Passion's Fury (The Doms of Passion Lake Book 2) (29 page)

BOOK: Passion's Fury (The Doms of Passion Lake Book 2)
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“Wait ‘til you see this place on Sunday night,” Leah said.  “There’ll be thousands of lights twinkling everywhere.  It’ll be so gorgeous.”

“It already is gorgeous,” Kylie murmured.

Clay was standing at the foot of the terrace steps, talking with an elderly man with an unruly shock of white hair and white eyebrows so thick they looked like an exotic species of caterpillar.  “That’s Judge Walters up there with Clay,” Leah said.  “He performed our quickie ceremony in his chambers at the courthouse.”

“May I have the wedding party, please,” asked a middle-aged woman carrying a clipboard in one hand and waving her other one.  She was standing in the space between the arbor and the first two rows of guest seating.  Tall and elegant, she wore a severe black suit, with her dark hair pulled back into a chignon so tight and controlled, not a single hair dared stray out of position.

“That’s Polly McManus,” Leah explained, “the wedding planner.”

“Is she as formidable as she looks?” Kylie asked out of the corner of her mouth behind a covering hand.

Leah laughed.  “Not a bit.  She’s a marshmallow, but she
frighteningly efficient.  Gets the job done.  C’mon, you can have a seat while we run through this.”

Kylie sat in one of the aisle seats, a move which shifted the plug in her ass, making her squirm slightly.  She watched as Polly McManus reached into a box at her feet and pulled out a “bouquet” made from the bows that all of Leah’s bridal shower gifts had been wrapped in and an elaborate balloon sculpture, which she placed on Leah’s head to represent her tiara and veil.  Then Leah and Sarah went into the house.

By this time Caleb and Simon had been joined by Daniel Rayburn and Lucas McKay.  While Ash was busy taking pictures, Polly McManus led the four groomsmen through their pre-ceremony duties, ending with the unrolling of the white carpet, which they dutifully pantomimed.  Then, at Polly’s signal, Judge Walters, accompanied by Clay Nighthorse, Jesse Colter, and Adam Sinclair walked across the lawn to line up in front of the arbor

Polly McManus selected an app on her iPhone and the strains of Jeremy Clarke’s
Prince of Denmark March
floated out into the still summer evening.  The French doors leading out onto the terrace from the sitting room opened and Sarah stepped out, wearing a stick-on bow in her hair.  She was followed by three other women Kylie had not yet met.  Then Leah emerged wearing her balloon tiara, on the left arm of her uncle, Everett Burke.  As the familiar music of the Wedding March filled the air, she placed her left hand on her waist and, with exaggerated rolls of her hips, she sashayed down the aisle like a model sashaying down a runway.  Ash was crouched down in front of her, videotaping her walk down the aisle.

Clay put his hands to his mouth and yelled, “I dare you to walk like that on Sunday night!”

She thrust her bouquet toward him, hips twisted in an exaggerated pose.  “You’re on, buster,” she yelled back.

His beautifully-sculpted lips quirked.  “That’s ten!” was his only reply, which made everyone laugh.

“You should deliver them at the reception on Sunday night when you remove her garter,” Lucas McKay called out, eliciting more laughter as Clay gave him a wink and a thumbs up.

Holy crap!
Kylie thought. 
All of these people are as kinky as my guys are.
Maybe that’s why they created the little town of Passion Lake.  So they can live the way they want without fear of being hassled by the authorities. 
The fact that they were all smart, savvy businessmen as well as hot, hunky alpha males was just icing on the cake.

After the brief run-through of the ceremony, they all trooped back into the house for dinner in the mansion’s original grand ballroom, which was now the dining room.  Glittering chandeliers hung from ornate medallions in the ceiling.  The walls were covered with pale yellow watered silk.  The outside wall was all floor-to-ceiling windows hung with heavily-fringed velvet drapes.  Potted palms and antique accent tables with flower-filled vases and silver candelabra filled in the spaces between windows.  Cloth-covered tables for four were set with antique china and sparkling crystal.  Dinner was steak Oscar, fillet mignon topped with asparagus and buttery crab meat in a rich béarnaise sauce, served with long grain and wild rice and a delightfully refreshing pear salad with walnuts and a pomegranate dressing.  Dessert was a melt-in-your-mouth chocolate mousse, which Caleb, Simon, and Ash fed to Kylie one delicious bite at a time.

After dinner, they all sat around in sort of a free-form circle, talking and laughing and drinking brandy, as the men smoked the cigars Clay handed out.  Kylie had thought all of these men were dangerous before, the epitome of power, arrogance and masculine perfection.  But now, with the addition of the obvious phallic imagery of the cigars, they were positively
!  The way they smoked them, caressing them with their lips as they pulled the smoke into their mouths.  The way they clenched them between their teeth, talking and smiling around them.  The way they arched their heads back, eyes closed, exhaling slowly as though reluctant to part with the flavor and essence of the smoke.  Clay and Jesse even cupped their hands in front of their mouths, pulling their exhaled smoke up and over the tops of their heads, a gesture Kylie had never seen before.  Normally she hated cigars, finding them noxious.  But these actually smelled good.  Sort of nutty. 
They must be very expensive.  With the international connections these guys have, I wouldn’t be surprised if they were Cuban.  Like, made in Cuba.  By Cubans.

Leah was sitting on Clay’s lap, cradled against his chest, while he rested his chin on top of her head.  Kylie sat on Caleb’s lap.  Every now and then Caleb would jiggle his knee, a move that slid the plug deeper into her ass, making her muscles clench around it.  His sly expression told her that he was totally aware of the effect his movements were having on her, and that he was doing it deliberately.

Sarah knelt on a cushion on the floor between Jesse and Adam, while they both stroked her hair.  She reached her hand up and Adam interlaced his fingers with hers, holding their entwined hands against his leg.  The two men kept bending over her to murmur things in her ear.  Things that made her smile.  Things that made her tilt her head back to look up at them, adoration on her face.  Things that darkened her eyes and accelerated her breathing.  The love shared by the three of them shone from them like a beacon.  It was one of the sexiest sights Kylie had ever seen.  And she realized with a clarity that struck her like a lightning bolt that the way Jesse and Adam looked at Sarah was the exact same the way Caleb, Simon, and Ash looked at her.

The thought stole her breath.



“Wait a sec.”  Caleb took the phone from his ear and set it on the coffee table.  “Okay, Dwyer, you’re on speaker.  Repeat what you just told me.”

The agent’s disembodied voice, with its flat, monotone delivery, rolled out into the room.  “Good evening, all.  This afternoon, the FBI, in coordination with DEA, the Pennsylvania State Police, and the Department of Homeland Security rounded up most of the major players in the Righetti crime syndicate’s operations.”

“Hey, man, that’s great news,” Simon exclaimed.  “Congrats.”

“Yeah, man, congrats,” Caleb and Ash echoed.

“Now I can finally file a claim with my insurance company and close out my bank account,” Kylie exulted.  “And get my mail forwarded.”

“I’m afraid not, Miss Ferrell,” Agent Dwyer said, his words dumping a bucket of ice water on Kylie’s head.  “I said ‘most’ of them were arrested.  Unfortunately, one of them managed to disappear before the round-up.”

A spear of ice pierced Kylie’s heart, freezing the blood in her veins. 
Uh oh. 
Her hand went to her throat as she struggled to find her voice.  When she did find it, it was little more than a croak.  “Detective John Bullard.”  It wasn’t a question.

“And that’s not the worst of it.”  If possible, the agent’s voice was even more grim than usual.  “Detective Tony Angelino insisted that he be the one to bring his partner in.  We just found him in Bullard’s apartment, dead from a single gunshot to the head.”

Kylie gasped.

“Also, Sweeney and I found a bug in our car.  We’re pretty sure it was put there by Bullard.  Unfortunately, on our way back up to Philly, we talked about what a nice little town Passion Lake was and how we should consider the possibility of retiring there. We never mentioned Ms. Ferrell by name, but Bullard’s smart.  He’ll figure out what we were doing there.  And he has apparently decided that if he’s going down, he’s going to take as many people with him as he can.”

“Send us Bullard’s photo,” Caleb said.  “There are a lot of strangers in town who are here for a friend’s wedding.  He could easily get lost in the crowd.”

“Sorry.  Don’t have one.  But there’s a BOLO out on him and his car.  And the Virginia state police have been notified.”

“Thanks.  I’ll check with them,” Caleb said.

“Just be careful,” Dwyer warned.  “If he
tying up loose ends, he’s already killed one person.  Two, if you count Moretti.  By now he’s got nothing to lose.”

The chilling call ended, leaving Kylie shivering as if the temperature in the room had plummeted thirty degrees.  She looked from Caleb to Simon to Ash.  They were looking at each other, their faces grim.  Until they saw the stricken look on her face and they melted.

“It’s okay, baby,” Ash said, pulling her into his embrace to be joined by Simon and Caleb, the three of them enclosing her in an effort to give her the comfort and reassurance she needed.  “We’ll keep you safe.”

“I know that.  I know you’ll do your best.  But I’m also enough of a realist to know that when one person is determined to kill another person, he very often succeeds, no matter what kind of precautions you take.”

“We won’t let that happen,” Caleb assured her.

“How are you going to stop him?” she asked.  “Build a wall around me?  Lock me in this fortress of a house and never let me out?  Leah and I are meeting at the Toy Emporium tomorrow to go dress shopping and I want to go.  I don’t want to feel like I’m under siege.”

Caleb grabbed her shoulders and turned her out of Ash’s embrace into his.  “We don’t want you to feel like that either, sugar.  So, I’ll tell you what.  You can go shoppin’ with Leah tomorrow, but Ash will be doin’ the drivin’.  That’s non-negotiable.  Leah will definitely understand our need to protect you. She was recently stalked by a vengeful ex and Clay went to extraordinary measures to keep her safe.”  He decided not to tell her that in spite of all Clay’s precautions, Leah’s ex had nearly succeeded in killing her after all.  “Ash will wait for you out in the parking lot,” he continued, leveling a quelling look at Ash who opened his mouth as if he were about to protest.  “That way you girls can have a good time while he keeps track of everybody enterin’ or leavin’ the store.”

“Okay.”  All the tension left her body and she sagged against his chest with a sigh.

He tightened his arms around her and kissed the top of her head.  “C’mon, sugar, let’s go upstairs and take that plug outta your ass so we can replace it with something even better.”

“Something bigger,” Simon grinned, waggling his eyebrows.

“And a hell of a lot hotter,” Ash added.

“Boy, you guys really know how to sweet-talk a girl,” she simpered, turning and walking away with an exaggerated sway of her hips.

They walked behind her in a phalanx toward the stairs.  “Hold up your skirt, baby, so we can watch that lovely ass jiggle,” Ash ordered.  He and Simon peppered her generous flesh with a barrage of light slaps as she practically ran up the stairs and into the bedroom.  Until Caleb’s hands descended upon her shoulders and stopped her just beyond the threshold.  Her buttocks felt hot and tingly from all the stinging slaps.  Carefully Simon unwound the scarf from around her neck.  Caleb and Ash pulled her dress up over her head, draping it over the back of the wooden chair.  The gauzy fabric slithered across her skin, abrading her taut nipples in an erotic caress.

“Step out of your shoes, sugar,” Caleb ordered, watching as she did so.  “Okay, Little Bit.  Go stand in the middle of the room with your legs spread, your hands behind your back gripping opposite elbows, eyes straight ahead.”

“Yes, Sir.”

As she followed his orders, she could hear the dull thud of boots striking the carpeted floor, the clank of belt buckles, and the rustling of clothes being removed.  As soon as they were naked, they walked up to her.  While Ash collected her shoes and put them on the chair with her dress and scarf, Caleb tapped the insides of her ankles with his bare foot.  “Wider, sugar.  That’s it.  Good girl.”  He moved around her to stand directly in front of her.  “Okay, now listen up.  This position is called Present.  Whenever any of us tells you to present, no matter where we are, this is what we expect you do, clear?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Good.”  He reached out and palmed her mound, startling a shivery little cry from her throat.  Ash and Simon moved in against her sides, their damp cocks pressing into the outsides of her hips.  They bent their heads to kiss her shoulders.  Each one lifted a breast, flicking their thumbs across the hard knots of her nipples, sending fire through every part of her body.  Every time these men touched her she went up in flames.  She wanted to melt into them until they were part of her forever.

“Eyes on me, Little Bit.”  Caleb said.

With supreme effort, she lifted her eyes and was pulled into the depths of his, deep, so deep.  She held her breath as his two middle fingers slid through her mound, probing, exploring, collecting moisture as they went.  When he pulled them out they were wet and shiny, coated with her essence.  He lifted them to his nose and inhaled deeply.  “Christ, sugar, that’s the most delicious smell in the world.  The one that drives us absolutely wild.  Here.”  He held them under her nose.  “Smell how sweet you are.”  As she watched, her eyes at half-mast, dark and glittery with lust, he moved his fingers to his mouth, sucking them noisily before lowering them back to her slit to gather even more juice.  “Holy fuck, Little Bit.  That is pure ambrosia, nectar of the gods.  We can’t wait to eat you and fuck all your delectable little holes, filling you with our hard cocks.”

Holy shit, the way they talk!  The words they use!  Hot.  Raw.  Dirty. 
And so fucking sexy she could feel the moisture dripping down the insides of her thighs.  She’d never been so wet.  Or so ready to be fucked.  And that’s what she wanted.  Fucking.  Not lovemaking.
.  Down and dirty, hard and rough.  Her belly twisted.  Her entire nervous system was going haywire.  She felt like she was shooting off sparks like a string of Fourth of July firecrackers.

She continued staring up at him, her lip caught between her teeth, her eyes slumberous with desire.  He was looking at her with a feral hunger that threatened to eat her alive.  Unconsciously her tongue came out to lick her lips and she saw his eyes darken.  “Holy shit, Little Bit, you’re ready to be fucked, aren’t you.”

“Yes, Sir.”  It was barely a whisper, and hoarse as if her vocal cords had been pulsed in a blender.

He grabbed her chin, holding her head still as he lowered his to claim her lips in a slow, seductive, sensual kiss that sapped all the strength from her arms and legs.  When he lifted his head he smiled and rubbed his thumb across her lower lip.  “On the bed, sugar.  Hands and knees.”

She started toward the bed, but her arms and legs were suddenly like alien appendages, no longer under her control.

“Whoa.  Steady, darlin’,” Simon murmured, placing his hand beneath her elbow to guide her over to the bed.  With his assistance, she somehow managed to assume the undignified position.  “Shoulders down on the bed, Little Bit.  Ass high.  God, that’s beautiful,” he murmured, rubbing his hands over her ass cheeks while he tilted his head and examined the jeweled end of the plug from all angles.  “You have no idea how hard I’ve been all day, darlin’.  Knowin’ we put this in your ass and you were wearin’ it just to please us.”  Spreading her cheeks with his hands, he bent his head and planted a kiss right on the ruby. Then he grabbed the end it was set into and began to pull, mesmerized by the sight of her tight sphincter muscle stretching, widening, parting around the smooth steel to allow the removal of the plug.  Her hips squirmed as the widest part of the toy passed through, constricting slightly behind its removal.  Simon dropped the plug on a towel Ash had placed on the bed and bent to kiss her, fitting his lips around the opening and inserting his tongue, wiggling it back and forth, making Kylie writhe in pleasure.  A series of chirping little mewls were wrenched from her throat as her muscles clenched around emptiness that longed to be filled.

Then Ash moved in and replaced Simon’s mouth with his own as he took over the task of pleasuring her.  He slid his two middle fingers through her cleft from back to front, until they were coated with her syrup.  He followed his fingers with his tongue, flicking it across her clit, teasing the entrance to her vagina, turning her separate little cries into one long, high wail of pleasure.  Drawing his head back to look at her, he pulled his fingers back up her furrow and slid them into her anus, thrusting them gently in and out.  “Do not come, baby,” he ordered as he angled his head to begin suckling her clit. 

Don’t come!  Holy crap!  How can they possibly expect me not to come? 
Kylie’s wail turned into a yelp as he plundered her sweetness, nipping, laving, suckling, tugging on her flesh while maintaining his fingers’ steady drive in and out of her ass hole, slowing down only to add a third.  She gasped, barely managing to hang onto her control by a single thread, struggling to keep the orgasm from sinking its teeth into her and plunging her off the cliff.  “Please,” she begged, unable to frame her needs into anything beyond words of one syllable.  “Please, please… I’m—oh, God, I’m—”

“Don’t come!  Not ’til I say so.”  Ash’s sharp command was accompanied by a sharper slap to one butt cheek that startled her enough to make her flinch.  Thankfully, it also backed her far enough off the edge of her climax to give her a little breathing room as he continued tormenting her with his fingers, tongue, lips and teeth, bringing her to the edge time and time again without allowing her to fall over.  Until she was a writhing bundle of frustration and raging need, frantically seeking fulfillment only to be thwarted again and again.  Finally Ash said the words she so desperately needed to hear.  “Come, baby.  Come now.”

Sucking in a huge lungful of air, she held it there as her body seized into a rigid arch.  Gritting her teeth so hard it was a wonder they didn’t crack, frantic with need, she careened into a dizzying orgasm that crashed over her and ripped her from her moorings. 
  The ragged scream tore from her lungs as everything she was, fractured, shattered, splintered into thousands of tiny pieces that went ricocheting out into the vastness of the universe.  And when they finally all came back together, assuming that they ever did, she knew she’d never be able to piece herself back together the same way.  Nor did she want to.  These men had fundamentally altered her being, transforming her from a woman terrified of exploring the sensual side of her nature to someone who craved with all of her being, the full sexual experience they gave her.

No longer able to hold herself up, she collapsed onto the bed, trying to control her sobs as one aftershock after another heaved through her, kept going by the tiny touches of Ash’s tongue against her clit, the movements of his fingers in her ass.  She was still convulsing when both the tongue and fingers withdrew from her satiated flesh.

Caleb crawled up onto the bed then turned over to lie on his back in the middle of the mattress, grabbing two pillows, tucking one beneath his ass, the other beneath his head.  His cock rose straight up from its thicket of crisp, curling black hairs.  He fisted it around the base, stroking his hand up and down his shaft.  “Crawl over to me, Little Bit, and straddle my hips.”

With tremendous effort, Kylie managed to haul herself up onto her hands and knees, swaying like a drunk.  She crawled clumsily toward Caleb, nearly losing her balance at one point.  Somehow she managed to throw her leg over Caleb’s body and hover above his erect cock. 

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