Pearl's Awakening (Devil's Iron MC #3) (10 page)

BOOK: Pearl's Awakening (Devil's Iron MC #3)
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Chapter 23 – Blaze


Fuck Me! When I get my hands on him I will beat the shit outta him. Causing that pain in Pearl’s eyes and leaving our woman needy again, what the fuck was he thinking? I should not have trusted him with being able to handle what would be needed to take care of someone besides himself. If she gives him another chance, I will sure as fuck make it clear it will be his last chance before he is fucking put to ground. 

Shaking those thoughts from my mind I need to take care of Pearl and put the thoughts of violence towards him to rest for now. Taking a few deep breaths, I calm my nerves and walk slowly over to the rack of toys and pull off a few of our favorites.

Remembering the butt plug that has long been inside of Pearl, I think of burying myself in her ass tonight. Smiling at the thought I go over and grab a glass dildo and imagine being able to give her a taste of what she is longing for. As I walk back towards the bed I know that she will need some working over to bring her down from the fucking edge that he has put her on.

“Pet, find a position that is comfortable, up against the wall or on all fours, just try to get comfortable.”

As she gets outta bed I smack her on the ass as she moves toward the wall. The yelp I hear goes straight to my cock.

Grabbing the flogger, I stand behind her as she is leaning into the wall. Slowly I start to work over her back, thighs, and ass. When I start to hear moans spilling from her lips, I pick up the pace and intensity of my strokes. Seeing the red stripes starting to form on her, my cock strains even more in my pants. When I see the sweet drips of moisture rolling down her thighs I drop the flogger and grab a crop.

Leisurely I run the crop over her body from head to toe. I use my free hand to push her back down a little lower on the wall so that her rounded ass is stuck out even further for me. Stepping back, I begin my assault on her ass landing twenty hits fast. Dropping the crop onto the floor I reach for the plug which is still stuck in her ass. As it pops free from her ass another moan escapes her lips and I am fucking done for.

Wasting little time, I grab the glass dildo off of the bed. Sliding my cock into her slick heat I fuck her few times before pulling out and driving directly into her ass. With first a whimper and then a few seconds later a moan, I set a ruthless pace. Only pausing to work the glass dildo into her cunt before returning to the pace that I had set.This time the feeling of the glass cock through the thin barrier forces me on. When her moans reach a frenzied peak, I lean over and lick her ear before biting out, “When you feel my seed you can come, not before do you hear me, Pet?”

“Yes, Master. Please hurry, I am so close. Your cock feels so good buried deep in my ass. Please, fuck me harder and bury your seed in my ass. Use me for your pleasure, please Master.”

At her words I am brought over the edge and start to spill my seed. Slapping her ass cheek, she starts to shake and squeeze my dick as her orgasm takes her over. Grabbing a tight hold of her hips while her orgasm is taking her over, my fingers dig in a little too deep and she lets out a yelp as I try to steady her.

As we both come down from our orgasms, I help her over to the bed and get her situated in it, pulling the covers up over us as she lays in my arms. She drifts to sleep and I wait a few minutes before going to find him and take care of this situation he has now put us in. The hurt in our woman’s eyes is not something that he gets to walk away from so quickly. He agreed to give this a try and I will not fucking let him go back on the promises that he has made, to not only me, but our woman.

If Tank is one thing, it is not a fucking liar, he just needs to understand that she is our number one priority. If he cannot handle that he will need to leave, because she will not be able to handle having him in our lives, if we are not sharing those lives.

Sliding out of the bed I put the blankets back over Pearl and head towards my discarded clothing and pick them up. Striding towards the bathroom I glance back at the bed with a smile on my face, feeling pride knowing that Pearl will be knocked out for quite a while.

Dressing fast I rush out through the Dungeon and drive like a bat out of hell towards the clubhouse. Calling Country at the clubhouse, I ask if Tank is there but he says that he has not seen him all night. Turning the truck around quickly I decide to head to his house instead.

Pulling into the drive I cut the lights and make a path straight to the front door. Before I even have a chance to reach for the door it is slammed open.

“What the fuck are you…” is all that he can get out before I connect with his jaw.

“Shut up, you stupid fuck and listen to me.” Stepping past him into the living room I see a bottle of Jack. Striding towards the kitchen I grab a glass out of the cupboard, head back to the bottle of Jack, and pour myself a drink.“How dare you walk out on our woman like that? If she takes you back after that fucking little stunt, you better never do that to her again or I will put you to fucking ground.” Taking another slug out of the glass I go on, “She was being honest with us and you just ripped her the fuck apart, I had been building that shit up with her for weeks, you stupid fuck.”

“She was in pain, Blaze, how the fuck was I supposed to Dom her when she was telling us that she was in fucking pain? I don’t think that I can do that.”

“Do you want to be with her?”

“Yes, you fucking know I don’t want anything more than that.”

“Do you fucking love her?”

“You know I do, we just fucking talked about this not a few hours ago.”

“You told me that you wanted to try and make this fucking relationship work, right?”

“I thought I would be able to, but after tonight I am not so fucking sure any more. She is fucking pregnant and I don’t think I can handle giving her what she needs or wants while that is the case. I couldn’t stop thinking about the baby and if he was really okay in there or if she would try to cover it up.”

“She would never take our babes’ health or well-being in her hands like that, Tank. Fucking get your head out of your ass and start using the brain you seem to be forgetting about. You know that Pearl would never do anything to hurt that babe.Why would you even say anything like that you fucking piece of shit?” I landa right to his gut and then take another sip from the glass in my other hand.

“You will fucking come back to the Dungeon with me and fucking talk with her tonight. We will come to a solution and that is all that there is to it. If that solution does not involve all of us being together, you will have to fucking leave. I will not watch her crumble because one of the men that she has chosen to spend her days with isn’t man enough to step up.”

Finishing the glass of Jack, I add on, “You will not be visible in our lives if that is what is decided. Do you fucking understand me?”

“Fuck. Yes, Blaze, yes I understand.” Taking the last swig from his glass he slams it down and starts to turn to the door, “Let’s get this done with.”

Chapter 24 – Tank


Walking out to Blaze’s truck I cannot stop thinking about how I have left this woman not once, but twice. I don’t know what I was thinking tonight. I know that what I did was not the right fucking thing to do, but I was scared. I haven’t had the time to adjust to or learn about Pearl’s pregnancy like she and Blaze have. I will need to find a way to be strong for her if she even thinks about taking me back.

Getting into the passenger door I am drawn out of my thoughts by Blaze slamming the driver’s door. “What are you going to do Tank? I need to know how I am going to have to handle this shit and what the fuck I am going to need to do with Pearl. Are you going to be involved in our lives or are you going to walk away and leave her be?”

“I am not fucking leaving her or that baby, Blaze. I don’t know what the fuck happened tonight. I think I got fucking spooked by her having those tingles. What if it would have been something worse? What if something were to happen to her or our baby?”

“Don’t fucking think that way, Tank, and for fucks sake don’t let her hear your doubts. She needs us to be the backbone in this relationship. She has been through enough in her life to last the rest of hers, so our job is only to make sure that she has nothing but what she wants, needs, and deserves for the rest of her life.”

“I know, I know, and I will make up for my doubts, but I don’t know if I can go hard on her like you and her want.”

“You will, because it is what she needs and what she wants. We are only here for her and when we use her for ourselves it is really her that we are fucking pleasing. I can’t fucking believe that is the way of our world, but I know that she has me in her fucking pocket. She will never doubt what it is that we share together. You need to make sure that it is the same with you.”

Turning into the parking lot of the Dungeon and putting the truck in park he looks over at me as I add. “You can have some time with her to build the relationship and trust back up, but remember that you need to stay in charge at all times. She needs a firm hand and will walk the fuck all over you if she picks up on any doubts.”

It is late, around one am, as we walk back into the Dungeon and I hear Blaze calling Doc as we reach the office door. Gesturing for me to go in he stays in the hall talking as I close the door behind me and walk through the office making my way towards the bed.Stopping short I see that the bed is empty and wonder if she has left.

Hearing the toilet flush from the bathroom I turn and watch as she stops in the doorway. “Abraham,”comes out of her lips quietly as I reach her in two short steps opening my arms to her.

“Little One, come here.” Is all I can get out as she closes the gap between us and reaches up to the eye that Blaze connected with earlier. Knowing that I am having a hard time seeing out of it, I can only imagine what it looks like to her.

“Oh, Abraham, are you alright?” she says as she reaches up gently touching the now tender skin.

As she turns to head toward the small fridge that is in the office it is then that I notice that she is still naked and there are marks on her skin from her scene with Markus.  My cock didn’t fucking get the memo from my brain about our worry for her, because it is now straining my pants.

Striding into the office rapidly catching up to her I start tracing over the lines and marks on her gorgeous skin as she is bent over the fridge. The noise that escapes her is one of pure sex and my cock is done for.

“Little One, we will talk about my fucking behavior earlier tonight, later. I promise you that I will never leave you like that again. I will do everything in my power to give you everything that you need and want out of me, no us, from now until I am fucking put to ground.”

“Seeing these on your skin now and talking with Markus, I know that I was wrong to walk out and give in to my doubts.” Spinning her around to face me I finish with fucking need in my voice staring into those brown depths. “It is not something that will happen again, I fucking swear to you.” Reaching down I undo the belt on my pants followed by the button and the zipper. “I need to be inside you, get on the bed.”

As she rapidly makes her way across the room, I hear the door open and see Markus poke his head in. “Sweetling, are you okay?”

“Yes, Markus we are fine- is everything okay with the girls?” She says turning quickly toward his voice.

“Yes, they are fine. I am going to head home to relieve Doc, he said he needs to come to the Dungeon. Who the fuck knows why- he hasn’t come here in months. I will have him bring your SUV back so that you can get home, yes? He can catch a fucking ride with someone else.”

Striding across the room to him she looks up at him as he leans close to her ear whispering into it. Not being able to hear what he is saying has my blood boiling, until I hear her answer.

“Of course Master, I know that.” Glancing in my direction then back to him,“Sir will not do anything to hurt me and I will use my safe words if need be.” Sliding her arms around his neck she leans up to kiss him, “Now, go home and let Doc come to have some fun, he has done so much for me in the last few months he deserves so much more than the little he finds joy in now.”

Kissing her once more before he turns and walks towards the door, he places a ring of keys on the table nearest the door throwing over his shoulder, “Abraham, make sure the office is locked up on your way out and set the alarm at the house when you come in, Yes? It has changed since you have been around so make sure to ask Pearl before you come to bed.”

As Markus shuts the door after locking it from the inside, I see Pearl turn and walk back towards the bed. As she swings her hips past me I can’t stop myself from reaching out and pulling her into me.

Taking her mouth in mine for the first time in what feels like forever, I claim what has been mine since the first night I laid eyes on her. As my hands rove over her body, I cannot stop myself from squeezing her ass until I hear a groan of pain escape her lips, which is only a mumble with my mouth still consuming hers.

Lifting her up, I notice her added weight instantly, but am only turned on more knowing that it comes from our baby. Carrying her over to the bed I softly lay her down and strip outta my jeans. Reaching for the rubber that is in my wallet I rip through it quickly and roll it onto my throbbing cock before crawling on top of Pearl.

The worry I felt momentarily for her and our baby is quickly put out by the need to be buried deep inside of her. I am done for when I am near enough to feel the warmth of her pussy on my cock through the rubber. I can’t fucking stop rubbing myself through her slick folds before sliding my cock into her pussy abruptly. Hoping that she can forgive my fucking lack of foreplay, I am rewarded by her juicy cunt sucking my cock in quickly. As I start moving she is groaning with each thrust and I need to feel her coming around me.

I reach up to grab one of her nipples and that is when I notice a change to the size and shape of them. Knowing that both Pearl and Markus had warned me about the changes to her body, I am intrigued to notice this sign up close. As I pull on the nipple ring I take note of the differences between her reactions to this and how they differ from previous ones. She reacts to the slightest of my teases with moans and the tightening of her pussy around my cock. As I continue the assault on her nipple, I notice that the more I tease and tug, the juicier her cunt becomes.

“Turn over, Little One. I love how you feel around me and I am so fucking turned on by your newfound nipple sensitivity I cannot wait to get some clamps on you. Now, I need to see those marks and give you some of my own as I come buried to the hilt inside of you.” Helping her turn over she slides off of the bed and looks up at me.

“Sir, I would like to stand and bend over the bed resting my arms on it, if that pleases you? It is easier on me and the baby, again if that is pleasing to you, of course.”

Taking her mouth roughly with mine again before I answer, “Yes, Little One, it is pleasing to me as long as I can see that gorgeous ass and your eyes as well. You will not come until you feel me doing so as well, Hmm?”

“Yes, Sir” is what she gets out before I spin her around pushing her head down towards the mattress. Stretching her arms out on the bed she wiggles her ass a little before she is reminded by a few sharp slaps that she should not be moving and playing around as much as she is.

Markus was right that she would be pushing the boundaries and testing the waters again. “Don’t test the waters too much, Little One. Even though we have not been here in a while, you are not the one to run this fucking show. If you cannot keep yourself in check you will not be coming anytime soon. In fact, you will not be enjoying what we are doing quite as much as you are now. Do you still want to play these little games with me? Show me this fucking disrespect and sass?” Sticking a finger in her ass dry helps me to make my point with her. “Hmm? I didn’t hear your answer; do you want to play these games?”

“Sir, oh sir yes, I mean, no Sir, I don’t want to play any games. Sorry Sir, I will stop pushing you and take what you will give to me. Please do what you want to me Sir, and use my body how you see fit.”

Seeing the lust in her eyes and feeling her pussy slick with more juice, I know that she is just as turned on by the finger in her ass as she was by the nipple play. My Little One is such a dirty fucking girlie.

Pulling the finger out of her ass I walk over to my pants and grab my belt out of them. “Little One, tell me if it gets to be too much, otherwise you will get five for your fucking sass. Hold tight to the bed, remember to count and thank your Sir as we go.”

Landing the first one she jumps a little at the intensity of it and shrieks out, “One, thank you, Sir.”

The next two come close together and she jumps as both of them land and counts them together, “Two, three, thank you, Sir.”

The stripes on her ass are forming and make a fucking beautiful pattern with the marks that Markus had left earlier. I move down to her thighs and land the last two there. Pearl does not jump as these are landed, and counts each in turn.

Dropping my belt, I stand behind her running my hands over the newly formed stripes and watch as they form welts in her alabaster skin. Running my nails over the new welts I hear and see her whole body shiver.

My cock throbs to be inside of her as she mewls out another moan as I continue my slow torture on her ass. Fisting my cock, I run it through her folds again before slipping it inside of her. Grabbing her hips tightly I start to pound hard into her.

Remembering the tattoo that Pearl was about to get when I left, I look down towards my thumbs and dig them in deeper as I drive into her. I get distracted quickly watching my cock disappear into her and the orgasm takes me quickly. As I start to cum I feel Pearl’s tight cunt squeezing my cock as her orgasm peaks in time with mine. Holding onto her tightly I make sure that she regains her balance before I help her to stand.

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