Passion Awakened (7 page)

Read Passion Awakened Online

Authors: Jessica Lee

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Time Travel

BOOK: Passion Awakened
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“It’s all I’ve ever known, Shay.” Her pulse skipped a beat
at his sudden use of a nickname for her. “There’s no reason for you to feel sad
for me. I’ve been content.”

She looked up and fell into his soft turquoise gaze. “Five
days and you’re already reading me too well.” She smiled, but the effort felt
forced. “I was an only child too, but I did have two parents, at least for a
little while. My heart aches for any child who doesn’t have a mother and father
to love them. My daughter is living that now. When my father walked out on us,
I was only eight, but I’ve never gotten over that loss or the hole it left in
our home.”

He nodded. “In my time, it’s all about conformation.
Structure and perfection. The greater good of the many.” Creed’s gaze shifted
to some faraway place. “By not leaving procreation up to random chance, the FOA
is able to assure a population of children—the next generation—who are
genetically sound, disease- and disability-free.”

“It all sounds very…orderly.”

Creed laughed. “Yes. It does, doesn’t it? And that’s exactly
their intention.”

Shayla placed a palm to her abdomen and lowered her gaze. “I
loved the whole process of carrying my daughter and her birth.”

Silence fell between them like a lead weight crashing into a
still pool on mute. No sound, but the ripple effect hard to ignore. Shayla
jerked her head up. Creed stared back at her, his expression hard.

“You have a child? Are you committed?” He shook his head,
his face morphing between a look of disbelief and anger. “Why haven’t you said

“Whoa, whoa.” Shayla reached out and clutched his hand.
“It’s not what you think. One question at a time. Yes, I have a three-year-old
daughter, Madelyn Rachel. Maddie for short.” Shayla couldn’t help the smile she
knew grew on her mouth at the mere thought of her little girl. “But I’m not in
any relationship.” The heat in Creed’s eyes cooled.

“Okay.” He nodded. “It’s bad enough with what I’ve put you
through…” He indicated the healing wound to his right biceps with the flick of
his wrist. “I would hate to know that what happened between us may have
violated a bond you share with a partner.”

Maybe she’d imagined it. It had appeared and disappeared so
fast, but Shayla could have sworn a slight grimace flashed across his face when
he mentioned her having a partner.

“No. There’s been no cheating.” She twisted around and
studied the swaying, thin branches of the willow. “At least not on my part.
Can’t say that wasn’t his MO when Maddie’s father and I did have what I thought
was a relationship.” She tilted her head back and captured Creed’s blue gaze.
“Hence I’m a single parent. Not only did I have to experience that, but now my
daughter will never know what it’s like to have her father’s love as a constant
part of her life. Guess that’s why my heart went out to you earlier for you not
having known your biological parents.”

“You’ve cared for her by yourself?”

“Yeah. I have. I’ll admit it’s been tough. But carrying her,
giving birth and seeing her tiny face for the first time…those were the best
moments in my life.” She knew the smile on her face was huge, but she couldn’t
help it. “Not every author hits it big, so I’ve struggled at times. Thank
goodness for my mother. She has Maddie now while I’m up here working. She’s
been a Godsend.” Shayla allowed her chin to fall forward and refocused her gaze
on the far side of the river’s edge. “We’ve been close ever since my dad
abandoned us.”

“Oh shit!”

Okay, that was not quite the response she’d been expecting.
“What?” Shayla shot straight up and spun, going to her knees and facing Creed.
Her heart galloped at the distraught look in his eyes.

“It never entered my mind.” Creed groaned, both palms going
to his face. “Never had any reason to.” He dragged his hands down and stared
back at her.

“What are you talking about? You’re scaring me.”

“Birth control, Shay. We never used any prophylactics.” He
reached out and smoothed the hair down the back of her head. “What if I… What
if you’re…?”

Shayla sucked in a calming breath.
Oh thank God.
not pregnant, Creed.”

“How can you be certain?” His hand fell away and he drew

“Because I’m on the Pill. The birth control pill.” She
lowered onto her rear and pulled her legs in again. “You see, my extended
family shares this place.” She nodded in the direction of the cabin. “I’ve been
coming here since I was a little girl. My grandfather built it. So in the first
place, there’s no way I’d be hauling condoms up here or bringing a ‘guest’.”
She held up two fingers on each hand and did the air quote thing. “Besides, the
fact that you were a virgin from a society that has outlawed sexual contact,
odds were, you’re clean.” She chuckled.

“Good point.” One second Creed sat beside her, the next, she
was on her back with her dark, sexy time traveler’s mouth next to hers. “
a virgin, you say?” His eyes narrowed and that sinful mouth of his curved at
one corner. “Sounds like someone’s been a bad influence.”

Shayla gasped. “Really? So what are you going to do about
that ‘bad influence’?”

He snaked a wide hand around both her wrists and pinned them
over her head. Creed pressed his hips into hers, his intent hard and evident.
“I’ll have to teach her about the consequences of awakening such primal desires
in a man.”

Her pulse quickened and a rush of moisture soaked her
panties. “I can’t wait.” Oh wow, this was the man she knew dwelled beneath all
that rigid, rule-abiding exterior.

His lips claimed hers, the kiss raw, unbridled. He moved
over her, his hips riding, thrusting against the vee between her legs. Shayla
arched into the hard length straining his denim.

“You’re amazing,” he whispered at her lips, then shifted his
mouth to the length of her neck. “Don’t ever forget that.”

Out of nowhere a lump formed in the back of her throat. His
words pierced deep, reminding her that the clock ticked, and he’d soon be gone.
Her breath hitched, and her vision blurred behind a veil of tears.

I’m not going to cry.

I’m not going to cry.

Refusing to release the growing swell, Shayla slammed her
eyelids closed, squeezing them tight. Focus. She had to focus and savor every
moment, every touch.

“Make love to me,” she uttered in response, her voice hoarse
with emotion. “Here. Now. Don’t think about tomorrow.” She wrapped her legs
around him. “Only about this.” Shayla maneuvered her head around until her
mouth met Creed’s. She licked the seam once, and he opened. Yes, exactly what
she’d wanted. Shayla dove inside, and his taste exploded over her tongue.

Sweet and savory.

And so addictive.

She moaned, struggling against the hold on his wrists. Dying
to get her hands next to his skin, his cock.

“Not so fast,” Creed said, breaking away from their kiss.
His commanding tone held a hint of teasing sexuality. He snagged her gaze.
“Remember, I have a lesson to teach.” A smoky, lust-filled haze clouded his
irises. “And I have you right where I want you.”

A rush of heat pooled in her groin and her womb clenched.
“Yes, you do.” She licked her lips.

In a pace that had her mad with anticipation, Creed released
her wrists and slid his palms up the undersides of her arms. By the time he
reached her shoulders, her breathing had reduced to hard pants.

“Creed,” she moaned and began to lift her arms from the
grassy bank.

“Shh.” Gently, he pressed them down. “Don’t move.” Creed
eased back and trailed one hand down between her breasts. “Let me have you like

Then, one by one, he plucked the buttons free that held her
blouse together. “All mine,” he rasped and tugged back the material, exposing
the black lace of her bra. A groan rumbled from his throat. “I don’t think I
could ever get enough of you.”

Under his perusal and the power of his words, her nipples
hardened into taut buds, sending shivers of electricity arrowing from her
breasts to her clit.

“I love the way you look at me.” She had to say it. No one
had ever looked at her the way he did. She’d always considered herself a little
overweight and not what any man would consider beautiful. But when Creed said
it and stroked her with his gaze, he made her believe.

“Trust me,” he glanced up from under the thick fan of dark
lashes shadowing his cheeks, “the pleasure is all mine.” His gaze shifted back
to his task and he sprung the clasp to the hook holding her breasts in check.
The bra fell away and Creed pushed aside the last remnants of cotton covering
her torso.

Creed leaned in, scooping both her breasts into his hands,
and…worshiped them. It was the only suitable word she could conjure to describe
the action. Over and over he massaged, licked and sucked the sensitive flesh
until she writhed underneath him, unable to stand another second without him
inside. Her core spasmed. So empty.

“Please.” She sucked in another shuddering breath. “Creed.
I’m going crazy.”

He rose up on his knees, one leg between her thighs, his
other on the outside. With one fist, he jerked his shirt over his head and
flung it to the ground. Immediately her gaze centered on the strong breadth of
his shoulders, then lowered to the dusting of soft dark hairs covering his
pecs. In the center, the silky mat arrowed to a fine trail that traveled south
and disappeared beneath the low-riding waistband of his jeans. On either side
of his pelvis, twin veins formed a ropy road map that ended in what she knew
was a small patch of dense black hair that surrounded his thick cock. The
bulging evidence of arousal behind his zipper called to her.

On reflex, she went for her prize, but before she could
touch, Creed gripped her fingers in his clutches.

“Not yet.” He shook his head. “If you touch me, it’ll be
over way too soon.” Creed let her hands go and found the closure to her denim
instead. “This is for you, Shay.” In what felt like inch by inch, he tugged the
zipper down, the click of the metal, the vibration, teasing the swollen folds
of her pussy. She whimpered.

Damn, she actually whimpered.

Then his hands were at her hips. Shayla lifted then toed her
sneakers off, allowing Creed to pull her jeans free from her legs. The breeze
in the shade of the large oak washed over her, helping to cool her heated
flesh, but not the raging fire inside.

On his knees, he hovered over her body. His gaze roaming,

Her chest heaved, fists clenched.

With two fingers, he brushed the tip of one nipple. Air
rushed from her lungs and it took every ounce of sheer will not to move. Then
he dropped his fingers to her chest, taking them lower in slow exploration. At
her navel, he circled the shallow impression before replacing the digits with
his tongue.
Dear God.
Her abdomen quaked under the assault, tiny quivers
of sweet pleasure that had her legs spreading in invitation.

“Creed…” Shayla bit down on her bottom lip for strength.
“Touch me,” she begged.

Down…down he forged a path with his lips, ratcheting her
pulse higher and higher. His fingers looped in the thin strap of her panties at
her sides, but instead of dragging them over her thighs, he held her steady.
She watched, mesmerized at the sight, as his mouth covered the apex of her need
through the thin material.

Shayla cried out and bucked against him. “God yes!”

The warmth of his tongue seared her where she needed him

But it wasn’t enough.

“Please…” Shayla squirmed, her hands going to his head,
pressing him closer. The sound of tearing fabric filled the air right before Creed
had her bottom in her palms and his mouth covering her bare pussy.

Up and down, he sampled her folds, taking his time to make
sure he didn’t miss a spot, leaving her quivering. Aching for him deep inside.

“Damn, Shay.” He looked up, his eyes hooded. “You’re

The firm presence of one of his fingers slid deep, and her
core spasmed around the stiff intruder. Shay groaned. So close.

“Creed…” Her fingers curled into his scalp, seeking
purchase. It was all she could do to form a coherent response. “I can’t take
it. I need more.”

In and out he pumped into her, at first with one, then two
broad digits. Shayla thrust her hips against him, her body no longer her own. A
slave to the growing sensation. The one that would catapult her off the edge
and into the swelling tide of sheer ecstasy.

The warm and slightly rough feel of his tongue circled her
clit. Her diaphragm froze. That was it. Right there. Dear God, she needed him
so much. Unbidden, she clasped her thighs around the girth of his head, riding

“Now,” she called, her fingertips digging into his scalp.
“Creed… Please. Do it.”

Creed’s mouth hovered over her swollen bud, the heat of his
breath teasing the nerve endings. The width of his tongue stroked once over the
surface. Her pussy clenched on the hard presence of his digits buried inside.
Oh God, not quite.

“More… God, Creed. Let me come.” Shayla gasped. Sweat beaded
over her exposed flesh. She was burning alive.

Then his lips were there, surrounding her clit, tightening,

“Yes!” she cried out. Her spine arched and her pussy clamped
down. She squeezed her eyelids shut as her world spun, spiraling like a
hurricane, its eye closing in on that one spot where she and Creed were joined.

She shattered.

Someone screamed. It had to be her, but the sound was barely
recognizable. Hard tremors gripped her body. Stole her air. All she could do
was hang on to the man, the epicenter of her earthquake called ecstasy.

When he’d moved, she had no idea, but suddenly Creed
stretched her, filling her like no man had ever done, the sweet burn lighting
up the buried nerve endings of her channel.

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