel and dripping from between her thighs.

“And now you hate storms.”

“And you’re playing shrink again,” she said softly, pushing her pussy harder against his rubbing finger, trying to increase the erotic sensations his touch was creating.

“I am, aren’t I?” Humor edged through his voice. “You’re getting nice and wet down here. Unfortunately it’s the wrong hole I’m lubing.”

She cried out her dismay when his hot finger left her clitoris all alone and howling for his touch. Twisting her head around, she found him once again sifting through his knapsack. His hard, long, swollen cock stabbed out from between his legs as he dug out a container of her peppermint salve.

She trembled at the sight.

He was aroused again. His cock turning an angry purplish color, his cockhead fully out of his sheath and ready to penetrate her.

“This will do the trick,” he said and came up behind her naked ass again.

Heat flared through her as he spread her tender ass cheeks apart.

She cried out as a liberally lubed finger poked into her tight ass, the sensitive muscles clenching around the intrusion while he explored her depths.

He dipped inside her puckered hole several more times, spreading the cooling peppermint salve, relaxing her anal muscles even further and going deeper with every entry. “I’ll change your mind about ass-fucking, Sara. And one day I’ll take your cute ass from behind. There’s nothing like seeing your own cock sinking into a woman to.” His finger popped out of her hole and her eyes widened as she felt the generously lubed, smooth, arrowed end of the butt plug press against her anus.

“When a man knows how to do it right, a woman will beg for it, over and over again.”

His voice sounded dark, erotic. His finger continued to massage her tense, aching clit.

Oh, sweet heavens! Surprised excitement at the thought of being anally penetrated by the plug had her brushing her nipples harder against the sleeping bag.

She cried out as it pressed past her sphincter muscle and he slid it in. The pressure was enormous, stretching, burning.

He moved it into her slowly but confidently.

As the plug sank into her, a finger massaged her swollen clit, rubbing sensuously until she could literally feel her sticky cream of arousal seeping along her inner thighs.

“Oh, yeah, sweetness, take it all in,” he bit out. “God! It looks so erotic, having a plug disappearing into your hole.”

Agonizing pleasure-pain slid up her ass as it slid into her. It was a good burn. Something she’d really never experienced before. Not even when she’d inserted it those few times at Jack’s insistence. Suddenly the plug stopped and her ass throbbed thickly.

“It’s in,” he whispered, his finger increasing the friction on her soaked clit.

Pleasure sensations were mounting. Twisting through her quickly.

The invasion of the plug tormented her in a beautiful kind of way and she found she loved the feel of it searing into her, impaling her ass.

The finger at her clit quickened its movements, poising her at the edge of unimaginable bliss.

And then his thick cock slowly sunk into her drenched and ultra-tight vagina, pushing into her, until she was trembling at the lusty sensations.

“Feel good?”

“Very,” she hissed through gritted teeth. “Damn good.”

He chuckled and began pulling his steel-hot cock out again. She cried out as he came into her again, all the while his finger teased her ultra-sensitive clit.

Her ass flamed beautifully—her clit throbbed.

Both actions complemented each other perfectly.

She found herself moving her hips backwards, meeting his now steady, even, deep thrusts into her.

Soon she was on fire.

Her pussy felt so hot as he stroked her clit sensually, and impaled her vagina, thrusting into her in ecstasy-inducing strokes, encouraging a tremendous climax to explode around her in a kaleidoscope of sensations that threatened to shake her apart.

“Sweetness, yes, that’s it,” he cried out as she bucked herself against his thrusts, impaling herself on him.

She could feel his cock thickening, pulsing, burning inside her with every violent plunge.

Oh, yes! He knew what he was doing.

Lusty flares raced through her. Tore her apart. Made her scream.

He let go of her clit and her pussy spasmed violently, her muscles eagerly clasping his penis. Her ass clenching wildly around the plug.

He continued to piston his steely cock into her.

Fast and furious.

Filling her wonderfully.

Heat. Pressure. So much pressure.

She loved the way he filled her. Loved the way he groaned as her vaginal muscles tightened around him.

Brilliant sparks of pleasure enveloped her. She rode the waves. Peak after electrifying peak—the killing joy crashing all around her.

She convulsed all around him. Violent tremors of lust blinding her.

He groaned, a lusty sound that tore at her heart.

And then he was coming. Thick hot jets of his sperm spraying into her, out of her, down her thighs, mingling with her own juices.

Afterwards, they made more love through the night, their sensual cries mixing with the waves slapping against the boathouse.

When the early streaks of buttery sunshine slipped through the windows, they were exhausted.

Tom collapsed onto the sleeping bag and she drew the other one over both of them, watching the way his long lashes curled over his closed eyes. Watching a loose wisp of hair feathering over his damp forehead. Pink blush stained his cheeks.

Gosh, he was a handsome man.

A fierce lover.

Her cunt felt sore from the fucking. It was a nice soreness though.

A tenderness she wanted to experience again and again, just as he’d said.

She curled an arm around his warm shoulder and snuggled against him, pressing her belly against the warm curve of his ass cheeks.

She smiled and closed her eyes instinctively knowing there would never be another man in her life.

Only Tom.

The sun was just disappearing behind the island out in the bay when Tom strolled along the outskirts of a tangled clearing in front of an abandoned house they hadn’t yet investigated.

Stumbling through the snarly grass toward the building, his thoughts turned to last night and to today. To the intense all-day sex they’d shared between them.

He remembered the heated way Sara always looked at his cock just before he’d thrust into her quivering tight pussy. Remembered the awesome sensual cries that split through the air when she came.

Man! She was so gorgeous. So hot. So sexy.

Without warning, a loud crack erupted from beneath his feet and in a split second, he was floating through the air.

In the boathouse, Sara went still as the odd noise ripped through the evening air. It almost sounded like wood snapping.

It was followed by silence. Dead silence.

A shiver of unease rippled along her nerves and she padded barefoot to the open doorway just in time to see the flickering lightning on the other side of the bay. She shivered at the sight and tried hard to contain her anxiety of another storm approaching. Clasping her arms over her naked breasts, she quickly surveyed the nearby hillside for any sign of Tom. She saw nothing but the shadowed silhouettes of abandoned houses nestled in the hills.

He’d said he’d wanted to take another look around before they turned in for the night. They’d decided they would head back to her place first thing tomorrow morning for some more supplies and to check if the phone was working yet. She wished she’d invested in a cell phone. It would have been easier to contact her family and check for messages. Because they hadn’t found anything helpful here for Tom, she realized her sister and father-in-law were their last hope. Surely those two would be able to help him.

Smiling into the twilight, she hugged her arms tighter over her swollen breasts and felt the aching tips of her raw nipples brush against her flesh. The magnificent things he’d done to her body last night had just about driven her insane with lust. For a man who couldn’t remember most of his past, he sure knew how to bring out the sexual needs in a woman.

And now they had another full night of lovemaking ahead of them in their cute little boathouse.

Gosh, right now she felt like she was the luckiest woman in the whole world. The intense feeling of happiness almost frightened her. Almost made her feel that same awful uneasiness she’d felt during that dream she’d had a few mornings ago. The dream where she’d seen Tom chopping wood and the shadow coming up behind him with the gleaming knife.

Sara shivered as a swift blast of cool air breathed over her nakedness and suddenly she got the feeling something was wrong.

Very wrong.

Tom felt the cold, wet grass and slippery weeds brush against his fingertips and let out a deep sigh.

Thank God! He’d made it to the top!

In a couple of minutes he’d be out of the well he’d fallen into and Sara wouldn’t have to know what he’d found down there. He winced as a sharp blade of light shone in his face and he felt a smooth velvety-warm hand slid into his grasp.

A wonderful minty scent wafted around him.

Shit! He didn’t have to guess who’d found him.

Sara said nothing as she dropped the flashlight and pulled hard on his hands, allowing him the extra strength he needed to get onto safe ground. For such a willowy woman, she possessed a physical strength he’d never expected. By God, she’d need the strength if he decided to tell her what he’d discovered down the well.

Within moments he stood beside her, and began brushing the dirt and dust off his jeans. It took a conscious effort to keep his gaze averted from her. If she looked into his eyes, she’d see the truth.

“You really should watch where you’re walking,” she teased, her hands slid over his chest and arms as she checked him for injuries. But she wouldn’t find any significant new ones. At least not physical wounds. The ones he carried were held deep inside him, and instinctively he knew they were ready to ambush him at any time.

But time was the enemy.

He tensed when Sara eyed the dark hole that had coughed him back to the surface. She wouldn’t see anything. It was too dark. But if she picked up the flashlight where she’d dropped it on the ground by her feet, and shone it down there…

His stomach heaved. He bit back the sour bile coming up his throat.

Thankfully the cool breeze off the nearby bay slapped wonderfully against his hot face. He breathed deeply, swallowing the cool air, allowing it to calm his shrieking nerves. It did nothing to dissipate the violent trembling taking hold of his body. He frowned and looked away from the abyss.

“You okay?” Her voice was a concerned tender whisper.

He didn’t answer her. Instead, he swooped the flashlight out of the weeds.

“C’mon. Let’s settle in. There’s another storm coming tonight.” He grabbed her hand and pulled her away from the danger lurking in the dark depths of the well.

It was late and the storm would blow too far to the north to threaten any rain. The full moon glistened like a spotlight through the glassless windows of the boathouse.

It and a headache blasting at his temples kept Tom awake.

He’d wanted to make love to Sara tonight, knew she’d wanted it, too, but one look at his face, and she’d made him take a couple of painkillers and told him there would be no sex until he felt better.

Besides sex was the last thing on his mind at the moment.

Frustration gnawed at him and he pulled at the knapsack cradling his head trying to get comfortable. The rough wood-planked floor beneath the sleeping bag felt so darned hard. But that wasn’t what bothered him. He felt restless. Itching to get moving. But to where?

Ever since he’d fallen into the well he’d felt different. A little more confident now that he knew his memories were slowly returning. A lot more scared of what his memories would reveal.

He closed his eyes and breathed the cool night air. The air smelled of rotten wood, fish and Sara. Her wonderful minty scent felt like an aphrodisiac. It seeped into his every pore. Clung to his skin like pure velvet. It claimed him. It was one with him.

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