PAYBACK (A Bad Boy Romance) (12 page)

BOOK: PAYBACK (A Bad Boy Romance)
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Chapter 32

ied to a chair
, gagged with a dirty bandana, Johnny didn’t look so full of bravado any longer. His face, swollen with welts, one eye blackened shut, and a few fingers broken had proven effective in breaking down his tough guy routine.

Tito, wiping away the blood from his knuckles, stepped back, breathing hard. He cut me a sharp look. “He’s all yours now.”

Letting Tito do the dirty work had helped take the edge of his rage but I knew nothing short of Butcher’s blood would truly slake that hunger.

I leaned in, bracing myself on the arm rests of the old chair. “All right, here’s the deal, your employer is a rotten son-of-a-bitch who enjoys hurting women. I have to assume that because birds of a feather flock together, that you must be a rotten bastard, too. And because of that, I don’t have a lot of patience for your bullshit. I want answers and if those answers aren’t satisfying, I’m going to let you go Round Two with my friend here. Understand?”

Johnny choked on his own spit, gurgling as the bandana cut off his ability to create coherent words.

I grinned and removed the gag. “There. That better? Now sing like a bird, Johnny. I can’t wait to hear my favorite song.”

“I don’t know what you want,” he gasped, blood trickling down his chin, a missing tooth causing him to lisp. “What do you want from me? I’m nobody.”

“Wrong,” I disagreed, bending to pick up a pulpy tooth. I lifted it for Johnny to see and then tossed it away, the sound of it skittering across the dirty warehouse floor echoing. “You see, you’re the Number One guy for Butcher Brannon, a title you enjoy throwing around quite often. Must be pretty exciting to be insulated within Brannon’s circle. But with privilege comes expectation.”

“He’ll kill me if I talk,” Johnny stammered, realizing where I was going with my speech. “He’ll kill me, man!”

I leaned in, my voice low. “Johnny…I’ll kill you if you don’t.”

Tito crossed his arms across his chest. “Pick your poison, worm.”

I moved away. “I’ll make it easy for you. You tell me how I can get evidence that Butcher killed Shay Trunnel and shot Christine O’Connor and I’ll let you go, even give you a chance to run and hide so Butcher boy doesn’t come along and string you up for betraying him. Sound like a deal?”

“What evidence?” he cried, his bottom lip trembling. “Fuck man, there’s nothing that will pin that shooting on Butcher because he paid the cops to bury the report. There’s nothing. Butcher’s got the right people in his pocket. You’re setting me up to fail, man!”

I suspected as much but I had to try. “Maybe that was too on target,” I allowed with a nod. “You say Butcher has cops on the take…you got evidence of that?”

“Butcher keeps a book of everyone who owes him favors,” Johnny said, looking from me to Tito, hoping I would find this information useful. “Yeah, it’s a book he keeps with him at all times. He likes things old-school. Enjoys writing the names down, putting more people in his pocket. It’s his thing.”

“He really ought to find a different hobby,” I said, shaking my head. “That’s pretty pathetic.”

Johnny licked his lips, wincing as he said, “Yeah, that’s it, man, that’s the only way you’re gonna get anything on him. But he’s guarded twenty-four/seven. You’ll never get close enough to him to get that fucking book.”

I shared a look with Tito, then returned to Johnny. “What else is in this book?”

“Everything, man,” Johnny answered, tears of pain weeping down his face. “I swear to you, there’s enough in that book to link Butcher to hundreds of crimes throughout the city, as well as take down every crooked cop throughout every precinct.”

“Why would he carry something like that around? Isn’t that like pocketing a grenade for funsies?” I asked, not quite sure if I bought Johnny’s story. “Seems kinda self-destructive.”

“Butcher is arrogant. He thinks he’s untouchable at this point and he’s been right. No one lifts a hand against him.”

“Until now,” I said.

Johnny nodded, his gaze shrinking from Tito who looked more than ready to go another round with the slightest provocation.

“Tell me where he got Holly,” I said, switching tracks. “Why the sister/brother act all these years?”

“I don’t know.”

“I think that’s a lie,” I said, Tito sharing my dubious opinion on that score. “Maybe you need a little help remembering.”

Johnny flinched when Tito so much as moved, protesting as he tried to get away. “No, no! I only know a little bit about Holly. Her mom was Butcher’s secretary. She brought the kid to the office one day and it was like Butcher became instantly obsessed. Then, he got it into his head that the perfect companion would be one he could groom. Holly was young enough that she wouldn’t remember her mom so Butcher made it happen.”

“Where’s Holly’s mom?” I asked.

Johnny looked as if he’d rather chew nails than answer that question but when he finally did, I couldn’t say I was surprised.

“Dead.” Johnny closed his eyes with dread. “Butcher had her killed. She’s in that book, too.”

“So why the brother act?” I frowned. “Why not a benefactor? Or guardian?”

“Because of the custody issues. Butcher made her sign away her rights. He made up some story about being Holly’s half-brother and then, he took Holly from her mother.”

“What a fucking prick,” Tito said under his breath. “This man deserves to be raped by the bristly end of a toilet brush.”

“And then, she went away,” I surmised, to which Johnny affirmed with a pathetic nod.

“What was her real last name?” I pressed in a hard tone, unable to calm the wild rage that flared to life at how Butcher had stolen Holly’s life.

Johnny shook his head as if he couldn’t remember but then his eyes widened and he said excitedly, “Uh, yeah, that’s right, her mom’s name was Gidget something…Gidget…uh, Sommers. That was her name. I swear it.”

I motioned to Tito to follow me. We stepped out of earshot and I said, “So, you think he has anything else of use to share with us?”

“I could pound on him a little more and see what squeezes out,” Tito offered.

But if I allowed Tito to have another go at Johnny, I doubt the little squealer would survive and while I didn’t think the man was worth shit, I wasn’t going to be responsible for his death.

I returned to Johnny. “I need intel on Butcher’s security detail.”

“You can’t be serious. No one can just walk right in without getting their guts blown out.”

“Not necessarily true. Like you said, Butcher has gotten arrogant and it shows in his detail. Now, tell me where the weak spots are.”

Johnny rolled his eyes with fear. “You’re going to get me killed. I’m going to have to leave the fucking country.”

“Mexico is nice this time of year,” I suggested, then snapped my fingers. “Security weakness. Now.”

For the next forty-five minutes, Johnny spilled his guts, puking out every detail he could possibly think of about Butcher’s operation, his security, his passcodes, everything.

Including his underwear size, though why Johnny had that information I didn’t want to know.

Once finished, Johnny blinked with his one good eye, his gaze darting between the both of us. “So…now what? You gonna let me go?”

“And let you run right back to Butcher and tip him off?” I scoffed. “C’mon, Johnny, is that how it works in your neighborhood?”

“I told you everything,” he protested. “Please don’t kill me!”

I slapped his cheek playfully, then grimaced when Johnny bled on me. “Calm down, bud. We’re not going to kill you. But we’re not going to let you go either. I figure it ought to take you a few days to get loose from these bonds and by that time, Butcher will no longer be anyone’s problem.”

Johnny sagged in the chair but Tito got up in his face, lest he get too comfortable with his escape from death. “The thing is, you’ve lost a lot of blood, Johnny. Who’s to say you’ll even last a few days?” Tito pulled away with a cold smirk. “See you around, D-bag.”

We left Johnny sobbing in the empty warehouse.

As we climbed into my car, I looked to Tito and asked, “You really think he won’t last?”

“I guess that’s up to karma,” he quipped.

I laughed and turned the ignition. “Fuck man, that’s harsh.”

But we had what we needed.

Time to go fuck up Butcher’s life and save my girl.

Chapter 33

I was running out of time. Butcher was going to expect forward progress but I didn’t know how to act as if I wasn’t completely repelled.

That night at dinner, I was directed to dress again, this time in a red number that was practically see-through. I gritted my teeth and pulled the thing on.

I gasped as my nipples jutted out, the fabric clinging to every curve and valley.

I tugged at the dress, wishing there was more fabric, but this was what I had to work with.

Grabbing the gaudy earrings, I pulled my hair into a messy updo and shoved the earrings into my ears.

Great, I looked like a hooker who gave $10 blowjobs with a discount for volume.


I closed my eyes, prayed for strength, and went downstairs to join Butcher.

As the previous night, he was waiting for me in the dining room, dressed in another monkey suit. I found it disingenuous that Butcher was trying to play the part of the gentleman when he was practically forcing me to be his wife.

I swallowed the bile that rose in my throat and took my place at his side.

“You are exquisite in that red,” he said, smiling with pleasure. “I would have you wear red every night for me.”

I cut him a dark look and ignored that comment. I reached for my water glass but he stopped me.

“Tonight, we will celebrate with fine wine,” he announced, motioning for the server to pour our glasses.

I eyed the glass of red wine and I knew that if I refused, he would demand to know why and I couldn’t very well admit that I was abstaining on the off-chance I was pregnant.

A single glass of red wine would not hurt anyone, I assured myself, smiling coolly as I lifted my glass at his prompting.

“And what are we celebrating?” I asked.

“Our new life together.”

“I haven’t agreed to becoming your partner in anything,” I reminded him. “In my mind, you are my brother. It doesn’t matter that you’ve known all along that we aren’t related. For me, it’s different. I’m still coming to terms with that.”

Butcher was displeased but he didn’t push. “Fine. Then we shall celebrate, new beginnings,” he amended and I allowed that one, only because I was picturing a new beginning with Cason.

What would it be like to actually hold hands in public, I wondered, swirling the wine, content to lose myself in a nice daydream. But Butcher wanted my sole attention.

“I realized I needed to share with you my plans if you’re going to be my most trusted ally,” he said.


“Yes. Some time ago, I discovered that with money doesn’t always come respectability. I want the Brannon name to mean more than just an association with the Ice Town Rebels.”

“That seems a tall order,” I returned cautiously. “How do you propose to do that?”

“Politics,” he answered as if it were obvious. “Politicians are just criminals participating in sanctioned crimes and no one questions. It’s accepted that politicians have to color outside the rules because the rules don’t apply. That’s when I realized, I had to start thinking bigger. I wanted what had been denied me to this point.”

I wisely remained silent so he could continue without interruption. I even pretended to be intrigued by his admission, which I knew would only cause him to share more.

Then Butcher shocked me by saying, “It’s because of you, Holly, that I want a different life.”


“Yes,” he risked my rejection by reaching for my hand. “From the moment I saw you, I knew you deserved the best in life. And I knew only I could give it to you. But in order to do that, I had to make changes. That’s why I wanted you to have a top-notch education. Your degree is from a respected university. With you by my side, you’ll help soften the image of me, help transform me into the man that people want to vote for.”

His surprisingly earnest admission caught me off guard. I saw a man with an impossible goal, trying to strong-arm people to his will.

But at his core, he was a man yearning for something he’d never have.

I didn’t want to, but I could identify with that need.

Hadn’t I suffered the same suffocating desire as I watched everyone around me live a life I could only dream of having? I wasn’t the one invited to parties, wasn’t the one who attracted attention in a crowded room, certainly wasn’t the one the quarterback had eyes for.

I’d resigned myself to a life half-lived in reality and only fully realized between the pages of a book.

Until Cason.

My most unlikely of heroes.

Butcher mistook my tremulous smile and gripped my hand more tightly. “I knew you would understand. We’re two peas in a pod, sweetheart. I knew it from the moment I looked into your eyes, I knew you were meant to be mine. You have no idea how long I’ve waited to make you a true Brannon.”

I held his gaze, allowing him to hold my hand. “What’s my mother’s name?” I asked, breaking the spell. Butcher drew back with a sudden frown. “I need to know who my mother was if I’m going to say goodbye to the past and embrace the future.”

Butcher fell back in his chair, his frowning deepening. “What difference does it make who you were? You’ve been a Brannon for as long as you can remember.”

“I have to know. Please.”

But the earnest hope that’d softened Butcher only moments ago had fled, leaving behind the hard man he’d always been. “I don’t remember her name,” he said, watching as our server brought the duck course. “She was nothing to me. All that mattered was you. I gave you my name and that was that.”

Disappointment sharpened my tone as I said, “I can’t move forward until I know more about her. She was my only family.”

I am your family
,” he roared, slamming his fist on the table, causing the silverware to bounce.

I stiffened, breathing through the sudden erratic beat of my heart. I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of knowing he’d startled me. “I won’t be yelled at,” I warned, reaching for my wine glass. “If I’m to be your partner, we have to start treating one another with respect. This is not how we start.”

“You’re pushing my limits, girl,” he shot back as I sipped my wine with more calm than I felt.

I glared as I replaced my glass. “Don’t call me a
if you’re hoping to change this relationship,” I told him, rising as I tossed my napkin on the table. “Excuse me, I’m no longer hungry.” I turned to leave but his hard grip on my arm prevented me from going far. He pulled me toward him and I stumbled, trying to resist. “What are you doing?” I asked, my voice going a little shrill. “Let go of me.”

“Prove yourself loyal to me, Holly,” he said roughly. “Kiss me.”

Kiss him? I would rather die.

Butcher’s gaze narrowed at my stubborn silence.

“Prove to me that you are truly loyal to me and I will grant you whatever you like,” he said, dangling the promise before me.

“How will a kiss prove anything?” I dared, hoping I didn’t completely lose it with fear.

“Because it will show me that you are willing to embrace this new arrangement between us. It’ll show me, I’m not wasting my time.”

I swallowed.

There was no getting out of this one. Butcher needed me to assure him and I didn’t have many options. Perhaps a kiss would be enough to sate him until Cason could rescue me.

But the idea of kissing my brother…or the guy who I used to think of as my brother…was as nasty as asking me to lick a New York sidewalk on a hot summer day.

“Fine,” I said in a choked voice. “Kiss me and be done with it. I’m finished with this stupid conversation.”

That was all the encouragement Butcher needed.

He yanked me into his arms and shoved his tongue into my mouth. The sudden intrusion of that wet thing, smelling of wine and stale cigars, made me want to thrash and kick just to get away.

But I allowed the violation, closing my eyes, pretending it was Cason kissing me instead of Butcher.

Tears sprung to my eyes as I suffered the sense that I was betraying the man I loved but there was no getting around it.

Bold as fuck, Butcher reached up and squeezed my breast hard as he continued to plunder my mouth. I yelped and tried to move away but Butcher enjoyed my distress.

“You had your kiss,” I tried pulling away from him but his grip was like iron on my wrist. “Let go!”

But Butcher rose, his eyes darkening with lust. “I’ve changed my mind,” he decided. “You’re my woman and it’s time you start acting like it.”

What did that mean?

I didn’t have long to wonder.

Butcher dragged me to his bedroom and locked us inside.

“Help!” I shouted as he shoved me away from the door. I stumbled but held my feet. “Don’t do this,” I said, trying to talk some sense into him but he was like a raging bull with a mega dose of testosterone flushing through his veins.

“I’ve waited so long, Holly,” he said as if that excused what he was about to do. “Do you know how hard it was to pretend that I didn’t love you?’

“You don’t rape someone you love,” I said, my voice shaking. “This isn’t the way to my heart.”

“You’ll come around,” he assured me as he started undressing. I held back the squeak of alarm as he got down to his underwear. A bulge in his briefs told an easy enough story to grasp.

I felt ill.

I tried to dart past him but he was faster than he appeared, catching me easily and seeming to enjoy the chase. He held me tight, in spite of my struggles, his grip didn’t waver. “I used to dream about you, about this night. Are you still untouched, sweetheart?” He saved me the trouble of answering. “I know you are. No boyfriends, no social life. Just the safety of dusty old books. That makes me so happy.”

I wanted to blurt that Cason had taken my virginity and I was glad it wasn’t going to be him but I didn’t know how that information would blow up in my face.

I knew Butcher was violent with women. I’d seen the way he’d cuffed his secretary when she’d displeased him. I saw the way she watched him fearfully as if she knew he held her life in his greasy palm. Why hadn’t I ever tried to help her get away?

Butcher ripped at my dress, the filmy material shredding like tissue paper, exposing my breasts and stomach. I yelped and kicked but Butcher was too strong.

He forced me to my knees, gripping my jaw hard. “I want to watch you suck my cock. I’ve dreamed of this moment for so long.”

“If you put that thing near me I’ll bite it off,” I said, blinking back tears.

“You will obey me!” My head flung back as Butcher landed a hard slap. I saw stars and nearly lost my footing. I didn’t have time to scramble away before Butcher pushed a semi-hard dick toward my mouth.

But before I could react, Butcher grunted and fell forward, his eyes rolling up into his head as he landed on the carpet, a large red stain forming where Cason had clocked him with the butt of his gun.

Cason, my knight in shining armor, was there, gun in hand, eyes blazing.

“Cason!” I jumped into his arms and clung for dear life, half-sobbing and half jabbering, just so relieved he was there. “I was so scared! If you hadn’t….oh God, Cason, he tried to make me….” I buried my face in his chest, losing my ability to stop babbling.

“Shhhh, baby,” he crooned, smoothing my hair as he tried to calm my blubbering. “I’m here. He’s never going to touch you again.”

But then my head shot up as I realized we weren’t safe, not by a long shot.

“Cason, we have to get out of here before he wakes up,” I urged, gripping his hand and trying to pull him away but Cason had other plans.

“Not before I get that book,” he said. “Everything we need to put that sack of shit away is in a small black book. We get that, we’re home free, baby.”

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