Paranormal Erotic Romance Box Set (4 page)

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Authors: Lola Swain,Ava Ayers

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Anthologies, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Collections & Anthologies, #Anthologies & Short Stories

BOOK: Paranormal Erotic Romance Box Set
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“Well, I wanted a nice place to live and my parents have
the funds. If they didn’t, I would have been just as happy with a walk-up
apartment. And think of it this way, when we’re married, it’ll be a nice
investment or provide a nice down payment for a place in Manhattan.”

Brandt looked at me and his eyes narrowed.

“I am the provider,” he said. “You are the homemaker. I
provide the down payment.”

That day a shift began in the relationship. Nearly
unnoticeable, it’s as if the ground seemed to lower bit by bit and my identity,
such that it was not, was reliant on Brandt to keep it from falling into the

I chastised myself for obviously making Brandt upset and
made a promise that from that day forward, I would concentrate on making sure
that Brandt was nothing but satisfied with me. If he did not approve of me, he
certainly would not marry me. And if he did not marry me, he would leave me and
bestow his gifts on another female. Brandt had integrity made of steel, I
believed. He would not allow anyone to chink his armor. I became obsessed with
not doing anything to Brandt that would give him even a surface scratch’s

I decided to broach the subject of our marriage plans to
Brandt one evening as we sat in his car in the parking lot of Revere Beach
looking out at the sunset.

“So,” I said and slid over toward Brandt in the front seat
of his car, “when will you make an honest woman out of me?”

Brandt threw his arm around me and smiled and I placed my
hand on top of his muscular thigh.

“Aren’t you honest?” He said and put his hand under my
chin and tilted my head up until we stared into each other’s eyes.

“It’s an expression,” I said and kissed him on the cheek.
“I just want to be with you. You know, in that way.”

“Oh, in that way,” he said and laughed.

I blushed and looked down in my lap.

“I’m sorry, I wasn’t pushing you,” I said.

Brandt dug his fingertips into my shoulders and twisted me
toward him. He ran his hand slowly up my back, under my hair and gripped the
back of my neck.

“Is Sophia having a hard time with our relationship?”
Brandt said as he looked into my eyes. “Does she want more of me?”

“Yes,” I said.

“Which? You’re having a hard time or you want more of me?”
Brandt said and slid the front seat back away from the steering wheel in his
Vauxhall Victor.

“I want more of you,” I said.

Brandt spread his legs wide and stroked the inside of his
thighs and smiled at me. He placed his hands on top of his lap and pressed down
on the considerable bulge in his jeans.

“Do you want this?” Brandt said as he grabbed my hand.
“Feel it and tell me if it wants you.”

Brandt put my hand in his lap and pressed down. I gripped
the bulge and then traced around the outline of his penis with my fingers. Brandt
shuddered as I rubbed across every vein and ridge. The control I had was
immense and I felt it to my knees. I gripped the rigid, thick package in my
hand and looked into his eyes. His lids were heavy and his eyes rolled back as
he closed them.

“I do want this,” I said as I softly kneaded his penis
over his pants. “And I can tell that it wants me too.”

Brandt opened his eyes and looked at me. He smiled and bit
his bottom lip as I moved my hand up and down.

“Does Sophia want to be a whore?” Brandt said and moaned.

“I want to be your whore,” I said and brushed my lips
against the side of his neck.

Suddenly, Brandt grabbed my wrists tightly and shoved me
across the seat. I went flying across the slippery leather and hit the back of
my head against the passenger window. Before I had a chance to say a word,
Brandt gripped my ankles and yanked me toward him so I was flat on my back. He
scrambled on top of me and he pinned his body to mine.

“Brandt, I--”

“Shut the fuck up,” Brandt said. “You want to be a whore,
you will be a whore!”

I was excited by his sudden force and my body went limp as
Brandt planted one of his knees between my legs and shoved it to the side as
far as it would go. He clawed at my dress and pushed it up over my waist as he
fumbled with the belt of his jeans. Brandt pulled my panties down and his
fingers went to work, probing the wet skin and pressing in.

He brought his fingers, damp from their exploration, up to
his lips and put them in his mouth. He sucked on his fingers while he shoved
his pants down to the middle of his hips and stroked his penis. In was the most
amazing sight I ever saw and I was wild with desire for this beautiful boy.

“I want you to make me yours,” I said as my whole body
throbbed. “I want to be your whore.”

Brandt took his fingers out of his mouth and continued to
stroke his hard penis. I reached out toward it, like I did the night at the
movie theater, but this time he slapped my hand away.

He ripped my panties down and stared at my vagina, almost
clinically, as if he had never seen such a thing. I held my breath, knowing his
approval of me meant everything and let it out slowly when I saw the smile
creep across his face.

“Do you want me to shove my big cock into that tight
pussy?” Brandt asked while he stroked himself rapidly.

I arched my back toward him and nodded.

“Say the words then,” he said. “Tell me that you want me
to shove my big cock into your tight pussy!”

“I want you--”

Brandt leaned over my body and placed his hands around my
throat. My mind raced as he tightened his grip and I felt a flash of shame as I
pictured my parents being called to the Revere Beach parking lot to identify my
half naked body. “Fucking say it!” Brandt said into my ear as he tightened his
hold around my neck. “Say the words, you fucking whore!”

It was silly really because he had such a tight grip
around my neck, I was hard pressed to utter a sound. I panicked and clawed at
his hands as I attempted to grunt out what he wanted to hear.

And then, as fast as he clamped down around my neck, he let
go. I choked and writhed around on the front seat. When I looked at Brandt
through my tear-filled eyes, he smiled and pulled his underwear up. He grabbed
my panties from around my ankles and slid them up my body.

And do you want to know what I thought at that very

Well, it had nothing to do with fleeing from the car and
from his life. Obviously. No, my first thought was: why did he stop? And as if
reading my mind, Brandt picked up one of my legs and rested it on top of the
back of the front seat and pushed my other leg off the seat until I was spread
as wide as I could go.

He got in between my body and planted his bulge on top of
my pussy and thrust his hips back and forth as he ran his tongue up my neck. He
nibbled on my earlobe and breathed heavily into my ear. Grinding against me
with amazing force, I felt nothing but intense desire and wetness between my

I clawed at his back and met each thrust of Brandt’s as my
body seemed to lose all control. I felt as if I was both floating to the sky
and plunging to the ground.

“I am going to fuck that virgin pussy until you can’t
walk,” Brandt said. “I can’t wait to shove my cock into your tight pussy. Tell
me that you can’t wait. Tell Daddy that you can’t fucking wait.”

“I can’t fucking wait,” I said not caring who caught us as
long as he didn’t stop whatever he was doing.

I think back to that sensation, that incredible feeling,
as I neared my experience toward my first orgasm and I still wish it never
ended. I felt I was falling and I had no control over how fast I fell or how
hard I would land once I reached the bottom.

“I have to stop,” Brandt said.

“What? Why?” I said and held him down on top of me.

Brandt wrestled out from under my grip and moved away from
me. He slid behind the steering wheel and leaned back in his seat and closed
his eyes. I stared at him from where I lay, a limp, wet, throbbing, painful

“Brandt,” I said as I lifted my hips and brought my dress
back down, “did I do something wrong?”

He turned his head and looked at me as if my very question
grated on his last nerve.

“Why do you think you did something wrong?”

“Well, because you ended it so suddenly,” I said and sat

“Ended what?” he said.

“What we were doing. I thought you enjoyed that. I enjoyed

“Because you are a whore?” Brandt said and frowned at me.

“What? No, because I love you, Brandt. Because I want to
be with you. Because I want to be your wife.”

“Sophia,” Brandt said as he ran his fingers through his
hair, “you will be my wife and you will be with me. We will marry next week at
the City Hall. Are you free?”

I stared at Brandt, shook my head and blinked rapidly. My
mother did it on the rare occasion one of her hired hands refused to do her

“Am I free? What kind of a question is that? And the City

“It’s the kind of question one asks the person one wants
to marry. Come on Sophia, if you weren’t free next week, it would do no good
for us to marry.”

I focused on the thing in that sentence that made me dizzy
and nauseous more than anything else that happened that night: there was no
then. It was either next week or nothing.

“Yes, of course I’m free,” I said.

“Good, so Thursday? I figure we can go to the Battleroy
Hotel for our honeymoon. Have you been?”

“Uh, no,” I said and did my mother’s blink/head shake.

“Perfect!” Brandt said and zipped up his jeans. “Next
Thursday at the City Hall we will be married.”

“But why City Hall? Why not a church wedding? My parents
are not going to be agreeable to this.”

“We can hardly plan a big wedding when we are getting
married in ten days. Come on, think about it,” Brandt said and opened his door
and got out of the car.

“Where are you going?”

“Bathroom,” Brandt said and winked at me. “Oh and Sophia,
make sure that you shave your pussy before our wedding night. I want you bald.
Like a child.”

“What?” I said as he slammed the car door.

But I stuffed it down, pushed it away. Brandt had a quirky
sense of humor and his intelligence absolutely put him on a higher plane than
me. I just didn’t get it. Yes, that was it, I didn’t get it.

So I sat there and waited for him to return. Dutiful,
honoring, obedient. I was to be married to this most strange man in ten days. I
was confused but I refused to let the strangeness of the encounter rain on my
parade. I was soon to be a bride and would be taken care of and protected for
the rest of my life.

Katt, of course, did not share my joy.

“Are you pregnant?” Katt said after I told her of our
marriage plans.

“Not unless it’s an immaculate conception. I’m still a

“Is that why you’re getting married so fast, because you
want to dump your virginity?”

“No, not at all. From the first time we met, Brandt wanted
to marry me. Again, you know this.”

“But I didn’t think you’d actually go through with it,
Sophia. And your parents! My God, they are going to fucking shit a house when
you tell them!”

“Well, I’m not going to. Tell my parents, that is. We are
eloping,” I said and smiled.

I finally had a secret. I finally had something going on
in my life that would cause me to have a secret. I was terribly proud.

“Oh, Sophia,” Katt said and shook her head.

“What?” I said as I paced the room. “I am really surprised
at your reaction. I mean, is this not exactly something you would do?”

“Of course,” Katt said and chewed on her fingernail. “But
it is certainly not something that you would do, Sophia.”

“Well, maybe that’s a problem. Maybe I am different now
and maybe I should be. All my life I’ve been the good girl, Katt. Maybe it’s
time I changed that.”

The ringing of the telephone interrupted our conversation.
I looked at Katt and her shoulders slumped.

“Fine, I’ll get it. We definitely know who it is,” she
said as she picked up the telephone.

“I’m sorry, Nellie, but Sophia is not home. I don’t know
where she is, but I’ll be sure to tell her you called. Again. Bye-bye,” Katt
said and slammed down the receiver and looked at me. “You really must do
something about this creature.”

“I know. Brandt keeps telling me he’ll take care of it,
but never does.”

“Well, then you must. Come on, you barely know her and you
are going to be married to Brandt next week for fuck’s sake!”

“I know, Katt. I’ll take care of it if he doesn’t. Soon.”



“The sin of pride may be a small or a great thing in
someone’s life and hurt vanity a passing pinprick, or a self-destroying or ever
murderous obsession.”

Iris Murdoch


The ten days before my wedding was a rush of excitement
and an endless swamp of errands.

Brandt and I went to City Hall and applied for the
marriage license and made sure there was a Justice of the Peace available. He
also handled the honeymoon plans at the Battleroy Hotel all on his own. Brandt
said he used his Harvard connections to secure the honeymoon suite for the

Katt helped me pick out a beautiful, but appropriate, dress
to match the regrettably casual affair. I avoided my parents and attempted to
further avoid Nellie. And yet, as excited as I was, something got under my skin
and gnawed at me like a tick.

I had an uneasiness...this underlying anxiety. I was a
nervous person in general, but I worked very hard to hide that part of myself
from others. So hard I worked to convince you I was no different than you, I
was wound tighter than the thread I looped round and round my finger until it
turned purple and went numb.

I already put the Revere Beach scene out of my head and
refused to remember his strange behavior that day, but I still spent much of my
time scanning my brain to figure out why I felt so panicked. But would I have
done anything different if I knew that those last ten days would be the last
ten of my life? I woke with questions, I lunched with questions and I went to
sleep with questions. I needed to find the reason for my fear.

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