Passion and Pearls (The pearl series) (5 page)

BOOK: Passion and Pearls (The pearl series)
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Aqua was stunned, kids? They hadn’t even been on a real date and he was talking about kids? This conversation was as confusing as the man himself was.

“I don’t understand what you think I’m going to do that would hurt your family, I don’t understand you at all in fact,” she told him.

He gave her an exasperated look and just said, “AIDs.”

That shocked her
he sat up looked at him with a sorrowful look in her eyes and whispered. “Oh my God, you have AIDs?” She wrapped her arms around him while tears fell down her cheeks.

He went perfectly still, then pried her arms from around him and almost growled, “
the hell are you talking about, you’re the one that has AIDs.”

“What are you talking about
I don’t have AIDs, why would you think I do?” Aqua was stunned again, this conversation just got stranger and stranger.

Blu grabbed her by the arms, “you told me you had it the day I tackled you, woman.” Aqua started to
laugh, finally figuring out what he was talking about. The months of hot and cold from this man started to make sense. He’d thought she was dying this whole time. What man wouldn’t be leery of getting involved with a woman with
No wonder he had been making her so crazy. The more she thought about it, the more she laughed until he had had enough.

Blu leaned over her pushing her back against the pillows and kissed her until her laughs became sighs then gentle moans. When he finally stopped, she sighed and explained that her self-defense instructor had told her to yell that as a possible deterrent to a rapist. Blu couldn’t believe it, all this time he’d been trying to figure out what he felt and how to handle the situation and there was no situation. Soon the frustration of the situation hit him and he stilled. Aqua knew something was changing just from the expression on his face.

“Woman, you had better tell me to get out of your bed right now, or I am going to make love to you until you can’t walk. Do you have any idea how crazy you’ve been driving me, how much I’ve been wanting you?”

Aqua couldn’t answer, she could feel his need. Instead of answering she raised her head and kissed him, letting the emotions she was feeling tell him all he needed to know. With a strangled growl he took over the kiss, making love to her mouth like he had dreamed of doing for so long. His hands stroked her body wherever he could touch without breaking the kiss that he needed more than his next breath.

They were both trying to catch ragged breaths as Blu peeled Aqua’s nightshirt off and over her head. The way he looked at her, even in the dim light and the strangled groan he made before he softly stroked his fingers over the beaded peaks of her breasts made Aqua shiver with need. She knew he wanted, no needed her and that for right now only she could do this to him. Only she could make him feel this way. He lowered his head and she moaned as he drew one nipple into his warm mouth, his tongue teasing the tip then the sharper pleasure when he drew even more of her breast into his mouth. She could feel herself getting wet, the need becoming sharper. He slowly released one nipple just to give the same sinful attention to the other. He kept his hand on Aqua’s lower belly, holding her still as he did with her what he wanted.

When she grabbed his hand and slid it lower to her core where she needed him to touch her, he softly chuckled and whispered, “
low down Darl’n, I’ve been waiting too long for you to rush things now.” But, he did slide his work roughened fingers over her mound. He could feel how wet she was through her panties. He loved how responsive she was, the way she couldn’t hold still but arched up to meet any touch he gave her. The way she softly moaned, trying not to be too loud since they were in his family home. However, he didn’t count on her deciding to take over once he pushed her too far and was caught unaware when she sat up under him and rolled him over, straddling his torso.

“My turn,” was all she said but she leaned down and nipped at the sensitive skin of his neck, her hands stroking over his shoulders and down his arms. The kisses continued down his torso, finding ridges and areas he didn’t know were so erogenous. When her tongue
was again
circling his nipples and she was slowly rocking against his erection he could only
that this was heaven. But when she moved lower, pulling his boxers as she went his body went completely still. The feel of her long hair sliding over his sensitive skin, the whisper of her sliding her tongue up his legs was better than anything he’d ever felt before. With her hair completely covering his shaft she pushed his legs farther apart and totally stunned him when she drew one of his tight sacks into her mouth. He bucked up and he could feel her smile around him, she let one side go and licked the other with one broad demanding stroke.  She then lifted her head, looked at him and smiled.  His held his breath and with a wicked grin she leaned down with her lips pursed just over that sensitive tip drew his shaft into her warm mouth. She was sucking deep and hard taking him in as far as she could. Her hand slid down and cupping his sacks began stroking them until he was afraid he was going to come well before he wanted to. He slid his hands into her soft silky hair and pulled her off him. She had that same wicked little smile on her face that he knew would, from this day forward, always make him hard. He pulled her up his body until he could kiss her, tasting himself on her lips. They both knew that was all either of them could take and that they needed completion now. 

“Please,” was all she whispered, but he was more than happy to accommodate her.   Blu rolled them until she was under his heavier frame. He slid her legs apart and then realized she still had those wet panties on. He murmured an apology and promptly ripped them off her. She could only nod her approval as he moved closer lifting her legs and sliding them around his waist. She dug her heels into his firm butt cheeks urging him on. He teased her sensitive nub with the tip of his shaft, then poised at the opening that beckoned him. He pressed in just a little then pulled out again, wetting just the head with the proof of her need. Then he claimed her mouth again, kissing her deeply and as his tongue boldly slid into her mouth, he thrust hard and deep. He captured her scream of pleasure with his kiss, pleased that she was again so responsive. He could feel her inner muscles clinching in release around him as she came. He knew he wasn’t going to last long but he wanted the imprint of his passion to sweep her away.  So he stroked slowly in and out of her core until her body quieted and only then did he rear back and begin pistoning in and out reaching for his own release. She had to stifle her moans and another scream when she felt him release his seed deep inside her. Their breathing ragged, Blu slumped down over Aqua and then when he could, he rolled to his side taking her with him.  He somehow kept them connected in the most intimate of ways, his hands stroking her body as if to quiet her sensitive skin.

At one point he did pull from her turned her around and in the classic spoon position whispered, “
ine,” before tightening his arms and falling sound asleep. Aqua laid there feeling herself completely wrapped
by this man, her body relaxed and tingling with satisfaction. With a soft sigh she too fell asleep.

The sound of someone banging on a far door woke Blu but Aqua picked that moment to snuggle a little closer to him in her sleep. The feel of her soft skin against his was enough to block the rest of the world from his brain. His hands were gently stroking her and just as he leaned down to take one of her taunt nipples into his mouth someone banged
on her bedroom door. With a growl he jumped from the bed and opened the door a crack planning to rip apart whoever was there. His brother Ben was smiling and jumped back. “Moms looking for you, did you want her or me to find you here?” he said laughing as he turned to leave. “Better hurry, she’s ready for Christmas morning festivities and you know how she hates to wait.” With that parting shot he walked off and Blu shut the door, banged his head against it once in frustration and turned to wake Aqua up.

She was already awake sitting up with the sheet pulled clear to her chin, looking so adorable that he strolled right to her, pulled the sheet from her fingers and drug her up and against his naked form. The kiss was explosive and it took all of Blu’s will power to not lay her down and make love to her
. But Ben’s words were in his head and Blu knew his Mom would not be happy to find him in Aqua’s bed, it was a Mom thing. With gentle hands on her shoulders he pushed her away from him slightly and with his forehead against hers told her what was going on and that they had better get dressed and meet everyone downstairs.

Chapter 4

Fifteen minutes later Aqua was nervous as she went downstairs to face the family, but they were already into the spirit of things and the laughter and noise level was something Aqua loved.  She stood at the entrance to the living room watching as children and adults alike were handed gifts but none were allowed to open them. The excitement especially from the younger children was catching and soon even the adults were asking Blu to hurry as he had been elected as the one to pass out gifts. When he spotted her, he stopped for a minute and just stared at her then with a smile continued on. His Mother saw the look and turned to see the awed expression on Aqua’s face. She had never had any man look at her that way, as if she made his day just by being there.

It took a few moments for Aqua to realize that Blu’s Mom had walked up to her.  She took her hand and pulled her into the mêlée of the family, found her a place to sit and expressly warned Aqua with a chuckle not to open gifts yet.

The day was amazing, watching Blu’s family exchange gifts the more odd the gift the more they seemed to like it. Aqua realized that this family was what she had wished for as a child. How amazing it must have been to grow up in this environment.

The Christmas packages were finally all unwrapped, and the children were off playing with new toys and gadgets. The rest of the family was sitting enjoying coffee after a breakfast which included more food than Aqua had ever seen. She sat next to Blu on the sofa with his arm draped around her shoulder, listening to the conversation. That’s when Aqua’s worst fear started niggling at her.

Why did her gift always seem to come into play at the worst times? She tried to ignore it but soon it took over her mind and she sat frozen watching the scene play out. Blu must have spoken to her because when the vision in her head stopped he was shaking her and had a look of worry on his face. She sighed, this was going to be the end of this relationship and probably her chance of having a nice normal life here. Aqua knew how this worked, once folks found out about her gift they would stop coming into her store and she would have to close down and start over again. This time would be harder than before as she’d made some really nice friends. Then there was Blu, it almost would have been better if this had happened before they’d made love. Now that she knew what she was missing and giving up. But this time there definitely wasn’t a choice, she had to use her gift and help.

With a resigned sigh, Aqua put both hands on Blu’s face looking him in the eye so that he knew she was serious. “We have to get your Mom to the ER now. I know this doesn’t make sense but you must listen to me and we have to go now, her life depends on it.”

He glanced over to his Mom who was sitting quietly watching the family. All seemed well, but then he thought of other Christmas’s and realized this was unusual as she was usually running around taking care of things. He turned back to Aqua with a questioning look. “Please hurry,” she urged, “and we need to call ahead to get the cardiac specialist there, we have no time to waste.”

Totally surprising Aqua, that was all it took for Blu to take action. With a few words to his brothers and father, Blu took his
hand and walked her to the front door. He got her coat and slipped it around her shoulders. She asked him what was going on and he just looked at her and asked her to trust him. Aqua was stunned, he believed her and was even taking action, this had never happened before. Usually she was shunned and was asked to leave, then when the bad thing happened she was often blamed for it. Blu, Aqua and his parents got into the car and headed to town. Blu had already called the hospital and they were going to be waiting for them. About three quarters of the way there, Blu’s Mom looked at her husband and told him she didn’t feel well. He pulled her close and told her not to worry that everything was going to be fine. She held him tight whispering that she was frightened. Blu drove faster.  

At the hospital Blu’s Mother was immediately taken into the ER and was being looked at when the heart attack hit. Without the presence of such skilled medical staff they would have lost her then and there. As it was she had to have bypass surgery and soon the entire family, minus a few adults to watch the children that were left at home, had converged in the waiting room. There was a solemn feel to the room and people were quietly talking. The worry for the matriarch of the family was deep and strong. This woman was the heart of their family and they couldn’t even imagine her being gone from them.

Aqua was quiet, sitting near Blu but not wanting to talk because she kept waiting for the questions and then to be sent away. She was worried too, Blu’s Mom had been so nice to her. Aqua wanted to wait here, with these people and hear the news from the doctor that the gentle woman was going to be fine. Yes, she already knew it in her mind but hearing it from the doctors was different and she needed that too. Blu looked at her and through his worry he saw the fear on Aqua’s face, somehow knowing it wasn’t just about his Mother’s heart condition. “You ok?” he asked her, his hand taking hers.

BOOK: Passion and Pearls (The pearl series)
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