Passionate Desire (31 page)

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Authors: Barbara Donlon Bradley

BOOK: Passionate Desire
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“How long before we know?” She heard a ping and a computerized voice stating the egg was now fertilized. This hurt so bad. Giving him this child was not what she wanted, but she wanted the rest of her family safe. “Understand Ialog, you may have won this battle but you won’t win the war. I will be coming for my child and I will stop you once and for all.”

She thought about the android. One word and it would stay with them for them to study, but she could let it go with Ialog so they would be able to keep tabs on him and her newest daughter. It would give them the chance to utilize her in the future.

They did run the risk of Al figuring out the underground computer was in control of the android Heather, and that could cause trouble, but she decided to take the chance. He had created the thing to carry her child, and once the egg was fertilized she had already started thinking about it as her daughter. She wanted to give her child every chance. She would be getting her back.

“Now you have a few seconds to get out of here before I change my mind.”

He didn’t wait for her to speak again. The android opened its stomach and inserted the egg. Once the container had filled with the amniotic fluid she nodded at him and they were gone.

The moment Al was gone Storm was off the bed and standing amongst them. He still wore the restraints but they didn’t seem to hamper his movements.

“Don’t anyone move.” She knew they had kept moving so no one would know which one she was. Her lack of height was shielded by the uniform. She wanted to see if it had worked. If they could fool Storm then she would know she had been relatively safe.

They surrounded Storm, waiting for him to make the first move. He studied each uniform trying to figure out which one was his mate.

“I watched as you shifted. And if I was paying attention properly I believe you are Heather.” He pressed his fingers against the seals on the helmet and released it. He laughed when he had guessed wrong. “Okay best two out of three.”

Heather felt his hand wrap itself around her arm and pulled her to him.

“But I’m pretty sure I have it right this time. He hit the seals again. This time he found violet eyes gazing back up at him. He pulled her to him so he could drop his arms around her and lowered his mouth to hers. “That was the dumbest thing you could have done.”

“I know.” The relief of knowing he was safe released a stream of tears. “He could have killed you.”

“He could have taken you from me.” He dipped his head to capture her lips. The salt from her tears mingled with their kiss.




“Are they always like that?” asked Kuarto.

“Their mating bond is very strong.” Fridon answered as they secured the area. “You’ll get used to it.”

He wasn’t sure about that. Whatever it was between them was unique. Kuarto had never seen anything like it before.

He noticed Toki hadn’t said two words to him since Al disappeared. He wanted to touch her, take her into his arms and kiss her the way Storm was still kissing his sister, but it was like she put up a shield he couldn’t penetrate. He went to Toki’s side. “You okay?”

She nodded, keeping herself busy with whatever she could. “Can’t believe she let him go like that.”

“I’m sure there was a reason.” He touched her arm, finally drawing her attention. “I’m assuming we need to talk?”

She nodded a second time. Toki couldn’t look at him and he wondered why. “Can we do it privately? It’s not something I want to speak about with all these people around.”

“We could go for a walk.” Kuarto wanted to get to the bottom of this as quickly as he could. Ialog had said things that upset her and confused him. They had already talked about her position as religious leader so why was she so upset? Had she left out something?

“I’d really like to wait until we’re back on Vespia, unless you don’t plan on going back there.” She didn’t look him in the eyes.

“I can wait.” He didn’t want to but he would to find out the truth.




“Why? Why would you take such a chance?” Storm couldn’t believe her audacity. He also couldn’t keep his hands off her. Part of him still wanted to prove she was okay.

“The computer had every angle covered. I was just as safe here as I would have been on the ship.” She ran her hands over him. “If he tried to take me he wouldn’t have gotten very far. If his ship was in orbit the computer would have blocked any beaming he would have tried. If the ship was on the ground he might have moved us there, but the computer would have targeted his engines so it wouldn’t have been able to take off.”

“That is no excuse.” He held her face in his hands.

“What would you have done?” She looked up at him. Proving her point was important but she knew she’d be aggravating the situation if she did it while everyone watched.

“We’ll talk about this when we get home.” Storm saw the look on her face and knew her determination was strong. She would try to make him see her way when they were alone.




They arrived on Vespia without incident and were greeted by the council when they exited the ship.

“We wish to speak to all of you in the council chambers.” Storm’s mother didn’t wait for them to agree. She turned and left.

“I’ll talk to them,” Storm said.

“I made this mess and I plan on cleaning it up.” Heather straightened her uniform and walked after Anseri.

Guards stood on either side of the doors of the council chambers when she walked through. Shoulders back, she faced them with no shame. “I was in charge. These people had nothing to do with anything that transpired since Storm was kidnapped.”

“Heather, you broke I can’t count how many of our laws.” If she was surprised with Heather’s confession she didn’t show it.

“Yes, ma’am, I did.” She stepped forward, separating herself from everyone. “Let them go home. I was responsible. They helped me rescue Storm, but weren’t aware of my transgressions.”

Anseri watched her for a moment before looking at her fellow council members. With a nod, she released the rest of her team. One by one the members of her team walked out, leaving Heather and Storm to face the wrath of the council alone.

Storm stepped up and took her hand. He was there to support her.

“Storm, why can’t you control your mate?”

“Because she doesn’t need controlling. She did what any one of us would have done if we were in her situation.” He wrapped an arm around her waist.

“I don’t need to be protected.” She knew what he was trying to do and wouldn’t allow him to take the punishment for what she did. She spoke to the council but found herself looking at Storm while she spoke. “I am ready to pay for what I did. Storm is my mate and I would do it all over again to bring him home safe.”

Her comment won her a glare from her mate. “What are you doing?”

“Being honest. You won’t pay for what I did.” She hoped she kept her voice soft enough so they wouldn’t be overheard.


The elders spoke amongst themselves while Heather tried to explain her feelings.

“Storm, I have always stood up for what I believed in and this is no different.” She placed her hand on his heart. “I made it to commander twice before they busted me back down for what my old government felt was insubordination. What I did was right, I just did it the wrong way.”

“As the mate of the future leader you need to think about how your behavior might be seen by others.” His words were harsh, yet he placed his hand on top of hers. She wasn’t quite sure how to take what he said.

“I will remember that the next time you do something like this.” She glared up at him, forgetting all about the council.

“We have made our decision.” Anseri brought their attention back to the people watching their heated exchange.

Heather turned back to face them. It took every ounce of her training to keep her anger under control. Storm had said the one thing that she had thought about the entire time she worked on getting her family back. To have him act like she didn’t think about how her actions might be perceived upset her.

“We all agree that it wouldn’t look good for the future leader’s mate to be under arrest, yet your violations can’t go unpunished.”

Heather expected that. She would probably have to do some sort of community service to pay for her crimes.

“We also know that if you hadn’t broken our laws we could have lost our future leader and you could have lost your mate. You jeopardized your life and the life of your children to rescue him.” Anseri looked at the other members of the council before turning her attention back to Heather and Storm. “Therefore it is the decision of this council to turn you over to our head of security who will decide what your punishment will be and enforce it.”

Heather wasn’t sure what just happened. “I’m sorry –” Storm’s hand covered her mouth so she couldn’t say anything else.

“I will make sure she pays for her crimes. I know the perfect punishment.” He bowed to them and escorted her out before anyone could change their mind.

“What just happened?” She looked behind her.

“They went easy on you. Be happy about it.” Storm had a strong grip on her elbow and kept her moving.

“I don’t understand.”

“Don’t question the decision of the council.” He continued to propel her toward their rooms. He walked so quickly she was practically running to keep up with his quick stride.

“My heart, if you don’t slow down you’re going to be dragging me along very soon. I can’t keep this pace up much longer.”

“Sorry.” He slowed down so she could walk at an easier pace. “I just wanted to get out of there before they changed their minds.”

“About that. I feel like I missed something back there.”

“The council left your punishment up to me.”

“You? They said the head of … oh.” She grinned. “Didn’t make the connection.”

He turned away from their rooms and toward the underground compound.

“Taking the long way around?”

“Had too. Couldn’t reveal the opening to the rest of the council.” He looked down at her. “But we still have a bed to break in.”

“And what about my punishment?” They had just crossed into the main entrance of the compound.

“It starts now.” With a thought their clothes were gone.

“And I’ll be a good little girl and take my punishment.”

He gave her a heated look. “What makes you think you will like your punishment?”

“I have all the other times you punished me.” She tilted her head at him as she looked at his eyes. “So have you felt any different since the changes started in your DNA?”

“No. Why?” He touched her face.

“Because your eyes are glowing right now.” She leaned her face into his palm.

“Just thinking about the punishment I’m going to give you.”

“I mean glowing like a cat’s. I’ve never noticed it before.” Joy raced through her as he touched her. Heather didn’t realize how much she needed his touch until he wasn’t there. She rested her hands against his chest, reveling in the beat of his heart against her hands. “We should go and speak to my brother.”

“Where did those two get off to anyway?” He traced the line of her jaw.

“They have things they need to talk about.” The warmth of his skin penetrated her palms. “Al sort of dropped the bomb on him.”

“Good. I have other things on my mind right now.” He captured her lips with his. Their tongues danced with each other, happy to be back together again. “I have missed you.”

“And I you.” She closed her eyes as his hands roamed her body. The feel of his fingers sent little shivers of desire down her spine.

The chair was there and he backed her up to it. “Forget about the bed. I don’t think I can wait for us to walk the few steps to take us to it.”

She looked into his eyes as she slid her fingers over his chest. His eyes closed at the soft contact.

“Your punishment should be no chair, but I missed it, so that would be more of a punishment for me than the other way around.”

She sat on the chair, watching and waiting.

He crawled onto the chair with her. “I also thought I would try to keep my hands to myself and make you wait, but again I have missed you, and that would be punishing me as well as you.”

Heather laid back on the chair as he crept up on her. He dropped a kiss on her abdomen.

“But I have promised the council I would punish you.” His lips closed on one nipple, suckling it until it pebbled in his mouth. “Right now though, everything I can think of that could punish you will also punish me. I need you so badly I can’t focus on anything but your luscious body in front of me, begging for my touch.”

“You know best.” She looked up at him because he was now over her.

“I do, don’t I?” He nibbled on her neck, but he hadn’t pressed his weight into her. He was torturing her and he knew it.

“I believe you have found a way to punish me anyway.” She decided two could play this game and she let her hands roam over him. Knowing what got a reaction and what didn’t helped. The first few moments were for her, she slid her fingers over the muscles that sculpted his chest. She loved the feel of the hard planes there. It was her way of proving he was there with her, not some fantasy in her mind.

His eyes dilated as a smile slid across his face. “I see you don’t want to fight fair.”

Her fingers worked their way down his well sculpted stomach. “I learned from my mate.”

He growled as he pressed his weight down, trapping her hands between them.

“You know that won’t stop me, right?” She wiggled one hand down until she came into contact with the velvet hardness of him. “Ah, that’s what I was looking for.”

He grabbed her hand and moved it up above her head. To be sure she didn’t try again he took her over hand and brought it up with the first one. Once he had her hands pinned he grinned. “You know I might like it this way.”

She felt his hand sliding across her stomach, then up over her breast. His gentle touch caught her skin on fire.

“With your hands otherwise occupied I can explore you all I want.” He teased one peak with the tips of his fingers as he worked on the other one with his tongue. Heather started squirming as each touch sent little spirals of heat deeper into her.

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