Payback (21 page)

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Authors: Kimberley Chambers

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Thrillers, #Suspense

BOOK: Payback
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Nancy Butler was not in the best of moods. Michael had stayed out again last night, the boys had been little bastards this morning, and to top it all, Joanna had just cancelled their picnic in the park because Vinny wanted to take her out.

Having purposely avoided speaking to her mother on the phone earlier, Nancy could have screamed when she heard the key go in the front door, followed by Mary calling, ‘Cooey.’

After giving her grandsons and Lee a hug, Mary handed them a bag of penny sweets each, and ordered them to go play in the garden. ‘What’s going on, Nance? And what’s all this about Michael not coming home at night? Where is he now?’

‘Who told you he hasn’t been coming home?’

‘The boys slipped up. They aren’t babies any more, love, and can sense when something isn’t right. They even mentioned that their dad never goes to Kings these days. So what’s up? Have you and Michael been arguing?’

Nancy’s eyes welled up as she opened her heart to her mother. She admitted everything that had been upsetting her, apart from Michael turning his back on her in bed. She really didn’t feel comfortable discussing her sex life with anybody other than Joanna. ‘Be honest with me, Mum. Do you think he is having an affair?’

‘Probably. Why would he be staying out all night if he wasn’t? I’m bloody fuming with him, Nance. Always stuck up for Michael, I have. Even rowed with your father and brother over him. How dare he treat you like this? You wait until I see him. I’ll give what for, all right.’

‘Noooo. You can’t say anything, Mum. This is why I didn’t want to tell you in the first place. Promise me you won’t get involved,’ Nancy said, panic in her voice.

‘Well, best you start standing up for yourself then, Nance. I never brought you up to be treated like a door mat. Do you think I’d have put up with your father staying out all night? I’d have chopped his penis off, love. I know me and your dad have had our ups and downs over the years, but don’t you remember what I used to do when he made me really angry? I left him. Worked every time, it did. Men soon learn which side their bread is buttered when you walk out the door. You are such a pretty girl, you could still have your pick of men.’

‘Mum, no man is going to want me with two young boys as baggage, especially not when they find out who the boys’ father is.’

‘The right man wouldn’t be put off, love. I bet that Dean Smart would still walk across hot coals for you. Have you spoken to him lately? Last time me and your dad saw Freda was the day your brother got promoted.’

‘No, I haven’t spoken to him. Last time I saw Freda, she said Dean had a new girlfriend, so I stopped all contact after that. Anyway, I wouldn’t want Brenda’s leftovers, thank you very much. I can’t deny I’m pissed off with Michael at the moment, but I still love him, Mum.’

‘Well, I can’t live your life for you, Nancy, but if I were you I would give that husband of yours such a kick up the arse he won’t sit down for a week.’

Joanna Preston waved at her daughter. Molly was playing in the sandpit with two other little girls and was giggling away. Joanna smiled at the two ladies on the next table. ‘Are those your daughters playing with mine?’

‘Yes, the one in the yellow is my Sarah and Kayleigh is my friend’s daughter. Your little girl is ever so pretty. What’s her name?’

‘Molly. She loves other children and they seem to love her too.’

‘She really looks like you. Is that Molly’s dad who you are with?’ the other woman asked.

Joanna could not help but smirk. She had seen the two women staring at Vinny earlier and instead of feeling jealous, she was proud. Vinny looked really handsome today in his dark suit and black sunglasses. ‘Speak of the devil, he’s coming back from the bar now. Yes, Vinny is Molly’s dad and my other half. I’m Joanna, by the way.’

The auburn-haired woman introduced herself as Diana and her blonde pal as Lucy.

Vinny handed Joanna a menu and smiled at the women. ‘Can I get you a drink, ladies?’

‘No thanks. But thank you for asking,’ Diana replied. She and Lucy had been commenting how hot Vinny was; it hadn’t occurred to either of them that he and Joanna were a couple. The pair of them did not look at all suited to one another.

‘I’m just going to ask Molly what she wants to eat, babe. I won’t be long,’ Vinny informed Joanna.

‘Are you married?’ Joanna asked Lucy and Diana.

‘I’m divorced and Di has recently split up from her bloke. Both our men were useless fathers, weren’t they, Di?’

‘Yep! The lazy gits were best friends, always in the pub and didn’t even get off their backsides to work. What does your Vinny do?’ Diana asked nosily. Judging by his smart clothes and expensive aftershave, the man had serious money.

Joanna felt as proud as a peacock as she explained that Vinny was a nightclub owner in Whitechapel.

‘Yous ladies talking about me?’ Vinny grinned, walking towards Joanna with Molly in his arms.

‘Yes, I was just telling Diana and Lucy about your nightclub. They asked what you did for a living.’

Molly had one hand around her father’s neck and giggled as she took his sunglasses off with the other. ‘Oi, what you doing, you cheeky little monkey? Give us them back.’

When Molly shook her head, Vinny swung her around in the air. ‘Stop it, Daddy,’ Molly chuckled.

Laughing himself, Vinny laid Molly on the grass and tickled her until she begged for mercy.

Diana and Lucy glanced at one another. The love between father and daughter was clear to see and both women were thinking the same. Why had they had the misfortune of meeting such arseholes? ‘Shall we go now, mate?’ Diana suggested.

Lucy nodded. Seeing such a happy family was making her feel depressed. Some girls had all the luck, they really did. She would give her right arm for a rich handsome man like Vinny.

Joanna said goodbye to Lucy and Diana, then took a large gulp of wine. Vinny was in an especially good mood today, so surely now was the best time to ask him?

‘You picked what you want to eat yet? Molly wants fish fingers and chips,’ Vinny said.

‘And tomato sauce, Daddy. Can I go and play with that little boy, please?’

Vinny glanced around. Even though Molly was only young, he had to check out any boys she wanted to play with. He dreaded to think what he would be like when she was older. She was his little princess and the thought of her ever dating a lad made him feel sick to the stomach. ‘Go on then, I’ll call you when your lunch is ready.’

‘Vin, can we have a quick chat before we order lunch? There’s something important we need to discuss,’ Joanna said.

Vinny smiled. He had only suggested taking Joanna out for lunch to stop her spending the day with Nancy. It really grated on him when Jo and his sister-in-law got together, as he was always paranoid they were discussing him. ‘Fire away, babe.’

‘It’s my dad. He’s up for parole and my mum says he might be free soon. He wants to see me and Molly. Vin, I know you and my dad hate one another, but you must understand how awkward this situation is for me.’

‘So, what you trying to say, Jo? Are you asking for permission so you and Molly can spend time with your old man?’

Not noticing the dangerous glint in Vinny’s eyes, Joanna nodded. ‘Obviously, it would only be minimal contact, Vinny. My loyalties lie with you, you know that. But I was thinking perhaps Molly and I could have lunch or something with my mum and dad once a month? What do you think?’

Vinny smirked, grabbed Joanna’s right hand and twisted it so violently, her wrist very nearly snapped in two. ‘I’ll tell you what I think, shall I? If you ever take my daughter within one hundred yards of that shitcunt of a father of yours, I swear I will kill you.’

Queenie Butler was lounging outside the bungalow at Kings. For the past half an hour, herself and Vivian had amused themselves by ripping the piss out of the notrights next-door-but-one. As per usual, the pervert had his Speedos on, and he and his fat wife were playing some silly game. It was like tennis, but the ball was attached to a pole. ‘Her fucking lils look like they’re going to bounce out that swimming costume. Do you reckon they’re swingers?’ Queenie asked Vivian.

‘What’s a swinger?’

‘Those perverts who try to entice other people into having sex with them. My Vinny told me about them. Said there are some clubs in London now where they all run around showing their meat and two veg and their snatches.’

Vivian burst out laughing. Her and Queenie had only learnt what a snatch was recently, thanks to Little Vinny using the expression. ‘Well, I wouldn’t fancy seeing her snatch, would you?’

Queenie was about to reply when she heard the voices of her grandchildren. Tara was eight now and Tommy three, and Brenda rarely visited them at Kings. ‘Where’s Mummy, love? Who brought you down here?’ Queenie asked. Brenda could not drive, and as far as she was aware Michael and Vinny weren’t due to arrive in Eastbourne any time soon.

‘Mummy’s coming now, and her new boyfriend Scott drove us here. He has a really posh car, Nan. We had the roof down,’ Tara explained.

Queenie looked at Vivian in amazement. She had last spoken to Brenda a few days ago and even though her daughter had sounded full of the joys of spring, there had been no mention of a new man in her life.

Vivian nudged her sister as she spotted Brenda walking towards them with a tall handsome blond chap. ‘Well, I’ll be blowed.’

Michael didn’t exactly expect Peters and Lee to be crooning ‘Welcome Home’ as he strolled through the front door, but neither did he expect his wife to fly at him like a bull in a china shop. ‘What the fuck are you doing? Where are the boys?’ Michael asked, protecting his head from his wife’s punches.

‘The boys are at my mum’s, and I want to know who the slut is, Michael. I know you’re having an affair, so don’t fucking lie to me.’

Michael grabbed his wife’s wrists. He could smell the alcohol on her breath, but could not tell how drunk she was. ‘Look, I’m sorry I got Paul to ring you. I should have called you myself, but I swear I’ve been with my dad. Dorothy is dead, Nance. She died in her sleep.’

‘You’re lying to me, Michael Butler,’ Nancy screamed.

‘No, I’m not, babe. Ring my dad if you don’t believe me. And what do you think I am? As if I would make up a lie as awful as that. Dorothy died on her bloody birthday. The day my dad was due to propose to her. He’s in bits, bless his heart.’

Nancy collapsed to her knees. ‘Oh, that is so sad. Poor Albie. But what about all the other nights you’ve stayed out? I need to know the truth, Michael. I can’t carry on like this.’

Michael sank to his haunches and held his sobbing wife in his arms. His dad’s little speech had given him food for thought. Bella might well be hitched or have children by now. As he had driven back from Ipswich, he had vowed never to let thoughts of Bella torture his mind again.

‘Babe, I’m so sorry I haven’t given you the love and attention I should have just lately. The business has been going down the drain, if you want the truth, and that’s why I’ve been dossing at the club. I’ve been drinking far too much as well, what with the worry of it all, and the last thing I wanted was to come home pissed and burden you with all my problems. I thought it might make you depressed again.’

‘Swear on the boys’ lives there is no other woman,’ Nancy ordered.

Having already decided he was going to end his meaningless affair with the stripper and give his marriage another go, Michael gave his solemn oath. ‘Seeing as the boys are at your mum’s. Let’s go to bed,’ he suggested.

Feeling a mixture of relief and desire, Nancy grabbed her husband by the hand and led him up the stairs.

To say Joanna Preston was in a state of shock was putting it mildly. After nearly breaking her wrist, Vinny had refused to have lunch, dragged their daughter out of the sandpit, then driven her and Molly home in complete silence. He had then driven off like a bat out of hell.

Desperate to share her woes with somebody, Joanna rang Nancy. There was no answer.

When the phone rang seconds later, Joanna thought it was Nancy ringing her back. It wasn’t. It was her mother. ‘Brilliant news, Jo. Dad’s parole hearing is on Wednesday week. His brief rang me today and he said he was ninety-five per cent sure your dad will get parole. I’m so excited. I can’t wait to have him home with me again. Will you and Molly be bridesmaids at the wedding? Have you had a chance to speak to Vinny yet?’

Not wanting to burst her mother’s bubble, Joanna felt she had no option but to lie. If she told her mum that her right wrist was currently double its usual size, that would cause mayhem. ‘I’ve not had the chance to speak to Vinny yet, Mum. He’s got problems at the club, so I’m waiting for the right moment. Sorry to cut you short, but I have to go. Molly’s in the bath, and last time I left her alone there I had loads of mopping up to do. I’m really pleased for Dad though. Give him my love.’

Slamming the phone down, Joanna put her head in her hands. Her dad’s homecoming was going to cause so much aggravation and she didn’t know which way to turn. Vinny was the man she loved, but blood was thicker than water … wasn’t it?

Queenie and Vivian were sitting in the club at Kings. Tara and Tommy were having a ball with the children’s entertainer Charlie Case, so it gave Queenie the chance to study Scott, or Scotty as he preferred to be called.

‘So, what exactly do you do for a living, Scotty?’ Queenie asked politely.

‘I’m a bit of an entrepreneur, Mrs B. I see an opportunity and I take it. Stocks and shares are my current thing. Made a lot of money out of those recently, I have.’

‘Where do you live? Do you own your own property?’ Vivian asked bluntly.

‘Mum, Auntie Viv, will you stop interrogating Scotty. You’ve only just met him. Let’s go up the bar, babe,’ Brenda said, grabbing her boyfriend’s arm.

When Scott and Brenda walked away from the table, Queenie turned to Vivian. Since Brenda had lost weight, had her hair cut short and dyed blonde, she did look good again. However, she did not look good enough to bag a rich, handsome man like Scott. ‘Well, what do you think?’

‘Wouldn’t trust the bastard as far as I could throw him. He won’t look you properly in the eyes,’ Vivian replied.

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