Pepper (38 page)

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Authors: Marjorie Shaffer

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The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your e-book. Please use the search function on your e-reading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.

See also
Fort Marlborough; Sumatra

accessibility of

blood sports enjoyed in

cruel rulers of

dining in flowing water in

Dutch blockade of

Dutch surprised by defense of

English East India ships bound for

English East India's encounter with

fleet assembled by

foreign traders flocking to

gold of

Malacca campaign of

Malacca siege by

Muda ruling

Mundy's account of life in

Mundy's visit to


Adams, John Quincy

Adams, Po


age of discovery

hungry seamen during

obstacles faced during

trade network during

Aggarwal, Bharat B.

Alaric the Goth

Ala'uddin Syah

Albuquerque, Alfonso de

Aldabra atoll


all-ocean route



Amboyna massacre


Andaya, Leonard

animal fights

anticancer properties

antimicrobial properties



areca nut

Arendo, John Anthony

armed intervention

Arnold, Joseph




Dutch dominating trade with

Europeans seeking pepper in

famines devastating

Portuguese dominance in

trade within

The Asian Journal

aspiration pneumonia

Aurelius, Marcus

autoimmune disease

Ayurvedic medicine

betel used in

black pepper used in

plant species used in

spices used in

Babbage, William F.

Balick, Michael

Banda Aceh

the Dutch attacking

power of


battle for control of

Dutch attacking

English East India's factory in

port town recovery of

as VOC's largest supplier

barbarian blockade

Barbosa, Duarte

Bartholomew the Englishman


Chinese welcomed in

decline of

as great seaport

opium smuggling in

Queen of the East name of

sheltered anchorage of


“Battle of Qualah Battoo”

Beckford, Ebenezer


Benedict XIV, pope



administrator's behavior in

boat access difficult in

cloves and nutmeg shipped from

as death trap

Dutch assault worries of

English Fort Marlborough built in

English invited to establish factory in

food shortages result in

forced cultivation instituted in

pepper cultivation not benefiting

pepper gardens ruined in

slavery in

spice plantings cost in

Best, Thomas


Betsey Baker gun

biological enabler


black pepper

Ayurvedic medicine using

as biological enabler

China's appetite for

Dutch attempting exclusive control of

India origins of

Jesuit's history with

Greek name of

piper nigrum
Latin name of

turmeric properties of

white pepper compared to

xanthine oxidase and

Blaeu, Willem

blood sports

Bloome, Benjamin

Blussé, Leonard

boat access

Bombay proverb

Bouvet, Joachim

Bowditch, Nathaniel

Boxer, C. R.

Braudel, Fernand


Briggs, Jeremiah

Brouwer, Hendrik


Cabral, Pedro Álvares



da Gama's arrival in

da Gama's behavior in

as paradise on earth

cancer treatments


Capitalism and Material Life

(chili peppers)

captains disputes


Carnes, Jonathan

carrack losses


See also
Christians; Jesuits; missionaries; Protestants; religions

Chinese culture and

Chinese emperor's conversion to

monarchies of

Cawley, William


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