Pathfinder Tales: Lord of Runes (45 page)

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Authors: Dave Gross

Tags: #Fantasy, #Epic, #Media Tie-In

BOOK: Pathfinder Tales: Lord of Runes
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Whispering Tyrant
: Incredibly powerful lich who terrorized Avistan for hundreds of years before being sealed beneath his fortress of Gallowspire a millennium ago.

: One of the Core districts in Kaer Maga.

: Someone who casts spells through careful study and rigorous scientific methods rather than faith or innate talent, recording the necessary incantations in a spellbook.

: Expanding region overrun by demons a century ago. Held at bay by the efforts of the Mendevian crusaders.

: A brutish draconic creature not as intelligent or cunning as a true dragon.

: Runelord of Pride; one of the rulers of ancient Thassilon.

: Runelord of Gluttony; one of the rulers of ancient Thassilon and an infamously powerful necromancer.

The Pathfinder Tales Library

Called to Darkness
by Richard Lee Byers

Winter Witch
by Elaine Cunningham

The Wizard’s Mask
by Ed Greenwood

Prince of Wolves
by Dave Gross

Master of Devils
by Dave Gross

Queen of Thorns
by Dave Gross

King of Chaos
by Dave Gross

Pirate’s Honor
by Chris A. Jackson

Pirate’s Promise
by Chris A. Jackson

Plague of Shadows
by Howard Andrew Jones

Stalking the Beast
by Howard Andrew Jones

by Gary Kloster

The Worldwound Gambit
by Robin D. Laws

Blood of the City
by Robin D. Laws

Song of the Serpent
by Hugh Matthews

by Liane Merciel

by Liane Merciel

City of the Fallen Sky
by Tim Pratt

Liar’s Blade
by Tim Pratt

Liar’s Island
by Tim Pratt

Reign of Stars
by Tim Pratt

The Crusader Road
by Michael A. Stackpole

Death’s Heretic
by James L. Sutter

The Redemption Engine
by James L. Sutter

Forge of Ashes
by Josh Vogt

by Wendy N. Wagner

The Dagger of Trust
by Chris Willrich

About the Author

A reformed teacher and recovering editor, Dave Gross has written novels for the Forgotten Realms, Iron Kingdoms, and Pathfinder Tales settings, along with many shorter works. Read more about them at

This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.


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Maps by Crystal Frasier

Cover art by Alberto Dal Lago

A Tor Book

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e-ISBN 9781466842632

First Edition: June 2015

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