Pearl's Blaze (Devil's Iron MC #2) (9 page)

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Authors: Gm Scherbert

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Pearl's Blaze (Devil's Iron MC #2)
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Chapter 21 – Tank

Riding for the past four months is something that must come to an end. I have to get back to Chicago, back to my life, back to my job, my brothers, my club. Facing the fact that she chose to no longer be a part of my fucking life, in the most fucked up way possible, is something that I just need to accept and move the fuck on from.

No matter what I do I cannot get her out of my fucking head though. No matter the number of sluts that I fuck, the number of subs that I scene with, the amount of Jack that I drown myself in; nothing drives her from my head. I wake up sweating and terrorized by the vision I walked in on that night. Most nights no matter who or what fills the void inside of me I am still left wanting the woman who broke me.

When I walked in on Pearl letting those two men have their way with her, I fucking lost it. I headed straight home to pack and hit the fucking road. I only took what I packed in a bag, my bike and headed south. I have picked up a few jobs here and there but have been in the wind for most of that time. Trying to only stop at brother charters that I have not been to, so that none of the brothers know me or the situation I am coming from. Staying only a night or two at each chapter, never long enough for the Prez to call me in, to question my presence at his chapter or reach out to Blaze to try and figure out what the situation is.

I am not sure what Blaze has done or told to anyone including the other chapter Presidents. My disgrace and slut of an ex is not wide spread knowledge, in fact no one seems to know anything of it, which shocks me greatly. Talking with brothers in each of the charters for the short time that I was at them, did not lead to any questioning of my seemingly unacknowledged MIA status from the Chicago charter.

I know that I will have a stern reprimand from the Prez and all my brothers when I return home, but there was no other option for me in that moment. I had to be gone. I am not sure what will happen when I walk back into the Clubhouse in Chicago, but I know it will not be a pleasant experience at all.

I have not even spoken with my parents in the four months that I have been away. I have dropped two signed postcards in the mail to let them know that I am okay, but that is it. I contemplate reaching out to them now to let them know that I am coming, but decide against it. Knowing that dad will talk with Blaze and I would not like him to have more time to plot my reprimand.

I start thinking about the long ride home in winter and quietly look through this burner phone to plan my path home. Being March, the weather will be touch and go as soon as I start heading north out of Texas and I would hate to get caught on the bike in the midst of a big Midwestern blizzard.

Looking through the weather I decide to sit tight for at least a couple days before starting my journey home. I am going to let the big storm that seems to be making its way across the country pass before I start the journey home.

Thinking about what will happen when I get home does not make my fitful night of sleep any easier. I wonder about what is happening with the MC, the Dungeon, and even the woman that should be far from my mind.

Looking towards the phone I have not turned on in four months I think again about the situations I will be walking back into at home. I think again about turning it on and checking in with my father, but will leave that for when I am on my way.

Chapter 22 – Blaze

I only realized too late that my words of love and protection did not fall on deaf ears. When I woke a short time after falling asleep, Pearl is gone. I knew it the instant I woke up and sensed that I was alone in bed. I am not sure what happened or where she has gone, but will make short work of finding her and punishing her for leaving this bed.

“Fuck!” I throw the lamp on next to the bed and get dressed fast not realizing that Pearl is nearer than I think. I storm through the office and am shocked to see Pearl curled up in the desk chair crying. I move to her swiftly and reach out to her gradually, not wanting to startle her. As our skin makes contact her eyes shoot to mine and I see so much pain there it stabs me to the core.

“Sweetling, what is it? Why are you so upset? It can’t be because of what I said, is it?” Slowly spinning the chair to face me, “Are you that fucking pissed and this is your reaction when I tell you I love you? Or is it because you do not feel the same way or cannot say it back to me?”

In between sobs, she answers to the best of her ability, “What? Markus, no I just,” she inhales deeply wiping the tears from her checks, “it’s just that you, when you mentioned, FUCK” she trails off as her crying starts again.

“Shh, Sweetling. It will be okay, whatever it is that upset you, I will fix it. Shh.” Soothing her as best I could I slowly pick her up and place her on my lap as I sit back down into the chair. Wrapping my arms around her I carry on, “Sweetling, what has you so shaken, if not my telling you that I am in love with you, then what? The only other thing I mentioned was, FUCK ME, we have never discussed it since that first night you told me what happen. Is that what has upset you? My mentioning of him and that night, is this how you were those days after the attack, Sweetling?”

Bringing her eyes up to meet mine I see the hurt and fear that still lingers there. “I just haven’t thought about him or that night for the last few weeks and it all just came back to me in a rush after you mentioned Tank.” As she drops her eyes a little she goes on, “it was not your confessions that made me upset, Markus, those I have been waiting to hear for some time.”

“Oh, have you now, Pet. Is that so?” I bring a hand up to her chin dragging her eyes back up to meet mine and slowly stroking over her check as I go on, “How long have you been waiting to hear these confessions from me exactly?” A slow smile spreads across my face as I look down into those brown eyes that have stopped their tears.

A grin leisurely comes to her as she answers me with no pause, “Since the night that you claimed me, maybe before then.” Reaching her hand up to my face and stroking down my beard tugging slightly when she gets to the end. “The way that you look at me, through me, right to my soul, is just something that I have only experienced one other time. That feeling is not something that I will ever question or fight again, Markus.” Gripping my face in both her hands she pulls my face down roughly to her and kisses me with such force I am struggling to hold myself back from taking her again right now. A struggle which is only made more challenging when, she starts to slowly gyrate and grind against my throbbing erection.

The drive to Milwaukee will be no problem even at this late hour seeing that the snow that was supposed to start tonight has been pushed back a few days. We should have no problems as long as I can get her to stop rubbing on my cock and get her dressed and into the car.

We need to get back home to the girls tonight and we have the monthly check up on the babe with Pearl’s OBGYN tomorrow. I am really excited to be able to be there with her, it is the first one that she has invited me to go along to and there is no chance in hell I am going to miss it.

“Pearl, watch it. We need to get on the road so that we can let Madge get home from watching the girls. We have that appointment early tomorrow and I don’t want to miss it.” Setting her down on her feet I walk over to the dresser and get out a pair of yoga pants and Devil’s Iron Sweatshirt for her. Holding out the pants for her I run my hands up her smooth legs as I pull the pants up and over her hips. Running my hands up to her breasts I give a tug on each nipple ring before reaching for the sweatshirt and holding it out over her head to help her into it. “Let’s go Sweetling,” tugging on her arm while grabbing our things as we walk outta the room and head towards the exit.

The drive is easy and relatively quick. Pearl snuggles into me and falls asleep shortly after getting onto the freeway. Then it hits me like a ton of bricks, she never told me how she felt about me when we were discussing my telling her I love her. I shake her shoulder as we cross into Wisconsin, “Sweetling, I have to ask you something, wake up for a minute.”

“Yes, Markus what is it?” she stretches her arms and legs out as she answers me.

“You never answered me about your feelings for me. You dodged the question very easy earlier and I would like to know your thoughts,” squeezing her shoulder tightly in my grip, “I would like to know them now, Pet.”

Chapter 23 – Pearl

Looking over towards Markus I can see the hint of fear in his eyes as he continues to drive. I have done nothing to make him question me, but I now realize that I have given him none of the reassurances and support that he has shown me over these past few months, giving me the inkling that he loved me starting long ago.

“Markus” reaching out to him, placing my hand over his heart I could feel the pulse slow as I left my hand there for a few short moments before I speak.

Softly I answer him with the only words that I can come up with. “Markus, Master. I love you.”

The truck suddenly veers to the side of the road and is thrown into park. I gasp as Markus is on me just as swift. Growling at me “say it again, Pet. Tell me again.”

“Markus, I love-”

He cuts me off with his mouth on mine in an all consuming kiss. Breaking the kiss I look over to see Markus pulling his cock out of his pants. “Pull your pants down I need to bury myself in you right fucking now.”

As I wiggle out of my yoga pants I am quickly positioned so that Markus can drive his cock home. As he buries it to the hilt I am quickly brought near the edge of orgasm. “Tell me again, Pet. Scream it as loud as you can while you come around my cock. I need to be buried deep inside of you when you say those beautiful words to me, say it again, Pet.”

I scream out the words again as I start to shatter and explode around him. He is quick to join me in both the orgasm and the words of love.

Kissing me passionately he reaches back to get a shirt out of his bag to wipe me up. He then helps me get back on the yoga pants before he takes care of himself. Leaning over to kiss me tenderly on the head, he slides back behind the wheel. Reaching his arm out he drags me closer to him and tucks me in to his side after he has shifted the truck into gear and pulls back onto the road.

Getting home that night we send Madge on her way before checking on the girls. Walking back through the kitchen towards my bedroom I slow and stop, looking towards Markus, who is walking only a few steps in front of me.

His dominance is something that he could not hide if he tried. He exudes it with every step that he takes and each of those steps make me want to submit to him. My head drops a little as I fall into step behind him again. As we cross the doorway into the bedroom he turns around with such speed that I am startled by it.

Pulling his shirt off and over his head he speaks in a low voice “Get naked, Pearl and let’s get to sleep. We still have that appointment in the morning and I would not miss it for the world.”

Removing first my sweatshirt and then my pants I move slowly towards the bed. Markus has already claimed his side of the bed and is laying there with open arms, waiting for me to curl up with him for the night.

“Pet, quiet those running thoughts of yours down. Whatever it is, we will talk about it more tomorrow. Right now, we need to sleep so that we can get up early and get the girls situated before we head to the doctor’s office. Come here and whisper those words in my ears that I have longed to hear from you for so long. Yes?”

Climbing onto the bed and into the arms of this man is close to heaven for me. Suddenly I feel a sharp pain in my stomach and buckle over in pain.

“Pearl, what is it? Is it the babe? Do we need to go to the hospital?” He has bolted upright now and is leaning towards me with concern etched all over his face.

“No, Markus jeeze you are totally overreacting.” Moving my hand up to my bump and the kicking that has just subsided I slowly stroke over my expanding belly. “It was just the babe kicking- It’s the first time that the babe kicked me that hard and I am just not used to it. You will see tomorrow that this little peanut is not so little anymore.”

“Wait, see tomorrow? I get to see the babe tomorrow? It is not just the normal check up? Is something wrong that we get to see the babe tomorrow? Did you not tell me something, Sweetling? I will be very-“

“Markus, stop. I called the doctor last week and scheduled another ultrasound so that we could be together when they tell us the baby’s sex. You know that I was not in the right state of mind to make decisions the last time that they offered to tell me the baby’s sex. I thought that being together to find out would be something that you would want. If that is not the case, I will go tomorrow by myself and do this alone again.” Trying unsuccessfully to pull away I go on, “I was not hiding anything from you, Markus. I never fucking will and if you don’t know that about me by now maybe these declarations of love mean nothing to you.”

“Pet, don’t try to rile me up. I know you well enough to know what you are trying to do right now. I meant every word that I said to you this evening, fucking hell; I meant every word I have ever said to you. I fucking love you, you are the only woman I have ever said that to, felt that for, or wanted that with.” Pulling me tightly into his body, “I am sorry that I jumped to the thought that you might have been holding back from me. You holding back from me is one of the things that I don’t know if I could deal with.”

Tightening his arms around me he continues, “I am just so concerned for you and our babe and I should not have questioned you in that manner.” Running a hand through his hair and then moving it slowly down to his beard. “I just, fuck, I don’t know Pearl. This whole fucking situation is new to me, and fuck if I know what to do or if I will make the right choices all the time, Sweetling.” Moving his hand back to my body, he stops it on my belly and caresses the bump as he finishes, “Let’s get some sleep so that we can be ready for the doctor tomorrow.” Kissing me on the head as he finishes, “I love you Pearl and nothing or no one will ever come between us.”

Resting back and relaxing into Markus I quickly find myself drifting off.

Getting ready in the morning, I start making breakfast as I hear knocking at the front door. Going over to it I look out to see one of the prospects standing at the door. Opening the door I am greeted with a gruff nod and asked where “Prez” is. Turning around I am quickly moved aside by this man as he walks past me into the house. With a loud oomph I bump into the wall and am almost knocked off of my feet.

“What the fuck?” is all that I get out before Markus is there striding towards me.

“Pearl, what’s going on I heard a noise.” Looking toward the prospect he goes on, “Tick, what are you doing in here, you are suppose to be outside?”

“She tripped into the fucking wall.” As he shifts his gaze towards Markus, “I came in here to let you know that Doc got a lead on that cunt and couldn’t get a hold of you, so he told me to come up to the house and touch base with you.”

“Fine, fine I will reach out to him. Now, get out of this fucking house. I don’t want to see you in this house or near Pearl again.”

As Tick turns on his heel and walks out, he narrowly avoids bumping into me yet again and I quickly move away, almost to the point of flinching as I do so.

Markus notices instantly and grabs Tick by the arm. “Why the fuck is she doing that” he gets out on a growl as he spins the kid around to face him. “What did you fucking do to her you piece of fucking shit.”

“Markus” comes quietly from across the room and we turn to see Iris standing in her pajamas, “why are you using those bad words? Momma says that we shouldn’t talk like that.”

Dropping his hand off of the prospect he makes quick work of reaching her. “I am sorry Iris; I was just mad and forgot where I was. Your momma is right, we shouldn’t talk like that. Go wash up for breakfast, and then we can play for a little bit before Stella gets here, yes?”

“Ok Markus. Just don’t do it anymore or momma is gonna yell at you and put you in time out,” she throws over her shoulder as she turns and strides from the room.

“Outside, Now!” He shoves Tick towards and through the door as he turns to me. “What happened, Sweetling? Did he put his hands on you? Why were you so jumpy when he tried to pass you? Tell me.”

“When he came into the house, without asking, he moved me aside with his hands and that’s when I bumped into the wall that way and lost my balance.”

“He fucking laid his hands on you? That is fucking it, what the fuck is he thinking?”He trails off walking out of the house. I shut the door behind him not wanting to know what is about to happen.

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