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Authors: Laura Ward

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Literature & Fiction, #Contemporary Fiction, #Inspirational, #Past Heaven

Past Heaven (41 page)

BOOK: Past Heaven
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“It’s one of the most important lessons I’ve taught my girls.” Cindy spoke through gritted teeth, water splashing out of the sides of her foot bath from her flailing movements. The woman attempting to give Cindy her pedicure at the trendy L.A. spa, glared at her for the umpteenth time.

“Fashion first.” Cindy’s nostrils flared as she inhaled and exhaled through her nose. “What did you-know-who say when he called? Distract me, woman.”

“Okay, but I don’t think a naked hunk carrying a tray of chocolate éclairs could distract you right now.” I teased, and Cindy huffed. “He told me he had a meeting with Bradley this morning, where Bradley explicitly reminded him that we couldn’t have contact until tomorrow.” I gave Cindy a bitter smile. “The press is hot on his trail right now, digging up any dirt they can find.” I shrugged and Cindy reached over to rub my arm.

“The film has so much buzz. It’s good, but it would make it too risky for you to see him. Bradley is right.” Cindy spoke haltingly, her face contorted as she held back laughter.

“That’s it!” she screamed, yanking her foot away from her tormenter. “I give in. I’ll keep my effing callouses. Just slap on the polish and leave me the hell alone!”

At least I could count on Cindy to distract



The next morning, I had left Tim with Cindy, assuring him I was taking a quick power run around the safe and ritzy neighborhood. He had been reluctant, but I had insisted. Back in Baltimore, he’d follow me in his car, but on the crowded city streets, that would be impossible. Plus, no one in L.A. knew who the hell I was. Actual famous people were living all around us.

Tightening my iPhone armband, I adjusted my earbuds, stretched, and took off. My nerves were ramped up for tonight, and I needed the release that only running brought me. About a mile into the run, the click of adrenaline coursed through me. As I rounded the next corner, I skidded to a stop to avoid a crowd of people. Moving aside to let them through, I was blinded by flashes. Then the shouting began.

“She’s here!”

“It’s her!”

“Liz! Liz Atwater, are you ready for tonight?”

“Do you have a date?”

“Are you in a relationship yet?”

The questions came at me fast. I wasn’t sure which way to turn. I moved in a circle, confused and unsure of my next step. When I wouldn’t cooperate, the paparazzi became more agitated. Hands were on me, arms pulling to get my attention. I opened my mouth to scream, but no sound came out. Then in an instant, I felt his presence, and my world calmed down.

“Get. Your. Fucking. Hands. Off. Her.” His tone was deadly, and I was released. Reynolds wore his baseball cap pulled low and sunglasses covered his eyes. He wore running attire, and could have been any runner, trying to help a frightened woman. At least, that’s what I prayed the paparazzi thought. He took a strong hold of my elbow and pulled me backward and then across the street. We zig-zagged between buildings and through side streets, until we were sure we were no longer being followed.

He darted into an alley and pulled me along with him. Yanking off his sunglasses, his eyes blazed with fury. “Are you okay?” He seethed, shaking his head and pacing before me.

“Yes, I mean I was scared but not hurt. How the hell did you find me?” I couldn’t have been more perplexed. I hadn’t seen him since our time in Corolla, and although I was thrilled that he was here, I was also terrified that Bradley or the press would find out.

“I know you too well. I figured you’d go running before your hair appointment. I thought I’d surprise you, and we’d run together. I figured we’d be safe since you’d be with Tim. So where the hell is he?” Reynolds stood in front of me scowling, his head slightly cocked to the side, arms crossed.

I wrinkled my nose and shrugged. “I told him not to come. I thought I would be okay. I’m sorry.” Walking closer to him I placed my hands on his arms and pulled them apart. I wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my head on his chest.

“You can’t do that to me again. You can’t put yourself at risk like that. Nothing can happen to you, Liz.” He kissed the top of my head, and I squeezed him tighter.

“What about you, buddy? I thought we agreed to follow Brad’s directive? You don’t think it was a bit dangerous to join me on the streets of L.A.?” I narrowed my eyes and tried to look as fierce as possible.

Reynolds lifted me so we were face to face. “It was complete torture not to see you last night, knowing you were here, in my town, without me. I wanted to scream. So yeah I chanced it, and I’d do it again in a heartbeat. I’d do anything to be with you.”

He walked forward until the brick wall was behind me.
Ah, fuck it
. I picked up his hat and turned it backward. Wrapping my legs around his waist, I grabbed his face. “Then let’s make it worth your while.” I sealed my lips against his, sighing when his lips opened, and his tongue caressed mine. Reynolds’ hands gripped my ass, and he pressed himself against me, causing me to groan into his mouth. My core tightened as I felt him, wanting me like I wanted him. We kissed feverishly until we had to pull away for air. Our lips were swollen, and faces flushed with desire.

“That was most definitely worth my while.” Reynolds set me on my feet before turning his hat forward again and putting his sunglasses on. He brushed his thumb over my lip tenderly. “Almost there, Elizabeth. We’re almost there.”

Nodding I held his hand until we reached the busy street. I walked alone, in front of him, back to the hotel. We had made it this far, no use getting busted at the last minute.

The knowledge that he had followed me, protecting me even when I didn’t know he was there wasn’t lost on me. He would always be there for me—even when I couldn’t see him.



Cindy and I spent the rest of the day at the salon. Our hair was styled and makeup—lots of makeup—was applied. We looked freaking great. We rode in a limo with Jack’s parents and Reynolds’ parents to the premiere. Reynolds would be arriving in his own limo. We exited our limo onto an actual red carpet. Walking the long path to the theatre, photographers and journalists called out questions and took our pictures. I shook from head to toe. Cindy held my hand and looked at me with concern.

“Are you okay?” She stood on tip-toes, looking around for Reynolds.

I hadn’t experienced anything like this since the funeral. A familiar feeling descended on me. All eyes were on
, watching
, waiting for
to fall or break. I could hear the amplified sound of flashes from cameras and questions, some horrible, being thrown at me.

“Liz, do you hope to profit from your husband’s death?”

“Do you feel like a sellout?”

“Are you dating yet? You look hot. You must be dating someone.”

I wrapped my arm around my stomach as I swayed from the enormity of the emotions. A large hand clasped mine and a powerful arm wrapped around my back, supporting me. I looked up, startled, into the face of my Reynolds. He looked infuriated as he led me, almost carrying me, toward the theatre.

“Reyn, let go. Bradley…the press…” I couldn’t get out a coherent sentence.

“I’m not letting go of you. You’re scared and shaking. You were my friend first, and I’ll stand with my friend always. We don’t need to hide our friendship, Elizabeth.”

Friendship my ass. Reynolds was a world-famous actor, but not even he could pull that off. I looked behind me and saw the press frantically taking pictures of our clasped hands. Bradley was going to lose his mind. Shit. Shit. Shit.




THE MOVIE WAS everything I had hoped it would be. Bradley Goldman’s company, the pain in the ass that they were, was top notch. I was proud. Liz had cried many times throughout the movie as did Cindy and Jack’s parents. Everyone was pleased with my portrayal of Jack. For me, assuming this role was the honor of a lifetime. Researching and writing about Jack Atwater let me get to know him, but acting his role? I had to become him, and it brought my respect to a new level. He was a truly courageous man. I was inspired, bringing him back to life—even if just for a movie. I fell in love with Liz and his sons through his eyes as well. Now I had an even stronger connection to the boys because I had a part of their dad inside me.

My parents approached me with hugs and congratulations. “You did it, son.” My Dad slapped my back and smiled. “You broke away from the fake Hollywood tradition and told an honest story that will open people’s minds. It’s your masterpiece, your legacy.”

Mom wiped tears from her eyes. “Reyn, this is a movie you’ll be remembered for. We couldn’t be prouder.” My parents hugged Liz and whispered in her ear. She smiled, nodded, and wiped her eyes. She headed to the restroom as I walked my parents to their limo. Most of the cast and guests were attending an after-party at a local restaurant, but my parents and Jack’s parents were too tired and too drained. I sent them in the first limo and waited for Cindy and Liz.

Paparazzi began shouting questions to me as I waited.

“Reynolds, are you hooking up with Liz?”

“She’s a little older than your typical taste, isn’t she man? But she is a hot little number.”

I ignored their questions as Liz and Cindy came to the limo. We headed to the restaurant and tried to regroup. After switching seats with Cindy, I held Liz. “Are you okay? How do you feel?”

“I’m okay. Don’t worry about me. Just lots of emotions.” I nodded, and she reached up to hold my face in her hands. “Listen to me, Reynolds Carter. That was the best movie I’ve ever seen. You’re such a talented writer and actor. I couldn’t be more proud. You honored Jack in a way I never even imagined was possible.”

I kissed Liz, feeling comfortably secluded from the driver with the tinted divider up. Cindy groaned and looked out the window.

“Please, you two. I’m right here. Keep it together, you’ve almost made it. A couple more days, and then you can have at it like animals.
, my life is so fucking boring.”

Liz laughed against my lips, and I nodded, squeezing her ass one more time for Cindy’s sake. “Wait and see, Cindy. It’ll be excessive around here pretty soon.” I kissed Liz again and then switched seats with Cindy.

BOOK: Past Heaven
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