Parting the Waters (183 page)

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Authors: Taylor Branch

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At the Chamber of Commerce: Marshall, JFKOH; Marshall and RFK joint interview, JFKOH; Corley, “Quest,” pp. 268-69; Harding, “Beginning,” p. 16; Navasky,
, p. 219.

pandemonium to erupt: NYT, May 8, 1963, pp. 1, 28; Len Holt, “Eyewitness: The Police Terror at Birmingham,” Manchester
, May 16, 1963; Forman,
The Making
, pp. 313-14.

: BN, May 7, 1963, p. 2.

“square blocks of Negroes”: King Jr.,
Can't Wait
, p. 104; King also described the lunch break as a turning point at the celebratory mass meeting on May 10, 1963, Tape 4, SHSW/SP.

“if these were white marches”: BN, May 8, 1963, p. 1.

executives to be lobbied: Marshall, JFKOH, pp. 99-101; Robert Kennedy, JFKOH, pp. 760-62.

“not sitting idly by”: BN, May 8, 1963, p. 1.

“Martin, this is it!”: Shuttlesworth, A/OH.

Forman burst in: Forman,
The Making
, p. 314.

false fire alarms: Wyatt Walker, CRDPOH.

high-pitched dog whistles: Int. Rev. Wyatt Tee Walker, Dec. 21, 1984.

“Wear your swimsuit”: Police notes of mass meeting, May 7, 1963, BIR/BC13f5.

“bless his heart”: Ibid.

“The meeting worked”: Handwritten note headed “8 pm, May 7,” Edwin Guthman Papers; Marshall, JFKOH, p. 102.

“called a son of a bitch”: Raines,
My Soul
, p. 179.

blueprint for a settlement: NYT, May 11, 1963, p. 9; Garrow,
, pp. 255-56.

Hartman Turnbow's farmhouse: NYT, May 10, 1963, p. 14; Moses testimony before House Judiciary Subcommittee No. 5, May 28, 1963, p. 1253; Silver,
, p. 95; Watters and Cleghorn,
, pp. 135—36; Raines,
My Soul
, pp. 285-95.

“three hypos”: Raines,
My Soul
, p. 171.

“scalding the hog”: Int. Rev. Edwin Gardner, Jan. 21, 1986.

Shuttlesworth was a cauldron: Garrow,
, pp. 256-57. Also Shuttlesworth, A/OH; Raines,
My Soul
, pp. 1700-72; int. Rev. Edwin Gardner, Jan. 21, 1986, and Burke Marshall, June 27, 1984.

178 of them: Walker speech, May 25, 1963, Tape 0388, PRA.

half an hour later: BN, May 8, 1963, p. 1.

“Good afternoon”: NYT, May 9, 1963, p. 16.

personal intercession: Harding, “Beginning,” p. 17.

Belafonte called Kennedy: Int. Harry Belafonte, March 6-7, 1985. Also, somewhat differently, Kunstler,
, p. 192.

King wanted to stay locked: Int. Harry Belafonte, March 6-7, 1985. Also Harding, “Beginning,” p. 17; Bevel speech at mass meeting, May 8, 1963, BIR/BC13f5; Levison-Kunstler conversation, May 19, 1963, FLNY-9-172a.

procession of nineteen: Police notes on mass meeting, May 8, 1963, BIR/BC13f5.

“gave us the treatment”: Ibid.

King told reporters: NYT, May 9, 1963, pp. 1, 17.

five hundred youngest: Ibid.

prickly talks: Harding, “Beginning,” p. 17.

“make a lot of sense”: Cabinet meeting, May 21, 1963, Audiotape 88.6, JFK.

“federal government has done nothing”: King statement, May 9, 1963, A/KS4.

“I'm damn sure”: Levison intercept, 2:17
, May 10, 1963, FLNY-7-417a.

“the Administration made a mistake”: Levison intercept, 9:50
, May 10, 1963, FLNY-9-163.

“to Birmingham by morning”: Int. Joseph Rauh, Oct. 17, 1983.

“we'll be that lucky”: Bradlee,
, pp. 189-90.

George Meany: Navasky,
, p. 208.

Belafonte's doorbell: Int. Harry Belafonte, March 6-7, 1985.

speech he had delivered: On Oct. 5, 1961, King had addressed the annual convention of Quill's union, the Transport Workers Union of America, after which Quill had shouted to his members, “That was the greatest speech I've heard in my twenty-seven years [in the labor movement],” A/KS2.

vault of Chase Manhattan: Int. Clarence Jones, Nov. 25, 1983. Also int. Hugh Morrow, Dec. 20, 1984. Jones remembers the sum as $100,000, Morrow as $25,000. The figures could not be reconciled, although it is possible that Rockefeller made two separate contributions to the Birmingham movement that spring.

Governor Rockefeller himself: NYT, May 5, p. 1, and May 9, 1963, p. 1;
cover story, May 17, 1963.

dropped thirteen points: Chicago
, May 26, 1963, p. 5.

“accord with its conscience”: NYT, May 11, 1963, pp. 1, 8; Lewis,
, pp. 200-1; Garrow,
, p. 259.

At St. John's Church: Police notes on mass meeting, May 10, 1963, BIR/BC13f5; also Tape 4, SHSW/SP.

“flamboyant policy”: AJ, May 10, 1963, p. 26. For hostile reactions of the Birmingham newspapers, see BN, May 10, p. 2, and May 11, 1963, p. 2; Corley, “Quest,” p. 273.

“Tragic Cost”: ADW, May 12, 1963, p. 4.

dazzling collection: Ibid., p. 3.

“Fight the niggers!”: WRVR-FM Radio Series, “Testament of Nonviolence,” Parts 2 and 6, SHSW/SP.

urgently recommended: Int. Laurie Pritchett, Nov. 25, 1986; also
, May 2, 1963, pp. 4—5.

the first bomb struck: NYT, May 12, 1963, p. 1.

calculated the damage: “Bombing Damage,” undated memo by Fire Chief John L. Swindle, BIR/C1f37.

let his brother Martin: King Jr.,
Can't Wait
, p. 107; King sermon in Riverside Church, Aug. 9, 1964, p. 7, A/KS6.

“put your bricks down!”: Donald Smith, Tape 4, SHSW/SP.

view of the damage: NYT, May 12, p. 1, and May 13, 1963, p. 1; BN, May 12, 1963, p. 1.

followed Walker into the park: Int. Rev. Wyatt Tee Walker, Aug. 20, 1984.

“If you'd leave, Mr. Lingo”: NYT, May 13, 1963, p. 1;
, May 20, 1963, pp. 25ff.

John Doar decided: Notebook of Edwin Guthman, headed “Mother's Day,” 1963, Edwin Guthman Papers.

By dawn: NYT, May 13, 1963, p. 1; BN, May 26, 1963, p. 4.

Walker made the mistake: Walker speech, May 25, 1963, Tape 0388, PRA.

Galaxie convertible: Notebook of Edwin Guthman, headed “Mother's Day,” 1963, Edwin Guthman Papers.

“sticking bayonets in people”: White House meeting, May 12, 1963, Audiotape 86.2, JFK.

King had told reporters: NYT, May 13, 1963, p. 24.

“the nigger King”: Ibid.

Smyer hazarded: Notebook of Edwin Guthman, headed “Mother's Day,” 1963, Edwin Guthman Papers.

“heel of the military”: BN, May 13, 1963, p. 3.

Operation Oak Tree: Code name cited in General B. E. Powell memo, May 22, 1963, Box 17, Marshall Papers, JFK.

“leaned too much”: Notebook of Edwin Guthman, headed “Mother's Day,” 1963, Edwin Guthman Papers.

“the wonderful words”: Tapes 4 and 5, SHSW/SP.

“You can quote me”: Ibid.

“got my training camp” to “teach any of you”: Selections from mass meeting of May 13, 1963, ibid.

“love offering” and “de-bulled”: Police notes on mass meeting, May 15, 1963, BIR/BC13f5.


he gave six speeches: Cleveland
Plain Dealer
, May 14, p. 10, and May 15, 1963, p. 1; Cleveland
Call and Post
, May 18, 1963, pp. 1, 2, 16;
, May 30, 1963, pp. 17, 24-25; King-Levison conversation, May 19, 1963, FLNY-9-172.

two-page scoop: New York
, May 19, 1963, p. 1.

“cut down and ready”: L. Bergman to King, May 17, 1963, A/KP18f17. Also Levison conversations with King, May 18, 1963, FLNY-9-171a, and with Harvey Shapiro of the
Times Magazine
, May 19, 1963, FLNY-9-170.

: June 1963 issue.

Christian Century
: Issue of June 12, 1963.

, etc.: Listed in A/KS4, A/SC27f21.

Levison sold reprint: King call to Levison, May 31, 1963, FLNY-7-438a.

maneuvered Kunstler aside: Levison conversations with Kunstler, King, Jones, and O'Dell, May 18—24, 1963, FLNY-9-171a, 172, 172a, and 174; also FLNY-7-427a and 431a.

expel two thousand child: Shuttlesworth et al. to Smyer et al., May 17, 1963, Box 17, Marshall Papers, JFK; police notes on mass meeting, May 20, 1963, BIR/BC13f5; King call to Levison, 1:35
, May 21, 1963, FLNY-9-174.

old Wrigley Field: Los Angeles
, May 30, 1963, pp. 1, 6.

Paul Newman read: Wrigley Field rally, May 26, 1963, Tape 4745a, PRA.

“Wings Over Jordan”:
, June 13, 1963, pp. 54-60.

shore of Lake Michigan: Ibid., pp. 62-63; Goreau,
Just Mahalia
, pp. 349-52.

battered wife: Guralnick,
Sweet Soul Music
, pp. 332-52.

$100 bills:
, June 13, 1963, p. 43.

ahead to Kentucky: Levison-King conversation, May 28, 1963, FLNY-7-435a; Louisville
, June 6, 1963, p. 1.

on to St. Louis: CD, June 1-7, 1963, p. 4.

Atlantic City: PC, June 8, 1963, p. 2.

Walker darted: Walker in Albany on May 20, 1963, per FA-1069, in San Francisco on May 25, 1963, Tape 0388, PRA.

Lee came behind: San Francisco
, May 27, 1963, pp. 1, 4, 5; NYT, May 27, 1963, p. 19; BN, May 27, 1963, p. 2.

“He whooped”: Ponder to King, May 26, 1963, A/KP34f14.

Birmingham, England: CD, May 11, 1963, p. 4. Also on breadth of change, Westin and Mahoney,
, p. 150, and Lewis,
, pp. 200-3.

34 arrested in Raleigh: NYT, May 15, 1963, p. 26.

100 in Albany: SAC Atlanta to Director, May 31, 1963, FBI File #157-4-2, serial 168.

400 in Greensboro: NYT, May 21, 1963, p. 19.

1,000 in Durham: Ibid.

1,420 anti-U.S.: Thomas L. Hughes memo, June 14, 1963, Box 295, NSF, JFK.

Milton Obote: Quoted in Ambassador Korry of Ethiopia to Rusk, May 23, 1963, 3
, Box 295, NSF, JFK.

“How the hell”: Lee White, third interview (1964), JFKOH.

“‘Why should we hire'”: Cabinet meeting of May 21, 1963, Audiotape 88.6, JFK.

405 U.S. Treasury employees: Ibid.

“a lot of trouble” to “like Marx coming”: Presidential meeting of May 20, 1963, Audiotape 88.4, JFK.

Gregory had suggested: Marshall and RFK joint interview, pp. 708ff, JFKOH.

haphazard assortment: NYT, May 25, p. 1, and May 26, 1963, p. 1; list of those present at Baldwin meeting, Box 8, Marshall Papers, JFK.

mystified Belafonte: Int. Harry Belafonte, March 6-7, 1985.

“take up a gun”: Ibid.

in North Carolina: Carey to Jerome Smith, Jan. 4, 1963, Reel 36, File 268, CORE.

“kiss it goodbye”:
, June 13, 1963, pp. 6, 7, 12; Stein,
, pp. 119-22.

two sides jerked apart: Baldwin sources above, plus Schlesinger,
Thousand Days
, pp. 878-79; Guthman,
, pp. 219-21; Schlesinger Jr.,
Robert Kennedy
, pp. 356-60;
, June 3, 1963, p. 19.

“mad illusion”: Levison-Jones conversation, May 26, 1963, FLNY-9-179a.

“you have swell friends”: RFK note on Jones letter to NYT editor of June 7, 1963, Box 8, Marshall Papers, JFK; copy in A/KP13f13.

three Negroes married to whites: RFK, April 30, 1964, pp. 427-29, JFKOH.

married Ann Norton: Int. Clarence Jones, Oct. 25, 26, Nov. 21, 22, and 25, 1983.

told Guthman that perhaps: Int. Edwin Guthman, June 25, 1984.

tongue-lashings: Schlesinger Jr.,
Robert Kennedy
, pp. 360—61.

Johnson's exclusion: White House meeting of May 20, 1963, Audiotape 88.4, JFK; Miller,
, p. 374.

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