Read Pedal to the Metal: Love's Drivin' but Fate's Got the Pole (The 'Cuda Confessions Book 3) Online

Authors: Eden Connor

Tags: #taboo erotica, #stepbrother porn, #lesbian sex, #menage, #group sex, #anal sex, #Stepbrother Romance

Pedal to the Metal: Love's Drivin' but Fate's Got the Pole (The 'Cuda Confessions Book 3) (16 page)

BOOK: Pedal to the Metal: Love's Drivin' but Fate's Got the Pole (The 'Cuda Confessions Book 3)
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He smiled. “You writin’ a handbook?”

“Caine, you promised.” I looked the other way to see Caroline poke out her lower lip. I turned back to Caine.

Caine rolled his eyes, but grinned. “Caroline wants a five-way fuck.”

Why can’t we just have it all? Live like one big, happy family that fucks each others’ brains out?
Words Caroline had said at the fairgrounds while we waited for Dale and Caine to fix the ‘Cuda. At the moment, her idea made perfect sense.

“Yes.” I nodded. “Let’s do it.”

Caine’s grin twisted. “You look so innocent to be so depraved.” Stroking my cheek with the back of his fingers, he lifted his eyes to the spinning fan blades for a moment.

“My best work.” Colt thumped his own chest.

“Oh, God. Here we go. Any day now, he’ll be tellin’ people he made you from scratch in a bowl.” Caroline rolled her eyes. I burst out laughing.

“Okay, this only works one way, since Jonny here has no problem stickin’ his dick up Colt’s ass, but apparently, Colt ain’t welcome to return the favor.” Caine lifted his hands and cut his eyes toward Jonny, who raised both thumbs with an arrogant tilt of his head.

Caine looked my way again. “And Colt can’t fuck Caroline, so that means he’s gotta fuck you, and I gotta fuck her, while she fucks you and Jonny fucks Colt.”

Still laughing, I tumbled off Colt’s lap and rolled onto my back. “You know, if my teachers had used math word problems like this, I’d have paid more attention in class. I used to make up random answers.”

“Oh, God, you too?” Colt raked my hair from my eyes. “Dad gave me a whoopin’ the time my teacher made me stand at the board to work out this one. She got so mad, she called him at work.” He raised his voice two octaves. “If Person A left Raleigh driving a Honda at thirty-five miles an hour and Person B left Charlotte driving a Chevy at fifty-five miles per hour, what time did they meet, and where, if both took the most direct route?” 

“What did you say?” I asked above Caine’s bark of amusement.

“Duh. Any fool drivin’ a Honda that couldn’t get above thirty-five clearly broke down on the side of the road after a mile or two when his engine blew, so, without a doubt, they met in Raleigh.”

The image of Colt as class clown drew me closer to him, emotionally. I ruffled his hair and snuggled close, resting my head on his shoulder. Jonny crawled onto the bed behind Colt, holding a tube of lube.

“Jesus, I can’t watch. C’mere, Caroline,” Caine demanded.

“But I like to watch,” she protested.

I shoved a pillow under my head, determined to see everything. Caroline dove onto the bed beside me. Caine balanced on the edge of the mattress behind her.

I expected to feel jealousy when Caine cupped her breast and dragged her close to his chest, but what I felt instead was joy. The night had a sense of family and camaraderie that seemed every bit as right as it was wrong.

I turned my attention to Colt, feeling much the same as Caroline. I wanted to watch the emotions play across my beautiful stepbrother’s face while Jonny fucked him, because I knew what it cost him to be this free.

What it cost me, I’d deal with later.

I smoothed my hand over the rippling muscles in Colt’s arms, ruffling the golden fluff that covered them. With a wicked grin, Colt grabbed my waist and rolled me onto my hip, facing him. Driving a knee between my thighs, he lifted my leg until my ankle rested on his hip. He cupped my mound until the heat of his palm sank into me, then pulled away slowly.

My folds clung to his skin, stirring a powerful memory of the first time he’d touched me, in the Corvette. His eyelids drooped, but his lips turned up at the corners, making me think he remembered that moment, too. A secret shared, even as we bared our souls to the others.

My body had always been one step ahead of my brain when it came to my brothers. I went haywire inside when he pushed the head of his cock past my entrance, and I realized his slow strokes into me mirrored Jonny’s thrusts into him.

An expression I’d never seen radiated from Colt’s eyes. I tried to figure out what was so different. My heart stuttered when he smiled over his shoulder at Jonny and I realized that look was pure joy. Wasn’t this acceptance what we all craved? The magical chance to be who we wanted, to love who we wanted, the way we wanted to love them, seemed in that moment to be a miracle that only happened inside this closed circle.

I raised my palm. “Lube, please.” With a grin, Jonny paused to squirt a dollop into my hand.

“Such a polite request.” He waggled his brows and barked Caine’s name. “Not to take over the calculations, brother, but I figure you’re gonna have to stick your dick in Caroline’s ass, so Shelby can finger her pussy, and vice versa, in order to get a true five-way.” Tossing the bottle over me and Caroline, he bent his head, focusing on Colt’s shapely butt.

“Hell, yeah!” Colt’s smile held a touch of mischief. “That means I’m goin’ balls deep in your sweet little ass, Shelby.”

“Oh, God.” I groaned. “Not sure I want to be that grown up.”

“C’mon. Have a heart. I’ve never been balls deep inside a woman.” Colt lowered his head to flick his tongue across my nipple, which, in turn, caused him to pull out of me.

“Not sure who I feel sorrier for, him or you.” Caroline’s bubbling laughter made my spirit soar, even as my heart pounded with apprehension.

I found Colt’s cock and spread the lube along the length, determined to grease that big thing as much as possible. When I wrapped my fingers around it as far as I could, he began to thrust into my hand. His eyes danced with mischief, even as they darkened with desire.

A condom wrapper ripped, drawing my eyes to Jonny. Once he donned the prophylactic, Jonny took the lube from Caine again and squirted a line along the latex, then fell onto his side, gripping his shaft.

Caroline placed her chin on my shoulder. I had to laugh. Her cheeks were flushed, her eye makeup smeared, and she pinned the tip of her tongue between her teeth while she watched her lover work his cock into her brother’s ass.

Colt’s thrusts into my hand lost some of their rhythm. His low groan, paired with a sharp thrust into my gripping fingers, telegraphed the moment when Jonny punched into Colt. Inside me, Colt’s finger-fuck picked up speed. His pants sent gusts of hot breath across my cheeks.

“Lube,” Caine demanded. Jonny paused to toss the small container. Caine snagged the bottle in mid-air above Caroline’s shoulder. “Caroline, you wanna prep Shelby for Colt, baby doll, while I get you lubed up?”

Caroline’s slippery fingers eased into my ass with no problem. I gasped, working Colt’s shaft as Caroline added another finger.

“Gonna use all four,” she whispered, starting to move her fingers in and out of my ass. “So you don’t cry when Colt jams that monster cock into this. Ohh... ohh, Jesus, Caine, that feels good.”

“Good God, hurry up before I blow.” Colt groaned.

Caine got off the bed and snagged a condom off the mattress.

“Roll over, Shelby. Facing Caroline. This, I do wanna watch.” Caine tore open the packet, applying the latex to his shaft without more than a glance. Colt withdrew his hand. I rolled onto my opposite hip, but kept my eyes on Caine. A flush rode his cheeks as Colt positioned his cock at my pucker.

“Take it like a big girl,” Caine crooned, pumping his cock through his fist. “Caroline, help her out.”

Caroline found my clit, massaging the tingling spot. Colt gripped my hip. “Try to push me out, Shelby,” he reminded.

I tightened my sphincter to ease his entrance, crying out when the huge head stretched, then slipped past the tight ring. Caroline buried her fingers inside my pussy and locked her ankle over my hip.

I returned the favor, lifting my ankle to her hip in an effort to improve Caine’s view, thrilling to the way his eyes went dark. He stared at our thrusting fingers for a long minute, then crawled onto the bed behind Caroline.

Caroline moaned while Caine worked his way into her ass. His cock head grazed my knuckles through the thin membrane inside Caroline. I tried, but failed, to hold back my whimpers while Colt worked deeper into me.

“This has gotta break every damn rule in the book,” Caroline whispered. “I’m sure I’m goin’ to Hell for this, but God Almighty, what a ride.”

“We make our own rules,” I whispered back. “Always have.”
And Hell is not knowing if we’ll ever be together like this again.
“Kiss me, dammit.”

Her soft lips met mine. Colt eased back until only the head of his cock remained inside me, only to rock forward and drive deep.

“Damn you, Jonny. Deeper, baby,” Colt muttered in my ear.

A delicious thrill skittered through me, sinking to my channel. With every nerve on fire, I panted. My fingers telegraphed Caine’s efforts. Colt’s harsh groans, and the rhythmic slap of bare skin, let me track Jonny’s pace, as well as Caine’s. Caroline whimpered, and somehow, all that information sank into my pussy and curled into an ever-tightening ball.

“Oh, God, I feel the love,” Caroline gasped. “This is amazing.”

The mingled grunts, soft cries, and groans ignited my imagination. My brain played half-seen, half-imagined flashes of Caine fucking Caroline, Jonny fucking Colt, and Colt fucking me, while Caroline and I dueled to see who could bring the other off first.

I lost that race, arching and sobbing as pleasure swept me under. My orgasm set off Colt’s. He dug his fingers into my hip and drove so deep, I thought he’d punch my lungs out, but the sparks inside my ass added bite to my pleasure.

His cock jerked. Then Jonny cried out, and somehow, that sent Caroline into spasms. She tightened and released around my fingers. Caine still thrust, but it didn’t take long until he cried out and stilled.

So beautiful
. Caroline looked like Colt’s twin in that moment, with flushed cheeks and radiant eyes.

“I love you.” I’d never uttered those words before, sure as hell not while basking in the afterglow of sex. I didn’t call any names, but no names seemed necessary. I loved all of them, for different reasons.

Chapter Eleven

opened my eyes, meeting Caine’s intent gaze over Caroline’s shoulder. He eased off the mattress and held out a hand. I slid my fingers into his and wriggled off the end of the bed. Colt opened his eyes when Jonny crawled across him, falling into the spot I’d vacated. Caroline snuggled into Jonny’s arms, resting her head on his shoulder. Colt spooned Jonny and threw an arm across both, giving me and Caine a smile from beneath heavy-lidded eyes.

Caine peeled twenty dollar bills off my hips, back, and buttocks, grinning all the while. I found a few stuck to his fine ass, too.

“I don’t know what Jonny’s rockin’ for a hot water heater, but I know how much you hate a cold shower. We’re going first.”

The toilet and sink were a single, sculptural piece that made room for a huge shower stall that filled one end of the small room. Caine casually stripped off the condom and stepped to the bowl. I couldn’t help noticing he was still hard. The reservoir tip on the condom was empty.

“You faked it?”

He shrugged and stripped off the latex sheath. “Didn’t wanna hurt Caroline’s feelings. Didn’t want any downtime, either.” Revealing the condom he must’ve brought from the bedroom, he donned the new latex under my avid gaze. He strode to the shower and jerked the curtain aside so he could turn on the water while I relieved my bladder. Thanks to the open curtain, I admired his tight ass and broad shoulders while he lathered, clearly unconcerned by the water that spilled onto the floor.

He turned to face me. “Come here.” Every rational thought fled. The look on his face made my heartbeat thunder in my veins with each step I took in his direction. The little voice in my head said,
Stepping into his arms now would only hurt me later, but my foolish heart wanted no part of logic.

Steam swirled around us when I stepped inside, but Caine’s intent gaze burned through the fog. He jerked the curtain closed. I stood with my back toward the spray.

“Don’t look at me like that.”

His gravelly tone took me aback. “Like what?”

“Dad calls that look your orphan’s eyes. I know I deserve for you to look at me that way, but somehow, someday, I’m gonna wipe it from your eyes forever.”

I didn’t know what he meant. Dale was the orphan, not me. The hot water set my ass on fire. Caine’s intent gaze pushed some force right through my tummy. Where the two sensations collided, a fuse lit.

He picked up the body wash, squirting some into his palm, then pressed the bottle into my hands. Starting at my shoulders, he slid his hands down my arms, then went on one knee. He seemed in no hurry, stroking each finger the way I’d grasp a cock, spending extra time rubbing the tiny web of skin in between. The small dips seemed unduly sensitive. Each stroke between my fingers echoed inside my nipples.

I had that crazy notion again that I was his engine. This man had built me, piece by piece, tuning me to his will. I’d never run as well as I did in his hands.

“I know most folks would say this ain’t right,” he began. I stiffened when he touched my labia. He smoothed the cool gel over the sensitive tissue with the same confident touch he’d used on my arms and hands.

BOOK: Pedal to the Metal: Love's Drivin' but Fate's Got the Pole (The 'Cuda Confessions Book 3)
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