Pass Interference (18 page)

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Authors: Desiree Holt

BOOK: Pass Interference
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Tyler bent down and pressed her forehead against his, her breath whispering against his face as she drew in air and tried to settle her racing pulse. Rafe held onto her until her breathing settled, then rose, lifted her, and placed her gently on the bed. His own breathing was far from steady as he looked at her beautiful skin flushed from her climax, her eyes heavy-lidded with desire, her lips swollen from kisses. He couldn’t remember ever wanting a woman as much as he wanted this one right now. And not just for a quick fuck, damn it. He was turning into an emotional hot mess over this woman.

He couldn’t stop. He’d probably be cursed for it later but he wasn’t turning back now.

“I think one of us is a little overdressed.” Tyler’s voice was slightly unsteady and heavy with desire. It electrified him to know that she was as shaky about what was happening as he was.

“All in good time,” he assured her. If he took off his pants now, he was sure he’d come without even touching himself. And when was the last time that had happened to him?

Kneeling between her thighs, he bent her legs and planted her feet flat on the bed, positioning her legs as far apart as possible. Immediately the image of her out on the lawn smoothing sunscreen into the crease where her thigh met her mound slammed into him and he gave in to temptation. He indulged himself for a moment, caressing the smooth skin of her inner thighs and her calves, the feel of them beneath his fingers better than any aphrodisiac. He wanted to lay her down on his bed and stroke her forever.

Forever? Rafe Ortiz didn’t do forever, at least not with someone like Tyler Gillette. Only, every nerve and fiber of his body was shrieking for him to lose himself in her body, to bind her close to him, to—


And there she was, naked before him, presented like a feast he’d never get enough of. Bending low, he traced the seam with the tip of his tongue, first one side, then the other. Just the simple act sent a shiver skating over his body. When he did it again, Tyler reached out to slide her fingers into his hair, anchoring them in the thick black strands and trying to guide his head.

He paused in his journey over her sensitive areas to drink in the sight of her exquisite cunt. Her soft, neatly trimmed pubic curls marched in straight lines down the length of her outer lips. Rafe wished he had the guts to take a picture, an image that could keep him warm on many cold nights. She was gorgeous. Exquisite. So tempting and beckoning. Then he drew in a breath, inhaling her incredible scent, exhaled, and stroked her entire pussy with the flat of his tongue.

“Ohhhhh.” The sound blew out on an exhale, soft and breathy.

Rafe looked at her, his mouth curved in a ravenous smile. Rising to his knees, he curved his fingers around her wrists and lifted her hands above her head toward the headboard. Deliberately he wrapped her fingers around two of the spokes.

“Keep them there,” he told her. “Right there. No matter what, don’t move them.”

She licked her bottom lip slowly, back and forth. In response, his cock pressed even harder against his fly. He swallowed a groan.

“Is that an order?” she asked, her voice low and sultry.

“Damn straight.” He barely recognized his own voice. “And don’t you forget it.”

He set himself up again between her creamy thighs and took a long moment to drink in every inch of her exquisite pussy. Then went to work with his tongue. He stroked her labia, inside and out, drawing lines with a slow movement and then a fast one. She was so delicious, so tasty, he thought he could do this forever. He nipped the very tip of her clit and tugged it, scraping his teeth lightly against the ultrasensitive dark pink flesh. Up, down, tug, tug. It was like a choreographed ballet performed with his mouth, the music silent but playing in his head. Damn it, this woman was casting a spell on him, and he didn’t seem to be able to do anything about it.

And all the time Tyler twisted and begged and pleaded, but she never let go of the headboard. When he reached the point where he needed to explore her wet passage he stiffened his tongue and thrust it deep inside her.

“Oh, God!” She arched her hips up toward his mouth, pushing just enough that he was able to thrust into her more deeply.

Her hot, wet inner walls clutched his tongue, and he drove it in and out. Those delightful little sounds whispered from her mouth again. Curling his tongue, he scraped it leisurely against the sweet spot, drawing another exclamation of pleasure from her. When the muscles of her channel began to quiver against the intrusion of her tongue, he plucked at her clit, thrust his tongue harder inside her, and pinched her clit hard.

Her release broke over her, so intensely her entire body shook. Rafe continued to stroke her channel with his tongue while he held her in place. Her entire body was consumed by the orgasm, shaking and shivering, unconscious little moans of pleasure erupting from her. He took his time easing her down from the crest, still working her with his tongue, now lapping both inside and out until her body stopped quivering. Then he shifted so he was looking directly into her eyes. His lips were barely an inch from hers.

“Don’t move those hands yet,” he cautioned.

“Bossy, aren’t we.” But he could tell she liked it.

“See how good you taste.” He lapped the surface of her lips with the flat of his tongue, sharing her liquid with her.

Heat flared in her eyes as she very slowly licked her lips.

That was it. Rafe had waited about as long as he could. There was more—much more—he wanted to do with her. To her. But his self-control was at an end. He stood up beside the bed and rid himself of his socks. Then he unzipped his fly and shed his slacks and boxers. When he turned back toward Tyler, her eyes were focused directly on his cock, engorged and pointing almost directly at her. The head was a deep purple and the vein twisted around it pulsed with the blood flowing through it. Tyler’s eyes widened and she licked her lips, that little swipe with her tongue that set a match to him.

He reached into the pocket of his slacks for his wallet and took out the sole condom he carried with him. Rafe had never been one for indiscriminate sex, not even in high school. He always had enough protection for one encounter, but as a norm, he knew ahead of time what he’d need and prepared for it.

Tyler slid a glance over as he tossed the condom on the nightstand.

“Either you don’t have much confidence in your staying ability or in mine,” she teased, but her voice was still uneven.

He gave a rough laugh. “I had no plans for this, Tyler. You know that. It’s a damn good thing I had one with me.”

“Always prepared? Were you a Boy Scout?”

“I was a lot of things but right now what I am is…so ready for you.” He drank in her body with a thirsty look. “You can let go of the headboard, Tyler.”

He positioned himself between her legs again and reached for the foil packet, but Tyler released her grip on the headboard as he said and knocked his hands away.

“Let me.”

She ripped the foil open and with her slim fingers slowly rolled the latex down his distended length. Rafe sucked in a breath, just the mere contact with her touch enough to nearly send him over the edge.

“Easy.” He told her through clenched teeth.

She stared at his shaft for so long he had an urge to tell her to get on with it.

“You can take it,” he promised “I’ll go slow. Real slow. Besides, those two orgasms I gave you ought to have you primed and ready.” At least he hoped so.

“You know I’d love to take this in my mouth right now.” She wet her lips again, and his cock flexed in her hand, making her smile.

He could have said another time, but he was determined this was going to be once and done. He hoped he didn’t spend a long time regretting this lapse in judgment and his total capitulation to his hunger for her.

It took every bit of effort to maintain control while Tyler finished sheathing him. Then he stunned her by flipping her over and pulling her up to her hands and knees. He pulled some of the pillows over beneath her body to support her.

“Relax,” he told her when she tensed her muscles. “I know what you’re thinking. We’re not going there. Not that I wouldn’t like to but—” Shit, He was about to get himself in trouble here. He just knew it. “But what I really want to do right this minute is take you from behind so you can feel me all the way to the heart of you.”

Before she could say anything else, he grasped the root of his dick, positioned it at her opening, and eased himself inside. She was soaked from her two previous climaxes and her muscles were relaxed, so even as large as his cock was, penetration was fairly easy. He ground his teeth together, holding himself in check as he eased into her, until at last she had taken him all the way. When he was fully inside her, deep inside, he took a moment to close his eyes and haul in a steadying breath. He was so deep inside her he felt as if her entire body was clamped around him, that he’d reached every secret place.

Jesus, how was it possible for anything to feel this good?

He took a moment to appreciate the curve of her ass, the sweep of her spine, the flare of her hips. Then, gripping those very seductive hips, he pulled out just to the tip, then thrust back in again. Pulled back and drove into her. She was so hot and wet she scorched him even through the condom. He had mentally prepared himself to dig for enough discipline to bring her back to the edge again, but it seemed only seconds before she was rocking with him, arching back to him, tightening down on him like a hot, wet vise. They began moving as one, Tyler riding his thrust and retreat motion, pushing back when he drove into her harder and harder.

When his balls and the muscles at the base of his spine sent him the familiar signals and he teetered at the edge, he reached around to Tyler’s swollen clit and pinched it, hard. And just like that they both exploded. It was everything he’d thought it would be and more, an experience that made fireworks seem tame and a hurricane mild. He lost all sense of anything except his body and Tyler’s, clenching and spasming, shuddering in tandem, her pussy squeezing down hard on his pulsing cock as he emptied himself into the thin latex sheath.

He had no idea how long the orgasm went on, only that he finally was spent, his muscles limp. He rolled to the side, taking Tyler with him, their bodies still connected. He wasn’t sure he’d ever be able to draw a full breath again or that his heart would settle back to a steady beat. He cradled the warm woman in his arms, one hand cupping her breast, relishing the feel of her body against his.

He was fully and completely drained, emotionally and physically, every bit of who he was emptied into this woman in his arms who was such a contradiction in terms. They lay there like that for a very long time, neither of them saying a word. What could he say? That this was the single most intense experience of his life? That this one taste of her wouldn’t ever be enough? That what he felt for her went way beyond the sex itself. He’d buried his feelings for Tyler Gillette for a lot of years. A lot of
years. Now they had all come flooding to the surface, threatening to strangle him. This woman was poison for him and yet here he was, totally lost in her.

Damn it all to hell, anyway. He was so fucking screwed.

* * * *

Tyler woke slowly from a very pleasant dream. She was lying in Rafe’s arms, replete from the most satisfying, soul-shattering sex she had ever had. Every muscle in her body ached, her sex was tingly and sore, but it had more than been worth it. The reality had been so much better than the dream.

It had taken every bit of nerve she’d had and then some to pull off the teasing display in her yard. She’d felt like a stripper on stage, enticing one of the customers. It so wasn’t her, no matter what people thought. But she wanted Rafe so badly. If she never had another chance, she was going to make the most of this one. And it was definitely worth it.

Finally, she’d been able to feast her eyes on him, taking in every bit of the reality. And wow, he was just big all over.
All over.
She shivered at the memory of his very large cock fully seated in her wet channel. She barely stopped herself from reaching down between her legs to stroke herself while she called up memories of the night before. Too bad he’d only had the one condom, but it had been put to memorable use.

She’d finally realized her dream. She’d gotten him into bed for one night of unbelievable sex.

It was more than just sex.

The little voice that always rattled on in her head whispered to her. It definitely was more than just sex. And Rafe had lost himself in her. She’d had enough sex—although not for a long time now—to tell the difference between pure physical and sex with heavy emotion laced through it. For a few hours, he’d let down all his shields, but she was sure they were back in place by now. She’d just have to figure out how to breach them again.

Because the joke, apparently, was on her. One night would never be enough with this man. She wanted more. She wanted it all. He could say he didn’t feel the same thing but that would be far from the truth. They’d peeled back layers and delved into the deepest parts of each other. Now she knew she’d have to battle him to keep it that way.

She stretched lazily, and reached out a hand to touch him, finding—Nothing. Empty space. She opened her eyes and slid a glance to the other side of the bed. Yup. Empty. If not for the dent in the bedclothes and the pleasant soreness of her body, she might have thought she’d imagined the whole thing.

She lay back against the pillows and plopped a forearm over her eyes.

Of course. Just as she’d thought. He’d let his libido overtake his so-called good sense and when it was over he’d rabbited the hell out of her room. Well, too bad. If he thought this was the end of it, he was very much mistaken. He could try to deny all he wanted that there was anything between them except sex, but she knew better. No one made the connection they had without something deeper involved. The problem was convincing him of that.

Would he even give her a chance or would he just pull on the ice-cold shield he kept around himself and act as if last night never happened? She could just hear him now saying, “
I’ll take door number two.

Too bad, Mr. Former Football Player.
She’d had a real taste of him now and she wasn’t going back. She’d just have to change her game plan a little.

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