Paying Their Piper with Passion and Love [Loving in Silver 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (10 page)

BOOK: Paying Their Piper with Passion and Love [Loving in Silver 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Piper’s gaze shifted to Jace. Her eyes narrowed on his handsome face. “And you! What are you doing here? Does my father know I’m here?”

Her heart pounded hard in her chest, fear rising fast. His next words didn’t reassure her because she didn’t know if she trusted him. Jace was from her past and she had wanted to leave all of it behind. She’d had some regrets about him, but they hadn’t been enough to keep her from leaving in the middle of the night.

“As far as I know he doesn’t, otherwise I’m certain he would already be here. I no longer work for your father, Piper. I’m here to reassure myself that you’re safe. I would have felt guilty as hell if something bad had happened to you. It was my job to guard you and I wasn’t very good at that. Once your father gets the word out, I doubt I’ll get much work in the future.” He didn’t actually sound like he cared.

Piper stared at him hard. The man seemed to be telling the truth, but her father didn’t pay so much money for dummies. This could all be a trick. While she trusted Merck to a certain extent, she didn’t trust Jace at all.

“Well, I’m safe. Go away now. And when you speak with my father, you may tell him that. You may also tell him I have no interest in returning to San Diego. I’m making a life for myself here.”

Two pairs of eyes shifted from her to Colt. They weren’t happy men. “With him?”

“Yes, with Colt. Now, go away.”

“He’s too old for you.”

One of her eyebrows went up. “He’s the perfect age for me. Now, please go away. Go play with your cows and you go, well, just go away.”

The men went, but they weren’t happy about it. Piper wasn’t particularly happy, either, since she’d had her fair share of fantasies about the pair of them during the past few months. Individually, of course. Now she could fantasize about them together. And with her smooshed between their big, hard bodies. Oh, fuck, she was going to have some fun tonight, she thought as she watched them drive away in Jace’s truck.

“Do you think they’re sleeping together?”

“That and sex.” Colt chuckled, guiding her back to the new SUV. “You did a good job setting boundaries.”

“Boundaries they only respected because you’re standing here with me.”

“It’s good practice for you. Now, look inside. I had three pet car seats installed. All your babies will be safe.”

Piper shuddered. “Please don’t say babies. I still can’t believe I was so terrified of those children. It’s embarrassing and probably all over town by now.”

“Christy’s a sweetheart. She won’t gossip about your interview.” A gentle hand on her back guided her toward the house. “Now, would you like to move today or tomorrow?”

Piper giggled. “Colt, are you trying to get rid of me?”

“I would never do that. By the way, you kiss very well.”

Feeling the heat flooding her cheeks, she poked her tongue out at him. “So do you. But you knew that already, didn’t you? I believe I want to move today. Now that I’ve seen the house I can’t wait. It’s just so sweet.” She frowned. “I hope those two lug heads don’t find out where I live.”

“There aren’t any secrets in Silver. They’ll find out. Are you willing to give them a chance, after a suitable period of time?”

Piper looked at him in surprise. “Was I really that obvious?”

“I could feel the excitement coming off you. You want them both and there’s no reason why you can’t have them both. Can you accept that they are likely already lovers?”

She wiggled her eyebrows at him, which made him smile. “I think it’s hot. I just can’t think of a reason why they would want me, too.”

“Because, Piper, there are all kinds of loving in Silver. Merck wouldn’t give having more than one partner a thought. He’s attracted to you and he’s attracted to Jace. It’s almost second nature for many of the men and women here to think about their future spouses in multiples. But it’ll all be new to Jace. It might take some time for him to fully accept the idea of a ménage.”

They were in the house by now and standing in the kitchen. It looked like something out of a nineteen fifties magazine, with the exception of the new stainless appliances. The entire house was gorgeous in its clean lines and simplicity. Though she had been raised in a house filled with priceless art, furniture, and rugs, she was still afraid to touch things in Colt’s house. Since Piper had walked her pets shortly before leaving earlier, she didn’t rush to them right then. She wanted to finish this very interesting and enlightening discussion with Colt.

She watched as he went to the refrigerator to take out a bottle of orange juice. He took two glasses out of the cupboard and filled each, then handed her one.

“What makes you so certain Merck and Jace want me? They didn’t really seem all that interested.” She sipped the juice and waited.

Colt smiled. There was always an air of confidence around the man. In that he reminded her of her father. But that was about it. She didn’t like comparing the two men. Her father she knew would always come up short.

“Jace has been in town less than a day. Grayson told me he was searching for you and he thought it was more of a personal interest than a professional one. I would have to agree. After all, if Jace wasn’t interested in you in a more personal manner, why would the man bother to search for you after he’d been fired? And I do know he was fired. My sources are excellent.”

“And you didn’t think I needed to know this at the time?”

“No, I didn’t. I wanted you to have a honest reaction when they showed up. And I knew they would.”

“Well, I appreciate your protecting me, and trying to help me grow a backbone, but I really don’t want to be clueless. And to answer your question, I would like to explore these feelings I have for Merck and Jace. I just don’t want to do it right now. I need time to adjust to my new life.” Piper paused, looking at her friend, before asking, “Do you think Mink would come over for supper one night, if I asked him? I want you there, too, of course.”

Colt nodded. “I think he might. Once he’s gotten used to the idea of having a sister. I don’t know why, but life hasn’t been very kind to him. He has a lovely personality. And, like you, he’s quite stunning to look at.”

Shock zinged through Piper at those words. “You like him.” It wasn’t a question.

“I like him as a friend, an acquaintance. It’s no more than that.”

“If you say so.” His words were firm but she wasn’t convinced. He looked decidedly uncomfortable, completely unlike his usual self. Interesting, she thought with an inner smile. “If you don’t think it’s more, then I suggest you examine it a little more closely.”

After that Piper left the subject alone. She knew Colt was going through a major transition in his personal life right now. After spending years with Bliss and Clarissa as their Dom, they had decided by mutual agreement to end their relationship. Considering how much time they had spent with one another she could see how being alone so much now was a difficult adjustment.

“You know, I think I’ll stay one more night. Start fresh in the morning.” Going around the counter she went up on tiptoe to kiss his jaw. She squeezed his muscular forearm. “Thank you for the car, Colt. You’re the best. Now, why don’t you go back to work and I’ll scrounge around to see what I can make for supper?”

Dark brows went up. “Scrounge?” he asked in a haughty voice. “No one will ever have to scrounge in my kitchen.”

Wrinkling her nose at him Piper laughed. “Then I guess it will have to be salmon steaks and baby asparagus. You do have the appropriate wine to go with that, don’t you?”

Colt smirked. “I think I can
around for just the right one.”

Her friend left then. Piper looked around. She would have liked to have cleaned house, but the house was beyond spotless. A person came in daily to clean and it was obvious they had already come and gone. The place sparkled and there was just the hint of lemon in the air. Thinking she better take her pets out, she put her coat back on and went to the laundry room where they were in their crates. She let them out, laughing as Sparkle went for her sweater. The little pig really was too clever. Mindy stood on three tiny paws, shivering, while appearing to reach out with the fourth paw. Charm simply sat and swished her tail, waiting impatiently to go outside. She really did have three odd little pets.

Once their needs were taken care of she let them into the house. Piper had been surprised when Colt gave his permission for them to run freely. They stayed with her in the kitchen, however. It was a lovely, spacious room with light pouring in through the windows. She sat at the counter with a pad and pencil. There were still a couple of hours to kill before she made supper.

Tapping the pencil on the pad, she thought about the things she wanted to buy for the house to give it a little of her personality. Smiling, Piper began jotting down items she would shop for the following day. Excitement was building. Other than when she had been away at college, she hadn’t lived on her own. Even then she had shared a room with another girl. Living in her own house at home hadn’t meant being on her own. She might have been alone in the house for a few months, but that hadn’t lasted. Jace had been installed in it and that had been the end to her private moments in what was to be a private place.

As she went down her list Piper realized that while she wanted her independence, she was also recognizing the blossoming need for something more in her life. Having met men like Merck Rushton and Jace Hunter, she was provided with enough spark to light the sexual desires she had buried deep within her. They were both incredibly hot and sexy and likely the subjects of many a female fantasy, not the least of which were hers. Even now the flesh between her legs pulsed.

While the men Piper’s parents introduced her to were pleasant enough, and some of them even sexy in their three-piece-suit sort of way, none of them had ever interested her. Her mother had claimed she was far too picky, that she needed the right man in her life to take her places. Places? She had never been able to figure that one out. Why did she need a man to “take” her anywhere? She was her own person, after all. She had no plans to become her mother, a woman who depended upon her husband to provide a life for her. And now that she was out from under her father’s thumb, she was going to build a life that would have meaning and value.

Drawing a line down the center of the paper Piper began making a second list. This one consisted of what she would have to do the next day, after she moved herself and her four-legged babies into their new home.

A new idea, one expanded upon from the original one Colt had suggested to her, was really taking hold. She would check to see if there was any such service in Silver before she got too excited. Still, if there wasn’t, she would present the idea to her friend to see if it had merit. While she was determined to do things on her own, it didn’t hurt to have the opinion of a very successful businessman who was also her best friend.

Satisfied, Piper lost herself in her plans, going to sheet after sheet of paper, her pencil moving madly about until she realized she was no longer alone. She jumped and squeaked when a strong arm was draped over her shoulders.

“Am I so late for supper you tossed it out?” Colt teased, kissing the top of her head as he often did.

Piper was horrified by her forgetfulness. “Oh, shit, Colt! I’m so sorry.” She moaned and buried her flaming face in her hands. “I got this idea and I started making notes and drawings and I completely forget about making supper.”

“I think you forgot someone else’s supper, as well.” She looked down to see her trio of pets hovering around Colt’s ankles. “I believe Sparkle is about to nibble on my ankle.”

Sparkle was making smacking noises with her lips. Piper hopped off the stool and rushed to feed her pets. They hurried after her, Sparkling squealing eagerly. When she returned to the kitchen it was to see Colt standing there holding her coat.

“Did you wash your hands?”

Piper giggled. “Of course I did. Quit being so darned fussy. What are a few pig germs between friends?” She laughed when Colt shuddered dramatically. “Where are we going?”

“Well, I thought you could drive us to someplace serving food. I’d like to see how you like the new car.”

She loved the new car and even more so once she was behind the wheel and adjusting the seat and the mirror. She pulled the seatbelt across her chest and waist, snapping it into place. She wriggled her bottom around on the seat, which was being nicely warmed by some internal gadget.

“Oh, this is so comfortable. You made a perfect choice.” Flashing him a smile, Piper put the SUV into gear and backed out of the driveway. She took the “long” way around the neighborhood before heading toward the center of town. “It handles so nicely. My father bought me a car, but it was like driving a tank. I never liked to drive it where there was a lot of traffic or into crowded parking lots. Not that I got to do that the past couple of months,” she added, not quite able to keep the bitter note from her voice.

“Hey now, there is no going back. Those days are behind you. What you have to concentrate on now is discovering who you really are.”

Piper flashed him a grateful smile before turning into the parking lot beside the Silver Garden Restaurant. It was a very nice place to eat, but without being too fussy. When they went inside and she saw Colt’s former subs, she felt bad for him. The women were positively two of the nicest people she had ever met and she liked them immensely. It was no wonder her friend was having a hard time letting go, though she doubted he had admitted it to himself yet. Once he did so she guessed it would be easier for him.

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