Parenting the ADD Child: Can't Do? Won't Do? Practical Strategies for Managing Behaviour Problems in Children with ADD and ADHD (23 page)

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This gives more information about how the brain is affected in ADD. It is available on
the Internet at

Green, C. (1995) Understanding Attention Deficit Disorder. London: Vermilion.

A good general guide to identifying and understanding ADD. Written by an
Australian paediatrician.

Munden, A. and Arcelus, J. (1999) The ADHD Handbook. London: Jessica Kingsley

Another well-written general guide to ADD, bang up-to-date. Not as parent-friendly
as Green's book. Written by two child psychiatrists based in Birmingham, England.

Managing behaviour problems

Gerber, S.W., Gerber, M.D. and Spitzman, R.F. (1990) Helping the ADD /Hyperactive
Child. New York: Villard Books.

Written by a husband and wife team, this book has lots of tips and ideas about
handling and managing ADD. It is clearly written, quite broad in its scope and
sympathetic to parents and ADD children alike.

Phelan, T. (1995) 1-2-3 Magic. Glen Ellyn, ILL: Child Management Inc.
Parents with ADD children recommend this book highly for its handling of
defiance. The `magic' is basically Time Out in a new guise. This is an easy-to-follow

Getting motivated

Robbins, A. (1986) Unlimited Power. New York: Simon & Schuster.
Anthony Robbins is the guru of self-motivation. This book is all about creating
change in your life. If you like his style, then there are few writers (or speakers) in the
same league as Robbins. He is particularly effective on tape - look out for the taped
versions of his books, particularly Unlimited Power.

Robbins, A. (1986) Unlimited Power. New York: Sound Ideas, Simon & Schuster.

Robbins, A. (1991) Awaken the Giant Within. New York: Sound Ideas, Simon &

Communication skills and family life

Bailey, A. (1997) TalkWorks. British Telecom plc. Available via Freephone 0800
800 808.

An easy-to-read little book about communication skills. Published by BT as part of
an initiative to promote better communication.

Skynner, R. and Cleese, J. (1983) Familiesand How to Survive Them. London: Methuen.
A definite `must read' on understanding family relationships.

Smith, M.J. (1975) When I Say No, I Feel Guilty. New York: Bantam Books.
The popular classic on being assertive in your communication.


Describing the needs of your ADD child to the school can be an uphill struggle. It is a
good idea to prepare yourself with some ideas and information that you can tactfully
share with teaching staff or suggest they read.

Attwood, T. (1997) ADD: Practical Activities in School. Oxford: Winslow Press.
Written by a teacher, this book is about the needs of ADD children in the classroom
and about strategies to help.

Cooper, P. and Ideus, K. (1996) Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, A Practical
Guide for Teachers. London: David Fulton Publishers.

This book, written for teachers, provides practical advice on managing the effects of
ADD in the classroom.

Books for ADD children

This looks like a growing market. My advice is to check out before buying - you
know best what kind of books appeal to your kids. If in doubt, order through your
local library. Many titles come from the States. Here are a few that have proved
popular with children I have worked with:

Books for ADD children

This looks like a growing market. My advice is to check out before buying - you
know best what kind of books appeal to your kids. If in doubt, order through your
local library. Many titles come from the States. Here are a few that have proved
popular with children I have worked with:

Gordon, M. (1993) I Would IfI Could. New York: GSI Publications.

Moser, A. (1994) Don'tRantandRaveor 'Vednesday. Missouri: Landmark Editions Inc.

Quinn, P. and Stern, J. (1991) Putting on the Brakes: A Young People's Guide to
Understanding ADHD. Washington, DC: A Magination Press.

For adults with ADD

Ramundo, P. and Kelly, K. (1996) You Mean I'mNotLazy, Stupid or Crazy?A Self-help
Book for Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder. New York: Scribeness.

Highly recommended, this book written by ADD adults for ADD adults aims to
provide practical guidance and support.

Wender, P. (1995) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Adults. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.

A popular guide for adults with ADD.

ADD on the Internet

Internet websites change all the time. A poor site today can be a great site in two
weeks' time. New sites are constantly appearing, and addresses are subject to change.
There is no real substitute for doing your own search, but here is my pick of
ADD-related sites which is accurate at the time of going to press.

This is the site for this book. Here you will ind a regularly updated resource on ADD

links to other ADD-related sites

• details of support organisations

• background information on ADD

• extra tips for success and enhancements of ADDapt which emerge from
the feedback I get from readers, from my own practice and from other
developments in the field

• accounts from parents of their experiences with their ADD children.

The BBC's excellent summary of what ADD is together with some useful UK links.

A well organised, user friendly and informative site with one or two laughs - all too
rare in the ADD world. See for instance `Things My ADD Child has Taught Me'.

The site of the US-based `Children and Adults with Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity
Disorder' - user-friendly and informative.

The site of the US-based National Attention Deficit Disorder Association - very
comprehensive.'s list of UK-based ADD sites.

The site of ADDrift - a UK-based support group for parents and people with ADD.


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