Peacock Emporium (13 page)

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Authors: Jojo Moyes

Tags: #Fiction, #General

BOOK: Peacock Emporium
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‘Any chance of a cup of tea? Cooking the books always makes me thirsty.’

Vivi was sitting at the kitchen table. Having found the unalchemistic collection of tired pencils and compacts that passed for her makeup bag, she was trying to brighten herself up a bit, to blot down the high colour and slight sheen she always got from spending too much time cooking. ‘I’ll bring one through,’ she said, after a defeated glance in the little mirror. ‘Does Daddy want one?’

‘Dunno. I expect so.’ Her son, all six foot four of him, ducked with practised ease under the lintel as he left the kitchen and walked back down the corridor. ‘Oh, I forgot to tell you,’ he called over his shoulder. ‘We forgot to pick up the flowers. Sorry.’

Vivi stilled, put her compact on the table, then walked briskly after him. ‘What?’

‘Don’t say “what”. It’s rude.’ Her son grinned, mimicking his grandmother. ‘Dad and I forgot to pick up those flowers this morning. Got a bit tied up at the feed shop. Sorry.’

’ She stood in the doorway of the study, her hands dropped in exasperation.


‘One thing. The one thing I asked you two to do for me, and you leave it till five minutes before they all arrive to tell me you’ve forgotten.’

‘What did we forget?’ Her husband lifted his head from the books. He reached forward to pick up a pencil. ‘Cup of tea?’ he said hopefully.

‘The table arrangements. You didn’t pick them up like I asked you.’


‘I’ll pick you some, if you want.’ Ben glanced out of the window. He had spent more than an hour in the study and was fidgety, restless to get outside again.

‘There are no flowers, Ben. It’s February, for goodness’ sake. Oh, I am disappointed.’

‘What do we need table arrangements for? We don’t usually go in for all this.’

‘For the lunch.’ An unaccustomed note of crossness had crept into her voice. ‘I wanted everything to be perfect today. It’s a special day.’

‘Lucy’s not going to care if there are no table arrangements.’ Her husband shrugged, and ruled a line underneath some numbers.

‘Well, I care. And it’s a terrific waste of money, spending on flowers that we can’t even be bothered to pick up.’ She would get nowhere with them. Vivi gazed up at the clock, wondering vainly whether she could whiz into town and pick them up herself. With luck, and a decent parking space, she could be in and out in twenty minutes.

Then she remembered Rosemary, who would either want to come too or treat Vivi’s brief visit as further evidence that her needs were not just considered unimportant but could be trampled over in a barbarous manner. ‘Well, you can jolly well pay for them,’ she said, wiping her hands on her apron, and reaching behind her to untie the strings, ‘and explain to Mr Bridgman why we’re ordering flowers that we apparently don’t want.’

The two men looked at each other, exchanging the blankest of glances.

‘Tell you what,’ said Ben. ‘I’ll go. If you’ll let me take the Range Rover.’

‘You’ll take your mother’s car,’ came her husband’s voice. ‘Pick us up a bottle of sherry for your grandmother while you’re at it . . . You won’t forget that cup of tea, darling, will you?’

Vivi had been married for precisely nine years when her mother-in-law came to live with them, and fifteen when her husband capitulated and agreed to build her an annexe so that they could watch the odd American cop show without having to pause every five minutes to explain the plot, cook food containing garlic or spices and, just occasionally, read the newspapers in bed on a Sunday morning without an imperious knock at the door and a demand to know why the orange juice wasn’t on its normal shelf in the fridge.

There had been no question of her going into a home. The house had been hers: she might not have been born there, she was fond of saying, but she could see no reason why she shouldn’t die there. Even though the land was now farmed by tenants, and there was no longer much in the way of livestock, she liked to look out of her window and remember the past. It was a great
to her. And someone needed to be around to teach the younger generation about family history, and the ways of the past. Now that most of her friends had died, family was all she had. Besides, Vivi occasionally mused, in a rare mutinous thought, why would she want to move anywhere else when she had a built-in cook-cleaner-chauffeur permanently at her disposal? Not even a five-star hotel would provide that little lot for her.

The children, having grown up with Granny down the corridor and, like their father, largely left their mother to deal with her, treated the old lady with a mixture of benevolence and irreverent humour, most of which, thankfully, she could not hear. Vivi scolded them for mocking her favourite phrases, or for their veiled references to the fact that she smelt not of Parma violets but of something rather more pungent and organic – she was still not sure how she was going to broach that one – but had loved them, too, for putting the old lady in perspective on the dispiriting days when Rosemary’s demands made her seem ogreish and impossible.

Because even her son had to admit that Rosemary was not the easiest old lady. Irascible and opinionated, with a firm belief in tradition and an oft-spoken disappointment in her family’s failure to live up to it, she still apparently considered Vivi to be a kind of working guest in the house, even after some thirty years of marriage.

And, frail and forgetful as she was, she had not gone quietly down that good corridor. Rosemary’s already heightened emotions at the building of the annexe had subsequently wavered between a stubborn resentfulness that she was being ‘pushed out’ to a secret pride in her renewed independence and surroundings. The new rooms had been carefully decorated by Vivi in a mixture of French cherry stripes and
toile de Jouy
(the one thing Vivi had always been good at, Rosemary had been forced to acknowledge, was fabrics) and were untainted by young people’s incomprehensible music, endless streams of their monosyllabic friends, dogs, racket and muddy boots.

This didn’t stop her making surreptitious and repeated references to Vivi that she had been ‘cast out’ or ‘shoved off, occasionally in front of her remaining friends. Her own grandmother, she said pointedly, at least once a week, had taken over the good parlour as her living quarters when she became elderly, and children were
to go and pay court to her once a day and occasionally read to her.

‘I’ve got
The Clubber’s Guide to Ibiza
here,’ said Ben, cheerfully. ‘That and
Basic Tractor Maintenance.

‘We could dig out
The Joy of Sex.’
Lucy giggled. ‘Remember Mum and Dad used to hide that in their wardrobe?’

‘Who’s hiding in the wardrobe?’ said Rosemary, crossly.

‘Lucy!’ exclaimed Vivi, blushing. She had bought it on her thirtieth birthday, in a last-ditch attempt to be something of a siren, back when they had been ‘trying’ for Ben. Her husband had been rather shocked, then put off by the illustrations. ‘No wonder he’s grown all that facial hair,’ he’d said dismissively. ‘I’d want to disguise myself after that little lot.’

Vivi did her best not to mind. She reminded herself constantly of all the good things she had: a beautiful home, wonderful children, a loving husband, so she endured Rosemary’s barbs and capricious demands, and left him in the dark as to their true extent. He didn’t like family discord: it made him retreat into his shell, like a snail, from where he would lurk, slightly crossly, until everyone else had ‘sorted themselves out’. It was why he didn’t like this business with Suzanna and the others. ‘Well, I think you should sit down and explain it to her,’ Vivi had ventured, on more than one occasion.

‘I’ve told you, I don’t want all that business stirred up again,’ he would respond abruptly. ‘I don’t have to explain myself to anyone. Especially not to someone who’s just been given a bloody house to live in. She’s just going to have to learn to live with it.’

It had started to spit. Suzanna stood on the step, sheltering as much as she could under the lintel, as Neil took the bottle of wine and the flowers from the back of the car.

‘You got carnations,’ she said, grimacing.


‘They’re awful. Such mean-looking flowers.’

‘In case it had escaped your notice, Suze, we’re not exactly in a position to be buying rare orchids. Your mum’ll be happy with whatever we give her.’

Suzanna knew it was true, but it didn’t stop her feeling ill-tempered. She had felt like this ever since they had pulled into the drive and she had seen the mustard-coloured sprawling farmhouse, the huge oak door of her childhood. She could hardly remember a time when this house had meant something uncomplicated and comforting to her. She knew it must have done, some time before the differences between her and her siblings had become pronounced, before she could see them reflected in her father’s complicated gaze, her mother’s overblown efforts to pretend they were invisible. Before they had been written, legally, into her family’s future. Now the house felt tainted, its mere existence colouring her life, drawing her back in and repelling her in one discomfiting swoop. Her stomach lurched, and she glanced at the car. ‘Let’s go home,’ she whispered, as Neil stepped up beside her.


From inside came the distant sound of manic yapping.

‘Let’s go – let’s just go now.’

Neil raised his eyes to heaven, his arms dropping exasper-atedly by his sides. ‘Oh, for God’s s—’

‘It’ll be awful, Neil. I just can’t cope with them
en masse.
I’m not ready.’

But it was too late. There was the sound of a footfall, then of someone wrestling with the catch, and the door swung open, allowing out the smell of roast meat and an overexcited Jack Russell. Vivi shooed the yapping dog back inside, then straightened herself and beamed. She brushed her hands on her apron, then held them wide open before her. ‘Hello, my darlings.
, it’s
to see you. Welcome home.’

‘Don’t give me anything with shellfish. Those shrimps made my lips blow up like a Hottentot’s.’

‘You can’t say “Hottentot”, Gran. It’s not PC.’

‘I nearly ended up going to the doctor. The skin stretched right across. I couldn’t go out for two days.’

‘You were very poorly.’ Vivi was dishing out potatoes. She had scuffed their edges with a fork, and she noted with satisfaction that the beef fat had made them lacy and golden.

‘Some women pay good money for that now, Gran,’ said Ben. ‘Can I have a couple more spuds? That one there, Mum. The burnt one.’

‘Implants,’ said Lucy.


‘Women. Put them in their lips to make them look fuller. Perhaps they should have just eaten some of Mum’s potted shrimp. No meat for me, Mum. I’m off red meat at the moment. Didn’t you have those once, Suze?’

‘You never had implants.’

‘Not implants. Injections. In your lips. During your self-improvement phase.’

‘Thanks a lot, Lucy.’

‘You had injections in your lips?’

‘They’re only temporary.’ Suzanna looked down at her plate. ‘It’s just collagen. It’s meant to give you more of a pout.’

Vivi, appalled, turned to her son-in-law, her serving spoon raised in her hand. ‘And you let her do this?’

‘You think I had any say in the matter? You remember what she was like then. It was all hair extensions, false nails – I never knew whether I was coming home to Cher or Anna Nicole Smith.’

‘Oh, don’t exaggerate, Neil. They were only temporary. I didn’t like them anyway.’ Suzanna, cross, pushed her vegetables around her plate.

‘I saw you with them. I thought it looked like someone had stuck two inner tubes to your face. Very spooky.’

‘Inner tubes?’ said Rosemary. ‘On her face? What’s she want to do that for?’

Suzanna glanced at her father who, head down, was affecting not to have heard the exchange. He had spent most of his time talking to Neil who, as usual, he treated with ridiculous courtesy, as if he were still grateful to the younger man for the huge favour he had done in taking Suzanna off his hands. Neil always told her she was being ridiculous when she said this, but she couldn’t see why her parents always made such a fuss about him being prepared to do things like iron his own shirts, put the rubbish out, or take her to dinner. Like she was somehow genetically predisposed to do all the housework.

‘Well, I think Suzanna is quite pretty enough without any . . . enhancements.’ Vivi, seated, handed round the gravy. ‘I don’t think she needs any help at all.’

‘Hair’s looking good, Suze,’ said Lucy. ‘I like it when it’s its proper colour.’ Lucy’s own hair, a much lighter shade than Suzanna’s, was cut into a businesslike bob, and woven through with highlights.

‘Like Morticia Addams,’ said Ben.

‘Who?’ Rosemary leant forward over her plate. ‘Is someone going to help me to potatoes? I don’t seem to have any potatoes.’

‘They’re just coming, Gran,’ said Lucy.

‘Morticia Addams. Out of
The Addams Family.’

‘The Stoke-by-Clare Adamses?’

‘No, Grandma. Someone on telly. Did you see Radiohead in concert, Luce?’

‘He was a Fascist, you know. In the war. Dreadful family.’

‘Yup. They were excellent. I’ve got the CD in the car if you want to burn a copy.’

‘Used to serve cold cuts every evening for supper. Never a decent meal there. And they kept pigs.’

Vivi turned to Suzanna. ‘And you must tell us all about your shop, darling. I’m dying to hear. Have you got an opening date yet?’

Suzanna stared at her plate, took a deep breath, and glanced at Neil, who was still talking to her father. ‘Actually it’s open.’

There was a brief silence.

‘Open?’ said Vivi, uncomprehending. ‘But I thought you were going to have an opening party.’

Suzanna looked uncomfortably at Neil, who gazed at his plate with a don’t-bring-me-into-this expression. She swallowed. ‘It was only a small thing.’

Vivi stared at her daughter and blushed, so delicately that only those watching carefully – like her son, son-in-law and other daughter – would have noticed. ‘Oh,’ she said, methodically spooning gravy on to her plate. ‘Well. You didn’t want us lot clogging the place up, I’m sure. You want proper customers, don’t you? People who are going to buy things . . . Was it . . . Did it go well?’

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