Read Payback and a Bottle of Merlot: Like Sisters Series Book One Online

Authors: Bria Marche

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Comedy, #Contemporary Fiction, #Humor

Payback and a Bottle of Merlot: Like Sisters Series Book One (21 page)

BOOK: Payback and a Bottle of Merlot: Like Sisters Series Book One
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“Good enough?” she asked.

“Good enough for now, thanks. I hope you have more. We might be here a while. Now we have to rethink this whole damn idea. Of course, we’re getting her here under false pretenses, but we don’t want to piss her off. Maybe it would be better if you weren’t disguised, Mia. She may recognize you and wonder why you’re here, so we’ll say you’re a real photographer and use the name Jasmine when you’re doing professional photo shoots. We’re going to fess up and tell her she’s at the salon for two reasons. We’ll admit that the contest is a farce, but we had to talk to her. We can also offer her all the head shots for the salon’s advertising for the next year. That would include newspaper ads and the full sized window posters. It isn’t as exciting as the contest for the magazine cover, but it’s still publicity for her, and we won’t look like such liars. We’ve got to offer her something for her time, no matter what. I’ll still do all the posters, and I’ll be happy to split the cost of ads with all of you. That is, if the salon does ads at all. If you don’t, Mia and I will cover the expense. What do you say, Mia, would you split the cost with me for the salon ads if we need to?”

“Of course I would.”

“We have a budget for advertising already guys, don’t worry about it,” Tina said.

“Then we’re good, right? We’ll change the plan so we aren’t wasting everyone’s time.” Karen looked to each one for a positive nod.

“Yep, we’re good,” Mia agreed. “Next Tuesday Sasha will find out who Jack really is.”

Chapter Twenty Seven

Mia’s ankle was almost healed. She still favored her right foot slightly, but nobody even noticed anymore. The week sped by and Tuesday was almost upon them. One more day to go before the truth came out. It would likely be Sasha’s worst salon visit ever. Mia wasn’t going to let that bother her though. Jack had to pay. She couldn’t help it if Sasha got hurt in the process. Mia and Karen were both burned by Jack already. Sasha was a big girl and unavoidable collateral damage, but she could figure that one out on her own.

Nervousness hit Mia. They were all on edge to a certain degree. They didn’t know Sasha at all. She could be a loose cannon. Would she go off the deep end and attack them? Would she go nuts and tear up the salon? They hoped she would be furious at Jack and seek revenge, agreeing to join forces with them. They wanted Sasha all in. She needed to become a member of the “Jack Goes Down” gang.

“Well ladies, this is it. Today is the last day as we know it. The cat will come out of the bag tomorrow and the truth will be exposed. The scary part is, we don’t have any idea what to expect. If we don’t get Sasha to join us, she’ll tell Jack, and then what the hell are you going to do, Mia? He might come home and go ape shit on you.” Vic was more than worried about her best friend.

They sat, all four of them, eating lunch at Morey’s. They tapped their feet to the classic rock out of habit, while pondering over the course of events tomorrow might bring. They ate greasy burgers and drank beer from the local microbrewery.

“Okay, tomorrow Vic and Tina will go ahead as planned with Sasha’s hair and makeup. She needs to get that much from us. Karen, you can talk her up, asking questions about her wonderful life and the men in it. Meanwhile, offer her Mimosas’ or wine to drink. We have to loosen her up a bit, but not get her drunk. She has to be coherent enough to understand what we’re going to tell her. If she asks about the photographer, just say I’m on my way. Her hair and makeup has to be done when I arrive anyway. Somebody needs to call me and tell me when it’s a good time to show up. I’ll drop off my camera equipment later today. No reason to lug it around tomorrow. Karen, do you think we should bring proof, like our marriage licenses or wedding photos to show her in case she doesn’t believe us?”

“That’s a good idea, Mia,” Karen said, biting into her cheeseburger. “You never know.”


Tuesday morning arrived with bright sunshine pouring through the bedroom window. It surprised Mia she slept at all, with the events looming ahead of her today. She had a tough time silencing her mind enough to drift off to sleep last night. She rolled over, knowing the other side of the bed would be empty.
This will be my new normal very soon
. She reached for the white chenille bathrobe lying at the foot of the bed, arranged the belt into a snug knot around her waist and headed to the kitchen to start the coffee. She heard the shower running in the master bathroom. The green numbers on the microwave clock showed six-fifteen.
In forty-five minutes he’ll be gone. His life is about to change and he has no idea. Adios, Jack. Don’t let the door hit you in the ass.
Mia smiled nervously, not knowing what to expect from this day forward. Jack’s promotion party was right around the corner, ten days to be exact. She had to get through today first, then make plans to blindside him at his own celebration. Getting Sasha on board was crucial, otherwise nothing would go as Mia hoped.

Jack left at seven. Mia paced anxiously.
There’s too much time before this goes down. I’m going to go nuts waiting. I’ve got to do something to occupy myself.
Mia grabbed Reggie’s leash. She hadn’t taken him for an actual walk in ten days. It seemed like a good idea, something to take her mind off the ticking clock.

“Let’s go, Reg. Time for some real exercise.” It was nice to just walk. Shorts and a tee shirt, sneakers and a baseball cap suited her fine for now. Mia would change clothes when she put on her worldly photographer persona for Sasha’s benefit in a few hours. Mia and Reggie walked aimlessly up and down neighboring streets. She pictured Aaron, and her future.
He is the most reliable constant in my life, as far as men are concerned. I have to make things right with him. He’s too important to let this ‘whatever it is’ get between us.
She decided to pay Aaron a visit right now before she changed her mind. It would be a good way to clear the air and get Sasha off her mind for a few hours. She hurried back home to drop Reggie off.

Mia didn’t care about changing clothes. It was important to see Aaron now, and she had plenty of time. The camera shop didn’t open until nine. Aaron was still at home, likely having breakfast. Mia grabbed her purse and sunglasses, revved up the Camaro and headed toward Aaron’s side of town.

Good, his car is in the driveway
, she thought, as she approached his house through the shade of the tree lined street. She felt nervous.
What the hell is wrong with me? It’s Aaron for Pete’s sake. There’s nothing to be nervous about.
Yet she was. She pulled in the driveway behind his car and walked up the sidewalk. Mia took the door knocker in hand and gave it three thumps against the heavy oak door. She inhaled a deep breath to calm her nerves when she heard footsteps approaching the door. He looked through the glass panels with a surprised expression on his face and swung the door open.

“Mia, what on earth? It’s eight o’clock. Is everything okay?”

“No, Aaron, everything isn’t okay. We aren’t, and I need to fix that, right here, right now. What’s wrong between us anyway? It’s really bugging the hell out of me.”

“I don’t know, but I agree something is off. Come in the kitchen, sit down. Would you like some coffee?”

“Thanks, that would be great. So are we going to be open and honest with each other? It’s the only way to get rid of this damn elephant in the room. I’ll start, okay?”

“Of course, I’m listening,” Aaron said, as he poured each of them a cup of coffee. He placed the sugar bowl and cream on the table, and sat down next to her.

“First, I want to say I have no right to feel the way I do. You don’t owe me any explanations of any kind. If I overstep my bounds, tell me, please. Anyway, my weirdness began when you were watching Reggie while I was in Florida. I called you one evening to talk, and I heard a woman’s voice in the background. She called you to come back and play with Reggie. A strange woman playing with my dog, Aaron? How do you think that made me feel? You sounded like you were in a hurry to get off the phone. When I got home, I saw you with probably the same woman, going into the shop one morning. You were in the back together when I came in and surprised you.”

“I remember.”

“I don’t know why that grinds on me as much as it does. I have no right to ask questions. You can do whatever you like with your life,” Mia said, with tears pooling in her lower lids.

Aaron handed her a bright white, neatly folded handkerchief from his pants pocket.

“Aaron, you do everything right. You’re in control, even with this damn handkerchief. But me? I’m just flailing through life without a clue.”

Aaron laughed and squeezed her hand. “Sweetheart, do you have any idea how precious you are right now?”

“No,” she said, while blowing her nose into the handkerchief. She paused after the fact, realizing what she just did. “Oh God, I’m so friggin stupid.”

“Mia, you aren’t stupid. Let me explain that woman to you. I think everything is going to make sense once you hear what I say. I will admit, it is very flattering that you care so much.”

“Aaron, quit complimenting yourself at my expense,” Mia sobbed.

“Sorry, hon, everything will seem silly after I tell you the story. Anyway, since your birthday is coming up, I had something special made for you. I intended to keep it here, and someday add to it, when the time is right. I know it sounds like I’m talking in riddles. Wait here, I’ll be right back.” Aaron hugged her, then headed down the hallway toward his office. He came back a minute later carrying something large wrapped in brown kraft paper.

“What is this?”

“Open it, you’ll see it soon enough anyway. It will help explain who that woman was.”

Mia tore away the brown paper to reveal a stunning portrait of Aaron and Reggie together sitting on his beautiful front porch. The image was taken from an actual photograph, but hand painted in oil. The portrait would look wonderful on the hewn oak fireplace mantel in Aaron’s living room.

“I don’t understand. It’s beautiful, but why?”

“Mia, I’m an optimist and always will be. Having Reggie with me created the perfect opportunity to do this. You know how much I love that dog. This painting is for you, and you can take it home if you like. You can explain it to Jack however you want, or you can leave it here until you love me enough to move in. At that time, your image will be painted into the portrait with ours. The three of us will be a family, until our kids come along. We’ll place it above the mantel and every one of our children will be added to the painting as time goes on. That woman? The one you heard over the phone and saw in my shop, was the photographer and artist that put this portrait together for me.”

Mia had no words. She burst into a sobbing, tear jerking cry. She muttered through her tears. “Aaron, I’m such a jealous idiot. I’m so sorry.”

“Here’s what I’m wondering,” he said, as he took the portrait out of her hands and set it down. “Why do you care? Why do you feel jealous? Be honest with me, and yourself.”

“Aaron,” she sniffled, “it’s because I love you. It’s true, and not as a friend. I love you as the man I want to spend my life with. I want to be with you Aaron, and I’m ready to admit it now. You’re right for me, and you always were. We were such close friends, I let that blur my true feelings.”

“Mia, you actually said it. I would have waited forever to hear those words. I’ve always loved you, but you knew that. I do have one question though. I think the air will finally be clear once I ask it.”

“Okay,” Mia said, as she composed herself and wiped her lingering tears.

“I saw your car pass by me a few weeks ago. I left my shop for lunch and saw the Camaro speed down Main Street. I was about to wave when I realized it was a man driving and you were in the passenger seat. It floored me. I was instantly jealous. Who was he?”

Just knowing he saw her and Max together broke Mia’s heart. Max was the last person she wanted to tell Aaron about. There was no way she could be honest with him about that day. “Aaron, when I sprained my foot I couldn’t drive. That man was the wilderness guide at the Boy Scout camp. He was kind enough to drive me home. He took the train back to wherever he lives after he dropped me off. It was a nice gesture on his part, that’s all.”

What Mia said to Aaron was much more than the occasional white lie she told. This was a full blown, double whammy, lie to his face.

I am so going to hell for that, but I can’t lose Aaron. I’ll make this right somehow, someway.
“Aaron, you have to open the shop. I better go.”

“Mia, there’s so much to say, and you’re going to get up and leave?”

“No, I’m not just leaving, I’m being responsible. You have to open the store. I have somewhere I need to be anyway. I know we need to talk. I’ll come by in the morning for a few days, like today. That would give us some privacy. It isn’t going to be long. Jack will be history very soon, then I can move on with a clear conscience. Right now, you need to go to work. I’ll see you in the morning, okay?”

“Okay, beautiful. I’m happy to go at your pace. I believe in us, I always have. Are you sure you don’t want to go out for dinner tonight?” he asked, with that perfect smile.”

“Not yet, but soon.”

He pulled her close and looked deep into her eyes, exposing his soul. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her for what seemed like an eternity. Aaron thanked God that his lifelong dream was about to come true. She lingered in his arms with a rush of warmth filling her heart. Mia felt safe and content. She was sure, and had no more doubt. Aaron was the right man, and one day he would be her husband.

Chapter Twenty Eight

It was nine o’clock when Mia checked the time. She felt different as she drove back home. She had clarity, a new purpose. She was happy. The trees looked greener, the flowers seemed more colorful. She now felt the same optimism Aaron always displayed, and it made her smile. The nervousness she had earlier was gone. She would get through today and move on with Aaron. It was her turn to be happy and live life to the fullest. She picked up the phone to call the salon.

BOOK: Payback and a Bottle of Merlot: Like Sisters Series Book One
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