Passion Unleashed (28 page)

Read Passion Unleashed Online

Authors: Larissa Ione

Tags: #Fantasy, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Werewolves, #Adult, #Vampire, #Urban Fantasy

BOOK: Passion Unleashed
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Her hand shook as she gathered the bottles and one of the packets of the red liquid. Josh lay facing her, his breathing labored, sweat beading on his brow.

“Josh.” She smoothed her hand over his cheek. “Josh? Can you hear me?”

No response. She patted his cheek, gently at first, and then with more urgency. “Josh.”


Her relief was cut short as he began to convulse, his eyes rolling back in his head. Helplessness made her tears fall faster, and by the time he’d settled down, she was sobbing.

“Josh, I have your medicine.”

His head lolled forward, and he groaned. “T-the packet… pills.”

“Same time?”


She took one pill from each of the two bottles, tore open a packet, and placed the pills in his mouth. With one hand she held his head up, and with the other, she tipped the liquid into his mouth. He swallowed. When he finished, she covered him with a blanket. His hand caught hers, weakly.

“Dying. But… thank you.”

“You’re going to be okay,” she whispered. “Just fight, all right?”

He sucked in a rattling breath, the sound sending a shudder through her. Helplessly, she sank down on the floor, her back against the bed, and reached for her necklace out of habit, only to find that it wasn’t there.

This was bad. So bad. She needed to call Val. He could help Josh. She knew he could. She dug into her skirt pocket for her phone. No signal.


Someone tapped on the door, and she jumped, her pulse kicking into high gear. “Security. Open up.”

She pushed to her feet and confronted the two Egyptian men standing in the hall. One was inspecting her destroyed door.

“Ma’am,” the other said, gesturing to the room next to Josh’s, “this is your room?”

“Yes. Someone broke in.”

“Some passengers are reporting that it was a… monster?”

She smiled, hoped they didn’t notice her mouth trembling. “He was just a man.”

The men took her statement—she explained that someone had tried to rob her and then escaped—and when she was finished, they left her alone to question witnesses.

She closed the door and returned to Josh, wondering when—when, not if—Byzamoth would return.

He wasn’t done with her. He’d come back for her, wouldn’t stop until he’d taken her virginity. She shuddered, imagining the horror.

Armed with her charm, he said he’d bring about the end of days.

“I’m sorry, mom,” she murmured. Her mother had trusted Serena to keep the necklace safe, and Serena had failed. Somehow she had to get that necklace back, but she was defenseless against Byzamoth, and coming face to face with him again would be akin to offering her virginity up on a platter.

Again, the vision of the fallen angel attacking her, tearing her clothes away, assaulted her brain. She’d never forget his disgusting words, nor the smell of brimstone and feces on his breath.

Josh had saved her this time, had somehow been skilled and dangerous enough to take on Byzamoth and come out victorious. But he was dying, and he wouldn’t have the strength to protect her again. Byzamoth was going to take her virginity and carry through with his diabolical plan.

Unless she could get the necklace back. Unless someone could get the necklace back. Someone like Josh.

She closed her eyes, knowing what had to be done.

Serena’s hands felt so good on him. Like nothing Wraith had ever felt before. They worshipped him, kneading his flesh and sizzling his skin as they glided down his stomach. Her lips tickled his chest, and tiny licks of her tongue made him hiss with pleasure

Lower. Oh, yeah, that’s it.

He kept his hands at his sides and let her play, let her unbutton his jeans and release his swollen cock. He thought she’d take him into her mouth, but instead, she straddled him. Her wet heat surrounded him as she began to move, rubbing his shaft between her slick folds.

Damn, this was a great dream. He’d been dying to make love to her, and here, in his sleep, he could. He nearly groaned when she angled her hips to guide the head of his penis to her entrance.

“I love you, Josh.”

Josh. Even in his dreams she couldn’t call him by his name. He fisted the sheets, let the vibration of the train lull him when all he wanted to do was punch his hips upward and take her.

Train… train? Josh. Not a dream!

His eyes shot open, and oh, holy hell. Serena was braced above him, poised to take him.

“No!” Frantically, he grabbed her waist, but he was too weak to stop her. She sank down, burying his shaft deep. Her barrier broke, and she cried out before stifling the sound with her fist jammed in her mouth.

Instantly, a strange, wonderful energy permeated his body, coursing through his veins and kicking his heart into overdrive. The weakness that had been dragging him down was replaced by power and strength that howled through him in a mighty roar.

“Oh, babe,” he breathed. “Oh… fuck, what have you done?”

She had to know she’d started a countdown to her death.

“I couldn’t let you die.” She looked down at him, her gaze warm and liquid. She smiled, and then winced as she shifted. “I know you said you can’t give me what I want, but you already have.”

He wanted to argue, to rail against what she said, what she believed, but he couldn’t. His feelings for her went too deep. “I shouldn’t have told you—”

“Don’t.” She dug her nails into his chest. The pleasure-pain was exquisite. “I’ve been waiting too long for this to ruin it with regrets.”

He didn’t think he could feel anything but regret until she dragged the backs of her fingers up his pecs and brushed them over his nipples. Back arched, she rolled her hips in a fluid surge. He pulsed inside her, his desire growing more encompassing by the second.

There would be an eternity for regrets; right now he needed to make sure this first time would be something special for her. For them both.

He palmed the back of her head and pulled her down until her lips met his. Kissing her was the greatest pleasure he’d ever known. Her lips parted, and he slipped his tongue between them to meet hers. He hated that he had to be careful, to ensure she wouldn’t get too up-close and personal with his canines, but right now careful was a good thing. This was her first time, and he wasn’t going to behave like an animal.

Still, no matter how civilized he tried to be, some instincts couldn’t be overridden. He cocked one leg up and gripped her hips, holding her as his thrusts grew faster, harder. He needed to go deeper. To go so far inside that he’d never come out again, but her whimper made him freeze. She still hurt. Gods, he was a brutal asshole.

“I’m sorry.” He kissed her tears away. “You just feel… so… good.”

Her fingers stroked his neck, right over his jugular, and he had a crazy desire to ask her to bite him there. “It’s okay. I knew it would hurt.” She winced. “But maybe not as much as it does.”

“I want to make it better, lirsha.”


Shit. Well, he couldn’t very well explain that it loosely translated to “lover” in Seminus-speak, and to hell with it, he didn’t want to explain at all.

“Shh.” He lifted her off him, the silky friction as his cock dragged through her wet channel nearly making him come. “Trust me.”

She bit her lip, her expression softening, and she nodded. Wriggling down her body, he urged her up at the same time, until his mouth met her core. The bed was short and his legs were crammed up against the wall, but he was exactly where he wanted to be.

Serena moaned as he kissed her deeply, rolling her swollen bud between his lips. Hungrily, he ran his tongue up her center in a gentle, wet stroke. When he pushed inside her with a healing swipe of his tongue, she cried out in a sharp release, coming so hard he had to steady her with a firm grip on her thighs.

When it was over, she went limp, and he easily tucked her beneath him. “Are you okay?”

“Oh, yes,” she murmured, her voice a husky trill. “Wow.”

“It’s only going to get better.”

Excitement sparked in her eyes. “Really?”

“Yeah. Really.”

He shifted so her hips were cradling his and his cock was poised at her entrance. Bracing himself on his elbows, he kissed her until they were both breathless and rocking wildly against each other. Her undulating, grinding motion had him sucking air, and when she lifted her legs around his waist, he couldn’t wait any longer. He tried to be gentle, but he was so worked up, and she was so wet…

He entered her in one smooth stroke.

“You okay?” he asked, though it would be a wonder if she understood him, the way the words had come out on a groan of ecstasy.

“Stop asking me that.” She tightened her thighs around him and arched up. “Keep going. Please.” She pumped her hips and locked her arms around his neck for leverage, and damn, he was just going to have to hang on for the ride.

He couldn’t believe he was doing this… with a human, with a virgin, with someone he cared about. But he didn’t want to think about all of that. He wanted to give her a first time she’d remember forever.

Except, she didn’t have forever anymore.

A nasty snarl came out of his mouth. He didn’t care that her disease had no cure. There had to be another way. He would save her. He would. And then, she would be his. “Mine.”

“Yours,” she agreed, tugging his head down to her throat. “Kiss me there. Like in the dream.”

The vampire dream. The idea of biting her made him so hot he surged inside her as his fangs shot out of his gums. Willing his fangs to retreat, he latched onto her neck with his lips and sucked, knowing he was going to leave a mark and not caring. He wanted to mark her in every way he could.

He also wanted to be gentle, but she drove him to amazing heights that destroyed his self-control, and suddenly he was sweating and pumping and growling, his release building like trapped steam.

She scored his shoulders with her nails and cried out, but he recognized the sound—pleasure, not pain. Her tight sheath clenched around him, dragging him deeper, her hips thrusting upward to create a wild, violent tempo that must have rocked the train.

Ripples of pleasure hummed through his balls, up his shaft, as his come heated and gathered until he couldn’t take it anymore. He came in a blinding, white-hot tide that crashed over him once, twice, oh, fuck… his third orgasm roared through him.

Satin walls milked him as Serena matched him climax for climax. He was used to multiple orgasms—it rocked to be an incubus—but he knew they were a rarity for the females of most species. The guaranteed ability to climax over and over with a Seminus demon was the draw for many females, and as he came down from his fifth, he settled in to watch Serena have a couple more.

Panting, he eased to the side to keep from squishing her, but he held her close, turning her into him so he was still inside her, could still feel the clench of her inner walls as she came again. Her head fell back, her eyes closed, and she let out little gasps of pleasure.

“Josh, oh… ah… yes.” She convulsed, and he dropped his hands to her butt to press her closer.

Normally, he immediately pulled out and away, left the female to writhe in pleasure while he made his escape. But this was Serena. They’d talked about the rush, the burn of the hunts they enjoyed, but he’d never felt those things with any female… any female but Serena. Sex with her was the ultimate rush, the ultimate burn, and he was going to be here to enjoy every single moan, gasp, and shudder.

“Wraith.” His voice was a guttural whisper against her ear. “Call me Wraith when you come.”

“Now,” she moaned. “I’m coming now… Wraith.”

He fucking came again when he heard her call out his name in her release. Afterward, they collapsed together, their skin slick with perspiration, their lungs sucking oxygen like there wasn’t enough on the train.

“Thank you,” she said, taking a ragged breath. “God, thank you.”

She was thanking him? She’d given him a miracle, had sacrificed her own life to give him something he didn’t deserve.

So no, he didn’t deserve thanks, and he wasn’t sure he should thank her, either.

Because Serena had saved his life, but in a way, she’d killed him a little, too.


Eidolon experienced a strange mix of relief and anxiety as he hung up the phone after speaking with Wraith. Shade sat across from him in E’s office, jaw working overtime on a piece of gum, waiting for the news.

Wraith had retrieved the charm, which explained why Eidolon suddenly felt like running a marathon, but it sounded like his brother had fallen for the human, and that was only going to end in disaster. Especially because he’d all but ordered E to find a way to save her at all costs, and nothing Eidolon said could convince Wraith otherwise.

“Shade, he got the charm, but it’s not all good news—”

Reaver walked—or, more accurately, stumbled— -through the door. The angel’s hair, normally blindingly shiny and perfect, was tangled and dull, falling around sunken, bloodshot eyes. His hands were black with dried blood, his skin so white his veins beneath it read like a road map of misery.

“What the fuck?” Shade asked, coming to his feet as if to catch Reaver.

“Forget me,” Reaver croaked. “Serena. Need to protect her.”

“Oh, now you’re ready to help?” E asked, and Reaver bowed his head in a nod. “Good. What’s special about the necklace?”

“There are things I can’t say.” Reaver met E’s gaze, his cracked lips set in a stubborn line.

“Dammit, Reaver, it’s been stolen, and it sounds like it’s a pretty damned big deal.”

The very last drop of color drained from Reaver’s face. He began to sway, and Eidolon shot to his feet to catch the angel before he keeled over. Fortunately, Reaver caught himself on the wall.

Good. Eidolon hated to admit it, even to himself, but the idea of touching someone of divine origins gave him the willies.

“It can’t be,” Reaver said. “What you’re saying is impossible.”

“I’m telling you, it’s not. I need to know about the necklace. Right now.”

Reaver’s pale blue eyes were diamond sharp but haunted when he locked them with Eidolon’s. “The pendant,” he said, in a clipped voice that made every syllable vibrate, “is Armageddon on a chain.”

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