Pay Up and Die (11 page)

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Authors: Chuck Buda

Tags: #BluA

BOOK: Pay Up and Die
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Michael was met with Murph’s blue eyes in shock. His bald head wrinkled up in disgust. “Why don’t you invite him to tea while you’re at it? So much for the element of surprise.” Murph deflated at the prospect of losing an opportunity to send lead down range.

They stuffed their pockets with ammo clips and shells. Murph even tied a tactical survival knife on his hip. As they prepared to leave the basement, Murph stopped Michael on the stairs. “If you mention what you’ve seen here tonight to anyone, I’ll be forced to take you out.” Michael grinned as he thought Murph was joking around like he always did. Murph didn’t smile back. “I’m serious.” He held Michael’s gaze for a long moment and then turned to continue up the stairs. Michael swallowed hard again. What had he gotten himself into, he thought.

Chapter 22





“Please, please, please, Daddy!” The twins pleaded in unison. Every so often the girls would cajole Derrick into either telling them a bedtime story or reading them a book. Tonight they wanted a book.

“Oh, how can I deny these precious little faces.” Derrick gave in and squeezed in between his two princesses. Chloe was on his left and Madison on his right. “Which book did you choose?” Derrick asked the girls in a voice reminiscent of Pee Wee Herman.

“This one!” Again in unison. It was so cute to Derrick how the girls almost shared a brain. They finished each other’s sentences and seemed to say similar things at the same time. Although their personalities were completely different. Madison raised the book up from under the sheets. It was a dog-eared copy of Junie B. Jones and the Yucky Blucky Fruitcake. He rolled his eyes.

“Okay but this book is a little beneath your reading levels. I know it is one of your all-time favorites. So maybe what we’ll do tonight is share the reading duties. Chloe, why don’t you start and then Madison can take over after a few chapters. Sound like a plan?” Derrick bargained for some help. He didn’t think he could stomach reading the book for a one hundredth time.

“Yay!” The girls responded. Chloe took the book from Madison and opened to the first page. She began reading in her little voice and Derrick lost himself in the moment, snuggled between his babies with their soft pajamas and fresh-out-of-the-tub shampoo scent.

A vision of Michael Wright flashed across Derrick’s mind. He grumbled to himself that he couldn’t even get a break to put his girls to bed without thinking about that rat. He was so steamed that Michael had the audacity to tell on him like a little school girl. It wasn’t enough that he defied his authority and embarrassed him in front of a client. A dead beat client which was even worse. But then he brought others into the mix, potentially tarnishing his reputation and ruining his opportunity at landing the CEO job. The traitor!

Chloe had finished the first chapter and handed the book over to Madison to read the next one. Derrick smiled approvingly down at Chloe who soaked it up. She ate up her daddy’s affection more so than Madison.

Madison began to read the second chapter in her more adult voice. Derrick noted the difference between the girls briefly before returning his thoughts to Michael.

Derrick reflected on several instances over the years where he had taken care of Michael. He brought Michael to several charity golf outings where he could rub elbows with important people and enjoy a relaxing day out of the office. The credit extensions he got Michael a few years back when one of their cars died and their roof leaked. Both of those events occurred within a week of each other and really set Michael and Stephanie back financially. The time Derrick promoted Michael to Supervisor before he was actually ready to lead others. Derrick took care of Michael because he knew the promotion brought a small raise which was desperately needed at the time. Then he backed Michael’s promotion to Manager a year ago. He felt confident in Michael’s ability to get the job done as a leader when he went for the promotion. He just preferred to work with Anna who was smoking hot. However, his sympathy for Michael won over and he recommended Michael get the promotion. More recently, Michael broke down about needing more money to get treatments for his sickly daughter. He had complained to Derrick that his credit situation was dire but he needed the money and was there anything that Derrick could do to jimmy his loan application through. Like a sucker, Derrick agreed to put in a word on his behalf. He liked Michael and knew he always struggled with money so it was the least he could do. And for what? To get stabbed in the back? To be ratted out like a criminal when all he wanted to do was help his fellow man up? He cursed that man and his bad luck for crossing paths with him.

Madison finished the last sentence and looked up at Derrick. “Your turn, Daddy.” Derrick snapped back to the present.

“Why don’t we do one more round and then I will read two back to back?”

“Deal.” The girls agreed simultaneously because that meant they would get to read twice as many chapters tonight. Madison handed the book across his lap to Chloe. As Chloe dove into the third chapter Derrick fell back into his mind.

He was glad now that he had Martin Pike abduct Michael’s son. It was originally a small ploy to send a message but now it had become an benefit to protect his downside. Michael may have risked things when his sickly daughter’s life was on the line but he would never be foolish enough to continue risking his son’s life. After all, Allison was expendable and Michael knew it. Even with the experimental treatments there was no assurance that it would even work. She was as good as dead and that stupid loan was just throwing bad money after good. It was a no-win situation for Michael. Especially now that Derrick held the trump card. He would make Michael pay for this. He chuckled to himself that Michael is going to wish he got off as easily as Ray Thomas did. No such luck this time around. Derrick licked his lips at the thought of Andrew Wright whimpering in his clutches. Now that Michael pissed him off so good, he was going to have a little fun with the boy. It was time for him to get his own hands dirty, just like Pike said. He was going to hurt that stupid kid so when it was all over the message would be very clear, crystal clear in fact, for Michael Wright. It was his fault that his own children would be harmed now. Derrick stared off into space, dreaming about his plans for the boy. Chloe’s voice blurred around his more important reverie.

Chapter 23





“If you struggle less, you will last longer.” The Debt Collector spoke directly toward the duck pond. He was sitting on the bench in the gazebo, throwing crackers to ducks that still weren’t on the water. The night air swirled around his head, lifting the smell of the cooked meat to his nostrils. He closed his eyes and inhaled the rich aroma. Then he reached down and flipped the slab over as the portable hibachi sizzled.

Above the Debt Collector, a body which was still living was affixed to the ceiling of the gazebo. The nail gun made short work of suspending the victim, piercing flesh and sinews and musculature. The face stared down in horror at the large man from its unlikely perch. Snot and spittle leaking from the top and sides of the duct tape around the mouth. Blood dripped slowly from thousands of holes, splashing down to the concrete floor of the gazebo and even landing on the large man. It took thousands of nails to hang this much weight above the ground. He didn’t seem to mind the blood dripping on him or all the nails he went through.

Martin hated the way Graves treated him. It had reached a boiling point. He refused to take his crap anymore. His father found out that there was definitely a limit to his patience with all the belittling and suffering. The large man felt a sense of renewal had washed over him now that he made up his mind to give back what have been given to him. It would be a relief.

He threw another cracker into the empty pond. “You know, it’s not so bad. Dying.” Martin thought about it and continued. “We die each day. Maybe not our body, but our spirit. There’s always failures and setbacks which kill parts of us. We ignore it but only for so long. Then it blossoms into a reckoning. Like a butterfly coming out of its shell.” The body above struggling to breathe against gravity and countless injuries. Martin enjoyed the quiet night air here at the pond. The sounds of pain above filling in between the last of the summer crickets that didn’t get the memo yet about autumn.

The Debt Collector stabbed the meat on the grill with his serrated knife and offered it up to his guest. “You want some? It is very delicious, I assure you.” Without waiting for a response he snickered and took a bite off the end of his knife. The meat was so juicy and really hot, fresh from the flames. It was a little blackened around the edges but still plump in the middle. He chewed slowly, savoring the saltiness. Nothing beat home-cooked meals. He never understood why anyone would want to go to a chain restaurant and order something that was no longer fresh and of unknown origin.

Martin threw another cracker into the dark water. He had a little surprise figured out for his friend, Mr. Graves. The excitement was difficult to contain when he was so close. It was like trying to go to bed on Christmas Eve as a youngster. His mind switched gears to try to imagine what his guest was experiencing. How must it feel to know you will slowly bleed out while your killer is within reach. Watching the killer enjoy life while yours slowly exited your body. Knowing that you have moments left to live. Feeling your energy and blood drip away. Slowly. Knowing.

The large man stood tall to stretch his legs and fired another cracker into the pond. He spat a huge wad into the grass outside the gazebo. Stepping out to relieve himself, he left bloody boot prints on the cement. He unzipped his fly and let go a long, speedy stream of urine. The smell of it strong enough for him to pick up in the open air. When he finished he shook off and zipped back up. Another spit into the pond. The large man made sure his shirt was tucked in properly so his big belt buckle was visible. He reached down with his knife and stabbed the meat upon it. After he took another big bite, he began to giggle. He waved the meat on the end of the knife up at the still-living body as if it were a hand. Actually, it was a hand. The burnt and half-eaten hand of his victim. “Bye-bye, Moon-pie.” He waved the cooked flesh and sang in a falsetto voice, repeating it several times. The giggling turned into a small dance routine reminiscent of an Irish jig except without the grace and lightness.

The dangling body now added tears to the fluids that dripped down upon the gazebo floor. Struggling against the duct tape to be heard by someone, anyone. It made no sense trying to move the legs or arms again. Past experience proved much too painful to bear and with all the nails in place, the exercise would be fruitless anyhow.

“Well, I gotta go. You hang in there. Get it? Hang in there?” The Debt Collector was proud of his wit but no longer enjoying the moment. Stoically now, Martin tipped the grill over so the coals would die out on the pavement. He pocketed his huge knife and made his way to his truck up the street. The feeling of butterflies grew in his stomach, a sensation he hadn’t felt since he was a boy. It was a sensation that he only felt when he knew he was going to do something he shouldn’t.

Chapter 24





The hot water felt wonderful. Rachel enjoyed every minute of her down time without the twins. She loved the girls deeply but moments like these were rare. The steam fogged up the sliding glass doors and created a glistening, sweat on the marble tiles. She had already finished shampooing her hair and washing her silky skin. The last few minutes of each shower were the best. Just absorbing the hot water and cleansing steam in absolute silence. It was blissful.

Her shower was longer than usual tonight because she was preoccupied with Derrick’s promotion. Sometimes she thought that she worried more about his chances than he did. After all, she was the one who was affected most by their status. Derrick was too busy at the office to enjoy the fruits of his hard work. But she felt the actual results each day. At the country club, the ladies would make backhanded comments about how sorry they felt for her that Derrick was only a Director and not an industry leader like their husbands. They remarked how nice her car was and how they remembered having that same model when they were “just starting out.” Even the twins were affected because certain children were off limits to them through play dates based on their status due to Derrick’s job. It didn’t matter that they made hundreds of thousands of dollars a year and lived in the same neighborhoods and were members at the same country club. They were still second-class citizens. Rachel hoped that was about to change soon.

She knew how hard Derrick worked to even be considered for the promotion to CEO. He put in long hours and never hesitated to volunteer weekends and holidays to prove his worth. Rachel loved him so much. The man dedicated his life to giving her and the girls everything they could ever want. Of course, her current life was a step down financially from her father’s. Growing up she had anything and everything. Money was never a concern and the family was always treated with the utmost respect and honor due to her father’s wealth. Her father had frowned upon her engagement to Derrick because he was not from an established, wealthy family. Therefore, the proposition was risky because new money was not stable money. Rachel didn’t care. She loved Derrick and he treated her like gold. Not to mention they clicked in the romantic department, something she never enjoyed with previous suitors.

Rachel turned off the shower and stepped onto the fur bath mat. She toweled off her long, brown hair and admired her nude figure in the full-length mirror. Her silky skin was the purest white but not too white where it would require tanning. Her tummy was still flat even after two children. And the breasts were still full and perky which made her tingle with delight. Mommy had blessed her with wonderful genes. As she put on her bathrobe, she thought again about Derrick and how lucky she felt to have him and the twins. She loved her little family. The only thing that could make it absolutely perfect now was if Derrick got the promotion. Then Delores and Claire would have nothing more to say. And Beverly and Helen would finally allow Rachel to join their special group. Everything would be perfect.

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