Paradox (25 page)

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Authors: A. J. Paquette

BOOK: Paradox
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Prepared Statement Delivered December 14, 2057,
by Ana Ortez, Austin Space Launch Facility

Ladies and gentlemen, on the eve of going into seclusion to prepare for the APEX2 launch next week, I have been asked to deliver a statement on behalf of the ExtraSolar Youth Science team. We’re immensely proud to have been chosen to represent Earth on this mission. We might be young, but we’ve been preparing for this journey our whole lives. We will not let you down!

Humankind is on the verge of something so enormous, most of us can’t even begin to imagine the repercussions. But I’m here to tell you that there’s nothing to worry about and everything to look forward to. As my mother used to say, there’s more than one way to season the soup, and I think we’ve hit on the best one. We are venturing into the darkest reaches of space with just one goal: to meet this planet, to embrace it, to receive what it has to offer. And to use what we learn there to shape the world we live in now. This is our dream. This is our hope. This is our future.

One year from now, what brave new world will we be a part of? Only time will tell. All I know for sure is this: The next time we speak I will be lifting my glass to you in a toast at the end of the universe.

To the future!


Every book begins as an idea, and this one is no exception. The process whereby that idea—in this case, a character who grabbed my imagination by the throat and would not let go—grows slowly into something resembling a finished product is one that I could never undertake alone. To those many of you who helped me along the way, my deepest thanks.

Chief among these: my editor, Jim Thomas, who helped me put the science into “science fiction” and tamed my prose into a manageable state; my agent, Erin Murphy, for tireless wisdom and necessary cheerleading; and Kimberly and Lauren, who provided critical plot brainstorming when this novel was still just an early blink in my story-brain.

To my wonderful writer friends who have helped along the way, with critiques, comments, advice, and encouragement: Kip Wilson, Natalie Lorenzi, Julie Phillipps, and the stellar Newton writers’ group, as well as Kate Messner, Erin Dionne, Julie Berry, and Lisa Schulman.

For tireless help with my many scientific questions, especially assistance with the creation and dissection of the dread
Ed Loechler, Ben Clark, Sharon Nahill, and Livia Blackburne; and to Dr. Martin Weinberg for a most enlightening phone call about planetary rotation in a bisolar system.

To my local Starbucks, for being just the right kind of place for maximum writing efficiency, and to Arthur and Jen, Jim
and Sharon, for always being there with support, enthusiasm, and ideas.

Last but not least—always and forever—to my wonderful family. The reason for it all.

A. J. Paquette
is the author of the middle-grade novel
Nowhere Girl
, as well as several picture books for young readers. She is also a literary agent. She lives outside of Boston with her family and her very tall to-read pile. Find out more at

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