Paula & Her Professor (4 page)

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Authors: Charles Graham

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Paula & Her Professor
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He knew the hobble wasn’t really necessary…Paula had nowhere to go…but its mere presence would be a constant reminder to her of her helplessness and reinforce her sense of submission to his absolute authority over her. She would wear the chain because he wished her to wear it…and soon, his slightest wish would be her command.

Paula didn’t want to wear the steel-boned, leather corset, but as Professor Goss didn’t seek her views on the subject and also conveniently “forgot” to remove the ball-gag from her mouth, she was in no position to object very effectively.

When he laced her into it, slowly but extremely thoroughly, giving her time to adapt to the steadily increasing compression, then tightened a little more and a little more until the edges met over her spine and he was able to tie the final knot, Paula’s waist was squeezed down to a literally breath-taking twenty three inches that set her still-naked breasts heaving rapidly to the quick, shallow pants that were all the corset’s vice-like grip permitted.

Once he was sure that she could breathe satisfactorily through her nose, he unbuckled and removed her ball-gag, but immediately replaced it with a thick, hard shaft of rubber attached to the inside of a heavy rubber hood that encased her entire head and left only her eyes and nose exposed.

In the few seconds that she was un-gagged, Paula tried to protest that she really, really didn’t want to be hooded, but it made no difference and as the laces were pulled tight and knotted behind her neck, the rubber shaft was forced deep into her mouth, bulging her cheeks and silencing her even more effectively than the ball-gag had managed.

The third and final addition to her costume was a tall, stiff leather collar that made her hold her head up and prevented her from bending her neck and when Professor Goss locked it in place over the hem of her hood and its knotted laces with a small padlock, Paula realized that even if her hands were free, she still wouldn’t be able to remove either the collar or her gag without the key.

Dropping the key into his pocket, Professor Goss walked across the subterranean room that was to be Paula’s home and prison and stopped beside a large floor-to ceiling mirror.

“Come here, Paula.”

His tone was commanding and although she didn’t want to obey, Paula shuffled towards him with the tiny, mincing steps imposed on her by her enormous high heels and hobbled ankles, her blue eyes wide with hopeless resignation and anxious concern as she made her laborious way to his side.

Since declining his offer to let her try to escape…an attempt she had instantly realized was doomed to failure…he had grown noticeably in confidence and authority, seeming to take her acceptance of her hopeless situation as tacit approval of his actions.

Much as she would have liked to tell him otherwise, she couldn’t, of course, and although she had tried to indicate her reluctance and growing alarm as he showed her around the facility and pointed out the many complex machines that were to form part of the tests she had agreed to let him carry out, he had ignored her muffled questions and protests.

When they finally reached the underground “test area” where she was to be imprisoned, he had casually locked her in while he fetched the corset, hood and collar she now wore and which restricted her ability to communicate even more severely.

Professor Goss waited until Paula reached him, then indicated a spot directly in front of the mirror, “Stand there. I need to make sure that you don’t go wandering about and getting yourself into trouble while I set up the first test.”

The chains dangling alongside the mirror made his meaning perfectly plain and when he lifted the first and clipped it to a ring on the front of her collar, Paula knew that she wasn’t going to be allowed the opportunity to get into trouble.

Or no more trouble than she was already in anyway…

The second chain went to the same ring, the third and fourth to the sides of her corset and she was secured facing her own reflection and unable to turn away.

A breathy squeal leaked past her gag as Professor Goss’s hand snaked around her torso to lift her left breast and despite his assurance that he was only replacing the firm globe back into its molded rubber cup, the touch of his fingers instantly re-ignited a hot glow of arousal in her belly.

Her skin tingled to the feel of his hands and she felt her nipple stiffen as he gently pushed her breast into position and slid the zipper closed and when he cupped her right breast, she turned her head as far as her collar would permit, her eyes filled with a silent plea.

Professor Goss was only human and, dedicated scientist though he was, even he was not proof against the need in Paula’s eyes.

Despite his better judgment and determination not to enjoy her body until she was fully conditioned, his thumb and forefinger captured and rolled her erect nipple while his free hand kneaded her resilient buttocks until she writhed and pressed back against him, her eyes squeezed shut against the sexual pleasure that swept through her belly.

Out of control, Paula could not and would not hold back, her desire to submit to his hands and to her own passion blazing like a torch throughout her quivering body as she raced towards her second orgasm and when her belly contracted in frantic spasms, Professor Goss was privileged to witness her total, explosive submission long before he had anticipated such a pleasure.

In the mirror, he met Paula’s wild gaze as her body shuddered to the wrenching jolts that sent hot juices flooding into her belly and in her wide and fearful eyes he read the shocked understanding that her helpless passion had betrayed, by its awesome depth and power, a capacity and a desire to submit that she had never suspected or imagined that she possessed.

Both recognizing, in that instant of shared knowledge, that there could be no going back…for either of them…

Zipping her breast back into its rubber confinement, he ignored her soft whimpers and trembling body and strode to the door, “That should keep you going for a while,” he chuckled, “I’ve got other things to do, so I’ll be back later when I’ve set up the machines for your tests. Did I tell you I trained as an electrical and hydraulics engineer in the Navy, before I went into teaching? So you don’t need to worry, you’re in safe hands. I can make those things do pretty much anything I want.”

Far from reassuring Paula, his words only added to her concerns about what the future held in store for her now that he had discovered how sexually responsive she could be….or could be forced to be.

She didn’t doubt that he could do what he said and as she tried to imagine exactly what he was going to modify the machines to do to her, she gazed numbly at the heavily chained woman in the mirror and saw her belly kick powerfully to the appallingly-seductive prospect of even higher levels of enforced helplessness and utter subjugation.

Chapter Five

The electric hoist was designed to lift and transport heavy or bulky equipment around the research facility, but it was equally capable of being utilized for moving items that were much lighter and far more delicate…not to mention a great deal more interesting and visually stimulating than a package of hydraulic spares.

The thought of a package brought a smile to Professor Goss’s lips, for he was quietly confident that the hoist had rarely, if ever, carried a package more tightly wrapped and securely fastened than its current cargo. And certainly not one that presented such a delightful picture of immobilized and vulnerable femininity.

Paula had spent several hours chained in front of the mirror as Professor Goss worked on the machines, then endured a long, uncomfortable and far from restful night still in bondage on the camp-cot he provided for her.

Even when she had finally managed to fall asleep, her dreams had been filled with images of her bound body being endlessly menaced and ravaged by pitiless machines presided over by a crazed scientist bent on some unspecified revenge. A scientist who looked very much like Professor Goss. It had been a relief to wake up and find it wasn’t real. Until, ungagged briefly to eat a delicious breakfast prepared and fed to her by him, followed by an extremely embarrassing trip to the toilet also assisted by him, Paula had discovered that her dreams were not that far from reality.

“All set for your first little test, Paula?” he had asked her jovially and although she had tried her best to indicate that what she wanted was to be freed and allowed to leave, he just smiled and nodded and chose to interpret her gag-muffled protests as consent to continue.

“Good, good. That’s the spirit, my dear. Now, this first test is quite simple and will indicate how someone in a hostage situation might react to the stress of her situation. But, of course, as you are merely playing a part and are in no actual danger, it is necessary for us to simulate the tension that a real captive would feel.”

He had paused then to fetch a long, thick, blunt-headed rod with a second, shorter, pointed shaft diverging at an angle from it, both covered in a rubbery coating with a coiled lead plugged into its base and as she gazed at it in sudden foreboding, he had continued calmly, “So in order to achieve that end, this device will be inserted into your sex and is programmed to provide both sexual stimulation of varying levels and random and very minor electric shocks of a totally non-harmful nature. Thus combining the physical stress of erotic arousal with the mental tension of uncertainty as to when and for how long, the shocks will occur. So if you would be kind enough to spread your legs, I will position the device and we can begin the test.”

Wide-eyed, Paula had stared in horrified fascination at the rod, imagining the havoc it would create in her helpless body and trying desperately to think of some way to save herself from the torment to come. Until Professor Goss had frowned and snapped, “Come along, Paula, I’m waiting,” and she had known that there was no escape.

Allowing her ankles to part to the full extent of her hobble-chain, she had gasped as he slid open the zip at her groin, then gasped again as the thick shaft penetrated deep into her body, stretching and filling her with its length and girth, while the shorter section nestled against the projecting bud of her clitoris, the rod’s entry aided by the slippery juices of an intense arousal that to her humiliation, she had been unable to resist.

Then he had closed the zip, leaving the lead dangling and begun to bind her even more thoroughly.

Balanced on tip-toe by the enormous seven-inch heels of her ballet-boots, Paula stood rigidly erect on the base-plate of the hoist, incapable of any movement other than the blinking of her blue eyes.

Every few inches from ankles to neck, wide bands of stretchy black packaging tape compressed her rubber-clad form, each band encircling her completely and so tightly that her flesh bulged from between every loop in confirmation of the security of her bonds.

With her body held in position by two shaped metal straps clamped around her neck and ankles and bolted to the hoist’s frame, she could not even lower her head because of the strong chain running from the top of her hood to the lifting-point above her.

To complete her hopeless plight, the wire that emerged from between her strapped-together thighs betrayed the fact that she was still at the mercy of the device lodged in her belly…and of Professor Goss who controlled it.

She stared across the thirty feet that separated her from where he sat at a computer typing up his notes, her mind whirling with fear and excitement and arousal and guilt, knowing that when he had finished, her test would begin…and barely able to contain her ashamed anticipation.

Utterly helpless and unable to do a single thing to avoid her fate, she had no choice but to accept whatever came and that stark truth absolved her of any responsibility.

Professor Goss was in charge and to tell the truth, she was beginning to enjoy having no say in what he made her do, or did to her. Somehow, being in his bondage, even bondage as tight and inescapable as he insisted she wore, was much more thrilling than she had imagined, giving her a deep, visceral pleasure that kept her in a constant ferment of excitement and simmering arousal.

Partly because of her helplessness, of course, and partly because of her knowledge that nobody even knew where she was or that she was taking part in a scientific experiment…but mainly because of Professor Goss and his unexpected talent for keeping her off-balance and uncertain of what he was going to come up with next.

In her wildest dreams, Paula would never have suspected him of having the determination and ruthlessness to bind her so stringently for so long and as for strapping her to the front of his truck and brazenly exhibiting her with her breasts bared for the world to see, she could still hardly believe that he had actually had the nerve to risk such an astonishing gamble.

He was clearly not just the studious academic she had always believed him to be and although she still trusted him not to harm her, she was increasingly suspicious that he had much more in mind than a few simple tests to prove a theory.

She had seen the enormous bulge in his trousers when he looked at her and even though he always did his best to hide it and pretend that he was unaffected by her costume and the massive climaxes she had already received, Paula wasn’t deceived. He wanted her and it could only be a matter of time before he wouldn’t be able to hold back any more. For her part, Paula wished he wouldn’t even try. The “new” Professor Goss was a lot more interesting and sexually attractive than the old model…stronger, more decisive and sure of himself and best of all, powerfully dominant, giving her no option but to submit to his will. And Paula, to her own surprise, found she liked it that way.

Professor Goss hit the “Save” button on the computer and when he was sure the operation was complete, picked up the remote-control for the hoist. At a flick of his finger, the hoist glided smoothly forward, bearing its hapless cargo across the room to his desk and stopping within arm’s length of where he sat.

“Sorry for the delay, my dear, but I’m all set now so let’s get you hooked up and the test under way.”

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