PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Bear Naked Satisfaction (Fantasy Shapeshifter Alpha Male Romance Book 3) (Contemporary New Adult Billionaire Steamy Romance Short Stories) (37 page)

BOOK: PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Bear Naked Satisfaction (Fantasy Shapeshifter Alpha Male Romance Book 3) (Contemporary New Adult Billionaire Steamy Romance Short Stories)
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Nick settled between her spread legs, stroking himself slowly. She couldn’t wait to get her mouth on him, to taste his come as he released it into her very willing mouth, but that could wait until later. Right now, she had to have him inside her.

“Don’t tease me,” she whispered, arching toward him. She needed him to fill her, to fulfill her greedy cunt just as he had her body and soul.

“Not teasing at all, just admiring the curves.” He pressed himself inside her, and she relaxed her muscles, allowing him to bottom out in one long drawn out incredibly sexy motion that took her to the limit, and this was only the beginning.

Nick leaned down to kiss her, and Jenna opened her mouth, tasting herself on his tongue, his lips, his very breath. It was as intimate as it was sexy and her pussy started contracting almost immediately. There was no way she should be ready to come this soon, but she knew it had everything to do with the man inside her.

Jenna wrapped her arms and legs around him, pulling him closer, holding him deeper, and he started groaning into her mouth. Was he that close too? On god, yes he was. She could feel him starting to tremble and shake, his body rocking harder and faster inside her, his growls and groans turning her on and driving her higher. Nick’s eyes were wide open and the fire of passion and the tenderness of love she saw in them made her melt. And started to set off a different kind of fire burning in her soul.

She was in love with this man. It was as simple as that.

Jenna’s eyes went wide as she felt the first pulsations beginning in his cock. With every powerful jet she could feel, he spurted deep inside her, triggering her own amazing climax. Jenna exploded with a cry of pure satisfaction, clenching Nick in every way she knew how. She didn’t want this to ever end.

She must have drifted off to sleep. When she opened her eyes and became aware again, Nick was gently cleaning her with one of his soft washcloths, gentle easy caresses of cloth given by loving fingers. Oh yeah, she never wanted this to end, needed it to never end. Nick was absolutely perfect. What guy ignored his afterglow to see to her needs? It was sweetly touching.

She smiled, sitting up and reaching for the cloth. “Let me return the favor,” she told him, her voice husky.

“Okay,” he agreed, handing it over. He stood perfectly still as she wiped the remnants of them off both his cock and balls. “I kinda wanted to talk to you about something,” he said when she was done.

She handed back the washcloth and stood, sensing this was something very important. “I’m all ears.”

He gave her a slow, sexy look. “Honey, there are a lot of things you are, but all ears doesn’t even fit in the ballpark.”

“So what is it,” she asked, smoothing down his rumpled hair.

“Now that I realize what we are to each other, I’d like to know if…” He stopped there, and pulled in a deep breath. “If you might like to move in. I know it’s very soon, but we have something here, something very special that we need to explore. I want to do it under one roof. What do you think?”

“I think…” She swallowed past the ball of emotion clogging her throat. “I think that would be perfect.”


Reunion with the Billionaire Best Friend


Chapter 1

“You know, I really don't want to go to this party tonight,” Amelia said, tightening the apron around her. She exhaled deeply and pulled the strands behind her buxom frame. Her blonde hair was tied into a ponytail, and she looked tired after a long day at work. She leaned against the bar of the cafe and looked out at the late afternoon crowd. Things had died down after the morning rush, and there were only the regulars remaining. There was Tom, the writer, who was looking out of the window, searching for inspiration. Dawn and Sophia were chattering together, sisters who were passing on a lifetime of gossip, and Don, a mysterious older gentleman who was always rather coy about his past. It wouldn't be long now until the sun set and Amelia would have to light the candles on the wooden tables, ready for the evening crowd to come in where they could enjoy a romantic atmosphere.

It made her sick.

“You should come,” Lisa said. The two girls were roommates and co-workers, and shared every aspect of their life with each other. Lisa was more petite than Amelia, but she was more outgoing as well, and the two formed a formidable partnership.

“I know I
come but I don't want to. Parties aren't my style. We have to face facts—the college days are over and we're just too old now,” Amelia said, idly wiping the bar with a rag.

“That's not the attitude to have! All we seem to do now is work. We never have fun anymore,” Lisa lamented.

“What? Hanging out with me isn't fun?” Amelia said, straightening her back and looking offended. Lisa rolled her eyes and tapped her hands against the bar.

“You know that's not what I meant. We just need some excitement in our lives, and we never get invited to parties anymore. We should just go. You never know what might happen. We could actually meet someone.”

“Yeah, because that's always worked out well for us. Oh, God, you don't think Aaron is going to be there do you?”

“Who cares? That was years ago.”

“Yeah, but whenever we cross each others' paths, he always looks at me with this really slimy smile. It freaks me out.”

“Well, I don't want to just sit inside for another night. I want to actually feel like I'm doing something with my life.” As Lisa spoke she tilted her head back and made a pained expression, holding her palms into the air as if she were cursing her fates to a omniscient god.

“We are doing stuff with our lives,” Amelia protested
“We're saving up to go traveling, you've got your fashion blog

why are you in such a rush? We're still young, we've got plenty of time left in our lives.”

“No, we don’t. Everyone else has already made something of themselves and we're being left behind. This is supposed to be the time of our lives and we're stuck here!”

Her voice was a little louder than she wanted, and the customers turned to look at her. Lisa looked embarrassed. Amelia leaned in closer and spoke in a low voice.

“I get that you're frustrated, but that's just the way the world is. I can't do anything about that. All we can do is try and make something of ourselves, but it takes time and hard work. If it means that much to you, then I'll go to the party, but don't think it'll change anything. It's just one party.”

“You know who's going to be there, don't you?”

“The usual crowd, I expect,” Amelia said flatly. Lisa's eyes twinkled though, and she smiled wickedly.

“Jack is going to be there.”

And with that, Amelia paused. Could it be true? She looked at Lisa.

“Are you serious?” she asked, her heart beating rapidly in her chest. Lisa nodded.

“He's flying in. I think he's got some family affair or something, so Marty invited him along.”

“Wow, that's something,” Amelia said, and her thoughts turned to her old friend. For most of her life, Marty had been her best friend. They had been next door neighbors and paired together all through junior and high school, but when it came to graduation they went their separate ways to different colleges, and sadly had lost touch. They used to be so close and Amelia had always wondered whether she could get in touch with him, but they were in two different worlds now and it just wasn't possible.

“I always regretted that we lost touch,” she said.

“I bet you do,” Lisa said teasingly
“Who knew that he'd end up a billionaire. Bet you wished you snapped him up when you had the chance.”

“We were just friends,” Amelia said. It was a sentence she had been required to say many times in the past. As she and Jack grew up together, their parents and friends often wondered if anything romantic was happening between them, but their questions had always been met with a firm denial. However, that wasn't the entire truth. There had been some secrets that Amelia had kept from Lisa. Her friendship with Jack had a deeper bond than most friendships, and they were so close that it was hard to define their relationship, although now knowing that he was going to be at the party she was filled with anxiety. She hadn't spoken to him in years, would he be the same? She couldn't imagine that he would be like—not now that he was a billionaire.

Chapter 2

After work, the two girls went home, had dinner, and began to get ready for the party. However, when Lisa got out of the shower, she saw that Amelia was sitting in pajamas, making no effort to get dressed.

“What are you doing?” she asked, placing her hands on her hips.

“I don't think I'm going to go after all,” Amelia said. She'd been thinking about it a lot ever since Lisa had revealed that Jack was going to be there, and the thought of facing her friend after so many years was terrifying. He had meant so much to her and if he had changed, then it could change the way she looked back on all their years together. Her relationship with Jack was one of the few things she had gotten right in her lifetime, it was one thing that was truly special and she didn't want anything to ruin  or tarnish it.

“I'm feeling a little rough. I think maybe it was that burrito I had for lunch.” Amelia smiled weakly and tried to look as pale as she could.

“Oh no, you are not doing this to me now. You promised me you'd go!”

“You don't need me. You’re a grown woman—you could go to the party on your own, you know.”

“But you're my partner in crime! Amelia, this is not happening.” She promptly stormed into Amelia's room, pulled out some clothes, and forcibly started to dress Amelia. Amelia fought back and struggled, eventually relenting.

“Fine. If you want me to go that badly, I guess I have no choice. But I reserve the right to leave at any point I see fit,” she said, and went to get ready in her room. The thought of seeing Jack made a knot of anxiety twist in her gut as she wore a black skirt, thin red belt, and a loose, flowery top, adorning herself with some glittering earrings and a thin silver bracelet. She pulled her hair back into a ponytail and applied her lipstick. As she did so, she remembered the first time she had experimented with makeup properly, and how Jack had laughed when he saw her, saying she looked like a clown. Later on, he'd admitted that he just couldn't handle how good she looked, although he still preferred her without makeup. They'd shared so many good times together that she couldn't help but smile when she thought of them, and yet there were so many questions that had been left unanswered as well. The smile soon faded from her face, and her heart sank when she thought about how he would react when he saw her. Things weren’t exactly left on the best note between them.

“So come on, tell me. Something happened between the two of you, right?” Lisa asked as they made their way to the party.  It was just a few blocks away, but they took a cab anyway because they didn't fancy walking in heels. Amelia gazed out of the window and pretended she didn't hear the question, but couldn't ignore Lisa's prodding finger.

“No, I told you. We were just friends. Is it that hard to understand?”

“I guess I just don't see how you could have been so close for so long and nothing happened. Why did you never become something more than friends?”

“I don't know. I guess it just didn't happen like that. We both knew what we had was working and it would have been stupid to do anything to ruin it. It was just… it was nice to have someone to trust and confide in.”

“So you're seriously telling me that the two of you never once shared a kiss or ended up spending the night together? That in all the time you spent together there was never any hint of romance?”

“That's what I'm telling you, yes,” Amelia said, lying to her friend. Lisa finally dropped it, but Amelia's mind was swirling with echoes from the past. While her relationship with Jack went deeper than friendship it was also more complicated. There had been many times when they had snuggled up to each other while watching a movie, and there was a comfort between them that hadn't been present with anyone else she'd ever known, and an electricity that had been difficult to understand.

Since they grew up together they knew each other better than they knew themselves, and when it had been time to try new things they were often found experimenting together. They had both learned to ride their bikes together along the empty streets of the lazy suburbs in which they grew up, and they'd been each others' first prepubescent kiss, a chaste affair that happened behind the door of Amelia's dining room one afternoon. Then, later on, when the hormones started to rage around their teenage bodies, they were each others' proper first kisses as well. It had all been done under the pretense that they should practice so that when they eventually got boyfriends and girlfriends they knew what they were doing.

They had leaned into each other, gazing into each others' eyes. Amelia remembered that Jack had been so nervous he'd been trembling, and she'd only closed her eyes at the last minute because that's what she'd seen people do on television. There was a moment just before their lips had met that they paused slightly. Their sweet breath mingled, and a smile played upon each others' lips just as they took that final step. Nervously, their lips had pressed against each other, but they soon grew into it and their hands wrapped around each others' bodies, doing what came naturally. But after it was over, they broke away, embarrassed, and a barrier was put up between them.

After this, high school grew busier and they drifted apart a little bit, although they still remained firm friends. Both of them dated other people and yet there was always something that remained between them. At the time, Amelia didn't know what to make of it. But now that she was older, she realized that there was something a lot like love there. Indeed, upon graduating they had ran to each other at the end of the night. Both of them had intended to lose their virginity with their partners, but when it came down to it, they knew that there was only person they wanted to share that experience with, so after prom they found each other in the pouring rain, went back to Jack's place, and explored the pleasures of the flesh. Even now, Amelia flushed as she remembered how excited and passionate it had been. But it had been more than that… it had been natural and comfortable. She'd heard a lot of her friends say that the first time was always awkward, but not with Jack. With Jack it had felt right somehow, like in his arms was exactly where she was meant to be.

But after that, things had gotten more awkward again. The magic of the night hadn't lasted to the next day. They were both going off to college in different states and the reality of life hit them hard. During the summer things were awkward. In some ways, they were like a couple but they had been friends for so long that the lines had been blurred. Even now, Amelia wasn't sure exactly what they were in those few months, all she knew is that when they said their goodbyes, they both somehow knew that they'd never see each other again. It had been filled with tears, and although it hadn't been the first time she'd seen him cry it was still shocking to see him crumble before her eyes. The gnawing pain in her chest had taken a long time to go way, and although at first they promised to keep in touch, that had soon proven to be nothing but a pipe dream as life had gotten in the way. Yet, soon, she was going to be face to face with him for the first time since they had said goodbye, and she was dreading it.

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