Read Passion Patrol 2 - a Sexy Police Romance Suspense Novel With a Touch of Humor: Hot Cops. Hot Crime. Hot Romance. Online

Authors: Emma Calin

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Humorous, #Mystery, #Suspense, #Romantic Erotica, #Romance, #Mystery & Suspense

Passion Patrol 2 - a Sexy Police Romance Suspense Novel With a Touch of Humor: Hot Cops. Hot Crime. Hot Romance. (34 page)

BOOK: Passion Patrol 2 - a Sexy Police Romance Suspense Novel With a Touch of Humor: Hot Cops. Hot Crime. Hot Romance.
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“Rubbish! I’ve only just started to love you, my beautiful countess,” he replied.


The brashest of brash pink limos drove them from the Venetian Resort Hotel to the Elvis Chapel on Ninth Street. She wore the gypsy dress, the “Toi et Moi” ring, and the diamond necklace. Spencer wore a plain blue suit, white shirt, and his regimental tie. Her father looked magnificent in a dark-gray classic outfit. Her mother wore a peach pink and green summer dress with a pink bolero jacket. She took her dad’s arm as he walked her through the chapel to the waiting Elvis minister who broke into “Can’t Help Falling In Love.”

The wonderful tinsel tackiness of the whole ceremony thrilled her. Nothing is more OTT than love. There was beauty in this reflection of the heart’s madness. The splendor of love may be in the mind and the stars. The glamor of love rejoiced in the heart of anyone who’d decorated a Christmas tree. This was a little girl’s party princess dress and every dreamed of movie star kiss. Throughout the ceremony the Elvis minister struck poses for the cameras and delivered a sermon on the subject of Lurrv.

“We celebrate this love by making promises. We celebrate love by this consent. Love is patient and the two of you know that love is so very, very kind. Love is not jealous.”

Shannon was none too certain of that idea. Her love was immensely jealous. She dared not argue with Elvis. She found tears in her eyes as they exchanged rings and were declared man and wife. As a finale, Elvis handed a microphone to Spencer.

“And now Ladies and Gentlemen, the first time ever in the history of this universe, a king is gonna sing with an earl.”

Spencer took one of her hands and Elvis took the other. Together they sang “Love Me Tender.” It was a moment of sublime pantomime kitsch. Shannon could hear her mother behind her wavering between sobs and laughter. The fact was, she was now fully and legally married to her man. No ceremony at Westminster Abbey or St Paul’s would have topped this.

“Thank you so much, my man. I loved the show,” she said.

“My heart is a plain little thing. I wanted to sprinkle some fairy dust so you didn’t notice,” he said, sweeping her into his arms and kissing her.


Crowds spilled onto the lawns of Bloxington Manor. Two grand marquees had been set up. Shannon had spent the night at the farmhouse where her parents now lived. Already the vintage car project was world renowned under her dad’s management. She felt supremely beautiful in her wedding dress. She had taken the advice of her new friend Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge and gone for a Jenny Packham design. There was only one possible choice as a wedding car. She sat next to her dad in the back of the red Ford Zodiac. The driver was none other than Wayne Swift, the ex-tearaway who had saved her with his shotgun. Her dad had taken him on and he had proved to be a marvel. The police commissioner had awarded him a certificate of commendation for bravery. It was his proudest possession.

They passed through the gates at the end of the long drive. They drove slowly as Special Branch detectives and Royalty Protection officers ushered their charges inside the estate chapel. Among the faces, she spotted Max Strauss, Tom Mitchell, Brian Lilly, Fabio Ceccarelli, Vandervell, and Selena. Three future kings of England and many members of the government were there. Her dad shook his head in disbelief as he saw them. The young Prince George had just taken his first steps. His mother swept him up, waved at Shannon and went in to her seat. The new village constable was at the entrance of the chapel. PC Laurel was a solid man with a teenage family. He had joined the allotment association and had become a bell ringer at St Bartholomew’s, the parish church.

At last the car stopped. Wayne opened the door and Shannon stepped out with her father into a beautiful summer day. In his morning suit with red embroidered leaf waistcoat and cravat her dad could have been as noble as any man there. The organist struck up the Mendelssohn Wedding March as they walked up the aisle. Since they were already married in law, the ceremony was one of blessing. She stood beside Spencer who looked incredible in his morning suit. Ben stood to Spencer’s left although in practice no best man was needed. Shannon had asked for him to be there. The Reverend Nigel Hoverington completed his blessing.

“I believe you have something to exchange,” he said.

Spencer looked at her quizzically. They already had the Cartier wedding bands. Ben smiled and held out his hand revealing two gold rings. One was engraved “Always” and the other “Forever.” She slipped one on Spencer’s finger. He took the other and slipped it on hers.

The vicar addressed the congregation.

“These are their blessing rings and are a surprise from the bride. She likes to give as she receives. I believe it’s called Shannon’s Law.”




A Message From Emma

Thank you for reading
Passion Patrol 2
, I hope you enjoyed it!

Meet another sassy cop, Detective Inspector Anna Leyton of Scotland Yard, in my first police suspense-romance novel in the series,
Passion Patrol 1
(previously published as
). It follows the earlier career of a character who will be working with Shannon in a future story.

Follow this link
to Passion Patrol 1 on Amazon.

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Many thanks in anticipation.

Emma x

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Other titles by Emma Calin:
Passion Patrol 1

A #1 Kindle Best Seller in Romantic Suspense, Romantic Adventure and Women Sleuths. (previously published as
! A Passionate Police Romance)


Interpol cop, Anna Leyton, spirals down into a hopeless vortex of sexual and emotional passion as she fights to keep her professional cool. Who is deceiving who in this fast moving ride across continents? What motivates her art loving prize-bull of a lover Freddie La Salle? The power of love and trust stands against greed and crime as conflicting forces grapple for that knockout punch.

A romance novel with a twist of suspense that will take you on a roller coaster ride of passion, deception and love.


Passion Patrol 1
when published as

A mix of relentless, buff sexuality, uncompromising, idealistic romance, and sassy, police detective mystery.

“Knockout writing and a perfect dilemma.”

“The language is sensual and gripping and powerful all at once, launching you on a roller coaster of emotions even as the story unfolds.”

“The sex scenes are well written and actually play a part within the story rather than being thrown in for the fun of it.”

“... will surprise you with its qualities, but do not be surprised if you put it down wishing for more. I did.”

“What a page turner the plot was held perfectly with shocking twist and turns.”

“The story is so full of passion, it is easy to be swept along.”


Cop’s Kitchen

Hot Cops. Hot Crime. Hot Romance..... Hot Food?


Cop’s Kitchen
is the companion cookbook to the hot romance novel
Passion Patrol 2

A total of thirty one recipes from appetisers and main courses to suggestions for sandwich fillings at a traditional afternoon tea. Late night suppers and romantic meals for two.


Food is the music of love. It sets the tone and the pace. It provides those moments when tastes and textures shared at the table form a metaphor for the physical appetites of love and lust.


As tough girl cop Shannon abandons herself to love with a sexy aristocrat, many meals are shared. From the finest cuisine fit for royals to the big power passion patrol fuel served in police canteens, Cop’s Kitchen gives you the recipes. You won't want to put the novel down. With the cookbook you can tickle your taste buds as Emma Calin’s full on total Romance tickles your mind. If it touches the lovers' lips in the story, you can experience that moment with a meal cooked for your own special lover, be they a cool cucumber or a passionate pepper.


Read the romance, feel the passion, taste the love!

BOOK: Passion Patrol 2 - a Sexy Police Romance Suspense Novel With a Touch of Humor: Hot Cops. Hot Crime. Hot Romance.
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