Paycheque (39 page)

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Authors: Fiona McCallum

BOOK: Paycheque
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‘Good morning, gorgeous,' he said, kissing her behind the ear. She turned her head slightly.

‘Good morning yourself,' she said, and shuffled herself back into him so they were joined like spoons. It felt good to feel his heat seeping into her.

Derek put his arm over her shoulder and held her tight. Claire responded by kissing his hand and tucking it under her chin amongst the gather of fabric. She closed her eyes, enjoying the comfort flooding through her and the feeling of Derek's soft puffs of breath in her hair.

They must have fallen asleep because Claire woke later in the same position, but with aching muscles and a stiff shoulder. She tried to stretch but was trapped by Derek's arm. She reached for her watch and was surprised to find they'd been asleep for half an hour.

Derek stirred as she was putting her watch back on the table. For the first time she noticed his erection prodding her in the back. Claire held her breath for a moment as she wondered how to avoid the inevitable awkwardness. But before she could do anything, Derek was gently trying to turn her towards him. She complied and within seconds they were in a tight embrace, their open mouths upon each other.

Claire tried to ignore the lump in Derek's pants pressing hard against her. Her body was aching in response. Their kissing became more urgent, their tongues exploring deeper. And then they were grinding against each other. Both were now gasping.

Derek's left hand was at the first button of Claire's pyjamas, then the second and the third. He stopped kissing her mouth and leaned back to take in her exposed chest and breasts. Claire tried to pull the open garment back together again.

‘No, don't, you're beautiful,' Derek whispered, putting his face closer to her chest. He kissed her lightly, holding the fabric aside.

Claire shivered slightly. His touch was so light, but also so strong. He kissed down her stomach until he got to the elastic of her pyjama bottoms. She let out a quiet groan. She really should stop him. Derek dragged her hand that was around his neck down beneath them until it was on the bulge in his pants.

‘I can't,' she said in a hoarse whisper, removing her hand.

‘Yes, you can,' he muttered, grabbing her hand again. He kissed her stomach a few more times before tugging gently at the elastic at her hips. She wanted to lift her bum a little, make it easier for him. But instead she put her arm up and pushed at his chest.

‘I'm sorry, I can't,' she said, pulling away. Claire leapt out of bed, dragged her bathrobe from the back of the door, and bolted from the room.

In the kitchen her hands shook as she filled the kettle and flicked on the switch. She hugged her robe tightly and stared out the window, waiting. She thought back to how nice it had been being held and kissed by Derek.
Why did I have to ruin it?

She went to the laundry to where the kittens had been confined for the night. She picked them up, one in each hand and held them to her, enjoying the gentle rumble of their purring. She breathed in their slightly sweet, slightly sweaty scents – they smelled a little like stale savoury biscuits. When they started wriggling to be put down, she kissed them on their heads and complied. They scampered off out of sight.

The kettle was bubbling when Claire got back to the kitchen. She got out two mugs, spooned in coffee granules and sugar, and added a slug of milk to each.

She thought about drinking her coffee out there. But how weak was that – hiding in her own house? And he was only there because of her. He hadn't put any pressure on her. And it wasn't as though he'd actually done anything wrong. She'd wanted it as much as he had in
the beginning. If only he had just stuck to kissing her and not gone any further.

Derek was sitting up waiting for her when she entered the room and delivered the mugs to the bedside tables.

Claire climbed back into bed and turned to him. ‘That wasn't fair – I'm really sorry.'

‘Don't be sorry. If you don't want things to go any further then you don't. It's fine, Claire.'


‘I'm a big boy – I think I can handle a bit of sexual frustration. But I do think we should at least talk about it. I thought you were enjoying kissing me.'

‘I thought I was ready, but I guess I'm not…'

‘I'm sorry. I shouldn't have pushed it.' He looked a little crestfallen. ‘We're obviously not really on the same page with all of this.'

‘Derek, please don't think this means I don't like you. I do, I really do. And I do want to – just…'

‘I know: just not yet.'

‘I'm really sorry.'

‘Don't be. Claire, I like you too, I
like you. And I'll wait. What's another few weeks, or months?'

‘Are you sure you're okay?'

‘I'm fine – as long as it's not too long. I'm not sure I could resist you for the next six months.' He leaned over, gave her a tight hug, and kissed her firmly on the lips. ‘Thanks for the coffee,' he said, releasing her.

‘Thanks for being so understanding. White with one – I hope that's okay.'

‘Perfect,' he said, leaning over to pick up his mug.

Claire felt content as she sipped her coffee, and tried to ignore the nagging feeling that she really had to get up. She sighed and
gulped down the last third. Derek noticed her and started doing the same.

‘No, don't you rush. I've got to be there at nine but you don't have to go anywhere – you've got the day off, remember?'

‘Are you coming back here or staying at the farm all day?'

‘I'm not sure. Depends on how everything is going over there.'

‘Maybe we could go out for lunch or something, if everything is okay?'

‘Maybe. I'll have to see. How about I call you when I know?'

‘No, I need to go via home and get changed, so I'll just drop in on my way through.'

Claire turned into the farm driveway, thinking about how much she liked having Derek in her home. She was looking forward to seeing him again in a couple of hours. She noticed Maddie out in the paddock riding Larry. She stopped the car and wound down her window as Maddie trotted over to the fence.

‘I didn't expect to see you riding this morning. Thought you'd be too sore after yesterday.'

‘Well I figured not everything could revolve around Paycheque, as much as he'd like it to.'

‘So, how is everything with his lordship this morning?'

‘Good, no problems so far. Will's seen him and says he's doing well.'

‘Well I'd better get going – my turn to do the massage.'

‘I wouldn't worry too much. There's a cast of thousands hanging around.'


‘Yeah. Jack, Will, David, Bernie – they're all there.'

‘Oh? I wonder why,' Claire said.

‘Don't know. I'll be back soon to do the feeds for the others.'

‘I'm happy to do that when I've finished with Paycheque, if you like.'

‘That's okay – it's my job, remember.'

‘Well it's my job to make sure you stay safe and well, and I'm thinking you should be taking it easy for a few days.'

‘Seriously, Claire, I'm fine,' Maddie said, gathering up her reins and turning the horse away.

Claire wound her window up, put the car in gear and continued her drive to the stables.

Paycheque lifted his head towards her as she approached.

‘Hello boy. How are you doing?'

‘He's pretty good,' Bernie said, popping into view from behind the gate.

Claire peered into the stable and noticed the bandage was off his injured leg. ‘What are you doing?'

‘When you weren't here, I thought I'd get started.'

Claire looked at her watch. ‘Bernie, I'm three minutes late, for goodness sake. And shouldn't you be at the shop?'

‘It's okay, I don't mind,' Bernadette said, sitting down on an upturned bucket beside Paycheque.

Well I do
. Claire set her jaw. ‘Where's Jack?'

‘Not sure. Will and David went with him to sort out a few things.'

‘What things?'

‘They've gone to see if they can rig up a mini spa for his leg. Oh, and also to choose the right spot for the herb garden.'

‘What herb garden? Don't we have more important things to worry about?'

‘Herbs for the horses. Will says it'll be really good for Paycheque when he gets back outside, and also for the general health of the others. Look, I'd better get on to this leg – we're already late. After this he said to change all the other bandages, give him a good brush, and change his rugs.'

Did he now?
Claire stepped into the stable. ‘Well I'm here now,' she said, standing beside Bernie with her hands on her hips. She had no idea why she felt so annoyed, but she bloody well did.

‘Well do you want me to do the other bandages while you do that, or maybe the grooming?'

Why don't you go and run your damn shop
, Claire wanted to say. ‘Either or. But seriously, I've got nothing else to do once I've done this. You may as well go.'

Bernie got up and stepped aside to let Claire take over, but stayed standing in the stable beside her. ‘So, how's Derek?'

‘Fine.' Claire concentrated on getting the massage technique right.

‘Anything to tell?'

‘Bernie, I'm concentrating here.'

‘Well excuse me for speaking.'

‘And I'm tired and cranky because I didn't get enough sleep.'

‘Ahh. Didn't get enough sleep because of Derek?'

‘No. Because I woke up too early.'

‘Oh. So why were you late if you woke up early?'

‘Look, Bernie, just leave it. Derek is the last thing on my mind,' she lied.

‘Okay, okay. I'll leave you to it then. See you mate,' Bernadette said, leaving the stable and giving Paycheque's neck a pat on her way past.

Claire bit her lip and watched as Bernie started walking back towards the house, thinking that she shouldn't have given her the brush-off like that.
She wasn't too upset, was she?

She returned her attention to Paycheque's injured leg. The swelling didn't look as bad as she thought it would. Maddie had really done the right thing hosing the leg down straight away. He flinched and tried to pull away when she started the massage. But he didn't seem to be at all agitated or in major pain.

After massaging the leg, Claire gave Paycheque the arnica and then did the first stint of four sessions of acupressure for the day. Thank goodness Will had drawn them up a comprehensive schedule to follow, and given them a photocopy of the pressure points they needed to stimulate.

She made two trips to the tack room for another set of rugs and the bucket of grooming stuff. As she came back she checked the sky. Good; even though it was chilly, it looked like there would be enough sun to sanitise the rugs a bit. She brushed Paycheque, taking care to keep him covered as much as possible so he wouldn't get cold. He turned his head and whinnied to Larry when he came back into sight.

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