Paying Their Piper with Passion and Love [Loving in Silver 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (21 page)

BOOK: Paying Their Piper with Passion and Love [Loving in Silver 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“Do you think I can’t?” he challenged, feeling his entire body begin to heat with the beginning of lust. His cock twitched and he rubbed the swell, grinning when her gaze dropped and fixed on it. When the tip of her tongue poked out to lick at her lips he felt his balls tighten, pulling up against his body. “I’ll have you screaming my name all night.”

But Piper was shaking her head. “You can’t. I have to be in town very early. I can’t be tired when I need to have everything ready for the grand opening. It will be a very long day.”

This practical side of a very sexy woman amused Jace more than Piper could possibly know. She was looking at him so seriously, as if she could imprint the importance of it on him just by her gaze alone.

“Merck and I’ll be there to help you with everything. Our woman won’t be doing this alone.”

“Still, I can’t be all worn out. We’ll just have to wait.”

“But you were teasing me into coming to bed not five minutes ago. You have to pay the piper now, so to speak.”

“Show her your cock. She’ll change her mind,” Merck said helpfully. Jace glanced back to see him gently lifting the sleeping cat from his face and rising from the couch. He brushed at his face, as if dislodging stray hairs. “She’ll forget all about tomorrow. At least she will for a little while.”

“I think our sweet Piper needs to be taught not to tease her men. If she does, she’ll be spanked.” Big gray eyes widened even more. Whatever goop she had put on them hadn’t smeared while she’d been sleeping. It enhanced her eyes, made them look mysterious and tempting. He watched as she blushed. “You like that idea, don’t you, kitten? You want me to put you over my knee and smack that pretty little bottom of yours.” Silver-blonde curls shook wildly. He watched as she glanced back in the direction of the hallway. “Come here, Piper.”

“No?” Piper sounded uncertain. Her usually melodic, bell-like voice came out in a squeak that would do a mouse proud. “Uh, I really have to get to sleep now.”

“You’re not going to sleep just yet. Why, it’s barely midnight,” Jace said smoothly. With Merck by his side they backed Piper toward the hallway…and the bedroom. “We have more than enough time to get to know each other, beginning with spanking that little bottom of yours.” When her breathing quickened and her fair skin flushed even more, he pressed harder. “Is your pussy getting wet just thinking about it? Do you feel an ache between your legs?”

She shook her head, gripping the front of his T-shirt in a tight fist. That sweet little tongue popped out again to wet her lips. He easily imagined it doing the same thing to his cock.

“I think she’s lying to us,” Merck observed. “I think her pussy is filled with cream right now, just waiting for us to taste it. Babe, if you want me to, I’ll hold her while you have the first taste.”

Jace grinned like a wolf and he saw the excitement flare in her gray eyes. Oh yeah, their woman wanted to be naughty with them. By the time they were finished with her she would want it any way they wanted to give it.

“That’s a great idea. First, however, there’s the matter of a spanking.”

Piper spun around and ran then, the hem of his shirt dancing around her slender thighs. They were on her heels in a second, feet pounding on the floor as they chased her back into the bedroom. The door slammed shut behind them and both he and Merck were breathing hard, as if they’d run a mile instead of thirty feet.

They spotted Piper in the corner, twisting the shirt around her body with her fists, pulling it tight as she watched them warily. She was trapped and she knew it. But she wasn’t giving up just yet. Nope, not their woman. There was still some fight left in her.

“Is your cock as hard as mine?” Merck asked curiously. “I’m about to come and I haven’t even touched her yet.”

“You won’t have to wait long. After I spank her you can come all over her ass.”

Piper looked completely shocked. Not repulsed, just shocked. Perhaps by the fact that she might be more than a little excited by the possibility of Merck following through on Jace’s suggestion.

“You wouldn’t!” Piper protested, edging around the room.

Jace had no idea where she thought she was going to go. There was a door leading outside to the patio, but she would have to get very close to him to get to it. And Merck was in front of the bedroom door.

“I would. In fact, I’ll spread the cheeks of your beautiful little ass and let him come right down the middle. Have you ever been fucked in the ass, Piper?”

“No. Have you?”

Even as the words left her mouth she slapped a hand over it and turned bright red. Her gray eyes bounced between him and Merck a half dozen times before she appeared as though she wanted the floor to open up and swallow her. Merck moved closer and wrapped a strong arm around him. Jace shivered with pleasure, as he always did when his lover and partner touched him.

“Many times. Merck is quite good at it.”

“Don’t you think we should get to know each other a little better first?” Piper edged her way toward the bed until she was finally able to crawl up on it. “You know, hug and kiss. Just sleep with each other a few times.”

Merck chuckled and shook his head. Jace just laughed outright at the suggestion.

There was a breathy, excited quality to her voice. Piper wasn’t interested in tame kisses. She wanted more. A lot more of what they had to offer her. He could see it in her eyes, in the flush of color in her skin, and the points of her small nipples poking at the cotton of his shirt.

Shaking his head Jace moved to the side of the big bed as Merck circled around to the other. Unless Piper shot off the end, she was essentially trapped between them. She didn’t know which of them to focus her attention on until she seemed to remember his threat to spank her. She moved closer to Merck’s side of the bed.

“Don’t come over here. I won’t save you. Remember, I promised Jace I’d hold you so he could taste your sweet pussy.” Merck looked across the bed at Jace. “Hey, doesn’t that count as kissing?”

“I believe it does. She didn’t specify what she wanted us to kiss.”

“On the lips.”

It was another moment that when the words left her lips Piper instantly regretted them. Jace had the feeling they could play like this all night long. It was a hellava lot of fun, but he really needed to make love to their woman. And if his balls were aching, he knew Merck’s were as well.

Still, they would never consider making Piper do something she wasn’t interested in doing. The teasing, however, was another matter. They’d tease her until they were all begging for release.

Ready for the move, Jace lunged across the bed and caught Piper around the waist as she tried to scramble to the foot of the bed. He laughed as she screamed then tossed her onto her back. The hem of the T-shirt came up, exposing her up to her pelvis. The cluster of dark blonde curls beckoned to him and he reached between her thighs to cup her there.

Piper was hot and wet, obviously as worked up as they were. As he watched her face Jace slid a finger between the tender, swollen folds of her pussy to stroke her rigid little clit. Her slender hips bucked hard, driving his finger downward to where creamy juices flowed.

“Oh!” Piper gasped, her hands knotted between her breasts as she watched and waited. She was panting hard, as if she’d just run a mile as fast as she could.

Neither man planned to disappoint her. “Like that, do you?” he asked, giving her another rub before withdrawing his finger. When she looked at him with those wide, smoky eyes he began undressing. She nodded. Across from him Merck was shedding his own clothes at a record pace. Those beautiful eyes moved back and forth between the two of them, watching, examining, darkening perceptibly as each piece of clothing was removed. “Next time you’re going to undress us.”

“Okay,” she agreed, her voice again a squeak of sound. “Oh, you have tattoos!” She was on her knees then, the T-shirt dropping down to hide her lower half once again. Jace thought he should have taken it off of her, but it was too late now. He’d get it off her soon enough. Right now he saw an opportunity to get Piper to touch him. She seemed fascinated by the dark ink marking his skin, tracing the dragon’s tail. “Oh, this is so cool. I always wanted one, but I knew my father would have a fit to beat all fits. Did it hurt?” She began to trace them with the tips of her finger, causing a wicked shiver of pleasure to course through his body. Her finger jerked away and she looked up at him with uncertainty in her eyes. “Did I do something wrong?”

Jace smiled reassuringly. “No, sweetheart, you’re doing everything just right. I love the feel of you touching me, even if it is only a fingertip. Considering your upbringing, have you ever been with a man, Piper?”

She grimaced and nodded, her gaze once again on what her finger was doing. It was inching ever closer to his left nipple and the gold bar pushed through it. She didn’t seem to notice that Merck was now on the bed behind her, naked, his cock jutting out from his groin. It was probably for the best that she hadn’t seen him yet. The man’s cock was not exactly small and would, no doubt, cause her some concern about whether it would fit or not. He wondered what she was going to do when she saw that his was equally large and imposing.

“A few times when I was in college. It was nice.”

“Just nice?”

Slender shoulders shrugged. “I didn’t get to do it much. My father’s people were hanging around even then. I only found one guy willing to put up with them, but it didn’t last.”

Sliding a finger beneath her chin he lifted her face to his. He almost laughed when her eyes lingered on his nipple, which she had finally begun teasing, and failed to move with the rest of her face.

“My face is up here, sweetheart.” Piper blushed, and then finally managed a smile. “Merck and I will teach you all kinds of wonderful things. And you don’t have to worry about your father’s people. He no longer has any control over your life. Everything we teach you will be far better than just ‘nice.’ It’s going to be fantastic, toe-curling, scream-your-head-off pleasure. Are you ready for that?”

“I doubt it. But go ahead.”

Laughter filled the room as both he and Merck laughed. Jace couldn’t help himself. She was so doubtful that she would be able to achieve such a level of pleasure with them that he took it as a personal challenge to prove her wrong. He wrapped his arms around Piper and pulled her close, hugging her small body against his much larger one. It occurred to him that they would have to be careful not to flatten her.

“I think it’s time we got rid of this,” Merck said, grabbing the T-shirt. He pulled it up and off Piper’s body before she had time to protest. “Oh, fuck, you should see the back of her.”

“Hell, you should see the front of her.” To Piper he said, “There’s something so much more tantalizing about a woman’s body when she’s awake. Now your breasts are calling to me, begging me to touch them.”

Piper looked down at the flesh in question. “They’re very small. You’re not disappointed, are you?”

“Your entire body is very small, darling.” Merck’s tanned hands slid around her waist, meeting over her stomach. “They’re perfect for it. And they’re very perky.” As Jace watched his hands slid upward then, over her ribcage, to cover the lovely, firm flesh. His thumbs stroked over the tops, down the gentle slope, until they were teasing the turgid pink nipples. “They’re such delicate little nipples. I can’t wait to suck on them.”

“See, sweetheart? They’re perfect. And your little patch down here?” Jace ran his fingers through the close curls before cupping her sex. “I’m very glad you didn’t shave this.”

Small hands came up to rest on his chest. “Marley said I should think about getting it waxed.”

“Only do it if you want to. I’ve already told you how much I love it. How about you, Merck?”

“Love the curls. They’ll tickle my nose when I’m sucking on her sweet little clit.”

When Merck gently pulled her backward, taking her with him as he leaned against the bank of pillows, Jace grinned at the startled expression on her beautiful face. She was cradled between their lover’s powerful legs. Merck tipped her head back against his shoulder, distracting her as he lowered his head and captured her mouth with his. As he did so Jace slid his hands along her legs, parting them, before settling himself between.

The spanking could wait.

It had been a long time since he’d loved a woman’s sex with his mouth. Cupping her shapely little ass in his hands and lifting her, Jace began by sprinkling kisses over the soft skin covering the insides of her thighs. The muscle beneath was firm and quivered with each touch. A moan reached his ears when he began connecting the kisses with a line drawn by the tip of his tongue, leaving a wet trail he then blew on. Another moan and her hips bucked, inviting him to be bolder.

Smiling, Jace nuzzled the nest of blonde curls glistening with the evidence of her arousal. He inhaled her sweet, sexy scent, finding it irresistible. Not wasting another moment, when all he wanted was the taste of her, he opened his mouth, covering her soft flesh, his tongue gliding between the tender petals of her sex.

Piper’s body jerked as Jace began stroking her heated flesh with the flat of his tongue. A sharp cry of pleasure erupted from her as he found her clit. Nuzzling close he caught it between his lips to begin suckling gently until her hips began undulating off the bed in rhythm with his sensual ministrations.

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