PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Bear Naked Satisfaction (Fantasy Shapeshifter Alpha Male Romance Book 3) (Contemporary New Adult Billionaire Steamy Romance Short Stories) (6 page)

BOOK: PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Bear Naked Satisfaction (Fantasy Shapeshifter Alpha Male Romance Book 3) (Contemporary New Adult Billionaire Steamy Romance Short Stories)
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“Andrea,” I said
“And unlike you I will not be a regular here.”

He frowned at me. “And just why is that?” he asked.

“Because I am a happily married woman,” I said, flashing my wedding ring at him.

“Ha,” he said loudly. “If you were happily married, you would not be here. Don’t worry, honey, the majority of us are married and we love our spouses. We just need a little

more.” He winked at me as he finished his sentence, then sat down and ordered a drink.

“Who are you here with?”

“My friend Alissa,” I replied.

“Oh yeah, Alissa…” he said with a smile.

“You know her?” I asked.

“Oh no, don’t worry. I don’t know her like that. She is one of my friend’s girls.”

“Oh,” I replied, not knowing what to say.

John sat with me, drinking most of the evening, and after three or four drinks, he asked me to join him on the dance floor. I decided that a dance would not hurt and told him I would love to dance.

Once we were on the floor, John pulled me close to him with no hesitation. He had his hands on the small of my back and held me firmly against him. He was not going to let go and I could tell that by the way he held me.

His face was just inches away from mine and I could feel his breath on my neck. I could also feel him poking me through his pants, and for the first time in years, I felt sexy. I felt as if I was desirable, and that a man was attracted to me. It felt so good.

I looked around the dance floor and it was obvious that I had lost Alissa. I had the feeling that she was off with a few men of her own, enjoying her evening. I placed my hands around John’s neck and decided a close dance would not hurt.

John whispered in my ear, “It doesn’t have to be sex.”

I pulled back and looked at him, trying to understand what he meant. Slowly, he moved in closer and began kissing me. He tasted so amazing, and his warm lips felt so good against mine. I felt as if I was melting in his hands.

The evening went on like this; we would dance, kiss, get a drink, then end up on the dance floor again. I am sure that we were the only couple that did not take advantage of the other floors of the club, and I will admit that more than once I wanted him to just grab my hand and take me to the next floor, but he never did.

He seemed as if he did not belong there; he seemed to be a real gentleman. We were sitting at the bar when Alissa walked up and asked me if I was ready to go.

We walked to Alissa’s car, and as we got in, she asked me if I just sat at the bar all night. I told her about John and how we had spent the evening talking. I did not however tell her about the dancing or making out.

When I got home, Alvah was not home yet. I felt some sadness; he did not even know I was gone. He didn’t even miss me. Once I was inside the house, I began taking my clothes off so that I could get into the shower, and for the first time in a long time, I felt extremely sexy. I almost regretted not having sex with John while I was at the club. I could not stop thinking about how his cock pressed up against me while we danced. It was almost as if I could still feel his body against mine.

I quickly washed my body, dried off, and headed to bed. I was surprised to find Alvah already in the bed when I got there.

“When did you get home?” I asked him.

“Just a few minutes ago,” he said looking at me with a smile on his face.

I laughed, “What are you so happy about?’

“Do I need to have a reason to be happy?”

“Well no,” I replied. “I guess not.”

I slid into the bed and he rolled over to look at me. I felt as if guilt was written all over my face. I laid on my side, facing away from him, and I felt his arm slide around my waist. He had not held me while we slept in a long time I knew something strange was going on.

I felt him move his body closer to mine, and before I knew it he was pressed against me.

“What are you doing?

I asked him.

He began kissing me on the back of the neck and I could feel his cock poking me from behind. I was so confused. What in the world was going on? He never acted like this toward me.

I rolled over onto my back
“What are you doing,” I asked again.

He still did not answer me, but began kissing down my chest, sliding his hands down my body.

“I’m hungry,” he said.

I finally understood. He had not been able to feed that evening, and of course, he expected me to take care of him.

I sat up, removing my shirt so that he would be able to feed. He always fed in areas that would not be visible. Many people think that when a vampire feeds, it does not leave a mark, but it actually leaves a large bruise, so we were always careful to make sure he fed where no one else would see.

Alvah kissed his way down to my stomach. I didn’t know why he was kissing me; all he had to do was feed. I felt his fangs sink into my skin and the smell of him sucking my blood. I wondered if he would be able to tell I had been drinking that night.

While he fed, his hands roamed over my body, and he grabbed by breasts and squeezed them. It was hard not to enjoy his touch; after all, he was my husband, and I did love him. If there was any man I wanted to touch me, it was him.

He slid his thumb over my nipple and I let out a small moan. It had been so long since he has touched me in this way, and my body ached for more. I loved the way it felt when he fed; I knew that I was providing him with life, that I was giving him what he needed. I felt guilty about spending time with John and tried to push the thought out of my head and enjoy the feeling of my husband’s hands on my body.

When he was finished feeding, I felt his tongue lapping at my skin, cleaning up the last few drops of blood. He raised his head up and looked at me. His eyes seemed as if they pierced through my soul. I was amazed at how much his eyes reminded me of John’s—so blue that it seemed as if they were not real. Maybe that was why I was so attracted to John; in a small way, he had reminded me of my husband.

Alvah lowered his lips and kissed me gently. I had forgotten how much I missed the feel of his lips on mine. As I lay there kissing him, I wondered what had brought on this sudden attention. What had caused him to suddenly desire me? Was it that whoever was feeding him had stopped? It didn’t matter at that point; all I wanted was to feel my husband’s body against mine.

I ran my hands up his back and he began kissing my neck. I could feel his muscles getting tense in his back and I knew he wanted me as much as I wanted him. “What’s gotten into you?” I asked.

He looked at me and smiled. That smile was one of the reasons I fell in love with him. It was the type of smile that would make a woman weak in the knees. I grabbed his head and began kissing him passionately. 

Alvah did not waste any time and was on top of me in seconds. I felt his hand between my legs as he moved his cock to my entrance. At that moment, I was so glad that I had not had sex with John. Alvah would have known for sure.

He pushed hard against my entrance, forcing his cock inside of me, and I inhaled deeply. It had been so long since I had felt him inside of me that it was almost painful, but it felt so amazing at the same time. It did not take Alvah long, and I could feel him filling me with his hot cum. He looked up at me.

“Want more?

he asked. I eagerly nodded my head yes. Once again he began pumping in and out of me, and within a matter of seconds both of us were cumming once again. Alvah kissed me gently on the forehead before he pulled his cock out of me and lay on his side of the bed. I was amazed at how quickly he had cum and any thoughts of him having an affair diminished right then.

I rolled over and Alvah pulled me close to him. I spent the night sleeping in his arms.

The next day when Alvah left for work, I called Alissa immediately. I told her what had happened and she didn’t know what to say. She told me that maybe he had been at the club and had seen that I had not been with anyone else. She told me that it was possible, because of course she did not know everyone there.

I sat back and thought about the possibility of my husband going to a club like that. He did not need to go to a club to pick up women; he was beautiful in every way. He was successful and he could have had any woman he wanted. I was sure he was not at the club. Maybe he was telling the truth when it came to working late.

Alissa asked me to join her again that evening, and although I was hesitant, I decided that I would. I wanted to look around the club and see if in fact Alvah was a member.

Alissa picked me up a little later than the previous evening. We did not have to take a tour of the club so that gave us a little extra time. We were on our way when I asked Alissa how often she went to the club.

“Oh, well almost every night,” she answered.

I was confused, “So how many men have you slept with?”

She told me that she had only slept with two of the men there and that you had to be careful who you got to know because, as she put it, there were some real weirdos there. I asked her why she did not just meet the guys outside of the club and she told me it was against the rules. What happened in the club stayed in the club. Both of the men she was seeing were married. Their wives were part of the club and had men of their own but they were never allowed to take their relationship outside of the club.

I sat back and thought about it for a few moments. I wondered how Alvah would react if I took him to the club. Of course, I would never want to share him, but maybe it would help to spice things up between us.

When we arrived at the club, I saw John sitting at the bar by himself. “I thought you were never coming back,” he said.

“I guess I was wrong,” I replied with a smile. I looked deep into John’s eyes and I could not get over how much they looked like Alvah’s, and I could not shake the feeling that something more was going on.

John took my hand and led me to the dance floor. He pulled me close and asked me if I had enjoyed the previous night. I told him that it had been wonderful and we began talking about my husband. I don’t know why I felt so comfortable talking to him about my problems, but as I talked I could tell he was listening.

I explained how my husband had become too busy to pay attention to me and how I thought he did not love me any longer. I told him how Alvah had made love to me the previous night for the first time in years. As I looked up at John, I could see that there was sadness in his eyes. It was as if he knew exactly what I was talking about.

We danced for a little while and John asked me if I wanted to go to the next floor. I was not sure what I wanted at that point. I had grown fond of John in the very short time that I knew him. He seemed so attentive, so interested in me, and it felt great to have someone desire me again.

I told him we could go to the next floor and spend some time getting to know each other, and he led me to the door across the dance floor. When we finally got to the room I sat down and told John that I did not think I could go through with it. I told him how much I loved Alvah and that I did not want to betray him. John just leaned over and began kissing me. He told me not to worry and that everything would be okay.

I began to relax a little as John’s hands found their way under my shirt and began to undo my bra. I lifted my shirt over my head so that he could remove my bra. He looked down at my breasts and his eyes widened when he saw the bruise from Alvah feeding the previous night. It had been so long since Alvah had fed that I forgot about the bruise. John ran his fingers over the bruise and looked up at me.

“Your husband,” he asked.

“It’s not what you think,” I began, but I had no idea how to explain it without telling him that Alvah was a vampire.

“I understand,” John stated as he moved his lips closer to the bruise. I could feel him flicking his tongue against it, and even though it was painful, it was also enjoyable.

As John’s hands caressed my breasts, I could feel his tongue working at the bruise that had been left by Alvah. I did not understand his obsession with the mark.

John looked up at me and all he said was, “Alvah is here.”

I knew I had not told him my husband’s name, so I knew that there was no way he could know about Alvah. I gasped.

“What? How do you know his name? Where is my husband?”

John explained to me that there were many vampires in the club, that they came to feed when their partners were no longer attracted to them or when they refused to feed them. I knew that I had never refused to feed Alvah—I would have given him my last drop of blood if he asked for it.

“Where is my husband?” I yelled.

John paid no attention to me and began working to pull my skirt down. I squirmed underneath him.

“Relax,” he said
“Alvah will be here soon.”

I did not know it at the time but it seemed that the two of them had been working together for a long time: John would seduce a woman and ask if he could feed. Once he had fed, he would make love to her, and then allow Alvah to come and feed as well. I laid back, angry that my husband had come to such a place when he knew I was willing to do whatever he wanted. I allowed John to remove my skirt and he looked down at my body.

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